2 resultados para flash crowd attack
em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco
Several insectivorous bats have included fish in their diet, yet little is known about the processes underlying this trophic shift. We performed three field experiments with wild fishing bats to address how they manage to discern fish from insects and adapt their hunting technique to capture fish. We show that bats react only to targets protruding above the water and discern fish from insects based on prey disappearance patterns. Stationary fish trigger short and shallow dips and a terminal echolocation pattern with an important component of the narrowband and low frequency calls. When the fish disappears during the attack process, bats regulate their attack increasing the number of broadband and high frequency calls in the last phase of the echolocation as well as by lengthening and deepening their dips. These adjustments may allow bats to obtain more valuable sensorial information and to perform dips adjusted to the level of uncertainty on the location of the submerged prey. The observed ultrafast regulation may be essential for enabling fishing to become cost-effective in bats, and demonstrates the ability of bats to rapidly modify and synchronise their sensorial and motor features as a response to last minute stimulus variations.
[EU]Lan honetan Ebaluatoia aurkezten da, eskala handiko ingelesa-euskara itzulpen automatikoko ebaluazio kanpaina, komunitate-elkarlanean oinarritua. Bost sistemaren itzulpen kalitatea konparatzea izan da kanpainaren helburua, zehazki, bi sistema estatistiko, erregeletan oinarritutako bat eta sistema hibrido bat (IXA taldean garatuak) eta Google Translate. Emaitzetan oinarrituta, sistemen sailkapen bat egin dugu, baita etorkizuneko ikerkuntza bideratuko duten zenbait analisi kualitatibo ere, hain zuzen, ebaluazio-bildumako azpi-multzoen analisia, iturburuko esaldien analisi estrukturala eta itzulpenen errore-analisia. Lanak analisi hauen hastapenak aurkezten ditu, etorkizunean zein motatako analisietan sakondu erakutsiko digutenak.