69 resultados para cristina periquito


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EUSKERA: Lan honen helburua eskolan arteen bidezko sormena sustatzea izango da, ikuspegi interdiziplinar batean. Horretarako, ikasleen ezagutzaren bereganatzeaz gain horien espiritu kritikoa eta ekintzailea piztuko duen proiektu bat proposatuko da, haien sormena garatzea xede nagusitzat izango duena. Berebiziko garrantzia dauka hezkuntzan haien kabuz pentsatzeko pertsonak eratzeak, eta edukien gainetik nortasuna garatzera zuzendutako metodologiak diseinatzeak. Izan ere, horrela bakarrik lortuko dugu gizarte honek zein etorkizunekoek aurkezten dizkiguten eguneroko erronkei aurre egitea.


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[eus] Azken hamarkadetan egon diren aldaketak direla eta, gaur egungo gizarteak, pertsona sortzaileak eskatzen ditu, beraz, oraingo erronkei erantzuten dien hezkuntza baten beharrean gaude. Honetarako, pertsonen interes eta trebetasunetatik abiatzen den hezkuntza behar dugu, sormenari eta adimen emozionalari lekua uzten dion hezkuntza, hain zuzen ere. Hau lortzeko, lehenik eta behin gure inguruko zentroen egoera aztertu eta beste motatako esparruetara jo da, hauen ezaugarriak, zailtasunak eta aukerak ezagutzeko asmoz. Aipatutako bi gaitasun hauek pertsonengan duten garrantzia ikusita eta zenbait lekutan nola lantzen dituzten aztertu ostean, emaitzak jasoko dira gure inguruko zentroetan, sormena eta adimen emozionala bultzatzen duen metodologia baten ezaugarriak eskeintzeko. Aipatuko diren, jarduera motak eta irakasleen papera Hezkuntza Sortzailea oinarritzat izango dute, pertsona guztien berezitasunak, interesak eta trebetasunak kontuan hartzen dituen hezkuntza izanik.


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas


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Based on numerous pharmacological studies that have revealed an interaction between cannabinoid and opioid systems at the molecular, neurochemical, and behavioral levels, a new series of hybrid molecules has been prepared by coupling the molecular features of two well-known drugs, ie, rimonabant and fentanyl. The new compounds have been tested for their affinity and functionality regarding CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid and mu opioid receptors. In [S-35]-GTP.S (guanosine 5'-O-[gamma-thio] triphosphate) binding assays from the post-mortem human frontal cortex, they proved to be CB1 cannabinoid antagonists and mu opioid antagonists. Interestingly, in vivo, the new compounds exhibited a significant dual antagonist action on the endocannabinoid and opioid systems.


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Con el fin de analizar el efecto de los disruptores endocrinos en los peces, el siguiente proyecto plantea realizar un estudio histológico de una colección de muestras de gónadas y la medición del diámetro de los ovocitos vitelogenicos. El estudio se realizó en tres zonas diferentes con el propósito de comparar los resultados obtenidos.


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In multisource industrial scenarios (MSIS) coexist NOAA generating activities with other productive sources of airborne particles, such as parallel processes of manufacturing or electrical and diesel machinery. A distinctive characteristic of MSIS is the spatially complex distribution of aerosol sources, as well as their potential differences in dynamics, due to the feasibility of multi-task configuration at a given time. Thus, the background signal is expected to challenge the aerosol analyzers at a probably wide range of concentrations and size distributions, depending of the multisource configuration at a given time. Monitoring and prediction by using statistical analysis of time series captured by on-line particle analyzers in industrial scenarios, have been proven to be feasible in predicting PNC evolution provided a given quality of net signals (difference between signal at source and background). However the analysis and modelling of non-consistent time series, influenced by low levels of SNR (Signal-Noise Ratio) could build a misleading basis for decision making. In this context, this work explores the use of stochastic models based on ARIMA methodology to monitor and predict exposure values (PNC). The study was carried out in a MSIS where an case study focused on the manufacture of perforated tablets of nano-TiO2 by cold pressing was performed


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The present work is focused on the measurement of workers exposure to nano-TiO2 in the life cycle steps of depollutant mortars. It has been done in the framework of the SCAFFOLD project, which aims at the management of potential risks arising from the use of manufactured nanomaterials in construction. Main findings can be summarized as follows: (1) The occupational exposure to nano-TiO2 is below 0.3 mg/m(3) for all measured scenarios. The highest concentrations were measured during the cleaning task (in the nano-TiO2 manufacturing process) and during the application (spraying) of depollutant coatings on a wall. (2) It was found a high release of particles above the background in several tasks as expected due to the nature of the activities performed. The maximum concentration was measured during drilling and during adding powder materials (mean total particle concentration up to 5.591E+04 particles/cm(3) and 5.69E+04 particles/cm(3)). However, considering data on total particle concentration released, no striking differences have been observed when tasks have been performed using conventional materials in the sector (control) and when using materials doped with nano-objects.