11 resultados para Esofago : Fisiopatologia
em Universita di Parma
The aging myopathy manifests itself with diastolic dysfunction and preserved ejection fraction. However, the difficulty in defining myocardial aging and the mechanisms involved complicates the recognition of the cellular processes underlying impaired diastolic relaxation. We raised the possibility that, in a mouse model of physiological aging, defects in the electromechanical properties of cardiomyocytes are important determinants of the diastolic properties of the myocardium, independently from changes in the structural composition of the muscle and collagen framework. Here we show that an increase in the late Na+ current (INaL) in aging cardiomyocytes prolongs the action potential (AP) and influences the temporal kinetics of Ca2+ cycling and cell shortening. These alterations increase force development and passive tension. Inhibition of INaL shortens the AP and corrects the dynamics of Ca2+ transient, cell contraction and relaxation. Similarly, repolarization and diastolic tension of the senescent myocardium are partly restored. INaL offers inotropic support, but negatively interferes with cellular and ventricular compliance, providing a new perspective of the biology of myocardial aging and the etiology of the defective cardiac performance in the elderly.
Tumour progression is a complex process that frequently brings to cancer metastasis, the first cause of poor prognosis of cancer affected patients. Metastasis are generated by cells escaped from a primary mass and able to enter in the circulation, survive and proliferate in a new, distant site of the organism. To reach all these goal, many different phenomena had occur within both the cancer cells and the surrounding microenvironment. In the first part of this thesis, the focus was pointed on the metastatic potential of a leiomyosarcoma cell model. The studied cancer cells demonstrated a strong invasive capacity of the ECM in vitro, principally by production of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9, and robust pro-angiogenic activity in the chick CAM model, that facilitate its dissemination through same chick embryo internal organs. This study, with the title “MMPs and angiogenesis affect the metastatic potential of a human vulvar leiomyosarcoma cell line”, is presented in the published form. In the second part of this work, the emphasis was given to the microvascular element of the tumour microenvironment and specifically to the perivascular pericytes. These are intriguing cells due to their uncertain involvement in the biology of cancer. It is not clear how pericytes change within the tumour microenvironment and which is their contribute during the tumour dissemination. After the characterization of the chosen pericytic cell model, an in vitro study of the interaction between pericytes and different cancer cell lines where performed. Indirect and direct cell-cell interaction as well as movement of cancer cells in presence of pericytes conditioned media was analysed, in order to investigate the reciprocal influence of pericytes and tumour cells in the context of cancer progression.
Background: Acetylation and deacetylation at specific lysine (K) residues is mediated by histone acetylases (HATs) and deacetylases (HDACs), respectively. HATs and HDACs act on both histone and non-histone proteins, regulating various processes, including cardiac impulse propagation. Aim of the present work was to establish whether the function of the Ca2+ ATPase SERCA2, one of the major players in Ca2+ reuptake during excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes (CMs), could be modulated by direct K acetylation. Materials and methods: HL-1 atrial mouse cells (donated by Prof. Claycomb), zebrafish and Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat CMs were treated with the pan-inhibitor of class I and II HDACs suberanilohydroxamic acid (SAHA) for 1.5 hour. Evaluation of SERCA2 acetylation was analyzed by co-immunoprecipitation. SERCA2 activity was measured on microsomes by pyruvate/NADH coupled reaction assay. SERCA2 mutants were obtained after cloning wild-type and mutated sequences into the pCDNA3 vector and transfected into HEK cells. Ca2+ transients in CMs (loading with Fluo3-AM, field stimulation, 0.5 Hz) and in transfected HEK cells (loading with FLUO-4, caffeine pulse) were recorded. Results: Co-Immunoprecipitation experiments performed on HL-1 cells demonstrated a significant increase in the acetylation of SERCA2 after SAHA-treatment (2.5 µM, n=3). This was associated with an increase in SERCA2 activity in microsomes obtained from HL-1 cells, after SAHA exposure (n=5). Accordingly, SAHA-treatment significantly shortened the Ca2+ reuptake time of adult zebrafish CMs. Further, SAHA 2.5 nM restored to control values the recovery time of Ca2+ transients decay in diabetic rat CMs. HDAC inhibition also improved contraction parameters, such as fraction of shortening, and increased pump activity in microsomes isolated from diabetic CMs (n=4). Notably, the K464, identified by bioinformatic tools as the most probable acetylation site on human SERCA2a, was mutated into Glutamine (Q) or Arginine (R) mimicking acetylation and deacetylation respectively. Measurements of Ca2+ transients in HEK cells revealed that the substitution of K464 with R significantly delayed the transient recovery time, thus indicating that deacetylation has a negative impact on SERCA2 function. Conclusions: Our results indicate that SERCA2 function can be improved by pro-acetylation interventions and that this mechanism of regulation is conserved among species. Therefore, the present work provides the basis to open the search for novel pharmacological tools able to specifically improve SERCA2 activity in diseases where its expression and/or function is impaired, such as diabetic cardiomyopathy.
