255 resultados para Nc
El texto está dividido en tres capítulos. Se explicarán conceptos, teoría y modelos que intervendrán de manera directa en los capítulos posteriores. En el primer capítulo se abordarán los problemas lineales de redes. Se describe la teoría relativa a redes y con ello se desarrolla el método simplex para redes, una especialización del método simplex. Además se introducen los problemas de flujo de redes a costo mínimo. En el segundo capítulo se exponen los problemas de transporte y algún caso particular del mismo, para lo cual no será prácticamente necesario el desarrollo de nueva teoría, siendo válido todo lo expuesto en el capítulo previo. En el tercer capítulo se extiende el concepto de problemas de transporte, mediante modelos más completos que pretenden adecuarse algo más a los modelos de la vida real. A pesar de no ser problemas de transporte, están estrechamente relacionados con ellos y por lo tanto podrá ser explotada su estructura interna de problema de transporte. Por último, en los apéndices se encuentran los programas utilizados para resolver los problemas y los ejemplos del texto, se explica como resolver el problema de costo mínimo, de transporte o de transbordo computacionalmente y se realizan pruebas computacionales que demuestran la importancia de las propiedades de los problemas de redes.
Se realizó un inventariado de las poblaciones urbanas de reptiles y anfibios de la ciudad de Bilbao. Posteriormente, se eligió una especie adecuada ("Podarcis muralis") para analizar su estado de salud y compararlo con el de poblaciones no urbanas. El trabajo está escrito en castellano.
[EUS] Proiektu honen helburua esterasaren lorpena aztertzeaz gain, lorpenerako erabilitako Pseudomona putida mikroorganismoaren hartzidura aztertzea da, ondoren mikroorganismo horri dagokion parametro zinetikoak lortzeko eta erreaktore baten diseinua egin ahal izateko. Horrekin batera, hartziduran eragin dezaketen faktoreak aztertuko dira (tenperatura, aparra, aireztapena, pH …) kontrol eta monitoriazioan kontutan izateko. Horrez guztiaz gain eta prozesua erreaktorean aztertzeaz gain, matrazeetan ere aztertu da, ondoren bi sistemetako hazkuntzak konparatzeko eta aztertzeko helburuarekin. Hartzidura prozesuaren ostean, esterasa proteina lorpena mintzen bidezko prozesuetan oinarrituko da. Proiektu honetan mintzak duten eraginkortasuna kalkulatuko da, baita lortutako emaitzen inguruko hausnarketa bat egin ere.
LLRF sistema baten deskribapena eta simulaketa
In this work a chain of 4000 silver nanoparticles embedded in a glass medium is considered, and its leftmost particle is excited by an electric field pulse of Gaussian shape. Considering Drude’s model, losses of the system are taken into account by γ factor, which stands for the Ohmic losses, and different quantities, such as frequencies of excited modes and group velocities are calculated. Besides, these results are compared to those obtained from the dispersion relation of an infinite chain. The increase of losses affects the lifetime and propagation length of the plasmon; besides, although the response dispersion relation for an infinite chain seems to remain invariable, this is not the case for a finite chain. The mismatches are bigger for higher losses. Furthermore, plasmon propagation velocities are analysed, and an explanation for the mismatch of longitudinal modes close to the intersection point with the dispersion of light is suggested. Finally, some concepts to treat this problem from the energy transport point of view are introduced.
[ES] En este trabajo se ha analizado el efecto de 4 tag-SNPs localizados en la región promotora del ARN no codificante ANRIL en la población longeva. Se cree que la desregulación de ANRIL podría estar asociada a la longevidad, considerando que esta desregulación podría ser debida a variantes genéticas en la región promotora del mismo. Idioma: Español.
The article analyses the construction process, the evolution and the disturbing future of the facade enclosure of the collective housing constructions built during the developmental period in the province of Gipuzkoa. 128 residential complexes were checked, and 17 people who directly took part in the construction of many of these buildings were interviewed. After examining the material and elements that make up the conventional facade solution used in Gipuzkoa and in much of Spain not only during those years but also up to the present time, the effects and causes of its main damages and flaws were studied. Its complex and costly adaptation to current demands is going to require a strong effort from society at large, and this raises the question of whether the life cycle of this construction system should be terminated once and for all.
537 p.
The interest of HACFRA (self compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers), is the combination of the residual strength increase and cracking decrease compared to plain concrete by the introduction of steel fibers in the mass with the advantages of the self-compacting. The paper presents an analysis of the influence of different components of the HACRFA and provides their selection, refered to the granular skeleton and to different steel fiber types and amount, in order to obtain an optimization of its features and structural behavior.
In this work we perform for the first time a palaeoenvironmental and biostratigraphic analysis of the lower Miocene alluvial deposits of the Cenicero section (NW sector of the Ebro Basin; N Iberian Peninsula), based on the ostracod and micromammal assemblages. One of the main characteristics of this section is the unusual abundance on non-reworked ostracods present in the studied samples compared to other European sequences of similar age and sedimentary environment. This fact has allowed us to develop precise palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The variations of the identified ostracod assemblages, defined by species such as Cyclocypris laevis, Ilyocypris bradyi, Ilyocypris gibba, Limnocythere sp. or Pseudocandona parallela, record the development of small, ephemeral and shallow ponds in a distal alluvial and/or floodplain environment. Towards the upper part of the section the ponds appear to be less ephemeral, being the aquatic systems more stable for ostracods development. Variations in the water temperature and salinity have been observed along the section, which are related to changes in the local pluviometric regime. On the other hand, the presence of micromammals in one of the studied samples has allowed the precise dating of this section. Thus, the presence of Armantomys daamsi dates the Cenicero section as Agenian (lower Miocene), local zone Y2 (MN2).
253 p.
516 p.
386 p.
304 p.
528 p.