26 resultados para ANIMAL TISSUES

em Aquatic Commons


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The three areas in Rookery Bay, near Marco Island and Fakahatchee Bay were sampled from July 1971 through July 1972, and 1,006,640 individual animals were collected, of which the majority (55%) came from the Marco area. The large disparity between the catches at Marco and the remaining study areas was due mainly to the appearance of high numbers of species of polychaetes and echinoderms that were of very minor importance or absent from the catches in Rookery Bay and Fakahatchee Bay. When only the major classes of animals in the catch are considered (i.e., crustaceans, fish and mollusks) the total counts for Fakahatchee (298,830) and Marco (275,075) are quite comparable but both exceed Rookery Bay (119,388) by a considerable margin. The effects of the red tide outbreak in the summer of 1971 were apparently restricted to the Rookery Bay Sanctuary and may account for some of the observed differences. For the purposes of making controlled comparisons between the study areas, three common habitats were selected in each area so that a mud bottom habitat, a sand-shell bottom habitat and a vegetated bottom habitat were located in each of the study areas. Total catches by habitat types for crustaceans, fish and mollusks and certain of the more abundant species show clearly the overwhelming importance of the vegetated bottom as a habitat for animals. By habitat the vegetated areas had the most "indicator species" with five, the mud habitat was next with three and the sand-shell habitat third with two. Thus the vegetated habitat would be the best choice if a single habitat were to be used to detect environmental changes between study areas. (PDF contains 137 pages)


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This manual presents geographic information by state of occurrence, and descriptions of the socio-economic impact created by the invasion of non-indigenous and native transplanted animal species in the Laurentian Great Lakes and the coastal waters of the United States. It is not a comprehensive literature review, but rather is intended as a primer for those unfamiliar with the socio-economic impacts of invasive aquatic and marine animals. Readers should also note that the information contained in this manual is current as of its publication date. New information and new species are routinely being added to the wider literature base. Most of the information was gathered from a number of web sites maintained by government agencies, commissions, academic institutions and museums. Additional information was taken from the primary and secondary literature. This manual focuses on socio-economic consequences of invasive species. Thus, ecological impacts, when noted in the literature, are not discussed unless a connection to socio-economic factors can be made. For a majority of the species listed, either the impact of their invasion is not understood, or it is not published in sources surveyed. In the species summaries, sources of information are cited except for information from the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database http://nas.er.usgs.gov. This website formed the base information used in creating tables on geographic distribution, and in many of the species summaries provided. Thus, whenever information is given without specific author/source and date citation, it has come from this comprehensive source. (PDF contains 90 pages)


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In this study we (1) synthesized 65 yr of odontocete stranding data around the main Hawaiian Islands (1937–2002); (2) analyzed stranding patterns and trends over time; and (3) compared occurrence patterns based on sightings of live animals with stranding data and evaluated the compatibility of these data sets. From 1937 to 2002, 202 odontocete strandings were recorded by the National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Islands Regional Office. Strandings increased through time due to increased reporting effort and occurred throughout the year. The four most common of 16 species reported were Kogia spp. (18%), spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) (15%), striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) (11%), and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) (10%). The highest proportion of strandings was recorded on O‘ahu (48%), followed by Maui/La¯na‘i (24%), Kaua‘i (12%), Hawai‘i (11%), and Moloka‘i (5%). Comparison with four previously published live animal survey studies suggests that stranding records are a good indicator of species composition and yield reasonable data on the frequency of occurrence of species in the region they cover.


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The estimated potential of Nigerian fish resources is 1,830,994 tonnes(t) whereas the demand based on per capita consumption of 12.0kg and a population of 88.5 million is 1.085 million tonnes. Supply is presently less than 500,000 tons. The gap between demand and supply have to be met through improved utilization and increased availability of fish and fishery products. The role of fish in nutrition is recognized, since it supplies a good balance of protein, vitamins and minerals and a relatively low caloric content. This paper appraises the consumption and utilisation pattern of fish in Nigeria, the spoilage of fish and prevention of losses as a means of increasing the availability of fish for human consumption and consequent control of aggravated animal protein deficiency - induced malnutrition. The paper further highlights the point that without increased landings, increased supply of fish can be achieved through reduction of postharvest loss of what is presently caught. The use of newly designed smoke - drying equipment to achieve such goal is highlighted. The paper also emphasises the need to put into human food chain those non-conventional fishery resources and by-catch of shrimp and demersal trawl fishes by conversion into high value protein products like fish cakes, fish pies and salted dried cakes