The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α) is part of the initiation complex that drives the initiator amino acid methionine to the ribosome, a crucial step in protein translation. In stress conditions such as virus infection, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, amino acid or heme deficiency eIF2α can be phosphorylated and thereby inhibit global protein synthesis. This adaptive mechanism prevents protein accumulation and consequent cytotoxic effects. Heme-regulated eIF2α kinase (HRI) is a member of the eIF2α kinase family that regulates protein translation in heme deficiency conditions. Although present in all tissues, HRI is predominantly expressed in erythroid cells where it remains inactive in the presence of normal heme concentrations. In response to heme deficiency, HRI is activated and phosphorylates eIF2α decreasing globin synthesis. This mechanism is important to prevent accumulation of heme-free globin chains which cause ER stress and apoptosis. RNA sequencing data from our group showed that in human islets and in primary rat beta cells HRI is the most expressed eIF2α kinase compared to the other family members. Despite its high expression levels, little is known about HRI function in beta cells. The aim of this project is to identify the role of HRI in pancreatic beta cells. This was investigated taking a loss-of-function approach. HRI knock down (KD) by RNA interference induced beta cell apoptosis in basal condition. HRI KD potentiated the apoptotic effects of palmitate or proinflammatory cytokines, two in vitro models for type 2 and type 1 diabetes, respectively. Increased cytokine-induced apoptosis was also observed in HRI-deficient primary rat beta cells. Unexpectedly, we observed a mild increase in eIF2α phosphorylation in HRI-deficient cells. The levels of mRNA or protein expression of C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) and activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) were not modified. HRI KD cells have decreased spliced X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1s), an important branch of the ER stress response. However, overexpression of XBP1s by adenovirus in HRI KD cells did not protect from HRI siRNA-induced apoptosis. HRI deficiency decreased phosphorylation of Akt and its downstream targets glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), forkhead box protein O1 (FOXO1) and Bcl-2-associated death promoter (BAD). Overexpression of a constitutively active form of Akt by adenovirus in HRI-deficient beta cells partially decreased HRI KD-mediated apoptosis. Interestingly, BAD silencing protected from apoptosis caused by HRI deficiency. HRI silencing in beta cells also induced JNK activation. These results suggest an important role of HRI in beta cell survival through modulation of the Akt/BAD pathway. Thus, HRI may be an interesting target to modulate beta cell fate in diabetic conditions.
