23 resultados para Siegfried Kracauer

em Aquatic Commons


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A new concept for resource oriented federal research within the competence of the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection was implemented in 2008. The Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries is one of 4 newly established large scale federal research institutions. It comprises the former Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products and large parts of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre. The institute is named after Johann Heinrich von Thünen, a famous national economist and social reformer of the 19th century. He developed the first serious treatment of spatial economics (the so-called Thünen rings) and the basics of the theory of the natural pay.


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Folgende Kernbehauptungen bzw. Hypothesen werden in dem Worm-et-al.-Artikel aufgestellt: -Der Verlust an Biodiversität (Artenzahl) in einem Meeresgebiet reduziert tief greifend seine Produktivität und seine Stabilität in Stressperioden, hervorgerufen u.a. durch Überfischung und Klimaänderung. -Die Zahl der kollabierten Arten nimmt zu. Dieser Trend projeziert den Kollaps aller wildlebenden Arten und Bestände, die gegenwärtig befischt werden, auf das Jahr 2048. -Diese Entwicklung ist zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt reversibel, denn das Meer besitzt noch ein großes Potential sich zu regenerieren. Dazu ist aber mehr Umweltschutz notwendig.


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The pressure of users other than shipping and fishery on the national EEZs for territorial claims has increased in recent years. So it becomes necessary to carry out a spatial planning for which all users have to indicate their recent and planned future activities. For the German waters in the North Sea a first attempt was made to calculate the mean international landings for the commercially important fish and crustacean species on the spatial scale of ICES-rectangles. The relationships between the German and international landings per species are listed in a table and the distribution of the landings for each species within the area are shown in 13 figures.


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Cod, haddock, whiting, saithe, plaice, sole and Norway lobster are 7 main target species of the demersal mixed fisheries in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Eastern Channel. Gadoids and Norway lobsters are mainly taken in the nor-thern North Sea by towed gears except beam trawls while the flatfish fisheries are conducted in the southern North Sea mainly using beam trawls. Recently, the central North Sea appears less fished by demersal gears. Towed nets including seines and beam trawls equipped with meshes of more than 100 mm resp. more than 80 mm were identified as the main gears effecting the depleted cod and reduced plaice stocks. The saithe sector, using towed nets with meshes of more than110 mm, longlines, gill nets and others, appears to affect the 7 species to a lesser extend. These results support the interim effort limitations by gear types, vessel and month as enforced by the European Commission since 2003. TAC regulations alone are considered inefficient to sustainably harvest stocks by mixed fisheries. A fleet-effort management method is developed estimating the fleets’ effects based on the sum of partial exploitation rates of the species in mixed fisheries weighted by the ratio of the precautionary reference Bpa and the actual SSB size as ecological quality objective. Applying such fleet effort management could result in increased catch possibilities of some stocks by fleets selecting mainly few and non-overexploited stocks while respecting precautionary management constraints in minimum SSB or maximum exploitation rates at the same time.


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“Wrong trawl, wrong rigging – that’s why research ship cannot find cod” – in a polemic article in the April number of “Fishing News International” British fishermen accuse fishery scientists of using the wrong trawl for their bottom trawl surveys in the North Sea. They wrote the GOV is unsuited to catch cod and therefore the cod stock could be in a much better shape than assessed by the scientists. In this paper the characteristics of a scientific survey trawl and the results of comparison fishing experiments are listed.


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End of January 1998 a real-time closed area has been established by the Federal Republic of Germany. As a case of emergency an area of 12 x 25 nm has been closed for trawling, to protect the mostly undersized 1996 cod year-class. The background and the valuation of this action is described.


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Due to the increasing environmental awareness of the public, marine environmental protection became a general interest. Since fishery is one of the strongest direct influences of man on the marine ecosystem, it became criticised, especially because of the discarding of unused fish, which is considered as a waste of the resource. In the different types of fisheries the calculation of the amounts of discards in relationship to the landings vary strongly. One of the reasons is, however, the different use of the terms 'bycatch' and 'discard'. Thus it is important to work with equal terms and definitions, so that fishermen, protectionists and ecologists talk the same language. This contribution tries to define the following terms achieving a generally acceptable terminology which is also explained by the attached diagram.


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In order to carry out the Multi-annual Guidance Programmes (MGP) the national fishing fleets of the EU were divided into mostly homogenous fleet segments. The current paper describes the single segments of thc German fishing fleet and summarizes their characteristics such as vessel capacity (tonnage in GRT), machine performance (power in kW) and vessel size (total length in m). Another table lists the averaged landings separated per stock and segment for the period from 1990 to 1994.


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Due to the greenhouse effect,a long term warming of the atmosphere is expected. For most people the last relative mild winters and the previous two hot summers are clear signals for such a climatic change. Changes in species compositions and the sudden arrival of southern species in the North Sea are explained as consequences of the greenhouse effect. Comparing the situation in the last decades an attempt is made in this article to show the natural variability in the occurrence and to give an answer to the above question.


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Seit der letzten speziellen Situationsbeschreibung des Kabeljaubestandes in dieser Zeitschrift sind 4 Jahre vergangen (EHRICH, 1988). In der Zwischenzeit ist besonders den Fischern durch weitere Fangeinbußen bewußt geworden, daß sich der Zustand des Bestandes nicht verbessert, sondern im Gegenteil weiter verschlechtert hat. Die Schonmaßnahmen wie stufenweise Erhöhung der vorgeschriebenen Mindestmaschenweite auf 100 mmm und eine Reduzierung des Fischereiaufwandes in den Jahren 1991 und 1992 auf 70 % des Aufwandes in 1989 (Mindesthafenliegezeit: durchgehend 8 Tage pro Monat oder alternativ Erhöhung der Mindestmaschenweite auf 110 mm für die direkte Fischerei auf Kabeljau und Schellfisch) haben keine positive Wirkung gezeigt.


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Die Größe der Fischbestände in der Nordsee unterliegt Schwankungen, die durch sich verändernde Faktoren ihrer Umwelt hervorgerufen werden. Diese Faktoren sind natürlichen (Klima, Nahrungsangebot) wie auch anthropogenen Ursprungs (Fischerei, Verschmutzung).