74 resultados para Minimum Quantity of Lubrification

em Aquatic Commons


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Cost-benefit analysis of a 9.82 m and 11 m fishing trawlers based on the number of fishing trips is presented. The number of fishing trips per year determines the profit and loss of the trawler. With the increase in the number of fishing trips, the profit also increase for both the sizes of trawlers. The minimum quantity of prawn and fish to be landed for 0-20% profit for varying number of fishing trips are worked out. The break-even for 9.82 and 11m trawlers was observed to be 185 and 210 fishing trips respectively during 1980-81.


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For more than 25 years all sea turtle products have been prohibited from international commerce by the 170-member nations of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Sea turtles continue to be threatened by direct take (including poaching) and illegal trade despite multi-national protection efforts. Although take may contribute significantly to sea turtle decline, illegal take is difficult to measure since there are few quantified records associated with legal fisheries and fewer still for illegal take (poaching). We can, however, quantify one portion of the illegal sea turtle trade by determining how many illegal products were seized at United States ports of entry over a recent 10-year period. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) oversees the import and export of wildlife and wildlife products, ensuring that wildlife trade complies with United States laws and international treaties. Additionally, the USFWS has legal authority to target suspected illegal wildlife activity through undercover and field investigations. In an effort to assess the scale of illegal sea turtle take and trade, we have conducted a 10-year (1994 – 2003) review of the law enforcement database maintained by the USFWS. This database tracks the number and type of wildlife cases, the quantity of seized products, and the penalties assessed against violators. These data are minimum estimates of the sea turtle products passing through the United States borders, as smuggled wildlife is oftentimes not detected.


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Experiments were conducted to study the significance of difference between samples taken from the surface and interior of a frozen shrimps block, as well as to determine the size of sample necessary to represent the whole block, with respect to bacterial count determination. The results showed that the surface samples and interior samples did not differ significantly at 5% level of significance and that the minimum quantity representative of the block was 21-26 gms in the case of a block weighing about 1300 gms. The procedure adopted for taking the bacterial count was the normal standard plate count method.


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Fresh silver pomfret, black pomfret and hilsa were canned at absolutely fresh and iced conditions and the qualities of the final products were studied comparatively in relation to the initial quality of the raw materials. Under identical conditions a maximum quantity of cook-drip and nitrogen contents were found to be lost in black pomfret and minimum in hilsa. Silver pomfret and black pomfret iced for 3 days gave fairly good products on canning while hilsa came out only as a satisfactory product on canning after the same ice storage period of the raw material.


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Distribution and growth biology of rock oyster (Saccostrea cucullata) in the northern shores of Oman sea have been struied. During this one-year study, samples have been taken monthly from ten different stations. quantity of vertical distribution of this species was obseredl in the mid - intertidal zone. After determining the spread pattern, the following subjects were studied: - Growth parameters - Distionction of the "cohorts" - Determination of "spawning Season" - Condition of the "Gonado Somatic Index" - Sex ratio - Length of the species during the first year of maturation. - Identification and determination of percentage of "Biofouler Organisms." Results obtained from the above - mentioned studies show that considering a growth factor (k) of 0.52, the value of "Loo " for this species is equal to 114 (mm).Five to six different age groups were observed among the samples taken. In the areas where this study was conducted, this species grows 24 to 30 (mm) in the first year of its life this growth rate is lower in the higher - aged grpups relative to the lewer - aged groups, so that the longest size classes grow between 4 to 6 (mm) per year. • The maxinum Value of the "Condition Index" is in the pozm area and the minimum value of it belongs to Darak and Tang areas. Along with the increase in the growth of gonads the above mentioned condition index increases gradually simultaneous with the onset of spawning. Also, study of the influence of environmental factors on the maturation process suggests that the most important factors affecting maturation and spawing are temperature and salinity. The study of GSI shows that this species has a coordinated bimodal spawing trend, with its spring peak in june and its autumn peak, being still higher than the spring peak, in september. The recruitment curve confirms the above spawning peaks with its peaks occuring after a delay of one month or maximum two months in comparison to the spawning peaks. The results of calcuation of "Sex Ratio" of this species in each area show that sex ratio is 1:1. Among the first size classes that reach maturity, nearly 67% of the samples are male and the remaining 33% are female. with the increase in the shell size, the percentage of males decreases and the percentage of females increases. , The above facts prove the protandrous nature of this species the diagram showing the sizes of the first samples which reach maturity suggests that more than 50% of the samples mature after their length exceeds 36 (mm). The shortest mature sample was found to have a length of 22(mm). After studying "Biofouler Organism" nine different invertebrate groups were indentified. Barnacles and Tunicates have the highest and lowest percentages respectively. According to zonal observations, Barnacles and polychacta do the greatest damage to this species.


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The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground water in the Ruskin area, especially as related to the problem of salt-water encroachment. The major objectives of the program includes: (1) An inventory of wells to determine their number and distribution, their depths and diameters, and other pertinent information. (2) A study of artesian pressures. (3) Analyses of water from selected wells to determine the location and extent of any areas in which the artesian water is salty. (4) A study of the surface and subsurface geology as related to the occurrence and movement of ground water. (5) An estimate of the quantity of ground water withdrawn. (PDF contains 24 pages.)