Background e scopi dello studio. Il carcinoma renale rappresenta circa il 3% delle neoplasie e la sua incidenza è in aumento nel mondo. Il principale approccio terapeutico alla malattia in stadio precoce è rappresentato dalla chirurgia (nefrectomia parziale o radicale), sebbene circa il 30-40% dei pazienti vada incontro a recidiva di malattia dopo tale trattamento. La probabilità di recidivare può essere stimata per mezzo di alcuni noti modelli prognostici sviluppati integrando sia parametri clinici che anatomo-patologici. Il limite principale all’impiego nella pratica clinica di questi modelli è legata alla loro complessità di calcolo che li rende di difficile fruizione. Inoltre la stratificazione prognostica dei pazienti in questo ambito ha un ruolo rilevante nella pianificazione ed interpretazione dei risultati degli studi di terapia adiuvante dopo il trattamento chirurgico del carcinoma renale in stadio iniziale. Da un' analisi non pre-pianificata condotta nell’ambito di uno studio prospettico e randomizzato multicentrico italiano di recente pubblicazione, è stato sviluppato un nuovo modello predittivo e prognostico (“score”) che utilizza quattro semplici parametri: l’età del paziente, il grading istologico, lo stadio patologico del tumore (pT) e della componente linfonodale (pN). Lo scopo del presente studio era quello di validare esternamente tale score. Pazienti e Metodi. La validazione è stata condotta su due coorti retrospettive italiane (141 e 246 pazienti) e su una prospettica americana (1943 pazienti). Lo score testato prevedeva il confronto tra due gruppi di pazienti, uno a prognosi favorevole (pazienti con almeno due parametri positivi tra i seguenti: età < 60 anni, pT1-T3a, pN0, grading 1-2) e uno a prognosi sfavorevole (pazienti con meno di due fattori positivi). La statistica descrittiva è stata utilizzata per mostrare la distribuzione dei diversi parametri. Le analisi di sopravvivenza [recurrence free survival (RFS) e overall survival (OS)] sono state eseguite il metodo di Kaplan-Meier e le comparazioni tra i vari gruppi di pazienti sono state condotte utilizzando il Mantel-Haenszel log-rank test e il modello di regressione di Cox. Il metodo di Greenwood è stato utilizzato per stimare la varianza e la costruzione degli intervalli di confidenza al 95% (95% CI), la “C-statistic” è stata utilizzata per descrivere l’ accuratezza dello score. Risultati. I risultati della validazione dello score condotta sulle due casistiche retrospettive italiane, seppur non mostrando una differenza statisticamente significativa tra i due gruppi di pazienti (gruppo favorevole versus sfavorevole), sono stati ritenuti incoraggianti e meritevoli di ulteriore validazione sulla casistica prospettica americana. Lo score ha dimostrato di performare bene sia nel determinare la prognosi in termini di RFS [hazard ratio (HR) 1.85, 95% CI 1.57-2.17, p < 0.001] che di OS [HR 2.58, 95% CI 1.98-3.35, p < 0.001]. Inoltre in questa casistica lo score ha realizzato risultati sovrapponibili a quelli dello University of California Los Angeles Integrated Staging System. Conclusioni. Questo nuovo e semplice score ha dimostrato la sua validità in altre casistiche, sia retrospettive che prospettiche, in termini di impatto prognostico su RFS e OS. Ulteriori validazioni su casistiche internazionali sono in corso per confermare i risultati qui presentati e per testare l’eventuale ruolo predittivo di questo nuovo score.
La Fibrosi Polmonare Idiopatica (IPF) è una malattia polmonare cronica, irreversibile la cui eziologia risulta essere ignota, caratterizzata da un processo fibrotico progressivo che inizia nel tratto respiratorio inferiore. Le persone affette da IPF presentano età media compresa tra 55 e 77 anni. L’incidenza annuale di IPF è stata recentemente stimata tra 14 e 42,7 casi per 100.000 persone e tale dato risulta essere in aumento. IPF fa parte delle malattie Polmonari Idiopatiche Interstiziali (IIP) che comprendono patologie con quadri istologici e clinici differenti. Le affezioni su cui si concentrerà questo studio sono: UIP (Usual Interstitial Pneumonia) caratterizzata da fibrosi interstiziale e dalla presenza di foci fibrotici connessi alla pleura e corrispondente al quadro anatomopatologico della maggior parte dei casi di IPF; NSIP (Non Specific Interstitial Pneumonia) simile alla UIP ma con maggiore uniformità temporale e spaziale delle manifestazioni; Sarcoidosi, malattia granulomatosa ad eziologia ignota. Attualmente la gravità della IPF, che implica una mortalità del 50% dei pazienti