10 resultados para MFI and OIT tests

em Aquatic Commons


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The toxicity of sediments in Sabine Lake, Texas, and adjoining Intracoastal Waterway canals was determined as part of bioeffects assessment studies managed by NOAA’s National Status and Trends Program. The objectives of the survey were to determine: (1) the incidence and degree of toxicity of sediments throughout the study area; (2) the spatial patterns (or gradients) in chemical contamination and toxicity, if any, throughout the study area; (3) the spatial extent of chemical contamination and toxicity; and (4) the statistical relationships between measures of toxicity and concentrations of chemicals in the sediments. Surficial sediment samples were collected during August, 1995 from 66 randomly-chosen locations. Laboratory toxicity tests were performed as indicators of potential ecotoxicological effects in sediments. A battery of tests was performed to generate information from different phases (components) of the sediments. Tests were selected to represent a range in toxicological endpoints from acute to chronic sublethal responses. Toxicological tests were conducted to measure: reduced survival of adult amphipods exposed to solid-phase sediments; impaired fertilization success and abnormal morphological development in gametes and embryos, respectively, of sea urchins exposed to pore waters; reduced metabolic activity of a marine bioluminescent bacteria exposed to organic solvent extracts; and induction of a cytochrome P-450 reporter gene system in exposures to solvent extracts of the sediments. Chemical analyses were performed on portions of each sample to quantify the concentrations of trace metals, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and chlorinated organic compounds. Correlation analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between measures of toxicity and concentrations of potentially toxic substances in the samples. Based upon the compilation of results from chemical analyses and toxicity tests, the quality of sediments in Sabine Lake and vicinity did not appear to be severely degraded. Chemical concentrations rarely exceeded effects-based numerical guidelines, suggesting that toxicant-induced effects would not be expected in most areas. None of the samples was highly toxic in acute amphipod survival tests and a minority (23%) of samples were highly toxic in sublethal urchin fertilization tests. Although toxic responses occurred frequently (94% of samples) in urchin embryo development tests performed with 100% pore waters, toxicity diminished markedly in tests done with diluted pore waters. Microbial bioluminescent activity was not reduced to a great degree (no EC50 <0.06 mg/ml) and cytochrome P-450 activity was not highly induced (6 samples exceeded 37.1 ug/g benzo[a]pyrene equivalents) in tests done with organic solvent extracts. Urchin embryological development was highly correlated with concentrations of ammonia and many trace metals. Cytochrome P450 induction was highly correlated with concentrations of a number of classes of organic compounds (including the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated compounds). (PDF contains 51 pages)


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Freshwater ecosystems are highly dynamic and change on time-scales that range from a few hours to several months. The development of models that simulate these processes is often hampered by the lack of sufficient data to parameterize the processes and validate the models. In this article, I review some of the challenges posed by this lack of information and suggest ways in which they can be met by using automatic monitoring systems. One of these studies is the project tempQsim (EVK1-CT2002-00112) funded by the European Commission. In this project, detailed field and model analyses have been performed at eight catchment study sites in south and south-east Europe. A number of perceptual models for the study sites have been established, and results are being used to improve selected catchment models and provide a more adequate description of pollution dynamics. Results from the extensive field studies and model tests are now being used to derive recommendations for more tailored monitoring concepts in highly dynamic, but ‘data scarce’ environments, such as are frequently found in Mediterranean river basins. The author includes implications of the EU Water Framework Directive on monitoring methods.


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We develop and test a method to estimate relative abundance from catch and effort data using neural networks. Most stock assessment models use time series of relative abundance as their major source of information on abundance levels. These time series of relative abundance are frequently derived from catch-per-unit-of-effort (CPUE) data, using general linearized models (GLMs). GLMs are used to attempt to remove variation in CPUE that is not related to the abundance of the population. However, GLMs are restricted in the types of relationships between the CPUE and the explanatory variables. An alternative approach is to use structural models based on scientific understanding to develop complex non-linear relationships between CPUE and the explanatory variables. Unfortunately, the scientific understanding required to develop these models may not be available. In contrast to structural models, neural networks uses the data to estimate the structure of the non-linear relationship between CPUE and the explanatory variables. Therefore neural networks may provide a better alternative when the structure of the relationship is uncertain. We use simulated data based on a habitat based-method to test the neural network approach and to compare it to the GLM approach. Cross validation and simulation tests show that the neural network performed better than nominal effort and the GLM approach. However, the improvement over GLMs is not substantial. We applied the neural network model to CPUE data for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Pacific Ocean.


