195 resultados para biología
Estudio de la unión de la calmodulina al canal de potasio Eag I y el efecto de esta unión en la tetramerización del canal.
GIB-1 birusaren Env glikoproteinako gp41-era bideraturiko 10E8 antigorputzak birusa neutralizatu ahal izateko hautagai ona dirudienez, antigorputza hauek ekoitzarazten dituen txerto baten garapena lortu nahi da. Bide horri jarraituz, bakterioetan DNA birkonbinatuaren teknologiaz ekoiztutako Fab 10E8-en funtzionalitatea (epitopoa plakan ezagutzeko eta pseudobirusek eragindako infekzioa inhibitzeko gaitasuna) eta erabilgarritasuna (immunogeno gisa erabili daitezkeen mimotopoak ezagutzeko duten gaitasuna) aztertu dira.
1-motako Giza Immunoeskasiaren Birusa (GIB-1) HIESaren erretrobirus eragilea da, sistema Immunearen infekzio kronikoa sortarazten baitu. Birus hau estalki lipidiko batez inguraturik dago, non bertan, zelula ostalaria ezagutzeaz eta berarekin fusionatzeaz arduratzen diren fusio proteinak (env) txertaturik dauden. Baina, env transmintz proteina hauen ingurune lipidikoa ezezaguna da, eta bere ikerketa interes berezikoa da, aipaturiko proteina horien aktibitatea erregulatzen duen osagaietako bat izan baitaiteke. Hori dela eta, proiektu honen helburu orokorra env transmintz proteinaren ingurune lipidikoa aztertzea izango da.
HDAC inhibitzaileek melanoman duten efektua argitzeko asmoz, 5 inhibitzaile testatzen dira A375 eta HT-144 lerro zelularretan. Helburua, teknika desberdinetaz baliatuz, inhibitzaile hauek bideragarritasunean, apoptosian eta morfologian zein efektu duten ikustea izango da.
Epigenetika DNA sekuentzian aldaketarik gertatu gabe, geneen adierazpenean sortzen diren aldaketa heredagarrien multzoa da. Lan honetan ingurune faktore ezberdinak aztertzen dira, gugan duten eragin epigenetikoak ezagutzeko helburuarekin. Nahiz eta guztiz ulertzen ez diren, hiru mekanismo nagusi bereizten dira; DNA metilazioa, histonen eraldaketa eta RNA ez-kodetzailea. Inguruneak gure DNA eta kromosomen egoera baldintzatzen du eta, gainera, ondorengo belaunaldietan hereda daitezken sortutako aldaketak, gametogenesian epigenomaren berrantolaketa globala gertatu arren. Lan hau burutzeko “National Center for Biotechnology Information” web-guneko PudMed datu-basetik hainbat artikulu jaso ditut. Ondoren, artikuluetan oinarrituta lau multzotan sailkatutako eragileek (dieta, eguneko aktibitatea, tabako eta alkohola, metalak eta beste konposatu kimikoak) gene eta sekuentzia errepikakor desberdinetan duten eragina aztertu dut. Bildutako informazioa, hiru tauletan jaso ditut. Ikerlari desberdinek gene eta sekuentzia errepikakorren metilazio-maila neurtzeko erabiltzen dituzten metodo desberdinak ere bildu ditut. Amaitzeko, gene eta sekuentzia errepikakorrak erkatzen dira, eta etorkizunean, ikerketetan biomarkatzeile modura erabilita eskaini ditzeketen zenbait aukera aipatzen dira. Horrela, ingurune faktoreek sortutako gaixotasun eta ondorioak hobeto kontrolatu ahal izango dira.
Gizakiak gara ugaztunen artean, esneak daukan laktosa heldutasunean digeritzeko gai garen bakarrak. Laktosa digeritzeko gaitasuna edoskitzaroan soilik edukitzea normala den arren, indibiduo batzuek etapa horren ondoren, gaitasun hori mantentzen dutela behatu da. Honi laktosarekiko tolerantzia edo laktasarekiko iraunkortasuna esaten zaio. Laktosaren hidrolisiaz arduratzen den laktasa entzima ekoiztea ezinbestekoa da esnea energia-iturri moduan aprobetxatzeko. Gaitasun honen faktore genetiko arduradunak MCM6 genean, laktasa (LCT) genetik hurbil, dauden SNP batzuk dira. SNP hauek laktosa entzimaren erregulazioan eragiten dute, ondorioz, laktasa entzima heldutasunean ere aktibo mantentzen da. Genomaren eskualde honen sekuentziak, munduko populazio desberdinetako indibiduoetan, agerian utzi du laktosaren iraunkortasunak eboluzio konbergentea jasan duela. Gainera laktosarekiko tolerantzia gene-kultura koeboluzioaren ondorio bat dela baiezta daiteke, ohitura kulturalak (esnearen kontsumoa) locus genetiko honen eragilea izanik.