a 5 anni dall’esordio, e la scarsa efficacia farmacologica nel rallentarne la progressione vedono il trapianto polmonare come unica possibilità di sopravvivenza nelle forme più severe. Al momento non è chiaro il meccanismo patogenetico di insorgenza e progressione della IPF anche se sono stati individuati alcuni fattori scatenanti quali fumo di sigaretta, infezioni respiratorie e inquinanti atmosferici; tuttavia nessuno di tali elementi può da solo determinare un così esteso e progressivo rimodellamento del parenchima polmonare. Numerose sono le evidenze di come il substrato genetico, le alterazioni del rapporto morte/proliferazione cellulare e le citochine svolgano un ruolo nella genesi e nella progressione della malattia, ma non sono ancora chiari i fenomeni biologico-cellulari che la sostengono e, quindi, quali siano i punti di attacco per poter incidere terapeuticamente nel modificare l’evoluzione della IPF. Poiché il nostro laboratorio ha partecipato alla scoperta dell’esistenza di cellule staminali nel polmone umano normale, uno degli obiettivi finali di questo progetto si basa sull’ipotesi che un’alterazione del compartimento staminale svolga un ruolo cruciale nella eziopatogenesi di IPF. Per questo in precedenti esperienze abbiamo cercato di identificare nella IPF cellule che esprimessero antigeni associati a staminalità quali c-kit, CD34 e CD133. Questo lavoro di tesi si è proposto di condurre un’indagine morfometrica ed immunoistochimica su biopsie polmonari provenienti da 9 pazienti affetti da UIP, 3 da NSIP e 5 da Sarcoidosi al fine di valutare le alterazioni strutturali principali imputabili alle patologie. Preparati istologici di 8 polmoni di controllo sono stati usati come confronto. Come atteso, è stato osservato nelle tre patologie esaminate (UIP, NSIP e Sarcoidosi) un significativo incremento nella sostituzione del parenchima polmonare con tessuto fibrotico ed un ispessimento dei setti alveolari rispetto ai campioni di controllo. L’analisi dei diversi pattern di fibrosi presenti fa emergere come vi sia una netta differenza tra le patologie con una maggiore presenza di fibrosi di tipo riparativo e quindi altamente cellulata nei casi di UIP, e NSIP mentre nelle Sarcoidosi il pattern maggiormente rappresentato è risultato essere quello della fibrosi replacement o sostitutiva. La quantificazione delle strutture vascolari è stata effettuata tenendo separate le aree di polmone alveolare rispetto a quelle occupate da focolai sostitutivi di danno (componente fibrotica). Nei campioni patologici analizzati era presente un significativo riarrangiamento di capillari, arteriole e venule rispetto al polmone di controllo, fenomeno principalmente riscontrato nel parenchima fibrotico. Tali modifiche erano maggiormente presenti nei casi di NSIP da noi analizzati. Inoltre le arteriole subivano una diminuzione di calibro ed un aumento dello spessore in special modo nei polmoni ottenuti da pazienti affetti da Sarcoidosi. Rispetto ai controlli, nella UIP e nella Sarcoidosi i vasi linfatici risultavano inalterati nell’area alveolare mentre aumentavano nelle aree di estesa fibrosi; quadro differente si osservava nella NSIP dove le strutture linfatiche aumentavano in entrambe le componenti strutturali. Mediante indagini immunoistochimiche è stata documentata la presenza e distribuzione dei miofibroblasti, positivi per actina muscolare liscia e vimentina, che rappresentano un importante componente del danno tissutale nella IPF. La quantificazione di questo particolare fenotipo è attualmente in corso. Abbiamo inoltre analizzato tramite immunoistochimica la componente immunitaria presente nei campioni polmonari attraverso la documentazione dei linfociti T totali che esprimono CD3, andando poi a identificare la sottopopolazione di T citotossici esprimenti la glicoproteina CD8. La popolazione linfocitaria CD3pos risultava notevolmente aumentata nelle tre patologie analizzate soprattutto nei casi di UIP e Sarcoidosi sebbene l`analisi della loro distribuzione tra i vari distretti tissutali risultasse differente. Risultati simili si sono ottenuti per l`analisi dei linfociti CD8pos. La componente monocito-macrofagica è stata invece identificata tramite la glicoproteina CD68 che ha messo in evidenza una maggiore presenza di cellule positive nella Sarcoidosi e nella UIP rispetto ai casi di NSIP. I dati preliminari di questo studio indicano che il rimodellamento strutturale emo-linfatico e cellulare infiammatorio nella UIP si differenziano rispetto alle altre malattie interstiziali del polmone, avanzando l’ipotesi che il microambiente vascolare ed immunitario giochino un ruolo importante nella patogenesi della malattia
