13 resultados para Hardenberg, Karl August, Fürst von, 1750-1822,
em Aquatic Commons
Smelt (Osmerus eperlanus L.) from the river Elbe has a long tradition as local food speciality. It is offered baked or fried every year during spring in many restaurants along the river. Information about the composition of the edible part and its changes during fishing season are scarce. In earlier days the fish was mostly sold by local fisherman directly after catch. Today the fish is also offered as ungutted fresh fish in ice on the whole sale market. The freshness of this fish has not been studied. Smelt from the river Elbe is known to contain nematode larvae (Pseudoterranova decipiens) in the muscle meat. Actual quantitative data on the abundance and prevalence in the commercially offered ice stored fish are missing.
Mediterranean fish species and fish species from other southern countries are retailed increasingly on the German market. The fish is stored in ice eviscerated or as whole fish and imported by truck or by airplane. In the present investigation, the freshness, the sensory quality and the microbiological status was determined of gilthead sea breams (Sparus aurata) from farms in Italy and France and from sea breams (Sparus ehrenbergi) of wild captures from Senegal. It is shown, that farmed gilthead sea breams were of high sensory quality and in good microbiological conditions.
New regulations of the German “Fisch-Hygiene-Verordnung” lay down that all fish except pelagic species have to be gutted immediately after catch or killing, especially fresh water fish from aquaculture. Only gutted fish should be sold to the consumer. At the present time, however, it is not unusual to sell ungutted fish like tropical or mediterranean species from foreign countries, even the EC area. In this investigation the influence of gutting on the fish quality during storage on ice was tested in tench (Tinca tinca) as a model. Quality changes were controlled by sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological assessment. It was shown that for tench there were no differences between gutted and ungutted fish during 12 days of storage on ice.
The utilization of spring herring caught off the eastern German Baltic Sea coast in the waters around Rügen Island has a long tradition. Since 1991 there was a dramatic decrease in herring fisheries in this area. To promote the better use of this typical spring herring stock an exploratory fishery was started from January to May 1999 accompanied by quality investigations. The results show the possibilities of utilization according to length distribution, fat content and quality aspects.
Data on the fat content in the edible part of mackerel in correlation to the length are given for nine different fishing grounds. The samples were taken in spring and summer in the North Sea, west and south of the British Isles and in the bay of Biscay.
Die 150. Reise des FFS "Walther Herwig III" wurde im Juli/August 1994 als Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Institute für Biochemie und Technologie und dem Institut für Fischereiökologie durchgeführt, um einen Überblick über die Schadstoffbelastung (anorganische und organische Schadstoffe, Radioaktivität) von Wasser, Sediment und Biota in der Barentssee zu erhalten. Das Institut für Biochemie und Technologie hat in diesem Forschungsprogramm den Teil "Bestimmung der Schwermetallgehalte im verzehrbaren Anteil (Filet) von Fischen und anderen Meerestieren" übernommen.
Im Rahmen unserer Untersuchungen zum Befall von Seefischen mit Nematodenlarven und deren Abtötung unter industriellen Verarbeitungsbedingungen wurden während der 88. Reise des FFS "Walther Herwig" vom 23.1.88-17.2.88 u.a. Seelachs (Köhler; Pollachius virens) verschiedener Größenklassen untersucht.
Abstract The spawning activities of cod were described in the Arkona Sea from 2009 to 2012 and were compared with estimates of the period 1992 – 1999. Cod spawned mainly from beginning of June till the middle of July every year. In the same period spawning was observed in the Bornholm Sea. The spawning activities in July were limited by water temperature above the critical limits. Spawning activities in spring which were observed in the 90 ties were of lower importance between 2009 and 2012. Higher proportions of spent cod were observed in the Arkona Sea in August and autumn between 2009 and 2012 compared to the earlier period, indicating immigration of cod from the Bornholm Sea after spawning. The study showed that higher proportion of cod with developing sex products were observed in the Arkona Sea between 2009 and 2012 compared to the 90 ties. Kurzfassung Die Laichaktivitäten der Dorsche in der Arkonasee werden für den Zeitraum 2009 – 2012 dargestellt und im Vergleich mit dem Zeitraum 1992 – 1999 diskutiert. Die Hauptlaichaktivitäten haben im Untersuchungszeitraum von Anfang Juni bis Mitte Juli stattgefunden und lagen damit in ihrem jahreszeitlichen Verlauf innerhalb der Zeitperiode der Laichaktivitäten in der angrenzenden Bornholmsee. In der Arkonasee wurden jeweils im Juli diese Ereignisse durch ansteigende Wassertemperaturenbegrenzt. Die, noch in den 90-er Jahren beobachteten, Laichaktivitäten im Frühjahr haben aktuell an Bedeutung verloren. Im Spätsommer und Herbst war ein, im Vergleich zu den 90-er Jahren, höherer Anteil an abgelaichten Tieren in der Arkonasee zu beobachten, der als Indiz für eine Zuwanderung von abgelaichten Dorschen aus der Bornholmsee gewertet wird. Insgesamt hat der Anteil an Tieren mit sich entwickelnden Geschlechtsprodukten (aktive Laicher) im Untersuchungszeitraum, im Vergleich zu den 90-er Jahren, zugenommen.