In this work we wanted to study the mechanism of E2F2-mediated repression. Our hypothesis is that E2F2 activates the expression of one or more E2F members of the “repressor” subset of the family through the E2F motifs present in their promoters, and those repressor E2F(s) would subsequently repress the target promoters. To address this hypothesis, we focused on E2F7. E2F7 is a repressor that lacks the Rb binding domain, and associates with DNA through E2F binding sites (de Bruin et al., 2003). Furthermore, E2F7 itself is also regulated by E2F motifs on its own promoter, and it has been shown to repress DNA metabolism and replication genes in late S-phase (de Bruin et al., 2003; Westendorp et al., 2012). E2F7, together with E2F8 has been found to form heterodimers, being critical on cell proliferation and development, and both seem to have similar functions (Li et al., 2008). Preliminary results from Zubiaga’s group have indicated that E2F2 activates E2F7 transcription in U2OS cells, suggesting that E2F2’s repressor function could be mediated by E2F7. For this purpose, we focused on studying E2F7’s role on the target genes previously known to be repressed by E2F2: Chk1 and Mcm5. The specific aims for this work were the following: - Confirm that E2F2 induces E2F7 in HEK-293T cells - Assess whether E2F7 acts as a transcriptional repressor on E2F sites - Evaluate the role of E2F7 on E2F2-mediated transcriptional repression of Chk1 and Mcm5.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent leukemia of adults in Western countries and shows a ~8.5-fold increased relative risk in first-degree relatives. Up to date several studies have identified low-penetrance susceptibility alleles in CLL. Nevertheless, these studies scarcely study regions that do not encode proteins such as microRNAs (miRNAs). Abnormalities in miRNAs, as altered expression patterns and mutations, have been described in CLL, suggesting their implication in the development of the disease. Polymorphisms in these miRNAs may deregulate miRNAs expression levels and affect to the miRNA function. However, despite accumulating evidence that inherited genetic variation in miRNA genes can contribute to the predisposition for CLL, the role of these in the risk of CLL has not been extensively studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find new genetic markers of risk to CLL. To that end, we made a systematic search for SNPs in miRNAs and miRNAs deregulated in CLL and genotyped 213 polymorphisms in 401 samples of Spanish individuals. The literature search resulted in more than 100 miRNAs deregulated in CLL and 43 polymorphisms studied in the disease. Out of 213 genotyped SNPs, 13 showed to be significantly associated with CLL risk. rs2682818 in pre-mature miR618 was the most significant result, with 0.49 fold decreased risk to CLL. Interestingly, a previous study associated this SNP with an increased risk of developing follicular lymphoma. Secondly, rs10173558 SNP in mir- 1302-4 showed the highest risk association, with a 5.24 fold increased risk, but there were no previous works studying it. Finally, rs61992671 in miR412, previously associated with CLL risk, showed also association in our sample. In conclusion, we find 13 alleles which could contribute to the risk of CLL. However, new large-scale studies including functional analyses will be needed to validate our findings.
EL proyecto estudia y analiza la estructura de cuatro bosques en el monte Chortiatis, Grecia.
The HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a very important disease in the world, with approximately 35 million people infected. In this study we have tried to expose the main characters of the virus, explaining the disease and the illness associated to the HIV. Besides, we have explained the antiretroviral treatments that are the most important weapon against the HIV. However, any of these treatments do not eliminate the HIV in the human body. For this reason, we have been looking for the new treatments and researches that have been development in the last years, including vaccines and genetic resistance. In addition, we have described the situation of the SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) in Africa, because it is the origin of the disease. The prevalence of the virus in primates population is something that have being studied for the last years, because it could be a new threat to the human population. Finally, we have proposed the researches lines that seems to be more effective and the ones that, in a future, could eliminate the virus in the human body.