There is a growing interest in “medical gasses” for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a member of the family of gasotransmitters, is in fact increasingly being recognized as an important signaling molecule, but its precise role in the regulation of the inflammatory response is still not clear. For this reason, the aim of the first part of this thesis was to investigate the effects of H2S on the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as MCP-1, by using an in vitro model composed by both primary monocytes-derived macrophages cultures and the human monocytic cell line U937 infected with Mycoplasma fermentans, a well-known pro-inflammatory agent. In our experiments, we observed a marked increase in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in infected cells. In particular, MCP-1 was induced both at the RNA and at the protein level. To test the effects of H2S on infected cells, we treated the cells with two different H2S donors (NaHS and GYY4137), showing that both H2S treatments had anti-inflammatory effects in Mycoplasma-infected cells: the levels of MCP-1, both mRNA expression and protein production, were reduced. Our subsequent studies aimed at understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for these effects, focused on two specific molecular pathways, both involved in inflammation: the NF-κB and the Nrf2 pathway. After treatment with pharmacological inhibitors, we demonstrated that Mycoplasma fermentans induces MCP-1 expression through the TLR-NF-κB pathway with the nuclear translocation of its subunits, while treatment with H2S completely blocked the nuclear translocation of NF-κB heterodimer p65/p50. Then, once infected cells were treated with H2S donors, we observed an increased protective effect of Nrf2 and also a decrease in ROS production. These results highlight the importance of H2S in reducing the inflammatory process caused by Mycoplasma fermentans. To this regard, it should be noted that several projects are currently ongoing to develop H2S-releasing compounds as candidate drugs capable of alleviating cell deterioration and to reduce the rate of decline in organ function. In the second part of this study, we investigated the role of Mycoplasma infection in cellular transformation. Infectious agents are involved in the etiology of many different cancers and a number of studies are still investigating the role of microbiota in tumor development. Mycoplasma has been associated with some human cancers, such as prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in HIV-seropositive people, and its potential causative role and molecular mechanisms involved are being actively investigated. To this regard, in vitro studies demonstrated that, upon infection, Mycoplasma suppresses the transcriptional activity of p53, key protein in the cancer suppression. As a consequence, infected cells were less susceptible to apoptosis and proliferated more than the uninfected cells. The mechanism(s) responsible for the Mycoplasma-induced inhibitory effect on p53 were not determined. Aim of the second part of this thesis was to better understand the tumorigenic role of the microorganism, by investigating more in details the effect(s) of Mycoplasma on p53 activity in an adenocarcinoma HCT116 cell line. Treatment of Mycoplasma-infected cells with 5FU or with Nutlin, two molecules that induce p53 activity, resulted in cellular proliferation comparable to untreated controls. These results suggested that Mycoplasma infection inhibited p53 activity. Immunoprecipitation of p53 with specific antibodies, and subsequent Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) assays, allowed us to identify several Mycoplasma-specific proteins interacting with p53, such as DnaK, a prokaryotic heat shock protein and stress inducible chaperones. In cells transfected with DnaK we observed i) reduced p53 protein levels; ii) reduced activity and expression of p21, Bax and PUMA, iii) a marked increase in cells leaving G1 phase. Taken together, these data show an interaction between the human p53 and the Mycoplasma protein DnaK, with the consequent decreased p53 activity and decreased capability to respond to DNA damage and prevent cell proliferation. Our data indicate that Mycoplasma could be involved in cancer formation and the mechanism(s) has the potential to be a target for cancer diagnosis and treatment(s).
