11 resultados para 280 °C anhydrous pyrolysis yield

em Aquatic Commons


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ENGLISH: One primary duty of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission is to estimate the maximum sustainable catches of yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), and to investigate and recommend proposals to maintain the stocks at levels which will permit these catches to be obtained. To do this, there is required some means of predicting yields relative to fishing intensity. . . The age composition of catch, and growth rate of yellowfin tuna for recent years have now been estimated (Hennemuth, 1961). In this paper, relative abundance at age of yellowfin tuna shall be estimated -and used, in turn, to estimate total mortality rate. Yield-per-recruit calculations, based on Beverton and Holt's (1957) simple equation, will be presented to compare present utilization with theoretical maxima under varying levels of fishing mortality and different ages at first capture. SPANISH: Uno de los principales deberes de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical es estimar las pescas máximas sostenibles de los atunes aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) , así como estudiar y recomendar proposiciones para mantener los stocks a niveles que permitan obtener estas pescas. Para lograr este propósito se requieren algunos medios que permitan predecir el rendimiento en relación con la intensidad de la pesca. . La composición de edades de la pesca y la tasa de crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla en años recientes han sido estimadas ahora (Hennemuth, 1961). En este trabajo, la abundancia relativa a una edad dada de esta especie será estimada y usada, a su vez, para estimar la tasa de mortalidad total. Los cálculos del rendimiento por recluta, basados en la ecuación simple de Beverton y Holt (1957), serán presentados para comparar la utilización actual con los máximos teóricos bajo valores variables de mortalidad por la pesca y a diferentes edades a la primera captura.


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The biomass yields of duck week (Lemna minor(L) was monitored in hydroponic media prepared by variously extracting 0.50, 1.00 and 2.00g of dried chicken manure per liter of city water (tap water) supply. The culture media consisting of aqueous extract of the various manure treatments were made up to 12 liters in all cases with tap water as control. Plastic baths of 25 liters capacity with 0.71 super(m2) surface area were used as culture facility. Each bath was stocked at a density of 30g super(m-2) with fresh weed samples (i.e 21.30g/bath). Maximum yields were obtained at all treatment levels and control on day 3 and based on the highest yield of 0.37gm super(-2)d super(-1) (dry matter) obtained at 1.00gL manure treatment which was however not significantly higher (P>0.05) than the 0.36gm super(-2)d super(-1) (dry matter) at 0.05gl super(-1) media manure content, an average manure level of 0.75l super(-1) was selected and used to determine the operational plant density. Thus fresh weights of 30 to 300gm super(-2) was grown in triplicate at 30g intervals for a period of 3 days. A regression equation of Y=2.6720+0.0021x with a corresponding maximum density or operational plant density of 266gm super(-2) and yield of 0.98gm super(-2), d super(-1) (dry matter) were obtained. Further growth trials were carried out at the operational density and manure levels of 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00gl super(-1) media manure concentration giving a significantly higher yield (P<0.05) of 17gm super(-2), d super(-1) (dry matter). This yield was however doubled to between 2.21 and 2.24gm super(-2) d super(-1) (equivalent to 7.96 to 8.06mt.ha-1, Yr-1 dry matter on extrapolation) if 25% and 75% respectively of the total weed cover were harvested daily within the experimental period. The role of some dissolved plant nutrients (DPN) were also discussed


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Invasive species generate significant environmental and economic costs, with maintenance management constituting a major expenditure. Such costs are generated by invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois spp.) that further threaten already stressed coral reefs in the western Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. This brief review documents rapid range expansion and potential impacts of lionfish. In addition, preliminary experimental data from targeted removals contribute to debates about maintenance management. Removals at sites off Little Cayman Island shifted the size frequency distribution of remaining lionfish toward smaller individuals whose stomachs contained less prey and fewer fish. Fewer lionfish and decreased predation on threatened grouper, herbivores and other economically and ecologically important fishes represent key steps toward protecting reefs. However, complete evaluation of success requires long-term data detailing immigration and recruitment by lionfish, compensatory growth and reproduction of lionfish, reduced direct effects on prey assemblages, and reduced indirect effects mediated by competition for food. Preventing introductions is the best way to avoid impacts from invasive species and early detection linked to rapid response ranks second. Nevertheless, results from this case study suggest that targeted removals represent a viable option for shifting direct impacts of invasive lionfish away from highly vulnerable components of ecosystems.


