242 resultados para Tejada Gómez, Armando


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This paper presents a model designed to study vertical interactions between wheel and rail when the wheel moves over a rail welding. The model focuses on the spatial domain, and is drawn up in a simple fashion from track receptances. The paper obtains the receptances from a full track model in the frequency domain already developed by the authors, which includes deformation of the rail section and propagation of bending, elongation and torsional waves along an infinite track. Transformation between domains was secured by applying a modified rational fraction polynomials method. This obtains a track model with very few degrees of freedom, and thus with minimum time consumption for integration, with a good match to the original model over a sufficiently broad range of frequencies. Wheel-rail interaction is modelled on a non-linear Hertzian spring, and consideration is given to parametric excitation caused by the wheel moving over a sleeper, since this is a moving wheel model and not a moving irregularity model. The model is used to study the dynamic loads and displacements emerging at the wheel-rail contact passing over a welding defect at different speeds.


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Beatriz Fernández eta Pablo Albizu (arg.)


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Duración (en horas): De 31 a 40 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y Docente


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[ES] La creación escultórica en el País Vasco durante los años noventa se siguió nutriendo del entramado creativo de la década anterior, mientras se iban difuminando los últimos coletazos programáticos de la posmodernidad. Los jóvenes artistas de esta última década no plantean lenguajes originales, ni plantean la búsqueda de temáticas inéditas, simplemente se aboga por ubicarse en un marco espacial y temporal que les permita seguir creando en base a procesos anteriores, pero con perspectivas que les sirvan para analizar y experimentar las situaciones enclavadas en el presente.


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[EN] Pierre Urte wrote Grammaire cantabrique circa 1714, when he was exiled in England. In this article we want to prove that the main source for Urte’s work was the socalled “Lily’s grammar”, which was the oficial grammar to learn Latin language in England from the 16th to the 19th century. The indentification of that source allows us to support the claim that Urte’s grammar must be included in the tradition of language teaching, as was already pointed out by Oyharçabal (1989). In this article, we first offer a brief history of Lily’s grammar. Then, we provide some clues in order to identify the exact edition used by Urte. Finally, in the main section of the article, we confront the two grammatical works; our aim is to ensure Urte’s debt to Lily’s grammar, and to show in detail the principal parts which Urte took from his source (mainly grammatical clasifications and examples).


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Helburuak. Egun,denon ahoan dagoen energia baliabideen murriztasunak prozesu termikoen energia-efizientziaren garrantzia goratu du zalantzarik gabe. Ingeniaritza ikasketetan , energia eraldakuntzarekin erlazionaturik dagoen edozein ikasgai edo alorrean, funtsezkoa da energia-trukatzeko mekanismoak ondo ezagutzea ekipoen diseinu efiziente eta egokia lortzeko. Material honen bitartez "bero-transmisioa" gaia irakasteko aurkezpen informatikoak garatu dira, klasean zein sare elektronikoan erabili ahal direnak. Irakaskuntzarako material hau aurkezpen informatikoetan gauzatzen da. Aurkezpen informatikoek gaiaren azalpenerako oso egoki suertatzen den dinamismoa eskaintzeaz gain, fenomeno fisikoaren eta ebazpen matematikoaren ulerpenerako oso lan-tresna boteretsua eskaintzen dute. Norentzat da baliagarria. Material hau, bereziki, Donostiako Unibertsitate Eskola Politeknikoko bi titulaziotan erabiltzen da: Ingeniaritza Mekanikoko "Ingeniaritza Termikoa" ikasgaian eta Ingeniaritza Elektrikoko "Termoteknia eta Sorkuntza Termoelektrikoa" ikasgaian. Oro ohar, Ingeniaritza ikasketetan beroaren transmisiorako kondukzio eta konbekzio mekanismoak aztertzeko baliagarria da.