Aims: We evaluated the relationship of renal function and ischaemic and bleeding risk as well as the efficacy and safety of the P2Y12 platelet receptor inhibitor ticagrelor in stable patients with prior myocardial infarction (MI). Methods & Results: Patients with a history of MI 1-3 years prior from the Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Prior Heart Attack Using Ticagrelor Compared to Placebo on a Background of Aspirin (PEGASUS)-TIMI 54 were stratified based on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), with<60 ml/min/1.73m2 prespecified for analysis of the effect of ticagrelor on the primary efficacy composite of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke (MACE) and the primary safety endpoint of TIMI major bleeding. Of 20,898 patients, those with eGFR<60 (N=4,849, 23.2%) had a greater risk of MACE at 3 years relative to those without, which remained significant after multivariable adjustment (HRadj 1.54, 95% CI 1.27–1.85, p<0.001). The relative risk reduction in MACE with ticagrelor was similar in those with eGFR<60 (ticagrelor pooled vs. placebo: HR 0.81; 95% CI 0.68–0.96) vs. ≥60 (HR 0.88; 95% CI 0.77–1.00, pinteraction=0.44). However, due to the greater absolute risk in the former group, the absolute risk reduction with ticagrelor was higher: 2.7% vs. 0.63%. Bleeding tended to occur more frequently in patients with renal dysfunction. The absolute increase in TIMI major bleeding with ticagrelor was similar in those with and without eGFR<60 (1.19% vs. 1.43%), whereas the excess of minor bleeding tended to be more pronounced (1.93% vs. 0.69%). Conclusion: In patients with a history of MI, patients with renal dysfunction are at increased risk of MACE and consequently experience a particularly robust absolute risk reduction with long-term treatment with ticagrelor.
Asthma is a multifactorial disease for which a variety of mouse models have been developed. A major drawback of these models is represented by the transient nature of the airway pathology peaking 24 to 72 hours after challenge and resolving in 1 to 2 weeks. The objective of this study is to characterize the temporal evolution of pulmonary inflammation and remodeling in a recently described mouse model of chronic asthma (8 week treatment with 3 allergens relevant for the human pathology: Dust mite, Ragweed, and Aspergillus; DRA). We studied the DRA model taking advantage of fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) imaging using near-infrared probes to non-invasively evaluate lung inflammation and airway remodeling. At 4, 6, 8 or 11 weeks, cathepsin- and metalloproteinase-dependent fluorescence was evaluated in vivo. A subgroup of animals, after 4 weeks of DRA, was treated with Budesonide (100 µg/kg intranasally) daily for 4 weeks. Cathepsin-dependent fluorescence in DRA-sensitized mice resulted significantly increased at 6 and 8 weeks, and was markedly inhibited by budesonide. This fluorescent signal well correlated with ex vivo analysis such as bronchoalveolar lavage eosinophils and alveolar cell infiltration. Metalloproteinase-dependent fluorescence was significantly increased at 8 and 11 weeks, nicely correlated with collagen deposition, as evaluated histologically by Masson’s Trichrome staining, and airway epithelium hypertrophy, and was also partly inhibited by budesonide. In conclusion, FMT proved suitable for longitudinal study to evaluate asthma progression, both in terms of inflammatory cell infiltration and airway remodeling, allowing the determination of treatment efficacy in a chronic asthma model in mice.
