18 resultados para the lies

em Aquatic Commons


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ENGLISH: This study was undertaken to determine whether meristic characters indicate that more than one major population of anchovetas occurs in the range of the species from Mexico to Peru. Interest in this species lies in the fact that it is the principal bait fish used to catch yellowfin and skipjack tunas in the Eastern Pacific. Specimens examined were from collections made by California tuna fishing vessels at six major baiting localities covering nearly the entire range of the species, namely, Almejas Bay on the outer coast of Baja California, Guaymas and Ahome Point in the Gulf of California, Gulf of Fonseca, Gulf of Panama, and Gulf of Guayaquil. Four meristic characters were selected for study: vertebrae, dorsal fin rays, anal fin rays, and gill rakers on the first gill arch. Vertebral counts, using X-ray film, were taken from a total of 1,500 fish, 250 each from each of the six localities. For the other characters, 125 anchovetas were examined from each locality for a total of 750, the counts being made with the aid of a binocular microscope. Specimens were between 80 and 165 mm. standard length. SPANISH: Este estudio ha sido hecho con el propósito de determinar si los caracteres numéricos de las anchovetas indican que existe más de una población de este pez en la zona en que se encuentra la especie, comprendida entre México y Perú. El interés en dicha especie radica en el hecho de que éste es el pez de carnada usado principalmente para la pesca de los atunes "aleta amarilla" y "barrilete" en el Pacífico Oriental. Los especímenes que han sido examinados, se tomaron de las muestras recogidas por los barcos atuneros de California en seis de las mejores localidades en que se pesca la anchoveta, las cuales comprenden casi toda la zona en donde se encuentra la especie, a saber, Bahía de Almejas en la costa exterior de Baja California, Guaymas y Punta Ahorne en el Golfo de California, el Golfo de Fonseca, el Golfo de Panamá y el Golfo de Guayaquil. Cuatro caracteres numéricos fueron escogidos para su estudio: los que presentan 1) las vértebras, 2) los radios de la aleta dorsal, 3) los radios de la aleta anal y 4) las branquispinas del primer arco branquial. Mediante el uso de películas con rayos X, se contaron las vértebras en un total de 1,500 peces, es decir, 250 de cada una de las seis mencionadas localidades. En relación con los otros caracteres, se examinaron 125 anchovetas de cada área, o sea, un total de 750 ejemplares, habiendo sido hecho el conteo por medio de un microscopio binocular. Los especímenes tenían un largo standard entre 80 y 165 milímetros. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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A discussion is presented on the potential for fishery development in the Niger Delta region, considering engineering activities and food production potentials of the freshwater zone and immediate hinterland, the brackishwater mangrove swamps and the estuaries. An examination of current trends in the environment indicates that a possible solution to improved exploitation of the region lies in hydraulic engineering, the manipulation of environmental conditions through varying freshwater and seawater inputs so as to increase aquatic and wetland productivity


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Lake Chad is a very large, shallow eutrophic lake shared by Chad, Nigeria, Niger and Cameroun. It supplies approximately 13% of Nigeria's inland fish. It however lies in an unstable ecological environment characterised by intermittent period of rainfall and drought. This creates a very large draw down area. Consequently, the fisheries are affected by the oscillation in the size of lake due to the drought. Other factors affecting the volume of water are the numerous dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effect of dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effects of dams and overexploitation. Previous records of fish production, species composition and distribution, the status of the fish stocks, their sizes are compared with more recent data. The status of the fishery before and after the contraction of the lake is discussed. Suggestion for a national exploitation of the lake based on habitat improvement, increasing the volume of the water in the lake through controlled use of the influent rivers as well as reduction in overfishing are made


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The Azraq oasis lies in the Jordanian desert, about 85 km east of Amman. In this brief paper the author summarises his observations from a visit to the oasis in 1991, discusses the effects of pumping groundwater from the oasis to Amman and presents results from a plankton survey.


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The Goggausee, in spite of its modest depth (Zmax = 12 metres), shows meromictic properties: autumn and spring circulation extend only to a depth of 8 metres. The water layers below about 10 metres are constantly oxygen-free, the critical zone with at least intermittent oxygen loss lies at a depth of between 6 and 10 metres. A limnological excursion in May 1974 offered an opportunity to investigate the daily vertical migration of the species Chaoborus flavicans with reference to its food supply of zooplankton as well as the chance to carry out some preliminary experiments on its rate of food intake. Among the studied features were the planktonic depth distribution of Chaoborus flavicans and the food intake of Chaoborus larvae under experimental conditions.