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The Oakland Park area obtains its water from the Biscayne aquifer, S composed of very permeable and porous, sandy limestones. The per- 3 meability of the aquifer increases with depth, and wells in the area <\ generally obtain water at depths ranging from 60 to 80 feet, or between S 100 and 200 feet, depending on the quantity of water desired. The data presented in this paper can be used for further development of water and wise management of resources in the area. Large quantities S of ground water are still available at Oakland Park, if salt-water encroachment can be controlled. The data in this study provide the necessary information to begin an effective water management program. (PDF has 49 pages)


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Research cruises were conducted in August-October 2007 to complete the third annual remotely operated vehicle (ROV)-based assessments of nearshore rocky bottom finfish at ten sites in the northern Channel Islands. Annual surveys at the Channel Islands have been conducted since 2004 at four sites and were expanded to ten sites in 2005 to monitor potential marine protected area (MPA)effects on baseline fish density. Six of the ten sites are in MPAs and four in nearby fished reference areas. In 2007 the amount of soft-only substrate on the 141 track lines surveyed was again estimated in real-time in order to target rocky bottom habitat. These real-time estimates of hard and mixed substrate for all ten sites averaged 57%, 1% more than the post-processed average of 56%. Surveys generated 69.9 km of usable video for use in finfish density calculations, with target rocky bottom habitat accounting for 56% (39.1 km) for all sites combined. The amount of rocky habitat sampled by site averaged 3.8 km and ranged from 3.3 km sampled at South Point, a State Marine Reserve (SMR) off Santa Rosa Island, to 4.7 km at Anacapa Island SMR. A sampling goal of 75 transects at all 10 sites was met using real-time habitat estimates combined with precautionary over-sampling by 10%. A total of seventy kilometers of sampling is projected to produce at least seventy-five 100 m2 transects per site. Thirteen of 26 finfish taxa observed were selected for quantitative evaluation over the time series based on a minimum criterion of abundance (0.05/100 m2). Ten of these 13 finfish appear to be more abundant at the state marine reserves relative to fished areas when densities were averaged across the 2005 to 2007 period. One of the species that appears to be more abundant in fished areas was señorita, a relatively small prey species that is not a commercial or recreational target. (PDF contains 83 pages.)


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From the mid-1950's to the mid-1960's a series of quantitative surveys of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna were conducted in the offshore New England region (Maine to Long Island, New York). The surveys were designed to 1) obtain measures of macrobenthic standing crop expressed in terms of density and biomass; 2) determine the taxonomic composition of the fauna (ca. 567 species); 3) map the general features of macrobenthic distribution; and 4) evaluate the fauna's relationships to water depth, bottom type, temperature range, and sediment organic carbon content. A total of 1,076 samples, ranging from 3 to 3,974 m in depth, were obtained and analyzed. The aggregate macrobenthic fauna consists of 44 major taxonomic groups (phyla, classes, orders). A striking fact is that only five of those groups (belonging to four phyla) account for over 80% of both total biomass and number of individuals of the macrobenthos. The five dominant groups are Bivalvia, Annelida, Amphipoda, Echninoidea, and Holothuroidea. Other salient features pertaining to the macrobenthos of the region are the following: substantial differences in quantity exist among different geographic subareas within the region, but with a general trend that both density and biomass increase from northeast to southwest; both density and biomass decrease with increasing depth; the composition of the bottom sediments significantly influences both the kind and quantity of macrobenthic invertebrates, the largest quantities of both measures of abundance occurring in the coarser grained sediments and diminishing with decreasing particle size; areas with marked seasonal changes in water temperature support an abundant and diverse fauna, whereas a uniform temperature regime is associated with a sparse, less diverse fauna; and no detectable trends are evident in the quantitative composition of the macrobenthos in relation to sediment organic carbon content. (PDF file contains 246 pages.)


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ENGLISH:Length-frequency samples of yellowfin tuna from 276 individual purse-seine sets were examined. Evidence of schooling by size is presented. Yellowfin schooled with skipjack are smaller and more homogeneous in length than are yellowfin from pure schools. Yellowfin in schools associated with porpoise appear to be more variable in size than yellowfin from other types of schools. No relationship was found between the tonnage of yellowfin in a school and the mean length of the yellowfin. Despite the tendency to school by size, the size variation within individual schools was judged to be enough to complicate greatly any program of regulation aimed at maximizing the yield-per-recruit through increasing the minimum size of yellowfin at first capture. SPANISH: Fueron examinadas las muestras frecuencia-longitud de atún aleta amarilla, de 276 lances individuales de redes de cerco. Se presenta la evidencia de agrupación por tamaños. Los atunes aleta amarilla agrupados con barrilete, son más pequeños y más homogéneos en longitud, que los atunes aleta amarilla de cardúmenes puros. El atún aleta amarilla en cardúmenes asociados con delfines parece ser más variable en tamaño, que el atún aleta amarilla proveniente de otros tipos de cardúmenes. No se encontró relac¡'ón entre el tonelaje del atún aleta amarilla en un cardumen y la longitud media de esta especie. A pesar de la tendencia a agruparse por tamaño, se juzgó, que la variación de tamaño en cardúmenes individuales, sería suficiente para complicar grandemente cualquier programa de reglamentación, dirigido a obtener el máximo del rendimiento por recluta a través del incremento del tamaño mínimo del atún aleta amarilla en la primera captura.