RIASSUNTO Premesse: Nonostante l’asma sia stata considerata per anni come un’unica malattia, studi recenti ne dimostrano l’eterogeneità. L’intento di caratterizzare tale eterogeneità ha condotto a studiare molteplici sottogruppi ovvero “fenotipi”. Nell’asma comune questo approccio è stato utilizzato da svariati anni, meno invece nell’asma occupazionale. Poco è noto anche riguardo alle caratteristiche della risposta infiammatoria nel corso dei test di provocazione bronchiale specifici (SIC) con isocianati valutata con metodiche non invasive; in particolare l’origine dell’incremento di ossido nitrico misurato ad un flusso espiratorio di 50 ml/s (FeNO50) precedentemente riscontrato, se sia alveolare o bronchiale, i livelli di dimetilarginina asimmetrica (ADMA) e la temperatura dell’aria espirata (EBT). Scopi dello studio: 1) verificare se anche per l’asma occupazionale (OA) da isocianati siano individuabili dei fenotipi o se essa ne rappresenti uno unico 2) studiare l’infiammazione delle vie aeree sperimentalmente indotta tramite: la misurazione dell’NO frazionato mediante i parametri “flow-independent” che stimano sia la regione alveolare, ovvero la concentrazione di NO alveolare (CaNO), che la regione bronchiale ovvero il flusso di NO a livello bronchiale (JawNO), la concentrazione di NO a livello della parete bronchiale (CawNO) e la diffusione di NO all’interfaccia lume-parete bronchiale (DawNO); la misurazione dell’ADMA nel condensato dell’aria esalata (EBC); la misurazione dell’EBT. Materiali e metodi: Per lo studio sulla fenotipizzazione dell’asma da isocianati sono stati esaminati pazienti risultati positivi al test di provocazione bronchiale specifico con isocianati nel periodo compreso tra il 1988 e il 2013. Mediante l’utilizzo di un approccio multivariato dato dall’analisi gerarchica dei cluster e di un ampio pool di variabili appropriate abbiamo studiato se i soggetti affetti da asma professionale da isocianati rappresentino uno o più cluster. Mediante un altro approccio multivariato, dato dall’analisi delle k-medie, si sono individuate le caratteristiche che differenziano in maniera significativa i soggetti distribuiti nei diversi cluster. Per il secondo scopo dello studio dal 2012 al 2015 abbiamo reclutato soggetti afferiti presso il nostro centro per sospetta asma professionale. In questi pazienti in corso di sham-test e di SIC con isocianati fino a 24 post test sono stati monitorati e misurati: la funzionalità respiratoria incluso il test di provocazione bronchiale aspecifico con metacolina, l’NO frazionato, l’ADMA nell’EBC e l’EBT. Risultati: L’utilizzo dell’analisi gerarchica dei cluster ci ha portati a stabilire che i 187 pazienti studiati non costituiscono un unico gruppo omogeneo ma possono essere suddivisi in 3 cluster. L’applicazione poi del metodo multivariato delle k-medie, su tre cluster, ci ha consentito di individuare due cluster di pazienti sensibilizzati a TDI con prevalente risposta late al SIC e un cluster di pazienti sensibilizzati a MDI con prevalente risposta early al SIC. I soggetti appartenenti ai due cluster dei TDI differiscono fra di loro in maniera significativa per l’età alla diagnosi e all’esordio dei sintomi respiratori, la distribuzione per sesso, il BMI, la distribuzione in quanto abitudine al fumo, l’IT, il FEV1 basale % del predetto, l’età di inizio esposizione, gli anni di latenza e la durata dell’esposizione. Per quanto riguarda invece lo studio del profilo infiammatorio delle vie aeree abbiamo reclutato 25 pazienti, 18 maschi e 7 femmine. Nel gruppo dei SIC-positivi FeNO50 è aumentato significativamente a 24 ore dal test (mediana 111.8 ppb [IQR, 167.5]; p<0.05) se confrontato con lo sham (58.6 ppb [74.7]). I livelli di JawNO hanno manifestato il medesimo time-course con un incremento significativo post 24 ore dall’esposizione (6.6 nL/s [81]; p <0.05) se confrontato con lo sham (3.3 nL/s [3.7]). Non sono state riscontrate significative variazioni negli altri parametri. Non sono state riscontrate significative variazioni dell’ADMA nell’EBC e dell’EBT in entrambi i gruppi. Conclusioni: L’asma da isocianati è una patologia eterogenea come l’asma comune. Gli elementi principali che differenziano i cluster di asma professionale da isocianati sono l’agente sensibilizzante e il tipo di risposta al SIC (cluster 3 vs cluster 1 e 2). Anche nell’ambito dell’asma indotta dallo stesso agente (TDI) si sono evidenziati due cluster in cui quello con peggiore funzionalità respiratoria è rappresentato da soggetti più anziani alla diagnosi e con maggiore durata dell’esposizione. I motivi per cui l’asma occupazionale risulta essere eterogenea possono essere un differente meccanismo d’azione dei monomeri o una diversa suscettibilità degli individui appartenenti ai diversi cluster sia in termini di insorgenza della malattia sia in termini di evoluzione della stessa. L’assetto infiammatorio delle vie aeree nel corso del SIC non si caratterizza nei soggetti sensibilizzati ad isocianati né con un incremento dell’ADMA né con un incremento dell’EBT. Si riscontra invece un aumento di FeNO50 dovuto esclusivamente ad un aumentato flusso di NO dalla parete bronchiale al lume. Abbiamo perciò dimostrato che la misurazione del FeNO50 nel corso del SIC può fornire informazioni aggiuntive al monitoraggio funzionale spirometrico, anche perché la broncoostruzione e la risposta infiammatoria delle vie aeree si sono rivelate dissociate.
