21 resultados para oil-water separation

em Aquatic Commons


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The shelf-life of standardized horse mackerel fish balls was assessed by biochemical, microbiological, organoleptic and other spoilage changes at 0-2°C. There was decrease in pH value, moisture and the organoleptic scores. Expressible water percentage, TMA-N, TVB-N and peroxide value showed increasing trends. Total plate count also increased gradually during storage. Water separation in the treated sample was observed after 12 days and slimy consistency was noticed in the control sample on the 24th day. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that fish balls can be stored at 0-2°C for 20 days.


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Four groups of brackishwater catfish were fed four diets: N.F. (NIOMR formula 1 feed), A. B. and C. for seven weeks. Feeds N.F., A., B and C. contained 1.21% fish oil + 5.59% vegetable oil; 1.21% fish oil + 7.39% vegetable oil; 1.21% fish oil + 9.09% vegetable oil; 1.21% fish oil + 10.89% vegetable oil respectively. Results of feeding trial showed that growth was best in the group fed diets containing 10.89% vegetable oil and least in those containing 9.09% vegetable oil


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The shelf-life of frozen oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) can be improved by preserving the fish immediately after catch in chilled sea water before freezing. Delayed icing caused considerable deterioration in quality and reduced frozen shelf-life. Oil sardine preserved in chilled sea water were found to be suitable for freezing up to 5 days whereas iced samples could be frozen only up to 2 days.


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In the primary studying, known leeches have included into free living and parasitic which the parasitic group, besides of direct impacts like: growth detraction, anemia, making wound in the connecting part with the skin, with making plat for secondary bacterial and molding infections in the toll place, is able to cause to transfer blood flagellate and virus to the fish too. Therefore, by accusing information related to fauna leeches of each area a risk factor from the viewpoint of the possibility of being or accusing transferred diseases by these leeches, one can predict and forehand about them. Freshwater leeches of Iran to present accurate recognition (morphological, molecular) have not been, and there are some limited reports from different parts of the country about them. One of the areas that its leeches have not been identified yet is Kurdistan, By having five latrines and big permanent rivers and 32000 springs and a lot of deep and semi-deep wells and this province is a convenient bed for growing aquatics in the country. Therefore, identifying risk factors for development of aquaculture on water resources is one important factor to access achieving development goals. For recognizing leeches of this province, some samples from 10 stands were token. Samples from under stones, sticking to the fish, turtles, plants and solid substances in the water were separated and after recording their physical characteristics, calming with 10% ethylic alcohol with 10% formalin become fixed and after painting with Carmen acetic acid by standard keys for 7 species of Helobdella stagnalis, Placobdella costata, Hemiclepsis marginata, Erpobdella octoculata, Hirudo medicinalis, Dina lineate lineata have been identified and described. Which Helobdella stagnalis has the highest distribution in the province and the minimum one is Hirudo medicinalis. However, that the data obtained in leeches in Kurdistan is a relatively complete collection in this research, recognizing fauna of these areas needs more studying. The Placobdella costata and Hemiclepsis marginata sticking to the fish were separated among identified species which showed that these are parasites for the fish. The sticking area of those leeches to the skin was accompanied with scales cast, damage to mucous membranes beneath the parasite and bleeding Was associated with Histopathology studying effect includes observing break and disconnection in the leech connecting place to the epithelial layer of epidermis in the skin, destroyed nucleus in skin Epithelial cells with observing necrosis in ulcerative place become of the leech and the sub acute inflammated penetration until acute necrosis with opening in Dermis layer is observable. Kidney of this fish have changes such as: proliferation, like proliferative kidney disease with increasing proliferative glomerular cells and increasing in membranous cells in Capillary corpuscle, observing necrotic cells in haematopoietic tissue of kidney along with increasing in infiltration of leukocyte's cells generally mono nucluars such as lymphocytes and less poly morpho nucluars such as neutrophiles that are symptoms of disorders causing anemia become of nourishing and sucking blood by the leech and creating a chronic kidney infection that originally root is in another place like the skin. Also Hemorrhagic anemia causes losing RBC's is because of using the host blood by the leech. (In this situation, one can see immature RBC red cells in Peripheral blood. To identify potential carriers of the leech to the viruses, after finding them in recorded stands and putting them in 75% ethanol for viruses cause IPN, VHS, IHN, they were tested by PCR that the conclusion of these experiments approved IPN virus in Hemiclepsis marginata and Hirudo medicinalis. This kind of leeches can act like a mechanical carrier and causing spreading the agent of this disease. It is worth mentioning that studying the pathogenicity of this virus for aquaculture sources, mentioned before needs more research. During the study of infected fish with leeches that was done after preparing bloody slides and staining them, no case blood parasites was observed. During a research about infecting fish experimentally to known leeches it become clear that 5 days after being in aquarium including leeches, samples of sticking Hirudo medicinalis leech to the golden carp with scales cast were observed. Including leeches to the fish started with molting the scales in the sticking area in the fish and fish become too uneasy and by rubbing themselves to the malls and things inside the aquarium, tried to separate them. Finally, after around 30 hours, leeches penetrate the skin, feeding from blood and tissue liquids and cause mortality the fish and then they become separated from them. If the corpse of these fish stayed in the aquarium, the Helobdella stagnalis and Erpobdella octoculata would start feeding them.


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This review examines water quality and stress indicators at levels of organisation from the individual to the community and beyond by means of three case studies concentrating on rocky shores within the north-east Atlantic. Responses of dogwhelks (Nucella) to tributyltin pollution from antifouling paints is examined as the main case study. There are effects at the individual level (development of male sexual characteristics in the female leading to effective sterility) and population level (reduction in juveniles, few females and eventual population disappearance of dogwhelks in badly contaminated areas) but information on community level effects of dogwhelk demise is sparse. Such effects were simulated by dogwhelk removal experiments on well studied, moderately exposed ledges on shores on the Isle of Man. The removal of dogwhelks reduced the size and longevity of newly established Fucus clumps that had escaped grazing. Removal of dogwhelks also increased the likelihood of algal escapes. In a factorial experiment dogwhelks were shown to be less important than limpets \{Patella) in structuring communities but still had a significant modifying effect by increasing the probability of algal escapes. Community level responses to stress on rocky shores are then explored by reference to catastrophic impacts such as oil spills, using the Torrey Canyon as a case study. Recovery of the system in response to this major perturbation took between 10-15 years through a series of damped oscillations. The final case study is that of indicators of ecosystem level change in response to climate fluctuations, using ratios of northern \{Semibalanus balanoides) and southern (Chthamalus spp.) barnacles. Indices derived from counts on the shore show good correlations with inshore sea-water temperatures after a 2-year lag phase. The use of barnacles to measure offshore changes is reviewed. The discussion considers the use of bioindicators at various levels of organisation.


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Ninety (90) hatchery bred fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus (mean weight: 0.96 ± 0.1g) were randomly placed in 15 plastic baths (25 litres each) at the Research laboratory and were exposed to different concentrations of oil products to determine their effects on the fish, to facilitate inferential deductions that will enhance effective aquatic environmental management. Three (3) replicate basins of 5 experimental treatments (crude oil, petrol oil, kerosene oil, engine oil and control) were used at a concentration of 1.25ml. L-1. The control experiment was devoid of oil treatment. Six (6) fingerlings were placed in each replicate basin, flooded with 20 litres of clean tap water and fed with nutrafin cichilid food, 2 times daily at 3% body weight. The results showed that the feeding behaviour and swimming performances of fish were reduced after 24 hours of the addition of the various oil pollutants. Mortality of fingerlings in the oiled basins increased as the hours of exposure increased (i.e. 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours). Recovery was not immediate in the treated basin while surviving fingerlings in the control basins grew up to post-fingerlings after 90 days (3 months). There were significant differences (P<0.01 and P<0.05) in the effect of crude oil and the petroleum products on the mortality rate of C. gariepinus when exposed to oil pollutants at 1.25ml. L-1 concentration


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To investigate the possibility that oil and gas platforms may reduce recruitment of rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) to natural habitat, we simulated drift pathways termed “trajectories” in our model) from an existing oil platform to nearshore habitat using current measurements from high-frequency (HF) radars. The trajectories originated at Platform Irene, located west of Point Conception, California, during two recruiting seasons for bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis): May through August, 1999 and 2002. Given that pelagic juvenile bocaccio dwell near the surface, the trajectories estimate transport to habitat. We assumed that appropriate shallow water juvenile habitat exists inshore of the 50-m isobath. Results from 1999 indicated that 10% of the trajectories represent transport to habitat, whereas 76% represent transport across the offshore boundary. For 2002, 24% represent transport to habitat, and 69% represent transport across the offshore boundary. Remaining trajectories (14% and 7% for 1999 and 2002, respectively) exited the coverage area either northward or southward along isobaths. Deployments of actual drifters (with 1-m drogues) from a previous multiyear study provided measurements originating near Platform Irene from May through August. All but a few of the drifters moved offshore, as was also shown with the HF radar-derived trajectories. These results indicate that most juvenile bocaccio settling on the platform would otherwise have been transported offshore and perished in the absence of a platform. However, these results do not account for the swimming behavior of juvenile bocaccio, about which little is known.


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A study was initiated in May 2011, under the direction of the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Deepwater Benthic Communities Technical Working Group (NRDA Deep Benthic TWG), to assess potential impacts of the DWH oil spill on sediments and resident benthic fauna in deepwater (> 200 meters) areas of the Gulf. Key objectives of the study were to complete the analysis of samples from 65 priority stations sampled in September-October 2010 on two DWH Response cruises (Gyre and Ocean Veritas) and from 38 long-term monitoring sites (including a subset of 35 of the original 65) sampled on a follow-up NRDA cruise in May-June 2011. The present progress report provides a brief summary of results from the initial processing of samples from fall 2010 priority sites (plus three additional historical sites). Data on key macrofaunal, meiofaunal, and abiotic environmental variables are presented for each of these samples and additional maps are included to depict spatial patterns in these variables throughout the study region. The near-field zone within about 3 km of the wellhead, where many of the stations showed evidence of impaired benthic condition (e.g. low taxa richness, high nematode/harpacticoid-copepod ratios), also is an area that contained some of the highest concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (total PAHs), and barium in sediments (as possible indicators of DWH discharges). There were similar co-occurrences at other sites outside this zone, especially to the southwest of the wellhead out to about 15 km. However, there also were exceptions to this pattern, for example at several farther-field sites in deeper-slope and canyon locations where there was low benthic species richness but no evidence of exposure to DWH discharges. Such cases are consistent with historical patterns of benthic distributions in relation to natural controlling factors such as depth, position within canyons, and availability of organic matter derived from surface-water primary production.


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The liver, heart and muscle tissues of Rohu, (Labeo rohita, Hamilton) were examined for their ubiquinone (UQ) and tocopherol contents. These three tissues contained respectively 11.60, 3.94 and 0.19 mg of ubiquinone and 10.16, 5.32 and 3.58 mg of tocopherol per 100 g. The 4% (V/V) of diethyl ether (EE) in light petroleum ether (PE) fractions of all three tissues on paper chromatographic separation gave spots having the same Rf value as standard ubiquinone-50 (UQ 10). Both the 4% and 6% (V/V) diethyl ether in light petroleum ether fraction of liver, heart and muscle tissues gave a single spot with the same Rf value as α – tocopherol.


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Tullow Oil plc is to launch an onshore Early Production System (EPS) of oil drilling rated at 4,000 barrels of oil per day by 2009. The location of the EPS is in the Kaiso-Tonya area of Block 2 Oil Exploration Zone along Lake Albert within the Albertine graben. Tullow Oil plc contracted Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd in conjunction with Environmental Assessment Consult Limited (EACL) to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for pre-construction and operation of the proposed EPS. ERM in association with EACL requested National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) to conduct a baseline survey of water quality and invertebrates in River Hohwa. This study was requested as part of an earlier baseline survey conducted at the Kaiso-Ngassa spit oil exploration area in Block 2. It was conducted at five selected sites (Fig. 1 & Table 1) within the Hohwa River basin in the Kaiso-Tonya Exploration Area 2. The study was pertinent because the targeted oil wells for EPS are upstream this river which drains the Kaiso-Ngassa valley into Ngassa lagoon.


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This report gives the baseline information specifically on water quality (physical/chemical, nutrient and phytoplankton biomass status) of the open part of the lake, a river flowing into the lake and a lagoon, within Butiaba-Wanseko area. Oil and gas exploration in the Albertine Graben are on-going activities by Tullow Oil Plc, and Heritage Oil and Gas (Heritage). Part of the activities involve 2-D TZ seismic surveys in exploration area Block 2 (Butiaba-Wanseko area) in Buliisa District. A study of the transition zone (basically along the shoreline was undertaken by National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) on behalf of Environmental Assessment Consult Ltd (EACL) during September 2007. A major objective of the study was to carry out a baseline survey of the fisheries and water quality of the lake shore between Wanseko and Butiaba prior to the proposed 2-D Seisimic investigation.


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Hydrographic data collected from east coast of India during 1994 monsoon period revealed that these waters are highly characterized by upwelling especially in the coastal waters with more intensity in the southern part of the region. However, the near surface salinity stratification consequent to high fresh water inflow into the bay was absent in the present study. Oil sardines are directly influenced by hydrographic parameters such as salinity and temperature and stratification of these parameters are the major reasons for non-availability/migration of oil sardine from this region in the earlier years. Considering the recent topographical change in the east coast coupled with hydrological stability an attempt has been made in this paper to give reasonable justification to the reported bumper catches of oil sardines from 1994 on wards in the east coast of India.


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Storage characteristics of oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps), mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and seer (Scomberomorus guttatus) in refrigerated sea-water (RSW) were studied in comparison with their storage in crushed ice. Oil sardine stored in RSW was found to be comparable to iced ones only during the initial stages (up to 2 days) of storage and on further storage the former was found to be inferior to the latter. RSW can be advantageously employed for preservation of mackerel and seer. Mackerel and seer could be stored in RSW in acceptable condition for 4 to 6 days and 12 to 14 days respectively.


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Electrophoresis of eye lens proteins of oil sardine and mackerel showed separation of proteins into three and four components, indicating the heterogeneous nature of the population.