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The findings are presented of an experiment conducted to determine the adequate level of calorie in diets that is necessary to bring Clarias gariepinus female broodstock to grand stage. The effect of different calorie level on the quality and quantity of egg produced by C. gariepinus broodstock and the survival rate of the fry fed the same diets and those fed harvested zooplankton were also investigated


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The findings are presented of a study undertaken to provide baseline information that may be employed to develop a simplified hatchery technique for postlarval feeding of Clarias gariepinus on zooplankton cultured indoors in small aquaria. Three series of experiments were undertaken to identify the type and quantity of organic manure that would produce maximum densities of zooplankton in the shortest time in indoor cultures. Results suggest the possibility of the culture of natural zooplankton populations for use in larval feeding of C. gariepinus fry. Its effective hatchery application would bring about reduction in the unit cost per fingerling and ensure continuous hatchery operations even in the absence of Artemia cysts


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The monthly and seasonal water requirements of a small fish pond (0.068ha; maximum capacity of 613.83m super(3)) at the University of Agriculture, Makurdi Fish Farm (Benue, Nigeria) were determined during the period of February to August 1996. The sources of water for the pond were rainfall, (103.4cm), run-off (6.3cm) and regulated inflow (95.0cm). The water loss for the period were Evapotranspiration, (106.74cm), Seepage (71.64cm) and regulated discharge (25.00cm). Evapotranspiration was identified as the main source of water loss while rainfall was the major source of water gain. The mean monthly water deficit was 24.56~c11.43cm while the mean monthly surplus was 9.84~c8.05cm. The quantity of water required to maintain the optimal water level in the pond was 474.00m super(3). Preliminary water budget of the study area showed that rainfed aquaculture can be effectively carried out at Makurdi during the months of June to October with supplementary inflows during the dry season months


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The aim of the investigation is to know the percentage of fish meal required to support the best growth of Heterotis niloticus in a semi intensive pond culture system. To achieve this, feed was formulated with equal percentages of blood meal, and corn meal and varying levels of fish meal. The experiment was in four treatments. Results showed that the mean weight gained was directly proportional to the quantity of fish meal made available to the fish fence 31.58g, 33.79g, 45.15g and 51.24g were recorded for treatments I, II, III and IV respectively. Result from this study when compared with previous works, shows that size of the water body to a greater extent affects the growth. The availability of fish meal in the feed made it more acceptable to the fish and hence a commensurate conversion in to flesh. The analysis of variance showed that there is significant difference in the growth performance in the treatments


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A survey was carried out in September 1996 alongside the annual frame survey of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. As in the previous surveys, there were 6 main fishing gear types in use on the lake, which included gill nets, drift nets, beach seines, cast nets, longlines (baited and foul hooking) acid fishing traps. A total of 813 canoes were sampled. The canoe lengths were similar to the previous gear surveys. Altogether 466 gill nets were measured. They had an average length of 149 m, and were mostly bottom set. Of the gill nets measured 68% had a mesh size below 3 inches the minimum mesh size allowable according to the Niger and Kebbi State Fisheries Edict, 1996. Of concern was the large increase in the number of 1 inch meshed nets recorded on the lake. Drift nets had a mean length of 74 m. A total of 88% of all drift nets measured had a mesh size below 2.5 inches, the minimum mesh size stipulated in the State Edict. A total number of 102 beach seines were sampled with a mean length of 110 m, the mesh size in use on the lake remained as 0.1 inches under the Edict beach seines are banned from fishing in Kainji Lake. The decline in the lengths of the beach seines (and therefore catch rates) recorded since l995 was encouraging in the light of the destructive nature of these nets. A total of 30 cast nets were sampled, they had a mean diameter of 9.8 and a mean mesh size of 1.9 inches. All the nets had a hanging ratio of 0.5. Of the cast nets measured 40% had a mesh size below the minimum size of 2 inches recommended by the State Fisheries Edicts. Of concern was the continued rise in the number of gill nets with mesh sizes less than 2 inches. There were 2 types of longlines in operation on the lake. The baited and the foul hooking longlines. They were mostly bottom set and the hook size nos. 12-14 (Kirby sea hook) were predominant. Two types of fishing traps were identified, one was covered with a mesh of thin cane, one with netting material. The fishing traps had a mean height of 0.8 m and a mean width at the vase of 0.53 m. The mean mesh size used was 0.86 inches. Citharinus was reported as the most targeted of all fish species on the lake. Synodontis membranaceous was also targeted by most gears especially the smaller meshed nets. Labeo and Tilapia were low on the list of targeted species but their incidence remains high in the catches. (PDF contains 27 pages)