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Most of the humic substances which occur in natural waters have an iron content of a few percent, indicated by the mg/1 content of organically-bonded carbon. This iron is apparently bound in a complex with the humic substances, for it quite plainly differs in its chemical and physico-chemical properties from what one would expect from the purely inorganic iron-water system. The deviations range from the solubility to the redox behaviour, and thus are frequently the basis of analytical and technical difficulties. The key to the solution of most of this problem lies in a better understanding of the aforementioned bonds between the iron and the humic substances. This paper studies the iron content of the humic substance concentration from a bog lake sample and the complexing of iron by humic substances from the surface of the bog lake.


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The life cycle of the river lamprey, L. fluviatilis, is reviewed. The larval lamprey, or ammocoete, is a blind, filter-feeding animal, which normally lies concealed in the silt deposits of streams and rivers. After a period of 3-5 years in fresh water the ammocoete undergoes a metamorphosis in the summer months into a sexually immature, non-feeding stage known as the macrophthalia, which is active. This stage migrates downstream in late winter. It adopts a parasitic existence, in intertidal areas. After 18 months it returns to spawn in fresh water, after a final freshwater stage lasting up to 9 months. The river lamprey dies within a few days after the spawning period of 3-4 weeks, and none survive to spawn the following year.


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Parallel trials form a most important part of the technique of scientific experimentation. Such trials may be divided into two; categories. In the first the results are comparable measurements of one kind or another. In the second the data consist of records of the number of times a certain 'event' has occurred in the two sets of trials compared. Only trials of the second category are dealt with here. In this paper all the reliable methods of testing for significance the results of parallel trials of a certain type with special reference to fishery research are described fully. Some sections relate to exact, others to approximate tests. The only advantage in the use of the latter lies in the fact that they are often the more expeditious. Apart from this it is always preferable to use exact methods.


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Although geographically the River Wyre lies between two rivers containing major migrations of adult salmon and sea trout, its rod & line fisheries have for a number of years produced exceptionally low catches. In order to determine the causes of this the Wyre Salmon and Sea trout Restoration Group (WSSRG) was conceived in 1994 as a partnership between the then National Rivers Authority (now Environment Agency), local landowners, angling clubs and interested parties. Two studies of 1994 and 1995 stated that there is a shortage of useable spawning gravels on the river. This is compounded by Abbeystead Reservoir acting as a gravel trap, the siltation of gravels on several side becks and problems with access to available gravels by returning adults. There was also perceived to be a need for accurate fishery data from the river encompassing redd counts, catch data and surveys of fry populations. The 1995 report suggested a number of management proposals which might be adopted in order to improve and create available spawning habitat for migratory salmonids. Funding was made available to create three spawning gravels on each of two side becks (Grizedale Beck and Joshua's Beck) and the addition of gravels to a site oh the main river below Abbeystead Reservoir. Modifications were also made to the fish pass at Abbeystead to allow easier passage of fish. These improvements were made in the autumn of 1995. Salmonid spawning redd counting was undertaken on the whole Wyre catchment in 1995/1996 and specific surveys by electric fishing on the gravel enhancement sites in the summer of 1996. This report details the current state of the improvement works that were undertaken and presents the results of electric fishing surveys in September 1996. A number of lessons have been learnt which will be of great benefit to the Fisheries Function in other parts of the Wyre catchment and the Central Area in general.


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In recent years, a decrease in the abundance of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) has been observed (Fahay et al., 1999; Munch and Conover, 2000) that has led to increased interest in a better understanding the life history of the species. Estimates of several young-of-the-year (YOY) life history characteristics, including the importance and use of estuaries as nursery habitat (Kendall and Walford, 1979) and size-dependant mortality (Hare and Cowen, 1997), are reliant upon the accuracy of growth determination. By using otoliths, it is possible to use back-calculation formulae (BCFs) to estimate the length at certain ages and stages of development for many species of fishes. Use of otoliths to estimate growth in this way can provide the same information as long-term laboratory experiments and tagging studies without the time and expense of rearing or recapturing fish. The difficulty in using otoliths in this way lies in validating that 1) there is constancy in the periodicity of the increment formation, and 2) there is no uncoupling of the relationship between somatic and otolith growth. To date there are no validation studies demonstrating the relationship between otolith growth and somatic growth for bluefish. Daily increment formation in otoliths has been documented for larval (Hare and Cowen, 1994) and juvenile bluefish (Nyman and Conover, 1988). Hare and Cowen (1995) found ageindependent variability in the ratio of otolith size to body length in early age bluefish, although these differences varied between ontogenetic stages. Furthermore, there have been no studies where an evaluation of back-calculation methods has been combined with a validation of otolithderived lengths for juvenile bluefish.


