21 resultados para Combine harvester


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[ES]Este es un Trabajo Fin de Grado interdisciplinar que aúna la Innovación y el Emprendimiento con la Econometría. En la parte teórica, se sintetiza la literatura relacionada con la innovación y el emprendimiento, los tipos y medidas de innovación, los factores que influyen tanto positiva como negativamente en la innovación, y se explica la importancia de innovar en las empresas. Se analizan también las bases de datos sobre innovación disponibles en Internet. Mientras que en la parte empírica, se analiza el impacto del Producto Interior Bruto sobre la actividad emprendedora total y por motivos de necesidad u oportunidad de 67 países a nivel mundial. Los países están divididos en tres tipos, dependiendo de cual es el motor impulsor de su economía: los factores tradicionales de producción, los factores que mejoran su eficiencia y las economías basadas en la sofisticación de sus empresas y la innovación. Así mismo, se analiza la influencia del PIB y otras variables macroeconómicas como el nivel de educación superior, la inversión pública y privada en I+D+i y el número de patentes PCT con el emprendimiento innovador. Para ello, se han teniendo en cuenta los datos aportados en los Informes Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) y Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) para el año 2012.


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Background: In recent years Galaxy has become a popular workflow management system in bioinformatics, due to its ease of installation, use and extension. The availability of Semantic Web-oriented tools in Galaxy, however, is limited. This is also the case for Semantic Web Services such as those provided by the SADI project, i.e. services that consume and produce RDF. Here we present SADI-Galaxy, a tool generator that deploys selected SADI Services as typical Galaxy tools. Results: SADI-Galaxy is a Galaxy tool generator: through SADI-Galaxy, any SADI-compliant service becomes a Galaxy tool that can participate in other out-standing features of Galaxy such as data storage, history, workflow creation, and publication. Galaxy can also be used to execute and combine SADI services as it does with other Galaxy tools. Finally, we have semi-automated the packing and unpacking of data into RDF such that other Galaxy tools can easily be combined with SADI services, plugging the rich SADI Semantic Web Service environment into the popular Galaxy ecosystem. Conclusions: SADI-Galaxy bridges the gap between Galaxy, an easy to use but "static" workflow system with a wide user-base, and SADI, a sophisticated, semantic, discovery-based framework for Web Services, thus benefiting both user communities.


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[EUS] Haur Hezkuntzan beharrezkoa da ikasketa prozesuari zentzua ematea, bereziki abstraktuagoak diren edukiei. Historian zehar izan duten loturagatik aproposa gerta daiteke matematika arte munduarekin eta arte munduko hainbat kontzeptuekin lotzea. Lotura honetaz baliatuz, ikasleek, sentimenduak, sormena eta nozio estetikoak landuko dituzte matematikako, bereziki geometriako edukiak barneratzen dituzten bitartean. Azaltzen den proiektua, 5 urteko gelan gauzatu da, hurbiletik-urrunera kontzeptua praktikan jarriz, ohiko objektuetatik hasi eta Tamayoren“Cosmología acrobática” obran bukatuz, 3 dimentsiotik, 2 dimentsiora.


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The efforts made to develop RNAi-based therapies have led to productive research in the field of infections in humans, such as hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), herpetic keratitis, human papillomavirus, or influenza virus. Naked RNAi molecules are rapidly digested by nucleases in the serum, and due to their negative surface charge, entry into the cell cytoplasm is also hampered, which makes necessary the use of delivery systems to exploit the full potential of RNAi therapeutics. Lipid nanoparticles (LNP) represent one of the most widely used delivery systems for in vivo application of RNAi due to their relative safety and simplicity of production, joint with the enhanced payload and protection of encapsulated RNAs. Moreover, LNP may be functionalized to reach target cells, and they may be used to combine RNAi molecules with conventional drug substances to reduce resistance or improve efficiency. This review features the current application of LNP in RNAi mediated therapy against viral infections and aims to explore possible future lines of action in this field.


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The main aim of this project is to find a suitable ATO concentration to combine with already approved chemotherapeutic agents to find that synergistic effect in triple negative breast cancer MDA-MB 231 cell line, as a new strategy to treat the disease.


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The surge of the Internet traffic with exabytes of data flowing over operators mobile networks has created the need to rethink the paradigms behind the design of the mobile network architecture. The inadequacy of the 4G UMTS Long term Evolution (LTE) and even of its advanced version LTE-A is evident, considering that the traffic will be extremely heterogeneous in the near future and ranging from 4K resolution TV to machine-type communications. To keep up with these changes, academia, industries and EU institutions have now engaged in the quest for new 5G technology. In this paper we present the innovative system design, concepts and visions developed by the 5G PPP H2020 project SESAME (Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services). The innovation of SESAME is manifold: i) combine the key 5G small cells with cloud technology, ii) promote and develop the concept of Small Cellsas- a-Service (SCaaS), iii) bring computing and storage power at the mobile network edge through the development of nonx86 ARM technology enabled micro-servers, and iv) address a large number of scenarios and use cases applying mobile edge computing. Topics: