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em Aquatic Commons


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Much of what we know about the climate of the United States is derived from data gathered under the auspices of the cooperative climate network. Particular aspects of the way observations are taken can have significant influences on the values of climate statistics derived from the data. These influences are briefly reviewed. The purpose of this paper is to examine their effects on climatic time series. Two other items discussed are: (1) a comparison of true (24-hour) means with means derived from maximums and minimums only, and (2) preliminary work on the times of day at which maximums and minimums are set.


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A study was conducted to determine the effects of single injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and Durandron Forte 250 on sperm motility, vitality and density and also on the consistency of milt in newly caught, wild, mature milkfish (Chanos chanos). In contrast to HCG, single injections of Durandron Forte 250 were effective not only in inducing spermiation but also in maintaining newly caught mature males in good running condition for a maximum of 7 days, despite daily handling and collection of approximately 3ml milt.


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This document presents the results of the first three monitoring events to track the recovery of a repaired coral reef injured by the M/V Elpis vessel grounding incident of November 11, 1989. This grounding occurred within the boundaries of what at the time was designated the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary (NMS), now designated the Key Largo NMS Existing Management Area within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). Pursuant to the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA) 16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq., and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Protection Act (FKNMSPA) of 1990, NOAA is the federal trustee for the natural and cultural resources of the FKNMS. Under Section 312 of the NMSA, NOAA has the authority to recover monetary damages for injury, destruction, or loss of Sanctuary resources, and to use the recovered monies to restore injured or lost sanctuary resources within the FKNMS. The restoration monitoring program tracks patterns of biological recovery, determines the success of restoration measures, and assesses the resiliency to environmental and anthropogenic disturbances of the site over time. To evaluate restoration success, reference habitats adjacent to the restoration site are concurrently monitored to compare the condition of restored reef areas with natural coral reef areas unimpacted by the vessel grounding. Restoration of the site was completed September 1995, and thus far three monitoring events have occurred; one in the summer of 2004, one in the summer of 2005, and the latest in the summer of 2007. The monitoring in 2004 was in the nature of a “pilot project,” or proof of concept. Only the quantitative results of the 2005 and 2007 monitoring are presented and discussed. Monitoring has consisted of assessment of the structural stability of limestone boulders used in the restoration and comparison of the coral communities on the boulders and reference areas. Corals are divided into Gorgonians, Milleporans, and Scleractinians. Coral densities at the Restored and Reference areas for the 2005 and 2007 events are compared, and it is shown that the densities of all taxa in the Restored area are greater by 2007, though not significantly so. For the Scleractinians, number and percentage of colonies by species, as well as several common biodiversity indices are provided. The greater biodiversity of the Restored area is evidenced. Also, size-class frequency distributions for Agaricia spp. (Scleractinia) are presented. These demonstrate the approaching convergence of the Restored and Reference areas in this regard. An inter-annual comparison of densities, within both areas, for all three Orders, is presented. The most noteworthy finding was the relative consistency across time for all taxa in each area. Finally, certain anomalies regarding species settlement patterns are presented. (PDF contains 48 pages.)


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Monthly fish surveys were made from 1997-1999 in the Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria in order to estimate the magnitude of fisheries resources. Sample sites were defined using GPS while thirty minute hauls in alternate grid squares were made. Demersal fish biomass was estimated using the swept area method, while for trawling two different trawl nets were used. Collected fish was sorted into species, measured (TL) and weighed. Smaller fish were mixed on deck and sub-samples taken. Sexual maturity stages of fish were also observed. Areas with consistency high catches were located outside major urban and riverine influence where most artisanal fishermen were concentrated. Very low catches were obtained from areas that had recently been covered by water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes


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Examination of 40 time series of multidisciplinary environmental variables from the Pacific Ocean and the Americas, collected in 1968 to 1984, demonstrated the remarkable consistency of a major climate-related, step-like change in 1976. To combine the 40 variables (e.g., air and water temperatures, Southern Oscillation, chlorophyll, geese, salmon, crabs, glaciers, atmospheric dust, coral, carbon dioxide, winds, ice cover, Bering Strait transport) into a single time series, standard variants of individual annual values (subtracting the mean and dividing by a standard deviation) were averaged. Analysis of the resulting time series showed that the single step in 1976, separating the 1968-1975 period from the 1977-1984 period, accounted for 89% of variance within the composite time series. Apparently, one of the Earth's large ecosystems occasionally undergoes large abrupt shifts.


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This manual has been produced by members of the national acoustics group (NAG) and represents the first in a series of outputs designed to promote co-ordination and consistency in Agency hydroacoustic surveys. It is designed as a field guide for Agency staff operating the SIMRAD EY500 portable scientific echosounder. It should be simplistic enough for the newcomer to EY500 to be able to set up and run a mobile hydroacoustic survey with some knowledge of the supporting theory. It should act as guidance for standardisation of survey procedures providing a concise list of settings and recommendations that can be used as a quick reference guide in the field. This manual condenses 5 years of practical experience of surveying fish populations using Simrad hardware and software for surveying large rivers and still waters throughout England and Wales. This document should be used as a companion to the manufacturers instruction manual and not act as a substitute for it.


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The small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) (Linnaeus, 1758) and the longnose spurdog (Squalus blainville) (Risso, 1826) are two species occurring in the European and western African continental shelves with a wide geographical distribution. In this study, the diet of S. blainville and S. canicula off the Portuguese western Atlantic coast was investigated in 2006 by collecting monthly samples of these two species from local fishing vessels. In the stomachs of both species, crustaceans and teleosts were the dominant prey items, and molluscs, polychaetes, echinoderms, and sipunculids were found in lower abundance. In S. canicula, urochordate and chondrichthyan species were also observed in stomachs and were classified as accidental prey items. Scyliorhinus canicula consumed a broader group of prey items than did S. blainville. A significant diet overlap was observed, despite both species occupying different depth ranges over the continental shelf. Scyliorhinus canicula exhibited a consistency in diet composition among seasons, sexes, and maturity stages. Nonetheless, for both adults and juveniles, an increase in relative abundance of teleosts in the diet was observed in the spring and summer. This study provides evidence of the importance of S. canicula and S. blainville as benthic and pelagic predators along the western Atlantic coast.


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Knowing where pinnipeds forage is vital to managing and protecting their populations, and for assessing potential interactions with fisheries. We assessed the spatial relationship between the seasonal distribution of Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) outfitted with satellite transmitters and the seasonal distributions of potential harbor seal prey species in San Francisco Bay, California. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated between the number of harbor seal locations in an area of the San Francisco Bay and the abundance of specific prey species in the same area. The influence of scale on the analyses was assessed by varying the scale of analysis from 1 to 10 km. There was consistency in the prey species targeted by harbor seals year-round, although there were seasonal differences between the most important prey species. The highest correlations between harbor seals and their prey were found for seasonally abundant benthic species, located within about 10 km of the primary haul-out site. Probable foraging habitat for harbor seals was identified, based on areas with high abundances of prey species that were strongly correlated with harbor seal distribution. With comparable local data inputs, this approach has potential application to pinniped management in other areas, and to decisions about the location of marine reserves designed to protect these species.


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For purposes ofthe Endangered Species Act (ESA), a "species" is defined to include "any distinct population segment of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature. "Federal agencies charged with carrying out the provisions of the ESA have struggled for over a decade to develop a consistent approach for interpreting the term "distinct population segment." This paper outlines such an approach and explains in some detail how it can be applied to ESA evaluations of anadromous Pacific salmonids. The following definition is proposed: A population (or group of populations) will be considered "distinct" (and hence a "species ")for purposes of the ESA if it represents an evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) of the biological species. A population must satisfy two criteria to be considered an ESU: 1) It must be substantially reproductively isolated from other conspecific population units, and 2) It must represent an important component in the evolutionary legacy of the species. Isolation does not have to be absolute, but it must be strong enough to permit evolutionarily important differences to accrue in different population units. The second criterion would be met if the population contributes substantially to the ecological/genetic diversity of the species as a whole. Insights into the extent of reproductive isolation can be provided by movements of tagged fish, natural recolonization rates observed in other populations, measurements of genetic differences between populations, and evaluations of the efficacy of natural barriers. Each of these methods has its limitations. Identification of physical barriers to genetic exchange can help define the geographic extent of distinct populations, but reliance on physical features alone can be misleading in the absence of supporting biological information. Physical tags provide information about the movements of individual fish but not the genetic consequences of migration. Furthermore, measurements ofc urrent straying or recolonization rates provide no direct information about the magnitude or consistency of such rates in the past. In this respect, data from protein electrophoresis or DNA analyses can be very useful because they reflect levels of gene flow that have occurred over evolutionary time scales. The best strategy is to use all available lines of evidence for or against reproductive isolation, recognizing the limitations of each and taking advantage of the often complementary nature of the different types of information. If available evidence indicates significant reproductive isolation, the next step is to determine whether the population in question is of substantial ecological/genetic importance to the species as a whole. In other words, if the population became extinct, would this event represent a significant loss to the ecological/genetic diversity of thes pecies? In making this determination, the following questions are relevant: 1) Is the population genetically distinct from other conspecific populations? 2) Does the population occupy unusual or distinctive habitat? 3) Does the population show evidence of unusual or distinctive adaptation to its environment? Several types of information are useful in addressing these questions. Again, the strengths and limitations of each should be kept in mind in making the evaluation. Phenotypic/life-history traits such as size, fecundity, and age and time of spawning may reflect local adaptations of evolutionary importance, but interpretation of these traits is complicated by their sensitivity to environmental conditions. Data from protein electrophoresis or DNA analyses provide valuable insight into theprocessofgenetic differentiation among populations but little direct information regarding the extent of adaptive genetic differences. Habitat differences suggest the possibility for local adaptations but do not prove that such adaptations exist. The framework suggested here provides a focal point for accomplishing the majorgoal of the Act-to conserve the genetic diversity of species and the ecosystems they inhabit. At the same time, it allows discretion in the listing of populations by requiring that they represent units of real evolutionary significance to the species. Further, this framework provides a means of addressing several issues of particular concern for Pacific salmon, including anadromous/nonanadromous population segments, differences in run-timing, groups of populations, introduced populations, and the role of hatchery fish.


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This is the Restormel Fish Counter, Annual Report 2003 produced by the Environment Agency South West Region on March 2004. The report presents the daily upstream counts of migratory salmonids recorded on the River Fowey at Restormel weir fish counting station (SX 107 613) in 2003. Data contained within this report covers the period of the commercial migratory salmonid net buy-back scheme and the National Spring Salmon Bylaws. The run pattern observed for salmon and sea trout in 2003 was generally consistent with that of previous years. The upstream salmon / large sea trout count for 2003 was 1777, 2% lower than that recorded in 2002. The overall increase in the salmon and sea trout counts, together with the consistency of the numbers over recent years suggests that measures designed to protect salmonid stocks were working.


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This is the Restormel Fish Counter, Annual Report 2005 produced by the Environment Agency South West Region on March 2006. The report presents the upstream counts of migratory salmonids recorded on the River Fowey at Restormel weir fish counting station (SX 107 613) over the period March 2005 to February 2006 inclusive. Data contained within this report covers the period of the commercial migratory salmonid net buy-back scheme and the National Spring Salmon Byelaws (from 2 March to 15 June Inclusive). The minimum upstream salmon estimate for 2005 was 1046, this is the second highest count recorded over the past 11 years. The total sea trout count (10448) was 8% higher than 2004 (9608). This overall increase in the salmon and sea trout counts, together with the consistency of the numbers of fish returning over recent years suggests that measures designed to protect salmonid stocks in the River Fowey are working.


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This is the Restormel Fish Counter, Annual Report 2006 produced by the Environment Agency South West Region on March 2007. The report presents the upstream counts of migratory salmonids recorded on the River Fowey at Restormel weir fish counting station (SX 107 613) over the period March 2006 to February 2007 inclusive. Data contained within this report covers the period of the commercial migratory salmonid net buy-back scheme and the National Spring Salmon Byelaws (2 March- 15 June inclusive). The minimum upstream salmon estimate for 2005 (1046), over the period July 2005 to February 2006, was 20% lower than that recorded over the same period in 2004 (1301). However, this is the second highest count recorded over the past 11 years. The total sea trout count (10448) was 8% higher than 2004 (9608). The number of salmon and large sea trout was lower than average in 2005. However, the overall numbers of adult salmon and sea trout returning have been increasing year on year since 1997. This overall increase in the salmon and sea trout counts, together with the consistency of the numbers of fish returning over recent years suggests that measures designed to protect salmonid stocks in the River Fowey are working.


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This is the River Ehen and Tributaries SSSI consultation Protocol for the Environment Agency with English Nature, produced in 1998. The Protocol is intended to provide for consistency of approach, to clarify responsibilities and help to streamline the statutory consultation and consenting procedures in which both organisations are involved. It provides guiding principles on the approach to management issues. Based on the operations likely to damage the special interest (OLDSI) which forms part of the SSSI notification, the protocol identified acceptable management activities which contribute to the special interest of the site and those which may adversely affect that interest. OLDSI includes activities such: land drainage consents, discharge consents, herbicides approvals, fish-stocking consents, fishing licences, abstraction and impoundment licences, consents to construct/test pump boreholes, integrated pollution Control Licences and Waste Management Licences, capital projects, flood defence maintenance works, water resources, fisheries, pollution control, ecology surveys and Recreation works.


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This document presents ex-ante impact evaluations of research for development projects related to aquaculture in Bangladesh, Malawi and Ghana. The Ghana chapter also includes an ex-ante evaluation of a fisheries project. The case studies utilized preliminary versions of guidelines developed specifically for ex-ante evaluations of aquaculture and fisheries projects. The guidelines, found in A Practical Guide for Ex-Ante Impact Evaluations in Fisheries and Aquaculture, are designed to provide an approach for a qualitative examination of the potential for a project to deliver impacts. Using a conceptual framework based on the outcome focus of results-based management, the guidelines stress careful examination of the setting, internal consistency, a sound theory of change, and an examination of stakeholders’ interests and potential partnerships. The case study reports illustrate the variability with which the guidelines may be interpreted and applied. The different teams, operating with limited time and budget that constrained the collection of new data, were forced to utilize existing secondary data and information and consult with key stakeholders to complete their analyses. The varying levels of reporting reflect the differences among the cases in the amounts of existing information and variety of stakeholders potentially involved in the projects being examined.


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This is the Rivers Avon & Erme Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. This document is part of a national initiative to produce action plans for the management of all the main salmon rivers of England and Wales by 2003. The aim of this plan is (i) to assess the status of the salmon stocks and fisheries of the rivers Avon and Erme - including the use of Conservation Limits as part of this process, (ii) to identify factors which may limiting stock and fishery performance and (iii) to propose remedial measures address these factors. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the Rivers Avon & Erme Salmon Action Plan (SAP). While the stocks of both rivers have exceeded their respective conservation limits occasionally in individual years, only the Erme has achieved a period of statistical compliance since 1993. It is possible that this situation is largely normal, due to the steep nature of the rivers, obstructions to migration and dependence on suitable flow conditions occurring at the right time of year. The decline of the spring-running component of the stocks has left the populations dependent on autumn flows for the success of the late running component. Actions required to improve compliance with Conservation Limits are proposed and prioritised. The urgent actions relate to the need to improve the consistency with which adequate numbers of salmon reach and utilise fully all the accessible areas of the river systems. This document is intended to be dynamic, with opportunities for review occurring at regular intervals. For example, as the science of fisheries management improves, particularly in the setting of Conservation Limits, so the targets may be altered to reflect any improved methodology.