35 resultados para fermedad de Alzheimer-Aspectos psicológicos


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294 p. : il.


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[ES] Las sociedades cooperativas han visto recientemente reforzada su normativa contable con la aprobación de la ORDEN ECO/3614/2003 que tiene por objeto la adaptación de las Normas de valoración y elaboración de cuentas anuales aprobada en el Plan General de Contabilidad a las características de estas entidades.


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Astrocytes are fundamental for brain homeostasis and the progression and outcome of many neuropathologies including Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the triple transgenic mouse model of AD (3xTg-AD) generalised hippocampal astroglia atrophy precedes a restricted and specific beta-amyloid (A beta) plaque-related astrogliosis. Astrocytes are critical for CNS glutamatergic transmission being the principal elements of glutamate homeostasis through maintaining its synthesis, uptake and turnover via glutamate-glutamine shuttle. Glutamine synthetase (GS), which is specifically expressed in astrocytes, forms glutamine by an ATP-dependent amination of glutamate. Here, we report changes in GS astrocytic expression in two major cognitive areas of the hippocampus (the dentate gyrus, DG and the CA1) in 3xTg-AD animals aged between 9 and 18 months. We found a significant reduction in Nv (number of cell/mm(3)) of GS immunoreactive (GS-IR) astrocytes starting from 12 months (28.59%) of age in the DG, and sustained at 18 months (31.65%). CA1 decrease of GS-positive astrocytes Nv (33.26%) occurs at 18 months. This Nv reduction of GSIR astrocytes is paralleled by a decrease in overall GS expression (determined by its optical density) that becomes significant at 18 months (21.61% and 19.68% in DG and CA1, respectively). GS-IR Nv changes are directly associated with the presence of A beta deposits showing a decrease of 47.92% as opposed to 23.47% in areas free of A beta. These changes in GS containing astrocytes and GS-immunoreactivity indicate AD-related impairments of glutamate homeostatic system, at the advanced and late stages of the disease, which may affect the efficacy of glutamatergic transmission in the diseased brain that may contribute to the cognitive deficiency.


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[ES] Este trabajo analiza las dificultades que encuentran las empresas a la hora de adoptar una actitud avanzada o proactiva ante los problemas de degradación medioambiental. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de una muestra de 240 empresas industriales indican que las principales barreras inhibidoras de la proactividad medioambiental son de naturaleza tanto externa como interna. No obstante, la influencia de uno y otro tipo de barreras en la estrategia medioambiental es distinta. En concreto, las barreras internas suponen un obstáculo que es necesario superar para poder progresar hacia comportamientos estratégicos medioambientales más proactivos. Sin embargo, las barreras externas, si bien son reconocidas por los directivos como dificultades para la adopción de estrategias medioambientales proactivas, realmente no llegan a impedir el progreso en este sentido.


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La comedia es uno de los géneros literarios que mejor refleja la vida diaria, donde encuentra numerosos elementos que le sirven de recurso para provocar la risa. El presente artículo se centra en cómo muestran los autores cómicos algunos aspectos de la vida pública (el funcionamiento de la asamblea popular y el sistema judicial) y de la vida privada (la alimentación y la gastronomía) de la Atenas de los siglos V y IV a.C.


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Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y Docente


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es arrojar luz sobre los factores que explican la menor intencionalidad en la población femenina para involucrarse en procesos de creación de empresas. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales que identifica un conjunto de variables que permiten explicar la intención de emprender en la población potencialmente emprendedora. La validación del modelo se ha realizado mediante una encuesta realizada a 1222 estudiantes de 12 titulaciones diferentes de la Universidad de Málaga. La aplicación del modelo a las poblaciones masculina y femenina ha permitido apreciar diferencias significativas en los patrones de comportamiento en función del género, identificando un proceso más complejo y necesitado de apoyo externo en la población femenina con respecto a la masculina.


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DNA microarray, or DNA chip, is a technology that allows us to obtain the expression level of many genes in a single experiment. The fact that numerical expression values can be easily obtained gives us the possibility to use multiple statistical techniques of data analysis. In this project microarray data is obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus, the repository of National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Then, the noise is removed and data is normalized, also we use hypothesis tests to find the most relevant genes that may be involved in a disease and use machine learning methods like KNN, Random Forest or Kmeans. For performing the analysis we use Bioconductor, packages in R for the analysis of biological data, and we conduct a case study in Alzheimer disease. The complete code can be found in https://github.com/alberto-poncelas/ bioc-alzheimer


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Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)


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[EN] The current methodological tendencies give particular importance to the teaching of orality. Thus, several investigations have verified that reading aloud to children contributes positively to their cognitive development. However, in order to achieve the objective proposed with this type of reading, the prosodic aspect should not be forgotten. In spite of the few articles published up to now, the prosodic aspect is considered to be essential to provide a description of young people’s prosodic features when reading aloud, especially in order to create general rules that can be taught in our schools and universities. This paper is limited to the analysis of the types of rhythm, and for this, five informants have been selected and asked to read a text written in standard Basque.


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The work presented here is part of a larger study to identify novel technologies and biomarkers for early Alzheimer disease (AD) detection and it focuses on evaluating the suitability of a new approach for early AD diagnosis by non-invasive methods. The purpose is to examine in a pilot study the potential of applying intelligent algorithms to speech features obtained from suspected patients in order to contribute to the improvement of diagnosis of AD and its degree of severity. In this sense, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been used for the automatic classification of the two classes (AD and control subjects). Two human issues have been analyzed for feature selection: Spontaneous Speech and Emotional Response. Not only linear features but also non-linear ones, such as Fractal Dimension, have been explored. The approach is non invasive, low cost and without any side effects. Obtained experimental results were very satisfactory and promising for early diagnosis and classification of AD patients.


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The EC (entorhinal cortex) is fundamental for cognitive and mnesic functions. Thus damage to this area appears as a key element in the progression of AD (Alzheimer's disease), resulting in memory deficits arising from neuronal and synaptic alterations as well as glial malfunction. In this paper, we have performed an in-depth analysis of astroglial morphology in the EC by measuring the surface and volume of the GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) profiles in a triple transgenic mouse model of AD [3xTg-AD (triple transgenic mice of AD)]. We found significant reduction in both the surface and volume of GFAP-labelled profiles in 3xTg-AD animals from very early ages (1 month) when compared with non-Tg (non-transgenic) controls (48 and 54%, reduction respectively), which was sustained for up to 12 months (33 and 45% reduction respectively). The appearance of Lambda beta (amyloid beta-peptide) depositions at 12 months of age did not trigger astroglial hypertrophy; nor did it result in the close association of astrocytes with senile plaques. Our results suggest that the AD progressive cognitive deterioration can be associated with an early reduction of astrocytic arborization and shrinkage of the astroglial domain, which may affect synaptic connectivity within the EC and between the EC and other brain regions. In addition, the EC seems to be particularly vulnerable to AD pathology because of the absence of evident astrogliosis in response to A beta accumulation. Thus we can consider that targeting astroglial atrophy may represent a therapeutic strategy which might slow down the progression of AD.