5 resultados para MODERNITY

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES] La creación escultórica en el País Vasco durante los años noventa se siguió nutriendo del entramado creativo de la década anterior, mientras se iban difuminando los últimos coletazos programáticos de la posmodernidad. Los jóvenes artistas de esta última década no plantean lenguajes originales, ni plantean la búsqueda de temáticas inéditas, simplemente se aboga por ubicarse en un marco espacial y temporal que les permita seguir creando en base a procesos anteriores, pero con perspectivas que les sirvan para analizar y experimentar las situaciones enclavadas en el presente.


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Mª José García Soler ( editora).Anejos de VELEIA. Serie Minor nº 17


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It is not hard to see how two visions of nature are intertwined in Darwin’s Journal of Researches: one vision, the province of romantic authors depicting the sentiments awakened by certain landscapes, the other, the domain of natural scientists describing the world without reference to the aesthetic qualities of the scenery. Nevertheless, analyses of this double perspective in Darwin’s work are relatively rare. Most scholars focus on Darwin, the scientist, and more or less ignore the aesthetic aspects of his work. Perceiving the gradual transformation of Darwin’s world view, however, depends on analyzing the two different modes in which Darwin approached and perceived the world. While one can, on occasion, find commentaries on the beauty of the natural world in Darwin’s early work, the passage of time produces a modification in the naturalist’s manner of perceiving nature. This does not, however, mean that Darwin ceases to find beauty in nature; on the contrary, the disenchantment, in Max Weber’s words, that Darwin’s theory produces should not be understood in a pejorative, but rather in a literal sense. The theory of evolution, in effect, divests nature of its magical character and begins to explain it in terms of natural selection, according it, in the process a new and more intense attraction. In the present work, the metaphysical implications of this new vision of the world are analyzed through the eyes of its discoverer.


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[EU]Liburuak erbesteratutako idazleen lanak aztertzen ditu, bereziki euskarazkoak. Gernika aldizkaria Gerra Zibiletik ihesi joandakoen biltokia izan zen Euskal Herrian. Aztertzen da modernitatea nola joan zen agertuz Gernika aldizkarian hiru belaunalditan, Octavio Pazen "Los hijos del limo" liburuko modernitatearen deskribapenaren laguntzaz. Horrez gain, aldizkariaren ibilbidea jasotzen da.


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By means of this analysis, we have endeavored to evaluate and understand both the influence that the IETcc started to bear on scientific progress in Bilbao, mainly during the 1960s and the 1970s, as well as the determined efforts of the local financial and industrial elite of the time to transform Bilbao into the great metropolis of the north, i.e. the economic capital of that part of Spain, using as a model, among other metropolises, New York, the financial capital of America, and Pittsburg, the industrial capital. The various means to accomplish this have been studied: from the institutions of investigation, exposition and information which would initiate the longed for scientific progress, to the pathways for reproducing the fascinating American way.