21 resultados para Lei versus Moral

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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I contrast the theoretical foundation of profit maximization of Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green’s “Microeconomics” against that provided by Scitovsky in a paper of 1943. Whereas Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green try to show that profit maximization can be derived from utility maximization, Scitovsky categorically states the contrary view. I argue, first, that the foundation provided by Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green is not sound and, secondly, that Scitovsky’s line of reasoning opens a better way to model business behavior.


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On the analysis of Varian’s textbook on Microeconomics, which I take to be a representative of the standard view, I argue that Varian provides two contrary notions of profit, namely, profit as surplus over cost and profit as cost. Varian starts by defining profit as the surplus of revenues over cost and, thus, as the part of the value of commodities that is not any cost; however, he provides a second definition of profit as a cost, namely, as the opportunity cost of capital. I also argue that the definition of competitive profit as the opportunity cost of capital involves a self-contradictory notion of opportunity cost.


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Revised 2006-06


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Published as an article in: Games and Economic Behavior, 2003, vol. 44, issue 1, pages 183-194.


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Research on moral cleansing and moral self-licensing has introduced dynamic considerations in the theory of moral behavior. Past bad actions trigger negative feelings that make people more likely to engage in future moral behavior to offset them. Symmetrically, past good deeds favor a positive self-perception that creates licensing effects, leading people to engage in behavior that is less likely to be moral. In short, a deviation from a “normal state of being” is balanced with a subsequent action that compensates the prior behavior. We model the decision of an individual trying to reach the optimal level of moral self-worth over time and show that under certain conditions the optimal sequence of actions follows a regular pattern which combines good and bad actions. We conduct an economic experiment where subjects play a sequence of giving decisions (dictator games) to explore this phenomenon. We find that donation in the previous period affects present decisions and the sign is negative: participants’ behavior in every round is negatively correlated to what they did in the past. Hence donations over time seem to be the result of a regular pattern of self-regulation: moral licensing (being selfish after altruist) and cleansing (altruistic after selfish).


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Changes in the organizational environment over the last three decades have increasingly led to traditional theories being called into question, by stimulating the search for new models suited to the new realities of business economics, generating a crisis or scientific revolution that may result in the appearance of a new paradigm. The positivism-phenomenology duality provokes an “epistemological crisis” in research in management sciences. But the existence of both approaches does not imply the election of one scientific orientation in frontal opposition to the other. From these two conceptions of research procedure, the methods applied can be classed into groups, quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative methodologies places great confidence in the ability of data and measurement to represent opinions or concepts, while qualitative methodologies focus on words and relations to describe a reality or situation. While the diversity of methods contribute to its development and indicates the maturity of an area, the methods must be suitably implemented to obtain significant, valid results. The methodology to be used is not going to depend solely on the type of study or the reality under examination, but also on the stage the research process has reached.


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Ponencia leída en el Foro de Comunicaciones IkasArt II (BEC Barakaldo, 2010.06.17)


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Nadie puede negar que la competitividad actual de la industria japonesa se basa, entre otras razones, en el bajo coste y alto nivel de calidad de sus productos. Ambas cualidades se han conseguido por la aplicación, a partir de los 70, de prácticas innovadoras y nuevas tecnologías de fabricación como es el caso del Just in Time.


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Lanak planteatzen duen galdera, hezitzaileek bere eginbeharraren inguruan hausnartzera bideratuta dago. Egungo sistema kapitalistaren barruan hezkuntzak duen erabilera desestali nahian, bizi dugun egoera aztertu egin da eta erabiltzen diren kontrol mekanismoak. Egoera honen aurrean, behar den hezkuntza erantzuna zabaldu nahi da, Paulo Freireren pedagogia eragilearen (problematizatzailearen) ildoan. Horretarako, aspektu teoriko nagusiak zehaztu dira eta ikuspegi kritikoa praktikan jartzeko esperientziak aurkeztu. Gure pedagogia erresistentziaren pedagogia izan behar du, egun kapitalismoak isiltasunera eta deshumanizaziora bultzatzen dituen pertsona horiek hitza berreskura dezaten. Lan hau beraz, ekarpen didaktikoa da hezitzailearen eginbehar konplexu eta arduratsuan laguntzeko, bere erantzukizun soziala gain har dezan.


