19 resultados para Rendimiento de la cosecha


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[EU]Gaur egun, Europa mailan European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) seinaleztapen-sistema bateratua hedatzen ari dira trenbide sare desberdinen arteko elkar eragintasuna bultzatzeko. Proiektu honen helburua da ERTMS sistemaren barneko ETCS protokoloa hedatzea simulazio hibridodun ingurune batean, ERTMS sistemaren hedatzea azkartuko duten erakusleak sortuz. Horretarako, OPNET simulagailuaren System-in-the-loop erreminta erabili da. Erreminta hau baliatuz ETCS protokoloaren pakete errealak ingurune simulatuan integratzeko funtzioen liburutegi bat idatzi da. Amaitzeko, liburutegi hori baliatuz ETCS protokoloak sareko arazoen aurrean duen errendimenduaren analisi bat burutu da eta liburutegi berri horrek pakete errealak simulatuetara itzultzean (eta kontrakoa) duen errendimendua zein den aztertu da.


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[EN]The purpose of this project is to study the performance and the efficiency of the LDM technology for the transmission of multicast services in a cellular network and vehicular communication environment. In order to achieve this goal, it will be done a comparison with LTE, the technology nowadays used for multicast-grouping techniques. Thus, the specific parameters of each technology are going to be analyzed and a simulation software is going to be developed. Finally, the results from the above mentioned comparison will be shown, as well as an implementation of LDM in multicast-grouping technique.


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Kepa Fernández de Larrinoa (ed.)