En este artículo presentamos un juego de rol sobre negociación climática internacional que ha sido diseñado por los autores. El juego ha sido utilizado tanto en la universidad, con alumnos que están cursando los mismos estudios, como en cursos de verano con alumnos de diferentes niveles de formación (estudiantes de grado o master, estudiantes de doctorado e investigadores postdoctorales) y áreas de conocimiento (economía, derecho, ingeniería, arquitectura, biología,.. etc.). Se muestra, además, cómo encaja el juego en el proceso de aprendizaje por competencias, así como los beneficios que tiene el uso de juegos, y concretamente juegos de rol o “role-playing” en la docencia. A través del juego, los alumnos asumen el rol de representante institucional de un país y viven, en primera persona, los pormenores de una negociación internacional sobre Cambio Climático.
Females of different species might exert female mate choice for different reasons, one of them the aim of avoiding inbreeding. In this study I examine the implication of inbreeding avoidance as a mechanism driving female mate choice in Verreaux’s sifaka lemurs (Propithecus verreauxi). In fact, in this species females are dominant and appear to be able to choose certain males to mate with, while observations indicate that rank, body size, canine size and proportions of fights won are not factors influencing female mate choice. So I hypothesized that females mate choice is driven by inbreeding avoidance in Verreaux’s sifaka lemurs. Tissue and fecal samples were collected in the Kirindy Mitea National Park in western Madagascar as a source of DNA. Parentage was assigned for a sample of the population and relatedness coefficients between dams and sires were estimated and compared to those of between random female and male pairs, dams and other candidate sires within the population and within the groups were the offspring were conceived. I found that there were no significant differences in none of the comparisons which means that Verreaux’s sifaka females do not mate more with males that are more distantly related to them. I concluded that inbreeding avoidance does not appear to be the main force driving female mate choice in Verreaux’s sifaka lemurs and I addressed explanations for these findings. With this study I contribute to our knowledge of female mate choice in lemurs.
El objetivo de este estudio es realizar el control de la de la población de esguines de salmón atlántico en migración descendente al mar,y analizar dicha migración en un marco de parámetros hidrológicos. Para ello, se instaló un capturadero portátil en el canal de derivación de la Papelera Zikuñaga que permitiera capturar una parte de la población de esguines y poder así monitorizarla. Se estimó una población de esguines en migración mayor que en los últimos datos publicados para este emplazamiento, en 2011.
Lan honetan ACT toxinaren mutante batek, ACTΔN482, mintzean eskuratzen duen konformazioa aztertu da MC540 zunda erabiliz.
Azken urteotan eman diren kutsatzaile desberdinen gehiegizko isurpen edo erabilpena dela eta, lurzoruetan metal astunak metatu dira eta horrek , kate trofikoaren oinarrian dauden organismoen gainean k altea k sorrarazi d itu. Eisenia fetida zizarea espezie zent inela gisa erabili da lur entsegu ekotoxikologi koet an . Esperimentu honetan Eisenia fetida - ren jariakin zelomikoan dauden eta babes funtzioa duten zelomozitoak pH desberdinetara edo Kadmio bezalako metalera esposatzeak Neutral Red (NR) edo gorri neutro tindatzaile kationikoaren harreran eta fagoz itosi ahalmenean , eragina duen aztertu nahi izan da. Esperimentua in vitro egin zen 3R filosofia jarraituz. Alde batetik, pH desberdinen eragin ari dagokio nez gorri neutroaren harrera ( NRU ) entsegua n erantzun bimodal bat behatu zen eta beste alde bate tik, f agozitatzeko ahalmenari dagokiola zelomozitoak Eagle medioan kultibatzean ez zen aldaketa esangarria ikusi kadmioa ren, kontr olaren eta kontrol positi boaren artean. Bai ordea L - 1 5 medioarekin, non kontrol posit iboa k beste biak baino absorbantzia handiagoa erakutsi zuen. Emaitza hauek erakusten dute zelomozitoe n mintza gradualki kaltetzen doala pH neutrotik aldentzen doan heinean eta puntu batetik aurrera NRU emendatzen da zelomozito batzuen (amebozitoen) fagozitosia aktibatzen d el a ko .