7 resultados para Social Environment

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES] El incremento del consumo de ropa provoca que año a año aumente el volumen de ropa desechada, y con éste, la conciencia sobre la necesidad de reutilizar dicho recurso. Berohi S. Coop. es una de las empresas dedicadas a la recuperación y reciclaje del textil usado, con origen en Bizkaia. La concepción inicial y desarrollo del proyecto empresarial Berohi S. Coop. constituyen el eje central del caso.


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We present the results of the microstratigraphic, phytolith and wood charcoal study of the remains of a 10.5 ka roof. The roof is part of a building excavated at Tell Qarassa (South Syria), assigned to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period (PPNB). The Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) period in the Levant coincides with the emergence of farming. This fundamental change in subsistence strategy implied the shift from mobile to settled aggregated life, and from tents and huts to hard buildings. As settled life spread across the Levant, a generalised transition from round to square buildings occurred, that is a trademark of the PPNB period. The study of these buildings is fundamental for the understanding of the ever-stronger reciprocal socio-ecological relationship humans developed with the local environment since the introduction of sedentism and domestication. Descriptions of buildings in PPN archaeological contexts are usually restricted to the macroscopic observation of wooden elements (posts and beams) and mineral components (daub, plaster and stone elements). Reconstructions of microscopic and organic components are frequently based on ethnographic analogy. The direct study of macroscopic and microscopic, organic and mineral, building components performed at Tell Qarassa provides new insights on building conception, maintenance, use and destruction. These elements reflect new emerging paradigms in the relationship between Neolithic societies and the environment. A square building was possibly covered here with a radial roof, providing a glance into a topologic shift in the conception and understanding of volumes, from round-based to square-based geometries. Macroscopic and microscopic roof components indicate buildings were conceived for year-round residence rather than seasonal mobility. This implied performing maintenance and restoration of partially damaged buildings, as well as their adaptation to seasonal variability


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[ES] Los planes de desarrollo rural del País Vasco se apoyan en gran medida en sus potencialidades naturales, paisajísticas y productivas dirigidas a un urbano que vive en la proximidad. La apreciación de la calidad del entorno rural por parte del ciudadano, por tanto, es fundamental para el progreso de las zonas rurales y supone implícitamente el reconocimiento de la multifuncionalidad de este medio. El urbano, sin embargo, aunque aprecia el entorno natural de los espacios rurales desconoce la función del agricultor en la conservación de este medio siendo la productiva la única aportación que liga a su actividad. El desarrollo rural ha de pasar por el reconocimiento social y para ello es necesario informar y educar al ciudadano.


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Nowadays, enterprises, and especially SMEs, are immersed in a very difficult economic situation. Therefore, they need new and innovative tools to compete in that environment. Integration of the internet 2.0 and social networks in marketing strategies of companies could be the key to success. If social networks are well managed, they can bring a lot to enterprise plans. Moreover, social networks are very attractive from an economic point of view as companies can find most of their customers on it.


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Efforts to promote infill development and to raise densities are growing in many cities around the world as a way to encourage urban sustainability. However, in cities polarized along socio-economic lines, the benefits of densification are not so evident. The aim of this paper is to discuss some of the contradictions of densification in Santiago de Chile, a city characterized by socio-spatial disparities. To that end, we first use regression analysis to explain differences in density rates within the city. The regression analysis shows that dwelling density depends on the distance from the city center, socioeconomic conditions, and the availability of urban attributes in the area. After understanding the density profile, we discuss the implications for travel and the distribution of social infrastructures and the environmental services provided by green areas. While, at the metropolitan scale, densification may favor a more sustainable travel pattern, it should be achieved by balancing density rates and addressing spatial differences in the provision of social services and environmental amenities. We believe a metropolitan approach is essential to correct these spatial imbalances and to promote a more sustainable and socially cohesive growth pattern.


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[ES]En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio de la responsabilidad social empresarial y su relación con el marketing. Más concretamente, se ha estudiado cómo influye ésta en la imagen y la reputación de la empresa, como influye en la relación con los clientes y la importancia de su comunicación. Posteriormente se han analizado 10 empresas pertenecientes al Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas mediante la observación y análisis de sus páginas web. Con ello pretendíamos detectar si comunicaban o no sus esfuerzos de RSE en la web, como soporte que hoy por hoy es básico en la comunicación de cualquier empresa. También queríamos detectar cual era su grado de implicación en la materia, que cuestiones predominaban y que tipo de iniciativas desarrollaban en mayor medida. Los resultados obtenidos en cuanto a la comunicación han sido los esperados, todas las empresas presentaban información sobre RSE en sus páginas web, lo que muestra su interés porque los clientes y otros potenciales targets (inversores, empleados, sociedad en general, etc.) conozcan su compromiso con la RSE. Los ámbitos sobre los que predomina la información han sido las políticas medioambientales y la acción social. Para terminar, resaltar que dentro de los grupos de interés destaca la relación con los proveedores y empleados.