10 resultados para Arduino (Programmable controller) - programming
em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco
The aim of this technical report is to present some detailed explanations in order to help to understand and use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) parallel programming for solving several mixed integer optimization problems. We have developed a C++ experimental code that uses the IBM ILOG CPLEX optimizer within the COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research (COIN-OR) and MPI parallel computing for solving the optimization models under UNIX-like systems. The computational experience illustrates how can we solve 44 optimization problems which are asymmetric with respect to the number of integer and continuous variables and the number of constraints. We also report a comparative with the speedup and efficiency of several strategies implemented for some available number of threads.
In this project, a system to detect and control traffic through Arduino has been designed and developed. The system has been divided in three parts. On the one hand, we have a software simulator which have been designed and developed to manage the traffic from a computer. The simulator is written in the Java Language and it is able to control four different types of crossroads, offering several options to the user for each one of them. On the other hand, with relation to the hardware, an Arduino board to make a scale model of one of the crossroads that controls the application has been used. This Arduino receives and processes the messages sent from the computer, next it shows the traffic light of the scale model in the same way that are seen in the simulator. And finally, to detect the traffic by the system, it has also been designed and developed a traffic sensor using another Arduino. To communicate the simulator in the computer and the Arduino which has been used to control the hardware of the scale model, and share information among them, the serial communication of each one of them has been used. Once completely developed each part of the system, several tests have been made to validate the correctness of both, software and hardware.
Txosten honetan azaltzen den proiektua, auto itxurako robot baten eraikuntzan oinarritzen da. Arduino plataforman oinarritutako robot mugikor baten sorkuntza burutuko da hutsetik, honen kontrola Raspberry Pi ordenagailu txikiaren bitartez eginez. Gainera, azken gailu honi ahalmen handiagoa emateko asmoz, ROS plataforma instalatuko da bertan. Duten kostu baxua dela eta, gaur egun izugarrizko arrakasta lortu dute plataforma guzti hauek, baina proiektu honetan beraien ahalmena neurtu nahi dugu ezaugarri zehatz batzuk dituen robota sortuz.
Proiektu honetan robot mugikor bat eraiki eta arduino bitartez kontrolatu da. Robota edozein smartphone erabiliz kontrolatu daiteke Bluetooth RC Car aplikazioa erabiliz. Ultrasoinu sentsorea du talkak ekiditeko eta GPSaren bidez uneko posizioaren berri ematen du. Honetaz gain, wifi bidez mezuak ere bidal ditzake proiektuan bertan garatu den echo zerbitzarira.
[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de un sistema de adquisición y tratamiento de señales analógicas para la medida experimental de la posición y aceleración. Por un lado, la adquisición de señales se llevará a cabo mediante una placa electrónica programable llamada “Arduino”. Por otro lado, haciendo uso de la plataforma LabVIEW, se creará un programa para analizar dichas señales. Se medirán señales analógicas provenientes de diferentes sensores (inclinómetros y acelerómetros).
[ES]El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es automatizar un almacén con dos ejes lineales con la meta final de programar un panel de operador para que, ya sea un usuario u operario pueda introducir si desea depositar o recoger un palé, indicando la posición mediante un sistema de coordenadas las cuales dividen a las estanterías del almacén en filas y columnas. Para ello se cambiará parte del hardware de control, el cual incluye el antiguo módulo de posicionamiento (IP 246) que hasta ahora, controlaba el almacén. Esta tarjeta está limitada a un software ya desfasado, sin posibilidad de implementar un panel de operador con los requisitos demandados en la industria de hoy en día. También se ha utilizado una CPU S7-300, a diferencia de la SIMATIC S5 que se utilizaba con la antigua tarjeta.
[EN]This research had as primary objective to model different types of problems using linear programming and apply different methods so as to find an adequate solution to them. To achieve this objective, a linear programming problem and its dual were studied and compared. For that, linear programming techniques were provided and an introduction of the duality theory was given, analyzing the dual problem and the duality theorems. Then, a general economic interpretation was given and different optimal dual variables like shadow prices were studied through the next practical case: An aesthetic surgery hospital wanted to organize its monthly waiting list of four types of surgeries to maximize its daily income. To solve this practical case, we modelled the linear programming problem following the relationships between the primal problem and its dual. Additionally, we solved the dual problem graphically, and then we found the optimal solution of the practical case posed through its dual, following the different theorems of the duality theory. Moreover, how Complementary Slackness can help to solve linear programming problems was studied. To facilitate the solution Solver application of Excel and Win QSB programme were used.
Actualmente las mayoría de sistemas de automatización industrial utilizan los Autómatas Programables (PLC - Programmable Logic Controller) como sistemas de control y el diseño de dicho sistema se realiza mediante el lenguaje de modelado Grafcet. SFCEdit es un editor de Grafcet que permite el diseño de estos sistemas de control y la exportación de los mismos en un formato XML. Resumen Por otra parte tenemos la norma IEC 61131-3 que busca estandarizar los lenguajes de programación de los PLC de esta manera no se tendría que usar un lenguaje distinto por cada fabricante, y la organización PLCOpen rigiéndose por la norma ha creado un formato XML para cada lenguaje, en los cuales se basa el traductor. Resumen Habitualmente el paso del diseño a la programación se realiza de forma manual. La automatización de este proceso es el objetivo general del proyecto realizado. En esté se ha desarrollado una herramienta que permite realizar la traducción del diseño gráfico al estándar IEC 61131-3 considerando las particularidades de algunos fabricantes de PLCs como Beckhoff (TwinCAT) y TSX Micro (PL7Pro). Además la herramienta realiza la traducción al formato XML de PLCOpen. Resumen El traductor funciona recibiendo un fichero XML (exportado de SFCEdit) procesa su información y genera los ficheros en función de la compatibilidad que el usuario seleccione.
Arduino plataforma erabiliaz, hiru funtzio betetzen dituen barne errobot esploratzaile bat sortu da. Funtzioak honakoak dira; oztopoak gainditzen dituen errobot mugikorra, urrunetik gidatutako errobota eta barne lokalizazio sistema.
It has built and characterised a laser and It has learned what each of the components does. It has been able to run the laser in single-mode and stabilised it around a desired setpoint thanks to a PID controller that It has programmed. It has established a communication between the PID controller programmed in LabVIEW and Arduino Due, the DAC that It has chosen after comparing it with another candidate. It has learned some basics of how the LightCrafter 4500 DMD works. The projected light is the composition of the lights of three LED’s, each of which has a certain on-time. The mirrors chose to be in on- or off-stages depending to the amount of intensity that we want for each colour.