140 resultados para liver weight


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Protein extract prepared from squilla (Grato squilla nepa), a commercially unexploited crustacean, was analysed for crude protein and essential amino acids. All the essential amino acids except tryptophan and threonine were present in nutritionally adequate amounts. The protein was evaluated for its nutritional quality in respect of growth rate, protein efficiency ratio (PER) and liver nitrogen content by feeding on rats. Growth rates and protein efficiency ratios were similar in rats fed on casein, squilla protein and a combination of squilla protein and casein (1:1) diet. The weight of liver and kidneys were normal.


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Length-weight relationships of Panulirus homarus caught from the Kanniyakumari coast was found to be W=0.000566 L super(2-50). The relationship between tail length and total length was also investigated and compared with that of Panulirus polyphagus. Same relationship did not hold good for the two sexes as in the case of P. polyphagus. For a given tail length, the head length, the total length and the weight appear to be relatively larger for females of small sizes of P. homarus.


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Relation of weight to height, length and breadth in the Indian backwater oyster Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) is reported. The relative importance of the variables on weight was found to be height, length and breadth in their order of preference. The multiple regression V = -0.4017 + 0.46743 X + 0.8278 Y + 0.1130 Z can be used to estimate the meat weight (logarithm) for given dimensions of length, height and breadth (all in logarithms). An exponential relation between weight and height is also observed.


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Details are given of a study investigating the relationship between water, lipid, and protein in Puntius filamentosus. Percentage compositions in the muscle, liver and gonad of fish specimens from Lake Vellayani in India are given, showing the fluctuations which occur during maturation.


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The length-weight relationship of Daysciaena albida and Gerres filamentosus were calculated separately for indeterminants, mature males and mature females. The logarithmic regression equation obtained for D. albida - males: log w = -1.5055 + 2.8618 log l; females: log w = -0.9260 + 2.4089 log l; indeterminants: log w = -l.7188 + 3.0616 log l. The regression co-efficients between males and females, males and in determinants and female and in determinants showed significant differences. In G. filamentosus the relationship can be expressed as males: log w = -1.3224 + 2.8740 log 1; females: log w = -1.2874 + 2.8381 log l; indeterminants: log w = -0.8167 + 2.2558 log l. The difference in regression co-efficients between male and female are insignificant at 5% level whereas significant differences were observed between males and indeterminants and females and indeterminants. The relative condition factor (Kn) was calculated for the above two species. In D. albida the reasons for the fluctuations of Kn values can be attributed to both spawning cycle as well as feeding intensity whereas in G. filamentosus it synchronies mainly with spawning cycle.


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The results of ten months study (September 1983 to July 1984) of the length-weight relationship of males and females of Tilapia mossambicus of the reservoir waters of Idukki Hydel Project show deviation from the cubic relationship of these two parameters. This is due to the retarded growth pattern of this exotic species in this oligotrophic habitat.


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Fry shrank immediately after they were preserved in formalin, but from the second week onwards shrinkage was almost nil. Fry in freshwater formalin solutions shrunk less than those in seawater formalin solutions. It is recommended that milkfish Chanos) fry be preserved in formalin solutions for 1 wk prior to length measurement and at least for 3 wks before determining body weight.


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Length-weight relationships of two commercially important freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium idella and M. scabriculum, have been worked out separately for the two sexes of the two species. 't' test showed that growth departs significantly from the isometric growth in the case of both sexes of M. idella and in the female of M. scabriculum. Therefore, the cubic formula W = CL^3 may be applied only in the case of males of M. scabriculum. In all the other cases W = CL^n may be followed.


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Loss of solids from and gain in weight of meat of whole prawn and prawn meat stored in ice has been studied to explain the mechanism of solid loss. Two stages are identified in this phenomenon. In the first stage water is absorbed without loss of solids resulting in a maximum increase in weight. In the second stage both solids and water are lost resulting in gradual decrease in weight from the maximum reached but not reaching the original weight. It is inferred that whole prawns stored in ice up to two days give the maximum peeled yield without loss of nutrients and at the same time making the peeling process easier.


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Length-weight relationship of the freshwater fish of Pamba River, Nandus nandus (Ham) has been worked out. The results showed that the slope values and elevations were not significant and hence a combined regression equation has been calculated for both the sexes (Log W=2.4130 Log L -0.3306). The’t’ test analyses were conducted and found that the growth departs significantly from the isometric growth. Thus the formula W=aL super(n) has to be applied in calculating the length-weight relationship of this species.


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Specimens of Decapterus russelli have been collected from Lema, north of the Gulf of Oman. The ocular lens diameter and weight were tested as an additional age indicator to those already in use. The results showed that this technique could be adopted for determining the age of the species Decapterus russelli when the specimens are in the second year of age in case of eye lens diameter. On the other hand, eye lens weight failed to separate between the four age groups observed. The method is especially useful for age determination when otolith or scale ring are not visible or when false rings give erroneous reading.


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Study on the biomarkers types to assess health status of marine ecosystems in environmental biomonitoring has an important value. Accordingly, accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in sediment, water and tissues (liver and gill) of mudskipper(i.e. Boleophthalmus dussumieri) and some physiological responses like lysosomal membrane change performed on haemocytes, stability of red blood cell membrane and the Glutathione-S Transferase (GST) activity in the liver were measured in mudskipper. Samples were obtained from five sites along north western coast of the Persian Gulf (Khuzestan coast). Red blood cell membrane changes after different concentration of PAHs at different time was also studied to evaluate impact of PAHs compound on cell membrane. PAHs concentration was measured by HPLC method. The activity of GST enzyme was analysed by spectrophotometric method. Lysosomal membrane change was measured by NRR time method and stability of red blood cell membrane was evaluated by EOF test. Total PAH concentrations in the coastal sea water, the sediments, the liver and the gill tissues ranged between 0.80-18.34 μg/l, 113.50-3384.34 ng g-1 (dry weight), 3.99-46.64 ng g-1 dw and 3.11-17.76 ng g-1 dw, respectively. Highest PAHs pollution was found at Jafari while the lowest was detected at Bahrakan sampling sites. The lowest enzymatic activity was identified at Bahrakan (7.19 ± 1.541 nmol/mg protein/min), while the highest was recorded at Jafari (46.96 ± 7.877 nmol/mg protein/min). Comparative analysis of GST activity in the liver of mudskippers showed significant difference (p < 0.05) between the locations of Jafari and Bahrakan, and with other sites. Moreover, no significant difference was detected between the locations of Arvand, Zangi and Samayeli (p < 0.05). The mean RT was below 90 minutes in all sampling sites. Values of mean RT of the dye ranged from 34 (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Jafari site) to 78 minutes (for the blood samples of mudskipper collected from Bahrakan site). Spatial evaluation revealed the longest RT in fish from Bahrakan as compared with those from other sites. Preliminary results showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) among sampling sites except between Arvand and Zangi (p > 0.05). Osmotic fragility curves indicated that erythrocytes collected from mudskippers at Jafari were the most 009 fragile followed by Zangi> Arvand> Samayeli> and Bahrakan. The mean erythrocyte fragility was significantly higher at Jafari site (p < 0.05) when compared to other sites. Significant differences were found between the various sites (p < 0.05).The result indicated no significant differences between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to field concentrations of PAHs (P>0.05). The results further indicated significant differences (P<0.05) between the control and treatments of mudskipper RBC exposed to acute. Potency Divisor concentrations. It is clear from the present result that chronic. Potency Divisor concentrations protect red cells against osmotic hemolysis. This study, however, showed that PAH concentrations in this region are not higher than the available standards. The findings showed that Lysosomal membrane destabilization, liver GST activities and fragility of red cell membrane are highly sensitive in the mudskipper, B. dussumieri. Thus, mudskipper perceived to be good sentinel organisms for PAH pollution monitoring. Sediment PAH concentrations were strongly correlated with biomarkers, indicating that PAH type pollutants were biologically available to fish. One of the possible risk assessment implications of this study is that biomarkers can be applied not only to characterize biological effects of pollution exposures, but also to determine the bioavailability of pollution in aquatic systems. The results also indicated that PAHs compound possess anti haemolytic property.


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Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) are widely used in detergent industry. Due to contaminants entering the water, and the effects of their accumulation in fish, LAS, has a great importance in environmental pollution. In the present study, accumulation of LAS and its histological effects on gill tissue, liver and kidney of Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) were studied. Caspian kutum is the most important and most valuable teleosts of the Caspian Sea. Due to releasing Caspian Kutum in rivers and Anzali Lagoon and unlimited entry of wastewater to the aquatic ecosystem, research on the impact of LAS on Caspian kutum is important. In the present study, fish exposed to sublethal concentrations of LAS (0.58, 1.16 and 2.32 mg/l) for 192 hours. Control treatments with three replicates at 0, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 192 hours were done. For assessments of the histological effects of LAS, tissue sections prepared and by using Hematoxylin - Eosin were stained, then the prepared sections, examined by light microscopy. For determination of the bio accumulation of LAS, the soxhlet extraction and solid phase extraction was performed to determine the amount of LAS using HPLC with fluorescence detector. According to results average of bioconcentration factor and LAS concentrations in fish had reached stable levels after approximately 72 h and thus represented steady state BCF values in this species. The value of steady-state bio-concentration factor of total LAS was 33.96 L.Kg- 1 and for each of the homologous C10-n-LAS, C11-n-LAS, C12-n-LAS and C13-n- LAS were 3.84, 6.15, 8.58 and 15.57 L.Kg-1 respectively. According to the results obtained in gills exposed to LAS, histopathological alteration include hypertrophy, lifting of lamella epithelium, edema, clubbing of lamellae hyperplasia, lamellar fusion and aneurysm were seen. In liver tissue exposed to three concentrations of LAS, congestion and dilation of sinusoids, irregular-shaped nuclei and degeneration in the hepatocyte, vacuolar degeneration and necrosis were observed. In kidney exposed to three concentrations of LAS, reduction of the interstitial haematopoietic tissue, degeneration in the epithelial cells of renal tubule, tubular degeneration, necrosis, shrinkage and luminal occlusion were observed. According to the results the most alteration due to exposure to LAS was seen in the gill tissue. None of the control samples showed histological effects of LAS.


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Present study deals with the family Soleidae (common sole) Euryglossa orientalis (Bl. & Schn.) of the order Pleuronectiformis from Karachi coast. Separate equation (regression line) for describing the length weight relationships for male and female combined are justified. Allometric studies were made on skeleton weight relative to the length and the weight of the fish. The regression equation 'a' and 'b' values of standard length/skeleton weight and body weight/skeleton weight are statistically significant.


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A number of wide-ranging monitoring studies have been performed in order to estimate the degree of mercury (Hg) contamination in freshwater ecosystems. Knowledge regarding contamination of different levels of the food chain is necessary for estimation of total pollutant input fluxes and subsequent partitioning among different phases in the aquatic system. The growing international concern about this environmental data is closely related to the strongly developing ecological risk assessment activities. In addition,freshwater monitoring outputs hold a key position in the estimation of the Hg dose consumed by the human population as it is highly dependent on fish consumption. So monitoring of Hg in the tissue of edible fish is extremely important because of contaminated fish has caused serious neurological damage to new born babies and adults. Mercury tends to accumulate in fish tissue, particularly, in the form of methyl mercury, which is about 10 times more toxic than inorganic mercury. The Anzali lagoon is one of the biggest wetland of Guilan province, which joins to the Caspian sea. Many Chemical and industrial factories plus agricultural runoffs and urban and rural sewages are major polluting sources of the Anzali wetland. Since many of those polluting sources drain their wastes directly or indirectly into the Anzali wetland and their sewages may be polluted with Hg, this study was conducted to find out the bioaccumulation of Hg bioaccumulation in pike (Esox lucius) food chain from Anzali lagoon, Iran. Sampling were carried out from July 2004 to July 2005, in addition 318 speciments of 9 fish species were collected. T-Hg was measured by LECO AMA 254 Advanced Mercury Analyzer (USA) according to ASTM standard No D-6722. Each sample was analyzed 3 times. Accuracy of T-Hg analysis was checked by running three samples of Standard Reference Materials; SRM 1633b, SRM 2711 & Sra 2709. Detection limit was 0.001 mg/kg in dry weight. The Accuracy degree of analyzor equipment with RSD<%0.05 (N=7) was between %95.5 and %105. In overal eigth fish species were distingushed in the gut content of 87 speciments of pike with age 1-5 year and maximum length 550mm. The max. and min. concentration of T-Hg in dorsal muscle of pjke was 0.2ppm in one year and 1.2ppm in five year class. The mean of T-Hg significantly increased with age and length increased (P<0.05).Mercury accumulation pattern in pike was as well as muscle > liver > spleen (P<0.05). THg content in female was higher than male(P<0.05). In contrast the mean of THg concentration in dorsal muscle of eigth fish species as prey was 0.282, 0.261, 0.328, 0.254, 0.256, 0.286, 0.322 and 0.241 ppm for Carassius auratus gibelio, Hemiculter leucisculus, Blicca bjoerkna transcaucasica, Chalcalburnus mossulensis, Rhodeus sericeus amarus, Gambusia holbrooki, Alburnus charusini hohenackeri & Scardinius Erythrophthalmus respectively.Liner regresion indicated that high degree of relationship between age of pike and Uptak/Intake ratio (R2=%99.12) and indicated that the mercury bioaccumulation in the pike dorsal muscle increased with age increased. BFA was >1 and and indicating the mercury biomagnification in the pike food chain. Trophy level of pike in the Anzali lagoon was estimated as well as 3.5 and 4 . It is generally agreed that Hg concentration in carnivorous fish are higher than in noncarnivorous species.