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Dosidicus gigas is a large pelagic cephalopod of the eastern Pacific that has recently undergone an unexpected, significant range expansion up the coast of North America. The impact that such a range expansion is expected to have on local fisheries and marine ecosystems has motivated a thorough study of this top predator, a squid whose lifestyle has been quite mysterious until recently. Unfortunately, Dosidicus spends daylight hours at depths prohibitive to making observations without significant artificial interference. Observations of this squid‟s natural behaviors have thus far been considerably limited by the bright illumination and loud noises of remotely-operated-vehicles, or else the presence of humans from boats or with SCUBA. However, recent technological innovations have allowed for observations to take place in the absence of humans, or significant human intrusion, through the use of animal-borne devices such as National Geographic‟s CRITTERCAM. Utilizing the advanced video recording and data logging technology of this device, this study seeks to characterize unknown components of Dosidicus gigas behavior at depth. Data from two successful CRITTERCAM deployments reveal an assortment of new observations concerning Dosidicus lifestyle. Tri-axial accelerometers enable a confident description of Dosidicus orientation during ascents, descents, and depth maintenance behavior - previously not possible with simple depth tags. Video documentation of intraspecific interactions between Dosidicus permits the identification of ten chromatic components, a previously undescribed basal chromatic behavior, and multiple distinct body postures. And finally, based on visualizations of spermatophore release by D. gigas and repetitive behavior patterns between squid pairs, this thesis proposes the existence of a new mating behavior in Dosidicus. This study intends to provide the first glimpse into the natural behavior of Dosidicus, establishing the groundwork for a comprehensive ethogram to be supported with data from future CRITTERCAM deployments. Cataloguing these behaviors will be useful in accounting for Dosidicus‟ current range expansion in the northeast Pacific, as well as to inform public interest in the impacts this expansion will have on local fisheries and marine ecosystems.


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Three diets were formulated using locally available feed ingredients in Malawi to test the effect of replacing animal protein (fish meal, meat and bone meal) with soybean meal (10:0, 5:5, 0:10% of diet) as the protein source on growth and feed conversion of Oreochromis karongae. There were no significant differences in growth rate (GR), specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratios (FCR) among the three diets. It can be concluded that more expensive and limited animal protein sources can totally be replaced by cheaper soybean in order to get similar growth rates in O. karongae.


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Tissues from Cook Inlet beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas, that were collected as part of the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s), chlorinated pesticides, and heavy metals and other elements. Concentrations of total PCB’s (ΣPCB’s), total DDT (ΣDDT), chlordane compounds, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dieldrin, mirex, toxaphene, and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) measured in Cook Inlet beluga blubber were compared with those reported for belugas from two Arctic Alaska locations (Point Hope and Point Lay), Greenland, Arctic Canada, and the highly contaminated stock from the St. Lawrence estuary in eastern Canada. The Arctic and Cook Inlet belugas had much lower concentrations (ΣPCB’s and ΣDDT were an order of magnitude lower) than those found in animals from the St. Lawrence estuary. The Cook Inlet belugas had the lowest concentrations of all (ΣPCB’s aver-aged 1.49 ± 0.70 and 0.79 ± 0.56 mg/kg wet mass, and ΣDDT averaged 1.35 ± 0.73 and 0.59 ± 0.45 mg/kg in males and females, respectively). Concentrations in the blubber of the Cook Inlet males were significantly lower than those found in the males of the Arctic Alaska belugas (ΣPCB’s and ΣDDT were about half). The lower levels in the Cook Inlet animals might be due to differences in contaminant sources, food web differences, or different age distributions among the animals sampled. Cook Inlet males had higher mean and median concentrations than did females, a result attributable to the transfer of these compounds from mother to calf during pregnancy and during lactation. Liver concentrations of cadmium and mercury were lower in the Cook Inlet belugas (most cadmium values were <1 mg/kg and mercury values were 0.704–11.42 mg/kg wet mass), but copper levels were significantly higher in the Cook Inlet animals (3.97–123.8 mg/kg wet mass) than in Arctic Alaska animals and similar to those reported for belugas from Hudson Bay. Although total mercury levels were the lowest in the Cook Inlet population, methylmercury concentrations were similar among all three groups of the Alaska animals examined (0.34–2.11 mg/kg wet mass). As has been reported for the Point Hope and Point Lay belugas, hepatic concentrations of silver were re


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The present paper reports the extraction of DNA from formalin-fixed Pontoporia blainvillei tissues. Following the Vachot and Monerot (1996) protocol, fragmented DNA (300-700bp) was extracted from more than 95% of liver and muscle samples. DNA yield in liver samples was significantly higher than in muscle samples (4.574 ± 1.169mg DNA/mg versus 0.808 ± 0.297mg DNA/mg). Similar results were obtained from nine other species of cetaceans and five species of pinnipeds. It is of special interest to have a method that allows the utilisation of museum specimens not originally preserved for genetic studies, which may include rarely available, declining or extinct species. SPANISH: El presente trabajo reporta la extracción de ADN a partir de tejidos formolizados de Pontoporia blainvillei. Siguiendo el protocolo de Vachot y Monerot (1996) se pudo extraer ADN degradado (300-700pb) en más del 95% de las muestras de hígado y músculo analizadas. El rendimiento en ADN fue significativamente mayor en muestras de hígado que en muestras de músculo (4.574 ± 1.169mg DNA/mg tejido húmedo versus 0.808 ± 0.297mg DNA/mg tejido húmedo). Resultados similares se obtuvieron en otras nueve especies de Cetáceos y cinco de Pinnípedos. Resulta de gran interés contar con un método que permita la utilización de especímenes depositados en museos y que no hayan sido originalmente colectados para estudios genéticos, incluyendo especies de difícil obtención, en franca declinación o extintas.