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Objectives: The mechanism by which atheroma plaque becomes unstable is not completely understood to date but analysis of differentially expressed genes in stable versus unstable plaques may provide clues. This will be crucial toward disclosing the mechanistic basis of plaque instability, and may help to identify prognostic biomarkers for ischaemic events. The objective of our study was to identify differences in expression levels of 59 selected genes between symptomatic patients (unstable plaques) and asymptomatic patients (stable plaques). Methods: 80 carotid plaques obtained by carotid endarterectomy and classified as symptomatic (>70% stenosis) or asymptomatic (>80% stenosis) were used in this study. The expression levels of 59 genes were quantified by qPCR on RNA extracted from the carotid plaques obtained by endarterectomy and analyzed by means of various bioinformatic tools. Results: Several genes associated with autophagy pathways displayed differential expression levels between asymptomatic and symptomatic (i.e. MAP1LC3B, RAB24, EVA1A). In particular, mRNA levels of MAP1LC3B, an autophagic marker, showed a 5-fold decrease in symptomatic samples, which was confirmed in protein blots. Immune system-related factors and endoplasmic reticulum-associated markers (i.e. ERP27, ITPR1, ERO1LB, TIMP1, IL12B) emerged as differently expressed genes between asymptomatic and symptomatic patients. Conclusions: Carotid atherosclerotic plaques in which MAP1LC3B is underexpressed would not be able to benefit from MAP1LC3B-associated autophagy. This may lead to accumulation of dead cells at lesion site with subsequent plaque destabilization leading to cerebrovascular events. Identified biomarkers and network interactions may represent novel targets for development of treatments against plaque destabilization and thus for the prevention of cerebrovascular events.


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Introducción: Los catéteres venosos centrales (CVC) de larga duración representan una alternativa para muchos pacientes receptores de tratamientos intravenosos prolongados y agresivos. Dentro de estos, es frecuente el uso de los reservorios venosos subcutáneos (RVS) y de los catéteres centrales de inserción periférica (PICC). En ambos, a pesar de sus numerosas ventajas, pueden surgir complicaciones que comprometan el funcionamiento del dispositivo y provocar la necesidad de retirarlo. Estas, además, pueden poner en peligro el bienestar e incluso la vida del paciente. Objetivos: Analizar las complicaciones asociadas a la implantación y uso de RVS y PICC. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos: Scopus, ScienceDirect, Dialnet plus, ProQuest, OvidSP, SciELO, Cuiden y Elsevier. Resultados: Se seleccionaron seis estudios realizados sobre pacientes portadores de RVS y cinco sobre los PICC. En ellos se analizaron las complicaciones surgidas y los motivos de retirada de los dispositivos por complicaciones asociadas. Conclusiones: Los PICC presentan una morbilidad y una tasa de retirada por complicaciones mayor que los RVS. Las infecciones, obstrucciones y trombosis son las complicaciones con mayor prevalencia en ambos dispositivos junto con las extracciones accidentales en el caso de los PICC. Además, representan los motivos más habituales de retirada del CVC por alguna complicación. Las complicaciones pueden estar influenciadas por distintos factores, entre otros, los cuidados y mantenimiento que se realicen del dispositivo. Idioma: Español.


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[ENG] If we look around us, we can observe that there is someone who is the best in each field of activity. We could think that they are exceptional individuals. This Final Project aims to increase knowledge of the effects of Deliberate Practice in the domains of music and sport. This will define you a concept of Deliberate Practice and then focus on the diversity of situations in which it shows us how it is presented in real life. From a questionnaire that has been designed for this study and distributed to the music students, I have expected to obtain a result that allow me to come to the conclusion that exists a relation between the hours of practice and the expertise in the execution. This reality has been linked to the regarding situation in the sport practice, whose information has been provided by the coordinators of the different sports. Taking into account the limited number of references available, this work has focused on a qualitative analysis of the data, interpreted from my point of view and my personal experience, which has been confirmed in the results obtained. The statistics managed allow me to conclude that, although the argument is not definitive, the guide effort through deliberate practice is essential to achieve the excellence.