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This study tests the hypothesis that climate change, through its rice productivity impacts, induces out-migration in the Philippines. Results show that climate change effects such as increasing night time temperature and extreme rainfall pattern, by way of reduction in rice yield and farm revenues, significantly increases the number of Overseas Filipino Workers. Findings also show that overseas migration of female workers is more sensitive to climate and rice productivity changes compared to male overseas migration. However, unlike overseas migration, the reduction in yield and farm revenues act as a constraint to domestic migration.


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MSY per recruit of Tenualosa ilisha in the Meghna river was predicted as 112 g per recruit at the F(msy)=0.6/yr and at T(c)=0.6/yr. But Y/R=95 g per recruit was obtained at the existing fishing level, F=1.14/yr and at T(c)=0.6/yr. Existing F level was nearly double than the F(msy) level. Fishing pressure should be reduced immediately from F=1.14/yr to F(msy)=0.6/yr. F(msy)=1.14/yr was the same at first capture, T(c)=1.0, 1.2 and 1.4/yr, and MSY could be obtained as 142 g, 162 g and 176 g per recruit respectively. It is easier to change the first capture age (Tc) rather than changing off level. So, hilsa fishery manager may adopt F(msy)=1.14/yr while age at first capture must be increased from T(c)=0.6/yr (3 cm size group) to T(c)=1.4/yr (25 cm size group), by which 1.8 times production could be increased than the present production. MSY also possible to obtain as 201 g and 210 g per recruit at F(msy)=2.0/yr and 4.0/yr at T(c)=1.7/yr and 1.9/yr respectively. Under both the situations, hilsa production could be increased 2 times than the present production. To obtain the MSY=210 g per recruit the fishing level could be increased up to F=4.0/yr at T(c)=1.9/yr (34 cm size group). Economic point of view, hilsa fishery managers may choose to obtain the economic MSY as 201 g per recruit at F(msy)=2.0/yr and T(c)=1.7yr (31 cm size group) in the Meghna river of Bangladesh.


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Observations (76 nos) on height-length and whole weight-meat weight relations of mussels (Perna viridis), both wild and cultured were made. From the length of mussel the height can be worked out by the equations (logarithmic scale), 1. y = 0.360+0.988 x for wild; 2. y = 0.334+1.011 x for cultured, where x is the length (cm) and y is the height (cms). So also to any height the corresponding meat weight can be obtained by the regression equation. log w=-0.8178+1.9769 log H for wild variety (1) log w=-1.3049+2.8385 log H for culture-variety (2) where w is the meat weight (g) and H is the height (cm) of the mussel. Fourteen observations on size weight measurements of dams were made. The yield varied from 8.9 to 13%. The length-height relationship worked out for clams (Villorita sp) is y=0.485+1.005 x for length x and height y.


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Sixty one observations on length-breadth and whole weight-meat weight relations of India crab (Scylla serrata) were made. From the length of crab (cm) the whole weight (gm) can be computed by the equation: log W=-0.1708+2.3341 log L. Similarly for any given length (cm) the meat weight (gm) can be found by the relation, log w=-1.5745+3.0148 log L.


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The findings are presented of a study conducted to determine a method for the calculation of the yield of dried air bladders of eel from the weight of the whole fish.


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The yield equation given by BEVERTON and HOLT (1957) has several parameters which are difficult to estimate for tropical freshwater fish species. Nevertheless, some simplifying assumptions can be made and the most relevant parameters used to enable the construction of yield isopleths. Tilapia esculenfa has the following parameters: maximum length (L ∞=33.8 c.m. growth rate (K) = 0.32, natural mortality rate (M)=0.17 and the length at maturity (1 m)=22 cm. The optimum yield is obtained by catching the fish at a length of first capture of 26 em and a fishing mortality rate of 0.5. Tilapia nilotica with L ∞=49 cm, 1 m=36 cm, K=0.50 and M= 0.30 gives optimum yield when caught at a length of first capture of 35-36 cm with a fishing mortality rate of 0.5-0.6. The stuned Tilapia nilotica of Lake Albert has L ∞=17 cm, K=2.77,1 m=12 cm and M=3.37. With such a very high natural mortality, maximum yields would be obtained hy using a length of first capture less than 9 cm and a fishing mortality rate exceeding 1.8.