51 resultados para Gerd Bornheim

em Aquatic Commons


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Growth chamber studies were conducted to evaluate the impact of an indigenous fungal pathogen, Mycoleptodiscus terrestris (Gerd.) Ostazeski, and the herbicide 2,4-D applied alone and in combination with one another, on the growth of a nuisance submersed plant, Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.)(PDF has 6 pages.)


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When drafting a new model of a towed technical system for fisheries (trawl, towed TV gear or similar), and also when measuring an existing and already tested system it is not easy to foresee of practical behaviour, which depends of various parameters. The measuring programme for recording all data needs a lot of time and money, and also has some limitations. Therefore we developed for such systems mathematical-physical models, which allow a complex calculation. Their real value, however, results only from practical verification. During the cruise no. 222 of “Walther Herwig III” in November 2000 comparative investigations for 2concrete systems were carried out. This was done in cooperation with the University in Rostock, where such models are being developed and computerized. One of the systems mesasured was a pelagic herring trawl and the other one the towed TV gear for underwater observations of the Institute for Fishery Technology and Fish Quality. The correspondence between model calculation and measurements was very high for both systems.


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Ninety-one half-hour tows with the Grande Ouverture Verticale bottom trawl (GOV), 111 hydrographic stations and 100 catches with the Methot-Isaac-Kidd Net (MIK) were this years’ contribution of “Walther Herwig III” to the IBTS in various areas of the North Sea. Preliminary results indicate that especially haddock and, to some extent, whiting and Norway pout generated an ample 1999 yearclass. Indices for herring are also well above last years’ index whereas the cod indices indicate no substantial improvement of the stock. Largest concentrations of herring larvae were found in Moray Firth and west of the Dogger Bank/The Gut area. Temperatures of the North Sea were found to be above the long term means: 1 Centigrade on the open sea and up to 3 Centigrades in coastal areas. This years’ “WH III” IBTS activities at sea were considerably hampered by rough weather


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The poor situation of fish stocks worldwide pointed out by FAO has led to a reconsideration of fishing concepts internationally. A brief outline of the world fishing situation is given, as well as that of the EU and Germany. Explanations of basic fishing parameters like catch, recruitment and fishing mortality are given and used to expound and graphically show the relation to overfishing and the new concept of the ”precautionary priciple” and ”precautionary approach” for the goal of a sustainable fishery. This leads to recommendations for research and actions in respect to selectivity, adjustment of fishing capacity and new concepts of utilisation.


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70 half-hour tows using a Grand Ouverture Verticale (GOV) and – for the first time for R.V. “Walther Herwig III” – 102 plankton stations with a special plankton net were this years’ German contribution to the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS). Results show only for sprat, whiting, and Norway pout relatively good incoming year-classes whereas indices for cod, haddock, mackerel, and herring point at rather poor recruitment. Strongest herring larvae concentrations (< 50 larvae/haul) were observed in the Moray Firth area, on the Fladenground and off the Jutland coast. 75 hydrographic stations showed the water masses in the area of investigation to be vertically mixed and homogenous. However, temperatures measured were 0.5 K to 1 K above longterm means.


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In der Zeit unzureichender Nahrungsmittelversorgung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nahmen schon wenige Wochen nach Kriegsende die ersten Fischereifahrzeuge wieder den Fang auf. Unzureichend ausgerüstet und z.T. nur provisorisch wieder für Fischereizwecke zurückgewandelt, bemühten sie sich, in zugewiesenen, begrenzten Seegebieten zu fischen und so ihren Versorgungsbeitrag zu leisten. Einen möglichst großen Anteil dieser Fänge als Konsumware der hungernden Bevölkerung direkt zukommen zu lassen, das war ab Spätsommer 1945 das Hauptziel von Fischereibiologen, Lebensmittelchemikern und Fischereitechnikern, die sich zum größten Teil in Hamburg zusammen gefunden hatten. Sie gehörten zu den Nachkriegsresten von vier Instituten der ehemaligen Reichsanstalt für Fischerei (1938-1945): dem Institut für See- und Küstenfischerei aus Hamburg-Altona, dem Institut für Ostseefischerei aus Swinemünde, dem Institut für Fischverarbeitung aus Hamburg- Altona, dem Institut für Netzforschung aus Lötzen (Ostpr.). Schon ab Herbst 1945 gingen die vier Institutsreste in die Verwaltung der Hansestadt Hamburg über und wurden mit kleinen, aber regelmäßigen städtischen Etats arbeitsfähig.


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During this years’ International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) of ICES, a total of 407 half hour tows were made in the North Sea including Skagerrak in January/ February, 1998. Results indicate except for sprat no outstanding incoming yearclasses for cod, haddock, saithe, Norway pout, whiting, herring, and mackerel. Most of the adult cod and saithe investigated did not show normal gonad development for this time of the year. The abundance of skates and sharks was still low. Results of 68 hydrographical stations of R.V. “Walter Herwig III” showed in contrast to four preceeding IBTS-surveys a warming of the northern North Sea of approx. 1 K.


