16 resultados para 14 Economics

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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On the analysis of Varian’s textbook on Microeconomics, which I take to be a representative of the standard view, I argue that Varian provides two contrary notions of profit, namely, profit as surplus over cost and profit as cost. Varian starts by defining profit as the surplus of revenues over cost and, thus, as the part of the value of commodities that is not any cost; however, he provides a second definition of profit as a cost, namely, as the opportunity cost of capital. I also argue that the definition of competitive profit as the opportunity cost of capital involves a self-contradictory notion of opportunity cost.


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Este trabajo ha sido previamente presentado en las XVII Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestao Científica, celebradas en Evora (Portugal) en febrero de 2006.


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We study the language choice behavior of bilingual speakers in modern societies, such as the Basque Country, Ireland andWales. These countries have two o cial languages:A, spoken by all, and B, spoken by a minority. We think of the bilinguals in those societies as a population playing repeatedly a Bayesian game in which, they must choose strategically the language, A or B, that might be used in the interaction. The choice has to be made under imperfect information about the linguistic type of the interlocutors. We take the Nash equilibrium of the language use game as a model for real life language choice behavior. It is shown that the predictions made with this model t very well the data about the actual use, contained in the censuses, of Basque, Irish and Welsh languages. Then the question posed by Fishman (2001),which appears in the title, is answered as follows: it is hard, mainly, because bilingual speakers have reached an equilibrium which is evolutionary stable. This means that to solve fast and in a re ex manner their frequent language coordination problem, bilinguals have developed linguistic conventions based chie y on the strategy 'Use the same language as your interlocutor', which weakens the actual use of B.1


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This paper deals with the economics of gasification facilities in general and IGCC power plants in particular. Regarding the prospects of these systems, passing the technological test is one thing, passing the economic test can be quite another. In this respect, traditional valuations assume constant input and/or output prices. Since this is hardly realistic, we allow for uncertainty in prices. We naturally look at the markets where many of the products involved are regularly traded. Futures markets on commodities are particularly useful for valuing uncertain future cash flows. Thus, revenues and variable costs can be assessed by means of sound financial concepts and actual market data. On the other hand, these complex systems provide a number of flexibility options (e.g., to choose among several inputs, outputs, modes of operation, etc.). Typically, flexibility contributes significantly to the overall value of real assets. Indeed, maximization of the asset value requires the optimal exercise of any flexibility option available. Yet the economic value of flexibility is elusive, the more so under (price) uncertainty. And the right choice of input fuels and/or output products is a main concern for the facility managers. As a particular application, we deal with the valuation of input flexibility. We follow the Real Options approach. In addition to economic variables, we also address technical and environmental issues such as energy efficiency, utility performance characteristics and emissions (note that carbon constraints are looming). Lastly, a brief introduction to some stochastic processes suitable for valuation purposes is provided.


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Guia docente de la asignatura Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) en la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Leioa para el curso 14/15. realizado por la comisión de TFG.


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Lan hau Jarduera Fisiko eta Kirol jokoetan oinarritutako udaleku baten egitasmoa da. Kirol jokoek duten hezigarritasuna kontutan izanik proiektua deskribatu eta aztertzen da jardueren izaeraren ikuspuntutik. Lanak izaera profesionalizantea du eta lan jardunera bideratua dago.


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Lan honetan Laudio Ikastolaren azterketa pedagogikoa egin dut eta Laud io Ikastolaren funtzionamendua hobeto ulertzeko baliagarria izan zait. Azterketa honetarako hainbat gauzetan arreta jarri behar izan dut eta informazio asko jaso. Esan daiteke b ehaketa lana puntu gar rantzitsu bat izan dela lan hau burutzeko. Behaketa lan h onekin irakaslearen jokabidean arreta handia ipini dut eta horrek , egiten dituen gauza onak eta baita txarrak ere detektatzeko baliagarria izan zait.


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Roughly one half of World's languages are in danger of extinction. The endangered languages, spoken by minorities, typically compete with powerful languages such as En- glish or Spanish. Consequently, the speakers of minority languages have to consider that not everybody can speak their language, converting the language choice into strategic,coordination-like situation. We show experimentally that the displacement of minority languages may be partially explained by the imperfect information about the linguistic type of the partner, leading to frequent failure to coordinate on the minority language even between two speakers who can and prefer to use it. The extent of miscoordination correlates with how minoritarian a language is and with the real-life linguistic condition of subjects: the more endangered a language the harder it is to coordinate on its use, and people on whom the language survival relies the most acquire behavioral strategies that lower its use. Our game-theoretical treatment of the issue provides a new perspective for linguistic policies.


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Documento de trabajo


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[ES] El País Vasco es internacionalmente reconocido por su gastronomía y sus grandes cocineros; de hecho, es el territorio del mundo con más estrellas Michelin por kilómetro cuadrado. Esta notoriedad e imagen repercuten muy positivamente en todo el sector gastronómico y en la imagen y proyección turística del País Vasco y se ha logrado gracias a la labor sostenida de un grupo inicial de cocineros, a los que siguieron otros, que realizan importantes esfuerzos de colaboración, sin dejar de competir entre ellos (tratándose de un claro ejemplo de coopetition). El análisis de la relación entre estos grandes cocineros vascos y su entorno, permite identificar un cluster que actualmente se encuentra en fase de madurez con un futuro esperanzador y que ha arrojado importantes beneficios al sector, a cada uno de sus integrantes y a la región en su conjunto muy especialmente en términos de innovación, notoriedad y reputación. Para la realización de este trabajo se ha utilizado, además de la revisión bibliográfica y documental pertinente, una metodología cualitativa, consistente en la realización de entrevistas en profundidad a los siete cocineros fundadores y patronos del Basque Culinary Center (primera Facultad Universitaria de Estudios Gastronómicos de Europa, dependiente de la Universidad de Mondragón). El trabajo es uno de los frutos extraídos de un contrato de colaboración entre el Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la empresa de la UPV/EHU e Innobasque (Agencia Vasca para la Innovación), en el que esta última fijó tanto los objetivos de la investigación como la metodología a utilizar.


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Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas