429 resultados para Prawn Penaeus-japonicus


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Fluctuations in the K values of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) off Bombay coast were interpreted regarding sex, month and females maturity stage. These indicate differential growth rates in males and females. Males and females attain first maturity at 145 mm and 115 mm respectively, second maturity is attained by both the sexes at 195 mm. First spawning occurs when both are of 155 mm length and at second spawning males and females attain 215 and 205 mm of length respectively. The fish mature and breed at "O" year; the main spawning period is from August to November with peak spawning activities in October. It grows about 155 mm in first year at 12.91mm per month and about 215 mm in the second year at 5.0 mm per month on an average. Length-weight relationships for males and females are given. The rate of growth of females by weight was found to be slower below 150 mm, but faster than that of males above 150 mm specimens.


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Recent developments in aquaculture has created an awareness that prawn culture is a dollar spinner, in which industry can step in to earn foreign exchange by producing an expensive food iten which has a high market demand abroad. The Government has to take a policy decision whether the prawn culture should be done through small fishermen to improve their socio-economic condition or through private industry with the high technology input and predefined objectives of export trade. Perhaps a simultaneous operation of the two could be allowed best in the interest of India. Perhaps in the interest of quick development and adoption of high production technology, through fishermen organization, the development is encouraged through the implimentation of welfare and area development schemes. In some selected areas private industry may be encoureged to use high production technology to develop prawns.


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Studies on genetic improvement of penaeid prawns for the character higher tail weight using methods of selective breeding were undertaken. Prior to the actual breeding experiments it was necessary to find out the quantum of available variability in the character tail weight amongst the natural populations of Penaeus merguiensis from the Indian waters. Thirteen morphometric variables were measured and various statistical analyses were carried out. The tail weight showed almost double values of coefficient of variation in the females than the males (C.V. 20.37 and 11.08 respectively). The combination of the characters viz. sixth segment length (SSL), sixth segment depth (SSD) and posterior abdominal circumference (PAC) gave the highest R super(2) values. These variables were easy to measure and gave maximum variation in the character tail weight without sacrificing the breeders in the brood stock. The quantitative character tail weight was influenced by both genetic and environmental factors was statistically ascertained by applying 2-Factor analysis.


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Studies indicated spawning season of Nemipterus japonicus off Bombay coast (Maharashtra, India), to be during July to December with peak breeding during November to December. Females attained first maturity at the length range 110-120 mm; 50% maturity and spawning occurred at 135 mm within one year of its age. Overall male: female ratio for the entire period of study was 1:1.01. Relationships of fecundity with total length of fish, total ovary weight and per g. fish weight were worked out as F=(-72674.33) L super(739.73); F =65.44 W super(807.33); F=3112.57 W super(22383.27) and F=467.85 W super(4.96) with coefficient of correlation values (r) 0.9090, 0.9443, 0.9911 and 0.8843 respectively.


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Chromosomal studies were conducted on Macrobrachium rosenbergii. On the basis of 50 metaphase plate counts, 38 metacentric, 14 sub metacentric and 66 telocentric chromosomes (2n = 118) were observed. The total length of the granomme was recorded to be 34.2 micron.


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Live food organisms play a vital role in the artificial propagation of penaeid prawn seeds. The methods practiced for the culture of phyto and zooplankton for rearing prawn larvae through their various developmental stages are reviewed. Selection of a suitable species depends mainly on the culture characteristics, local environmental factors and the food requirements of the species of prawns cultured. Suitability of a few species isolated from Karwar waters is discussed.


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The annual instantaneous total mortality coefficient (Z) for the prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni has been estimated to range from 0.8 to 5.14 by the cumulative catch curve method. Different methods used in the study resulted in wide ranging values of natural mortality (M) (0.6 to 2.303), but the yield per recruit model when superimposed with the absolute yield values revealed the right order to be > 2. The biologically optimum yield of about 18 thousand tons is obtained for an effort of 2,702 trawlers per day for 215 fishing days when the annual exploitation ratio (E) is about 52%.


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A female of Penaeus merguiensis de Man collected from Karachi fish harbour (8 May, 1993) was with a large specimen of bopyrid in its right gill chamber. Since this was the second record (see Tirmizi and Bashir, 1973) of a bopyrid from a species other than Parapenauopsis stylifera H. Milne-Edwards the specimen was examined out of curiosity.


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The rate of survival of different types of faecal indicator organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci etc. during freezing and frozen storage has been studied. Peeled and deveined prawns inoculated with a mixed culture of the above organisms were subjected to freezing and storage at -10̊F and examined for over four months.


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A general survey carried out on several brands of frozen prawn products has shown that along with the standard plate count (SPC), the numbers of pathogenic organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci and coagulase positive staphylococci have also to be taken into consideration for the evaluation of the quality of these products. No correlation could be established between the total plate count and the number of E. coli, enterococci or staphylococci. Enumeration of enterococci, however, is advocated as a better index of faecal contamination of the products than E. coli.


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The processing of prawns has assumed very great importance in India because processed prawn products have become one of the most important foreign exchange earners in the country.


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Details about the three departmental vessels, Gulf shrimp, Indian Salmon and Silver Pomfret and gear in the exploratory fishing off Veraval coast are reported. Potential prawn fishing grounds have been located by their operation in section 20-70, 21-69 and 22-69 in the cruises conducted in October, 1962. Observation regarding suitability of gear and composition of catch are given. The possibility of better prawn grounds occurring in areas deeper than the present grounds is indicated.


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The magnitude and disposition of the inland prawn fisheries resources of the country have been described. The lack of adequate knowledge of the capture fisheries resources has been pointed out and the necessity for an organised survey of the resources and research to formulate measures for their proper management emphasised. The existing methods of prawn farming in the country have been described and the need for research for maximising yields from culture fisheries of prawn has been highlighted. Measures for immediate development of prawn fisheries of the country have also been discussed.


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The design and construction of the motor fishing vessel Jheenga of the Deep Sea Fishing Station of the Government of India, Bombay, the areas covered and the gear used by her in 1959-63 are described. The prawn catches in relation to the total catches, and their catch rates in different months in area 18-72 in Bombay region which was fished continuously during the five years period have been studied with a view to ascertaining their seasonal abundance. The results indicate the availability of the prawns in the region for the major part of the year from March to October-November. High catches with high catch rates forming high percentage of their abundance in total catches are obtained in July to October.


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The paper provides some background information about the developments in the prawn fishing technique. The important indigenous gear for prawns are the filtering type nets like the stake nets, boat seines and beach seines with bag. The only indigenous net, which can be compared in design with the modern bottom trawling gear, is the "Thuri Valai" of the Madras Coast. Prawns have also been reported from the catches of gill nets and cast nets. Dredges and beam trawls are simplest among the dragged gear. Even though several earlier attempts were made with the beam trawl, in 1959 season a detailed experiment was made to study the fishing features of this gear. The subsequent experiments conducted were for comparison with otter trawl, towing of 2 beam trawls one behind the other and the use of tickler chain. The initial experiments with otter trawls were mainly directed towards operational aspects. The experiments were to evaluate the effectiveness of fully mechanised and partially mechanised operation, the effect of extra buoyancy of floats and the use of tickler chain. Subsequent developments had been on the structure and design of prawn trawling gear. Effect of long wings and sweeps were tested. Catches of nylon and cotton nets were compared. The sizes of meshes of the cod-end have also been increased.