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We present prevalence of Bartonella spp. for multiple cohorts of wild and captive cetaceans. One hundred and six cetaceans including 86 bottlenose dolphins (71 free-ranging, 14 captive in a facility with a dolphin experiencing debility of unknown origin, 1 stranded), 11 striped dolphins, 4 harbor porpoises, 3 Risso's dolphins, 1 dwarf sperm whale and 1 pygmy sperm whale (all stranded) were sampled. Whole blood (n = 95 live animals) and tissues (n = 15 freshly dead animals) were screened by PCR (n = 106 animals), PCR of enrichment cultures (n = 50 animals), and subcultures (n = 50 animals). Bartonella spp. were detected from 17 cetaceans, including 12 by direct extraction PCR of blood or tissues, 6 by PCR of enrichment cultures, and 4 by subculture isolation. Bartonella spp. were more commonly detected from the captive (6/14, 43%) than from free-ranging (2/71, 2.8%) bottlenose dolphins, and were commonly detected from the stranded animals (9/21, 43%; 3/11 striped dolphins, 3/4 harbor porpoises, 2/3 Risso's dolphins, 1/1 pygmy sperm whale, 0/1 dwarf sperm whale, 0/1 bottlenose dolphin). Sequencing identified a Bartonella spp. most similar to B. henselae San Antonio 2 in eight cases (4 bottlenose dolphins, 2 striped dolphins, 2 harbor porpoises), B. henselae Houston 1 in three cases (2 Risso's dolphins, 1 harbor porpoise), and untyped in six cases (4 bottlenose dolphins, 1 striped dolphin, 1 pygmy sperm whale). Although disease causation has not been established, Bartonella species were detected more commonly from cetaceans that were overtly debilitated or were cohabiting in captivity with a debilitated animal than from free-ranging animals. The detection of Bartonella spp. from cetaceans may be of pathophysiological concern.


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Investigators at the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (COL) diagnose and study crustaceans, mollusks, finfish, and a variety of other marine and estuarine invertebrates to assess animal health. This edition updates the Histological Techniques for Marine Bivalve Mollusks manual by Howard and Smith (1983) with additional chapters on molluscan and crustacean techniques. The new edition is intended to serve as a guide for histological processing of shellfish, principally bivalve mollusks and crustaceans. Basically, the techniques included are applicable for histopathological preparation of all marine animals, recognizing however that initial necropsy is unique to each species. Photographs and illustrations are provided for instruction on necropsy of different species to simplify the processing of tissues. Several of the procedures described are adaptations developed by the COL staff. They represent techniques based on principles established for the histopathologic study of mammalian and other vertebrate tissues, but modified for marine and aquatic invertebrates. Although the manual attempts to provide adequate information on techniques, it is also intended to serve as a useful reference source to those interested in the pathology of marine animals. General references and recommended reading listed in the back of the manual will provide histological information on species not addressed in the text.


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The ascorbic acid turnover from the ocular tissues of 11 species of fishes from a culture pond and the river Godavari (Andhra Pradesh, India) has been studied. The free ascorbic acid and ascorbigen contents were more in the case of bottom or deep dwelling fishes and the least in the case of surface living forms, depending upon the light penetration in the area that each species inhabits. The enzymic utilization and ascorbic acid-macromolecule complex varied among the fishes possibly depending upon individual energy requirements and not upon light intensity. No size-related or sex-related variation was observed. No variation was observed between riverine and pond-reared fishes of the same species.


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The liver, heart and muscle tissues of Rohu, (Labeo rohita, Hamilton) were examined for their ubiquinone (UQ) and tocopherol contents. These three tissues contained respectively 11.60, 3.94 and 0.19 mg of ubiquinone and 10.16, 5.32 and 3.58 mg of tocopherol per 100 g. The 4% (V/V) of diethyl ether (EE) in light petroleum ether (PE) fractions of all three tissues on paper chromatographic separation gave spots having the same Rf value as standard ubiquinone-50 (UQ 10). Both the 4% and 6% (V/V) diethyl ether in light petroleum ether fraction of liver, heart and muscle tissues gave a single spot with the same Rf value as α – tocopherol.


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The palatability of various organs (body wall, cuvierian gland, viscera, longitudinal muscle bands and gonads) of sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota (Brandt) was studied by feeding experiments, performed on a freshwater fish Sarotherodon mossambicus and a marine fish Therapon jarbua. The result shows that the food pellets of the body wall were less toxic and more palatable than the gonads, viscera and cuvierian gland (p<0.001).