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The black clam, Villorita cyprinoides, is the most important clam species landed in India. The State of Kerala has been, by far, the leading producer of the species. Nearly all the landings, about 25,000 tons (t)/year are harvested in Vembanad Lake, the largest estuary, 96 km (54 mi) long, on the west coast of India. Nearly 4,000 fishermen harvest the black clams year-round. They harvest most by hand while diving in waters from 2.1–2.7 m (7–9 ft) deep. Each collects 150–200 kg (3–5 bushels)/day. Upon returning from the harvesting beds, the fishermen and their families cook the clams and separate their meats from their shells using simple sieves. Fishermen’s wives sell the meats within their local villages and save some for their families to eat. The shells are sold through organized fishermen societies to various industries. A substantial quantity of sub-fossil black clam shells lies buried from 22–50 cm (9–20 in) beneath the lake sediments. They are dredged in a controlled manner and sold to the same industries. The stocks of black clams seem to be declining slowly in the southern part of the lake because the water has been getting fresher, but they are not declining in the northern half. A likely threat to the landings may be a lack of fishermen in the future.


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The 19th century commercial ship-based fishery for gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, in the eastern North Pacific began in 1846 and continued until the mid 1870’s in southern areas and the 1880’s in the north. Henderson identified three periods in the southern part of the fishery: Initial, 1846–1854; Bonanza, 1855–1865; and Declining, 1866–1874. The largest catches were made by “lagoon whaling” in or immediately outside the whale population’s main wintering areas in Mexico—Magdalena Bay, Scammon’s Lagoon, and San Ignacio Lagoon. Large catches were also made by “coastal” or “alongshore” whaling where the whalers attacked animals as they migrated along the coast. Gray whales were also hunted to a limited extent on their feeding grounds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in summer. Using all available sources, we identified 657 visits by whaling vessels to the Mexican whaling grounds during the gray whale breeding and calving seasons between 1846 and 1874. We then estimated the total number of such visits in which the whalers engaged in gray whaling. We also read logbooks from a sample of known visits to estimate catch per visit and the rate at which struck animals were lost. This resulted in an overall estimate of 5,269 gray whales (SE = 223.4) landed by the ship-based fleet (including both American and foreign vessels) in the Mexican whaling grounds from 1846 to 1874. Our “best” estimate of the number of gray whales removed from the eastern North Pacific (i.e. catch plus hunting loss) lies somewhere between 6,124 and 8,021, depending on assumptions about survival of struck-but-lost whales. Our estimates can be compared to those by Henderson (1984), who estimated that 5,542–5,507 gray whales were secured and processed by ship-based whalers between 1846 and 1874; Scammon (1874), who believed the total kill over the same period (of eastern gray whales by all whalers in all areas) did not exceed 10,800; and Best (1987), who estimated the total landed catch of gray whales (eastern and western) by American ship-based whalers at 2,665 or 3,013 (method-dependent) from 1850 to 1879. Our new estimates are not high enough to resolve apparent inconsistencies between the catch history and estimates of historical abundance based on genetic variability. We suggest several lines of further research that may help resolve these inconsistencies.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Clipperton Atoll (10°18'N, 109°13'W), lies within the eastern Pacific elongated warm water pool centered at 10°N and is situated at the boundary of the North Equatorial Counter-Current (NECC) and westward-flowing eddy currents moving away from Central America. ... Fifteen coral cores were collected from massive heads of Porites lobata in April 1994 for the purpose of reconstructing oceanographic and climatic conditions at this open ocean site in the eastern Pacific.


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A key to understanding the causes for climate variability lies in understanding how atmospheric circulation influences regional climate. The goal of this research is to investigate the long-term relationships between atmospheric circulation and winter climate in the southwestern United States. Patterns of atmospheric circulation are described by circulation indices, and winter climate is defined as number of days with precipitation and mean maximum temperature for the winter wet season, November through March. Records of both circulation indices and climate variables were reconstructed with tree-ring chronologies for the period 1702-1983. The years of the highest and lowest values of circulation indices and climate variables were compared in order to investigate possible spatial and temporal relationships between extremes in circulation and climate.


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Pedro Bank is about 1,300 square miles in extent and lies at the mouth of the Palk Strait close to the mainland, enabling smaller boats to exploit it. Trawl surveys indicated the presence of substantial demersal varieties on the Pedro Bank, but the results of the early commercial operations indicate that a 135-foot trawler may not be operated continuously on the bank without diminishing returns. Subsequent to the commercial operations extensive surveys with smaller boats and various types of gear were carried out. Of the various types of gear tried out, results from bottom long lining and hand lining operations were promising. Trials were carried out to compare these two types of gear. Though not extensive, these trials indicated that at the initial stages of exploitation of the Bank, hand lining, which is extensively practiced in Ceylon, may be better but as exploitation progresses; with more experience, it should be possible to overcome some of the present disadvantages of bottom long lining and eventually bottom long lining should produce better results. The recently introduced mechanised craft are exploiting only the fringe of the bank and it should be possible to exploit its stocks fully with slightly bigger boats with a 35-40 mile range.