9 resultados para 168-1027

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES] Las autoridades reguladoras y supervisoras de los sistemas financieros han probado diversos métodos para intentar encontrar un procedimiento eficaz en la elaboración de un sistema de alerta temprana de las crisis bancarias. Los Modelos de Regresión Logística han sido usados aunque han mostrado algunas debilidades, por lo que se necesitan nuevos y mejores métodos. La crisis bancaria ocurrida en la República Dominicana entre los años 2002 y 2004 se ha usado para comparar la eficacia de la Regresión Logística frente al uso del método Support Vector Machines (SVM) para la detección de crisis bancarias.


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La literatura señala el importante papel que los trabajadores juegan en los resultados de una empresa y que las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos pueden tener un efecto positivo sobre el rendimiento organizativo. Aunque esta realidad se ha estudiado ampliamente a nivel de empresa privada, lo cierto es que en el ámbito de la Administración Pública la investigación es más escasa, especialmente para corporaciones locales. Con el propósito de cubrir este hueco, este trabajo realiza un estudio de casos sobre nueve ayuntamientos de la Región de Murcia para analizar si una adecuada gestión de sus trabajadores influye en sus resultados a nivel organizativo, de trabajador y de prestación de servicios. La información obtenida aporta evidencia de que aquellos ayuntamientos que desarrollan prácticas de reclutamiento y selección, formación, evaluación del rendimiento y retribución teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de los puestos concretos a cubrir, el potencial de los empleados y su rendimiento, mejoran sus resultados.


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The hydrological response of a catchment to rainfall on different timescales is result of a complex system involving a range of physical processes which may operate simultaneously and have different spatial and temporal influences. This paper presents the analysis of streamflow response of a small humid-temperate catchment (Aixola, 4.8 km(2)) in the Basque Country on different timescales and discusses the role of the controlling factors. Firstly, daily time series analysis was used to establish a hypothesis on the general functioning of the catchment through the relationship between precipitation and discharge on an annual and multiannual scale (2003-2008). Second, rainfall-runoff relationships and relationships among several hydrological variables, including catchment antecedent conditions, were explored at the event scale (222 events) to check and improve the hypothesis. Finally, the evolution of electrical conductivity (EC) during some of the monitored storm events (28 events) was examined to identify the time origin of waters. Quick response of the catchment to almost all the rainfall events as well as a considerable regulation capacity was deduced from the correlation and spectral analyses. These results agree with runoff event scale data analysis; however, the event analysis revealed the non-linearity of the system, as antecedent conditions play a significant role in this catchment. Further, analysis at the event scale made possible to clarify factors controlling (precipitation, precipitation intensity and initial discharge) the different aspects of the runoff response (runoff coefficient and discharge increase) for this catchment. Finally, the evolution of EC of the waters enabled the time origin (event or pre-event waters) of the quickflow to be established; specifically, the conductivity showed that pre-event waters usually represent a high percentage of the total discharge during runoff peaks. The importance of soil waters in the catchment is being studied more deeply.


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In this paper, reanalysis fields from the ECMWF have been statistically downscaled to predict from large-scale atmospheric fields, surface moisture flux and daily precipitation at two observatories (Zaragoza and Tortosa, Ebro Valley, Spain) during the 1961-2001 period. Three types of downscaling models have been built: (i) analogues, (ii) analogues followed by random forests and (iii) analogues followed by multiple linear regression. The inputs consist of data (predictor fields) taken from the ERA-40 reanalysis. The predicted fields are precipitation and surface moisture flux as measured at the two observatories. With the aim to reduce the dimensionality of the problem, the ERA-40 fields have been decomposed using empirical orthogonal functions. Available daily data has been divided into two parts: a training period used to find a group of about 300 analogues to build the downscaling model (1961-1996) and a test period (19972001), where models' performance has been assessed using independent data. In the case of surface moisture flux, the models based on analogues followed by random forests do not clearly outperform those built on analogues plus multiple linear regression, while simple averages calculated from the nearest analogues found in the training period, yielded only slightly worse results. In the case of precipitation, the three types of model performed equally. These results suggest that most of the models' downscaling capabilities can be attributed to the analogues-calculation stage.


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En este artículo se analiza la planificación de la movilidad en Vitoria-Gasteiz, una ciudad con un destacado compromiso a favor del medio ambiente. El análisis aborda los principales elementos innovadores del Plan de Movilidad Sostenible y Espacio Público, destacando su impacto sobre el patrón de movilidad y la recualificación del espacio público. No obstante, se subrayan las limitaciones con que se encuentran las políticas de movilidad en la medida en que no se consideran un elemento estratégico en la planificación de la ciudad.


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[EU]Mañariako udaletxeak herritarren eskaera bat erantzun nahi du, eskaera hori herriko transmisio zentruaren kokapena aldatzean datza. Auzokideek leku urrunago batean kokatzea eskatzen dute. Eskaria erantzuteko, Udaletxeak ikasketa erradioelektrikoa herrian egitea eskatu du, transmisio zentruari kokapen berri bat bilatzeko. Helburua estaldura eta kalitate berdina mantentzea izango da bai telefonia eta telebista zerbitzuetarako. Udaletxeak kokagune batzuk erraztu ditu, non elektrizitate hornikuntza eta sarbidea duten kokapenak. Ikerketa erradioelektrikoa kokapen horietatik hasiko da baina kalitate eta estaldura baldintzak betetzen ez badira, beste leku bat aurkitu beharko da. Proiektu honen amaiera kokapen berri bat aurkituko da non Udaletxeak ezarritako baldintzak betetzen diren.


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We review the appropriateness of using SNIa observations to detect potential signatures of anisotropic expansion in the Universe. We focus on Union2 and SNLS3 SNIa datasets and use the hemispherical comparison method to detect possible anisotropic features. Unlike some previous works where nondiagonal elements of the covariance matrix were neglected, we use the full covariance matrix of the SNIa data, thus obtaining more realistic and not underestimated errors. As a matter of fact, the significance of previously claimed detections of a preferred direction in the Union2 dataset completely disappears once we include the effects of using the full covariance matrix. Moreover, we also find that such apreferred direction is aligned with the orthogonal direction of the SDSS observational plane and this suggests a clear indication that the SDSS subsample of the Union2 dataset introduces a significant bias, making the detected preferred direction unphysical. We thus find that current SNIa surveys are inappropriate to test anisotropic features due to their highly non-homogeneous angular distribution in the sky. In addition, after removal of the highest in homogeneous sub-samples, the number of SNIa is too low. Finally, we take advantage of the particular distribution of SNLS SNIa sub- sample in the SNLS3 data set, in which the observations were taken along four different directions. We fit each direction independently and find consistent results at the 1 sigma level. Although the likelihoods peak at relatively different values of Omega(m), the low number of data along each direction gives rise to large errors so that the likelihoods are sufficiently broad as to overlap within 1 sigma. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http:// creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/).