3 resultados para États-majors -- Turquie

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[EN] Some authors have suggested that body weight dissatisfaction may be high in students majoring in dietetics. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the extent of body weight and image dissatisfaction in a sample of women in dietetics major. Additionally, predictors of magnitude of body weight dissatisfaction were analyzed. Participants were 62 volunteers with normalweight whose mean age was 21.87±1.89 years old (nonrandom sample). The assessment instruments included anthropometric measurements, a somatomorphic matrix test and an eating disorders inventory (EDI-2). Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 15.0. A larger proportion of students chose an ideal body weight lower than actual weight (67.7%) and body image with less body fat and more muscle mass than actual values (56.4%). The magnitude of body weight dissatisfaction was associated with muscle mass and body fat dissatisfaction, and with the subscale of EDI-2 “body dissatisfaction”. So, from a public health standpoint, we consider important to continue working in this line of research with the aim of better understanding the extent of body weight dissatisfaction in women dietitians, and how this dissatisfaction could interfere with their professional practice.


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[ES] Junto con formas simples de restitución y compensación, se han detectado variantes de las primeras prácticas de justicia restaurativa en las antiguas civilizaciones de Israel, Sumeria, Babilonia y Roma y entre los pueblos aborígenes de Norteamérica y Oceanía. Por su parte, en el siglo XX, principalmente en respuesta a la ola criminal de los años 60 y 70, y buscando alternativas a los métodos tradicionales de tratamiento de los delitos de esa época, comenzaron a emerger programas experimentales que usaban los principios de justicia restaurativa a comienzos de los 70 en Canadá, Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Australia y Nueva Zelanda.


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[EU]Europar Batasunak, zerbitzuen barne merkatua garatzeko xedez, araubide berria onartzeari ekin dio. Orain artekoan, Batasunak bere barne merkatua osatzeko estatuetako protekzionismoa mugatzeko helburua ardatz hartuta jardun badu ere (berdintasun printzipioa bermatze aldera), azken aldian jauzi kualitatiboa eman nahi izan du, estatu-kideei esku-hartzeko ahalmenak errotik mugatuz. Lan honek araubide europarraren norabidea eta hedapena aztertzea du helburu, arauen menpeko zerbitzu merkatua edo, aldiz, araurik gabekoa ezarri ote den galderari erantzun nahian.