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Im Rahmen der Bewirtschaftung der Fischressourcen des Nordatlantiks werden für alle Nutzfischarten jährlich Bestandsgrößen und Nachwuchsraten erarbeitet, die Grundlagen für die Festlegung künftiger Fangmengen dieser Arten sind. Da in diese Berechnungen Daten Unterschiedlicher Zuverlässigkeit eingehen und den Berechnungsmethoden verschiedene Voraussetzungen zugrunde liegen, bestehen Unsicherheiten in der Präzision der Vorhersagen. Deshalb werden die benutzten Modelle und ihre Ergebnisse laufend kritisch überprüft und weiterentwickelt. Aufgrund der Einschränkungen der bisher benutzten Methoden und den Wünschen der Fischwirtschaft, Vorhersagen für Bestandsentwicklungen für mindestens 5 Jahre zu entwickeln, startete einer Reihe europäischer Fischerei- bzw. Meeresforschungsinstitute eine gemeinsame Aktion mit dem Ziel, die wissenschaftliche Basis für Bestandsabschätzungen und -vorhersagen zu verbessern. Diese "ConcertedAction: Sustainable fisheries. How can the scientific basis for fish stock assessments and predictions be improved? (SAP)" wird vom Generaldirektor für Fischerei der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaft als Projekt FAIR CT 97-3805 seit dem 01.01.1998 für 40 Monate gefördert.


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In the first quarter of 1997 R.V. “Walther Herwig III” took part in the internationally (ICES) coordinated International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) in the North Sea. A total of 365 half-hour tows using a standardized GOV-net were made by seven research vessels in order to determine the strength of incoming yearclasses of cod, haddock, whiting, Norway pout, herring, sprat, and mackerel. Overall results, though preliminary show a considerable increase of the index figures for cod, Norway pout, herring, and mackerel whereas the indices for haddock, sprat, and whiting indicate lower recruitment figures. Water temperatures and salinity values were unhomogeneously below and above of the longterm mean.


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Bei ordnungsgemäßer Durchführung ist aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht gegen eine maßvolle Industriefischerei auch in der Nordsee nichts einzuwenden. Wichtige Kriterien sind allerdimgs, dass die genutzten Bestände wissenschaftlich überwacht werden und negative Effekte auf das Nahrungsnetz vermieden werden.


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Cod in the North Sea is expected to reach „Safe biological limit“ due to a strong 1996 year-class. The cod fry was seen first as 5 cm fingerlings in the catches during a hydroacoustic survey in the southeastern North Sea. Back-calculations of the water drift show with high probability that the respective spawning ground was situated in the southwestern North Sea.


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In order to investigate the abundanceand strength of most recent year classes of cod,haddock, whiting, Norway pout, herring, sprat, and mackerel seven researchvessels of ICES member states carried out a bottom trawl survey in the North Sea in January/February 1996. Germany took part in these investigations by R.V. "Walther Herwig III" from January 19 to February 9 covering 62 out of 332 international stations. No substantial positive or negative results concerning the incoming year classes were obtained. As expected, the hydrographc situation of the area under investigation was strongly influenced by the actual weather: On the one hand, the continuous cooling of the surface layer by cold air caused vertical mixing down into the bottom layer in larger areas, and led to decreasing water temperatures which were below the long term values in nearly all the North Sea at the end of the investigation period. On the other hand, the continuous southern to eastern winds over the North Sea led to horizontal water mass transports renewing vertical salinity differences and inducing regionally positive as weH as negative salinity anomalies of up to 0.6· 10-3. ,


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250 years ago, in Hamburg a herring polar migration theory was published as part of the "Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Straße Davis" from the literary remains of the mayor Dr. Johann Anderson. Based on various sources and capable to answer to the herring questions of the time, this one-stock-migration theory became international hypothesis during the following tenth of years. It still is classified as remarkable because some actual ideas on herring migration were thought already 250 years ago. Abstract DE: In Hamburg wurde vor 250 Jahren eine Polarstamm-Theorie zur Heringswanderung als Teil der Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Strasse Davis aus dem Nachlass des Bürgermeisters Dr. Johann Anderson veröffentlicht. Aufbauend auf unterschiedliche Quellen und in der Lage, die damaligen Fragen um den Hering zu beantworten, wurde diese Ein-Stamm-Theorie zur heringswanderung über Jahrzehnte internationale Lehrmeinung. Sie wird auch heute noch als bemerkenswert eingestuft. Denn sie enthielt vor 250 Jahren schon Gedankengänge, die noch aktuell sind.