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Growth of a temperate reefa-ssociated fish, the purple wrasse (Notolabrus fucicola), was examined from two sites on the east coast of Tasmania by using age- and length-based models. Models based on the von Bertalanffy growth function, in the standard and a reparameterized form, were constructed by using otolith-derived age estimates. Growth trajectories from tag-recaptures were used to construct length-based growth models derived from the GROTAG model, in turn a reparameterization of the Fabens model. Likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) determined the optimal parameterization of the GROTAG model, including estimators of individual growth variability, seasonal growth, measurement error, and outliers for each data set. Growth models and parameter estimates were compared by bootstrap confidence intervals, LRTs, and randomization tests and plots of bootstrap parameter estimates. The relative merit of these methods for comparing models and parameters was evaluated; LRTs combined with bootstrapping and randomization tests provided the most insight into the relationships between parameter estimates. Significant differences in growth of purple wrasse were found between sites in both length- and age-based models. A significant difference in the peak growth season was found between sites, and a large difference in growth rate between sexes was found at one site with the use of length-based models.


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The object of this study was to determine the value of physical, bacteriological and chemical tests used to find out and compare the indices of quality of prawns stored at 0°C and at 18°C. pH value, nature of drip, the total bacterial count, presence or absence of tryptophan, trimethylamine content, glycogen, lactic acid, vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin were estimated periodically to evaluate the quality of prawns stored at 0°C, whereas in addition to organoleptic changes, pH, bacterial count, nature of growth in peptone water, soluble protein in salt solution and loss of moisture, glycogen, lactic acid, and changes in vitamin B contents were noted periodically for prawns stored at -l8°C. Riboflavin and niacin were not affected appreciably but the retention of thiamin in prawns was very low.


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Cost-profit analysis and market testing of some value-added products from silver carp such as fish mince block, fish sausage, fish ball, fish stick and fish burger were analyzed during April 2001 to March 2002. The study also explored the possibility to involve rural low-income people in the production and marketing of such products. The production of silver carp was higher in greater Jessore and Mymensingh districts but the price remained low during the peak-harvesting season in October to November. The price varied with size of the fish, season, market characteristics and effective demand of the buyers. Price of about 500 g size fish was found to be Tk. 20-25/kg in the rural markets. The average size of fish in the rural markets was 3S0-550 g while that in the urban markets it was 700-1,200 g. The cost of production of the value added products and profit margin were assessed on the basis of market price of the raw material as well as that of the finished products, transportation, storage and marketing costs. The profit margins of 34%, 39%, 81% and 31% of their sales price were obtained for fish sausage, fish ball, fish stick and fish burger, respectively. Actual production cost could be minimized if the fish is purchased directly from the farmers. Consumer's acceptance and marketability tests showed that both rural and urban people preferred fish ball than fish sausage. However, response towards the taste, flavor and color of fish ball and fish sausage was found to vary with occupations and age of the consumers. A correlation was observed between age group and acceptance of new products. Fish ball, fish stick and fish burger were found to be the most preferable items to the farmers because of easy formulation process with common utensils. Good marketing linkage and requirement of capital had been identified as the prerequisites for operating small-scale business on value-added fish products.