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Helburuak. Zentral termikoen funtzionamenduaren analisirako, lurrun bidezko potentzia zikloen ulermena beharrezkoa du ikasleak. Zikloaren oinarrizko prozesuak aztertuz, oinarrizko ziklotik habiatzen gara eta bere etekinaren hobekuntzarako egiten diren aldaketek emaitzat daukaten ziklo konplexuetara joaten gara. Material honen bitartez "lurrun bidezko potentzia-zikloak" gaia irakasteko aurkezpen informatikoak garatu dira, klasean zein sare elektronikoan erabili ahal direnak. Irakaskuntzarako material hau aurkezpen informatikoetan gauzatzen da. Aurkezpen informatikoek gaiaren azalpenerako oso egoki suertatzen den dinamismoa eskaintzeaz gain, fenomeno fisikoaren eta ebazpen matematikoaren ulerpenerako oso lan-tresna boteretsua eskaintzen dute. Norentzat da baliagarria. Material hau, bereziki, Donostiako Unibertsitate Eskola Politeknikoko bi titulaziotan erabiltzen da: Ingeniaritza Mekanikoko "Ingeniaritza Termikoa" ikasgaian eta Ingeniaritza Elektrikoko "Termoteknia eta Sorkuntza Termoelektrikoa" ikasgaian. Oro ohar, Ingeniaritza ikasketetan beroaren transmisiorako kondukzio eta konbekzio mekanismoak aztertzeko baliagarria da.


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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INTRODUCTION: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are being increasingly studied in relation to energy metabolism and body composition homeostasis. Indeed, the quantitative analysis of miRNAs expression in different adiposity conditions may contribute to understand the intimate mechanisms participating in body weight control and to find new biomarkers with diagnostic or prognostic value in obesity management. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was the search for miRNAs in blood cells whose expression could be used as prognostic biomarkers of weight loss. METHODS: Ten Caucasian obese women were selected among the participants in a weight-loss trial that consisted in following an energy-restricted treatment. Weight loss was considered unsuccessful when <5% of initial body weight (non-responders) and successful when >5% (responders). At baseline, total miRNA isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was sequenced with SOLiD v4. The miRNA sequencing data were validated by RT-PCR. RESULTS: Differential baseline expression of several miRNAs was found between responders and non-responders. Two miRNAs were up-regulated in the non-responder group (mir-935 and mir-4772) and three others were down-regulated (mir-223, mir-224 and mir-376b). Both mir-935 and mir-4772 showed relevant associations with the magnitude of weight loss, although the expression of other transcripts (mir-874, mir-199b, mir-766, mir-589 and mir-148b) also correlated with weight loss. CONCLUSIONS: This research addresses the use of high-throughput sequencing technologies in the search for miRNA expression biomarkers in obesity, by determining the miRNA transcriptome of PBMC. Basal expression of different miRNAs, particularly mir-935 and mir-4772, could be prognostic biomarkers and may forecast the response to a hypocaloric diet.


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Algunas de las conclusiones obtenidas en el "Informe sobre hábitos de compra y el comportamiento del consumidor vasco en el período 1993-1994", realizado por el Departamento de Comercio, Consumo y Turismo del Gobierno Vasco, resaltan el profundo cambio que ha experimentado el sector comercial del País Vasco en las ultimas décadas, y que ha sido promovido sobre todo, a través de iniciativas empresariales que han creado nuevas formas de venta, así como políticas encaminadas al crecimiento a través de la cooperación, concentración e internacionalización.


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Desde hace casi treinta años se habla de politicas activas de empleo, su objetivo es mejorar su eficiencia ya que uno de los problemas más importantes que tenemos en la actualidad en la economía española es la alta tasa de desempleo, que todos los gobiernos tratan de reducir.


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Julio Urkixo Euskal Filologi Mintegiaren Urtekariaren Gehigarriak, LI.


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Raquel Merino Álvarez, José Miguel Santamaría, Eterio Pajares (eds.)


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[ES] La artista alavesa Juncal Ballestín desarrolla una obra caracterizada principalmente por sus referencias al arte objetual, el surrealismo y el arte povera. A partir de aquí, recaba su interés en la búsqueda de diversos objetos con una marcada memoria, es decir, objetos ya utilizados y que han recogido diferentes experiencias, pensamientos y vivencias de sus antiguos dueños, lo que proporciona a su producción escultórica una sólida base significativa, social y vivencial.