8 resultados para Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.)

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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This paper proposes a new method for local key and chord estimation from audio signals. This method relies primarily on principles from music theory, and does not require any training on a corpus of labelled audio files. A harmonic content of the musical piece is first extracted by computing a set of chroma vectors. A set of chord/key pairs is selected for every frame by correlation with fixed chord and key templates. An acyclic harmonic graph is constructed with these pairs as vertices, using a musical distance to weigh its edges. Finally, the sequences of chords and keys are obtained by finding the best path in the graph using dynamic programming. The proposed method allows a mutual chord and key estimation. It is evaluated on a corpus composed of Beatles songs for both the local key estimation and chord recognition tasks, as well as a larger corpus composed of songs taken from the Billboard dataset.


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Ponencia leída en el Foro de Comunicaciones IkasArt II (BEC Barakaldo, 2010.06.18)


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Ponencia leída en el Foro de Comunicaciones IkasArt II (BEC Barakaldo, 2010.06.18)


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Presentado en el IIe Colloque International de l'IEHA: « Un aliment sain dans un corps sain ». Perspectives historiques - «Healthy Food in a Healthy Body», organizado por el Institut Européen d'Histoire de l'Alimentation y celebrado en Tours los días 14 y 15 de diciembre de 2002.


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[EU]Hiru dimentsioko inprimaketa etorkizun handiko teknologia bezala azaltzen zaigu gaur egun. Esate baterako, biomedikuntza arloan aukera berritzaileak ekar ditzake, baina baita hezkuntza, heziketa eta ikerketa munduetan ere. Teknologia berri honen abantailarik nagusiena prototipatze azkarrean datza, eta honi esker, mikro- eta makro- egitura definituak dituzten objektuak diseinatu eta fabrikatu daitezke modu lehiakorrean. Lan honen helburua 3D inprimagailu baten bitartez inprimaturiko polimero biobateragarri eta biodegradagarrietan oinarrituriko ereduen garapen eta fabrikazioan datza. Hala ere, lehenik eta behin, lehengaiak bai fisikoki eta bai termikoki karakterizatu behar dira, ondoren, 3D inprimagailuaren parametroen arteko erlazioa ezarri, eta azkenik, produktu finalaren egitura propietateak eta kalitatea aztertu. Aipaturiko lana aurrera eramateko erabili den materiala polilaktida (PLA) izan da, zeinen erabilera oso zabaldua dagoen medikuntza arloan inplante (torloju, iltze, plaka eta abar) moduan eta ehun ingeniaritzaren munduan.


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Póster presentado en The Energy and Materials Research Conference - EMR2015 celebrado en Madrid (España) entre el 25-27 de febrero de 2015


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[EN] The concept of image in its different aspects is very important in today s society as well as in the business management field. Some authors reports that most of the studies that measure image do not take into account neither previous theoretical and conceptual models nor other possible empirical evidence alternatives. Given this need, a research regarding the concept of brand image applied to shopping malls was conducted based on the conceptual model of the consumer cognitive response in order to empirically explore and contrast it. For this reason, a survey was applied to 420 consumers in five shopping malls in Bogotá, achieving a database of 3.749 cases. The results show attribute-shopping mall associations expressed in unique, differentiated, and notorious vocabulary obtained applying lexicometric and multivariate analysis techniques. Attribute-shopping mall associations such as spacious , good location , good variety of stores , and the existence of movie theaters . Finally, this research aims to potentially improve the management of shopping malls and increase their attractiveness and customer loyalty by applying the development of service quality systems, integral communication, segmentation, and positioning.