Growing evidence suggest the importance of different environments in promoting the pathogenesis and/or exacerbation of asthma. Indoor air pollution is a major contributor to human exposure, since people spend up to 90% of their day indoors. Apart from active smoking, indoor pollution is considered one of the major preventable risk factors of chronic respiratory diseases. The professional activity can also be dangerous because it exposes the subject to environments that can promote the onset of asthma or worsening of the latter in those already affected. Even bad habits such as incorrect diet, lead to more difficulty in controlling their disease. However asthma is a multifactorial disease in nature so it is not easy to distinguish the role of occupational exposure, pollution and normal habits such as smoking, nutrition, sports, etc. This retrospective study was conducted on a sample of asthma patients residing in the metropolitan area of Parma. 116 patients were selected among those who are followed up at least two years at the Asthma outpatient Clinic of Parma University Hospital. The sample in question is therefore closely controlled and monitored; it comes to patients who are well educated on the control of their disease, are able to take appropriate measures to minimize the symptomatology. With this tight approach is proposed to minimize the effect of confounding and then traced with greater certainty the possible cause of the failure to control the disease. For this purpose, each patient was subjected to regular checkups; we took as a reference the period of time between April and October 2015. During each visit, in addition to general data for each patient, we were collected personal information about their habits and way of life through a validated questionnaire delivered and completed by the patient during the visit in the presence of the permanent staff. The questionnaire covers mainly the qualification of the patient, its possible occupational exposure, his home, with information about nearby traffic, time spent outside, physical activity (place and time), exposure to chemicals, exposure to various fumes (fireplace or stove) and cigarette smoke, comorbidities and any drugs taken during the visits considered. Regarding the respiratory conditions of patients during every examination we were considered: Asthma Control Test (a test performed by patients to assess the state of the disease during the month preceding the test), the measurement of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) as an index of airways inflammation, measuring the resistance level of small airways (R5-R20) and some spirometric values observed in experiment; in particular the forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV 1), FEV1/FVC ratio, forced expiratory flow rate over the middle 50% of the FVC (FEF25–75) and FEF25-75/FVC were recorded. The sample has been studied considering both the changes of the respiratory parameters for every patient in their examinations, and the respiratory parameters of all the examinations took as a whole in relation with the variables considered. From the results obtained, the patients are clinically stable; their adopted lifestyle and the exposure to possible sources of outdoor pollution, seems not affect the overall control of their disease. Some findings of our study are of interest. First, the subjects who carry a steroid therapy show a clinical worst, as revealed by the decrease of most spirometric indices, particularly FEF25, FEF75, FEF25-75 and R5-R20; also, the presence of comorbidities and the subsequent intake of other drugs, in addition to normal therapy for asthma, seem to be conditions associated with poorer performance in the functional respiratory parameters in particular FEV1/FVC, FEF75 and FEF25-75. Spirometric indexes that are down are mainly those related to obstruction imposed on small airways; this suggests a neglect to the latter on the contrary should be further explored and treated accordingly. It is also observed that both patients are overweight than those living on the lower floors and/or who have the most windows exposed to traffic, showed a decrease of pulmonary function, especially those relate to an obstruction at the small airways level. In conclusion, our results provided the evidence that a most appropriate therapy, specific to reach the small airways, associated with a healthy lifestyle, can help improve the management of asthma.