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The purpose of this study, Evaluation the effect of Rosmarinus officinalis and Thymus vulgaris extracts on the stability of poly unsaturated fatty acids in frozen Silver carp minced. Treatments include: Treatment 1 - Control: frozen meat packaged in conventional Treatment 2: Frozen Silver carp minced+Thyme 300 mg/kg in normal packaging Treatment 3: Frozen Silver carp minced+Rosemary 200 mg/kg in normal packaging Treatment 4: Frozen Silver carp minced+Rosemary compound (100 mg/kg) and Thyme (100 mg/kg) in normal packaging After rapid freezing of samples in the spiral freezer by individual quick freezing method, to maintain the cold temperature (-18) °C were transferred. Sampling and measurements to determine the fatty acid profile of the zero phase beginning in the first month and then every ten days, and 15 days in the second month of the third month after the monthly test. Identifying, defining and measuring the fatty acid profile by gas chromatography was performed. In this study, levels of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in three experimental and one control were identified as follows: A: saturated fatty acids: Meristic C14: 0/Palmitic C16: 0/Hepta decaenoic C17: 0/Stearic C18: 0/Arashidic C20: 0/B:Mono unsaturated fatty acids: palmitoleic C16: 1-W7/Oleic C18: 1-W9/Gadoleic C20: 1-W9 C:Poly unsaturated fatty acids: Linoleic C18: 2-W6/α-Linolenic C18: 3-W3 D:High unsaturated fatty acids: Arachidonic C20: 4-W6 Eicosapentaenoic acid C20: 5-EPA/W3 Docosahexaenoic C22: 6-DHA/W3 Results of this study was to determine, Thyme and rosemary extracts containing silver carp minced stored in freezing conditions, Stability of different types of fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, poly-unsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are. So that none of the fatty acids measured were not significant 100% increase or decrease, While changes in the fatty acid oxidation during storage time is minimized. The results obtained from the fatty acid profiles and indicators of their and statistical tests show that treatment with rosemary extract More stable during storage (-18) ° C In comparison with the control and other treatments are shown; And at relatively low compared to other treatments and control samples oleic acid and linoleic acid, palmitic more. According to studies,in Silver carp minced that containing rosemary extract, end of the storage period of six months. Were usable, so even rosemary extract the shelf-life examples to increase more than six months.


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Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.)Royle), a serious aquatic weed, reproduces through formation of underground tubers. To date, attacking this life-cycle stage has been problematic. The purpose of this study was to measure the impact of exposure to dilute acetic acid on monoecious hydrilla tubers under field conditions. In this field experiment, treatments were acetic acid concentration (0, 2.5, or 5%) and sediment condition (perforated or not perforated). Each of 60, 1x1 m plots (in the Oregon House Canal) were randomly assigned to one treatment. Two weeks after treatment, we collected three samples from each plot. One was washed over 2 mm wire mesh screens to separate tubers from sediment. Relative electrolyte leakage was measured for one tuber from each plot. Five additional tubers from each plot were placed in a growth chamber and sprouting monitored for four weeks. A second sample from each plot was placed in a plastic tub and placed in an outdoor tank, filled with water. These samples were monitored for tuber sprouting. Relative electrolyte leakage increased significantly for tubers exposed to 2.5% or 5% acetic acid. Effects on tubers in perforated sediment were reduced. Exposure to acetic acid inhibited tuber sprouting by 80 to 100%, in both chamber and outdoor tests. These results confirm findings from earlier laboratory/greenhouse experiments, and suggest that this approach may be useful in the management of hydrilla tuber banks in habitats where the water level can be lowered to expose the sediments.


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A comparison of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates from seals (pinnipeds) in Australia, Argentina, Uruguay, Great Britain and New Zealand was undertaken to determine their relationships to each other and their taxonomic position within the complex. Isolates from 30 cases of tuberculosis in six species of pinniped and seven related isolates were compared to representative and standard strains of the M. tuberculosis complex. The seal isolates could be distinguished from other members of the M. tuberculosis complex, including the recently defined ‘Mycobacterium canettii’ and ‘Mycobacterium caprae’, on the basis of host preference and phenotypic and genetic tests. Pinnipeds appear to be the natural host for this ‘seal bacillus’, although the organism is also pathogenic in guinea pigs, rabbits, humans, Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) and, possibly, cattle. Infection caused by the seal bacillus is predominantly associated with granulomatous lesions in the peripheral lymph nodes, lungs, pleura, spleen and peritoneum. Cases of disseminated disease have been found. As with other members of the M. tuberculosis complex, aerosols are the most likely route of transmission. The name Mycobacterium pinnipedii sp. nov. is proposed for this novel member of the M. tuberculosis ...


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A pickle was prepared from blood clam (Anadara granosa) meat. The pickle was subjected to biochemical, bacteriological and organoleptic tests at different stages of storage. The pickle has a shelf-life of more than 5½ months at ambient temperature.