53 resultados para Roberto Matta


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Este trabajo consta de un manual donde se detallan los pasos necesarios para realizar un Estudio de Impacto Ambiental, acompañado de un libro excel donde se llevarán a cabo las operaciones necesarios para la valoración cualitativa y cuantitativa de los impactos ambientales, así como la colección de indicadores ambientales necesarios para dicha valoración.


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We present a quantum algorithm to simulate general finite dimensional Lindblad master equations without the requirement of engineering the system-environment interactions. The proposed method is able to simulate both Markovian and non-Markovian quantum dynamics. It consists in the quantum computation of the dissipative corrections to the unitary evolution of the system of interest, via the reconstruction of the response functions associated with the Lindblad operators. Our approach is equally applicable to dynamics generated by effectively non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We confirm the quality of our method providing specific error bounds that quantify its accuracy.


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Han sido muchos y son, a día de hoy, los economistas que han considerado las diferencias de riqueza un tema lo suficientemente importante como para volcar sus esfuerzos en comprender tanto su dimensión como su evolución a lo largo de la historia. Podríamos mencionar las grandes aportaciones del economista Branko Milanovic (1953-) quién me ofreció una visión general del tema de la distribución de la riqueza en primer lugar, los realmente útiles estudios por parte de Angus Maddison (1926-2010) los cuales hicieron posible la recopilación de datos históricos que he utilizado para llegar a las conclusiones del presente documento, o la plena vocación de Thomas Piketty (1971-) al estudio de las diferencias de riqueza a nivel internacional, que gracias a la publicación de su libro “El Capital en el s. XXI”, he conseguido recopilar información mucho más detallada sobre los temas que se analizan en el siguiente estudio. Este trabajo se basa principalmente en sus investigaciones con el objetivo principal de abordar el tema de la distribución de la riqueza a nivel internacional así como de dar a conocer las potencialmente crecientes disparidades que se están dando entre muchos lugares del planeta, ya que lejos de la imagen que pueda dar la globalización al acercamiento entre ricos y pobres, se ha producido una divergencia a lo largo de los últimos años que ha ido en aumento.


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Background: Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are repetitive sequences derived from ancestral germ-line infections by exogenous retroviruses and different HERV families have been integrated in the genome. HERV-Fc1 in chromosome X has been previously associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) in Northern European populations. Additionally, HERV-Fc1 RNA levels of expression have been found increased in plasma of MS patients with active disease. Considering the North-South latitude gradient in MS prevalence, we aimed to evaluate the role of HERV-Fc1on MS risk in three independent Spanish cohorts. Methods: A single nucleotide polymorphism near HERV-Fc1, rs391745, was genotyped by Taqman chemistry in a total of 2473 MS patients and 3031 ethnically matched controls, consecutively recruited from: Northern (569 patients and 980 controls), Central (883 patients and 692 controls) and Southern (1021 patients and 1359 controls) Spain. Our results were pooled in a meta-analysis with previously published data. Results: Significant associations of the HERV-Fc1 polymorphism with MS were observed in two Spanish cohorts and the combined meta-analysis with previous data yielded a significant association [rs391745 C-allele carriers: p(M-H) = 0.0005; ORM-H (95% CI) = 1.27 (1.11-1.45)]. Concordantly to previous findings, when the analysis was restricted to relapsing remitting and secondary progressive MS samples, a slight enhancement in the strength of the association was observed [p(M-H) = 0.0003, ORM-H (95% CI) = 1.32 (1.14-1.53)]. Conclusion: Association of the HERV-Fc1 polymorphism rs391745 with bout-onset MS susceptibility was confirmed in Southern European cohorts.


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Comunicación (Poster) en panel del congreso: Designing New Heterogeneous Catalysts, Faraday Discussion, 4–6 April 2016. London, United Kingdom.


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Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1 or Steinert's disease) and type 2 (DM2) are multisystem disorders of genetic origin. Progressive muscular weakness, atrophy and myotonia are the most prominent neuromuscular features of these diseases, while other clinical manifestations such as cardiomyopathy, insulin resistance and cataracts are also common. From a clinical perspective, most DM symptoms are interpreted as a result of an accelerated aging (cataracts, muscular weakness and atrophy, cognitive decline, metabolic dysfunction, etc.), including an increased risk of developing tumors. From this point of view, DM1 could be described as a progeroid syndrome since a notable age dependent dysfunction of all systems occurs. The underlying molecular disorder in DM1 consists of the existence of a pathological (CTG) triplet expansion in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the Dystrophia ll/Iyotonica Protein Kinase (DMPK) gene, whereas (CCTG)n repeats in the first intron of the Cellular Nucleic acid Binding Protein/Zinc Finger Protein 9 (CNBP/ZNF9) gene cause DM2. The expansions are transcribed into (CUG)n and (CCUG)n-containing RNA, respectively, which form secondary structures and sequester RNA binding proteins, such as the splicing factor muscleblind-like protein (MBNL), forming nuclear aggregates known as foci. Other splicing factors, such as CUGBP, are also disrupted, leading to a spliceopathy of a large number of downstream genes linked to the clinical features of these diseases. Skeletal muscle regeneration relies on muscle progenitor cells, known as satellite cells, which are activated after muscle damage, and which proliferate and differentiate to muscle cells, thus regenerating the damaged tissue. Satellite cell dysfunction seems to be a common feature of both age-dependent muscle degeneration (sarcopenia) and muscle wasting in DM and other muscle degenerative diseases. This review aims to describe the cellular, molecular and macrostructural processes involved in the muscular degeneration seen in DM patients, highlighting the similarities found with muscle aging.


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[eus] Gaur egungo erregai fosilen eskasiak eta hauek sortzen dituzten berotegi efektuko gasen emisio altuek bultzatu egin behar gaituzte energia iturri berriztagarriak erabiltzera. Biomasa, potentzial handiko energia iturria da eta ezinbestekoa izan da gizakiaren bizitzaren garapenerako. Energia berriztagarrien artean biomasa potentzial handiko lehengaia izanda bere erabilerak duen berebiziko garrantzia azpimarratu da lan honetan. Lehengai honetatik energia lortzeko tratamendu termokimiko ezberdinetatik pirolisi oxidatiboan lan egitea erabaki da. Sarrerako gas emariaren oxigenoak pirolisiaren ondoren partikularen gainazalean geratu den ikatzaren errekuntza ematerakoan, biomasaren konbertsioa bere osotasunean ematea lortuko duelako. Baita instalazioak behar duen bezain beste beroa hornitu ahal izango duelako ere. Modu honetan, pirolisi oxidatiboa inertea baino interesgarriagoa bihurtu delarik industria mailan garrantzi handia lortu du.