767 resultados para Fishery technology


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Marine fish doma (Sciaenoids) (Small spp.) from Bombay coast was studied for total bacterial counts on the surface and gut. Large number of Micrococcus species (77.4%) was found whereas few species from Achromobacter, Bacillus, Bacterium, Flavobacter, Pseudomonas and Sarcina were noted.


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This paper reports on the relationship between the seasonal variations in the oil content of the Indian oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps) and their frozen storage life at -l8°C and on the use of various chemicals and coating materials to extent their storage life. It is observed that there is an inverse relationship between the oil content and the frozen storage life- oil content varying from 10.33 to 42.43% (MFB) and storage life from 2 to 5 months. Extension of storage life is achieved by dipping in hydroquinone solution prior to freezing or by coating with agar after freezing. Data on changes in peroxide value, free fatty acids, moisture, drip and organoleptic characteristics during frozen storage are presented.


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Fish ensilage for animal feed stuff was prepared from Jew fish (Pseudosciaena spp.) and Silver bellies (Leiognathus spp.) by fermentation with pure culture of Lactobacillus piantarum NCIB 6105. The precooked ensiled product gave better product of fish silage (high content of lactic acid, about 5%). Protein Nitrogen content ranged between 1.76 to 1.94%. During storage for one year, the Protein Nitrogen loss was not significant. The material can be used as a supplemental animal ration.


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Silver belly (Leiognathus Spp.) forms a major fishery in recent years in the Rameswaram island but fetches for the fishermen very low prices ranging from Rs. 0.03 to 0.12/Kg only, there being practically no demand for the fish. The possibilities of utilizing this cheap fish are discussed and the processing method described. During the glut season the cost of production of Silver belly fish meal works out to competitive prices of Rs. 500 to 700/ton. The silver belly fish meal is of high quality with good protein content averaging 57.71% in commercial samples and 61.90% in laboratory samples and with a high pepsin digestibility of 90.0% to 92.5%. The essential amino acid composition of the Silver belly fish meal compares very favorably with other round fish meals, with high contents of lysine, leucine, arginine, isoleucine, methionine, phenyl alanine, threonine and valine. Since there is good demand for fish meal as poultry and cattle food both in the internal and external markets, there is good scope for large scale production and sale of fish meal.


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Studies on small trawls seem to be comparatively less. These trawls are generally operated in shallower waters, where due to the limitations in the length of warp that could be released, size restrictions have to be considered for their efficient functioning. An attempt has been made to assess the effective scope-ratio of length of warp required for the operation of trawls at shallower depth and to a judge the size of trawl suitable for use at lower depths.


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The paper deals with an experiment with a floating trawl net off Cochin, using a pair of curved otter boards and a transducer mounted on the head rope of the net. 32 hauls were made with different towing speeds and warp length keeping one factor constant for varying parameters of the other factor. The working data for 32 hauls are presented and the effect in the fishing depth of the net due to the variation in one factor is mentioned. The 'fishing depth' is indicated in this paper as the distance between the head rope and the bottom. The usefulness of similar experiments with added information on the angle of leading warp at the stern for the exploitation of column fishes in Indian waters is indicated.


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The importance of sulphur amino acids, especially of methionine, in our nutrition is too well known to be emphasized. But adequate data on the sulphur and methionine contents of the cheapest of our animal foods viz., fish, are not available. In this note, the total sulphur and methionine content of 18 common fresh water fishes is presented. Total sulphur was determined by Osborne perioxide method (Winton & Winton, 1945) and methionine by the colorimetric method of Horn. (Horn et al., 1946)


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A review of the literature on fish processing will reveal that most of the important developments have taken place during the last twenty years. Sustained work by teams of scientists in different parts of the world, has not only contributed much to our knowledge of the chemistry and technology of fish but also resulted in revolutionary changes in the methods of preservation and processing of fishery products.


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Biochemical composition of the muscle of juveniles belonging to 18 different species of freshwater fishes showed that the protein percentage in juveniles was higher than the adults. The fat, on the other hand, was much lower. This suggests that the body fat increases with the onset of maturity. No clear inverse relationship was found between fat and protein in juveniles. Moisture percentage was very high in juveniles. This was probably because of low fat content. In most species the sum of fat and water contents (F + W) was found to be constant. The percentages of ash, calcium and phosphorus were higher in juveniles than those of adults. Dry matter percentage varied inversely with the moisture and in most species carbohydrate was generally low. In juveniles although the calorific value of protein-fraction was high the total calorific value was lower than the adults.


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A survey of the quality of salt cured fish in Kanyakumari District, Madras State was done during the years 1963 and 1964 to obtain necessary basic information to formulate quality standards for these products which are gaining importance in the export trade. 155 trade samples of sun-dried, dry-salted, wet-cured and pit-cured fishery products were examined for their chemical quality and organoleptic characteristics. 26.5% of the sun-dried products, 25% of the wet cured fish, 55.21% of the dried salted products and none of the pit cured samples were found to be good in quality. The sun dried products were generally found to have heavy admixture of sand and were inadequately dried. The chief defects in the salt cured fish products were found to be the use of spoiled fish, imperfect cleaning and washing, use of impure salt, inadequate salting, curing and drying, and unhygienic conditions in all stages. Quality standards must be formulated for each variety of salt cured fish product and adequate measures taken to rectify the defects and enforce the quality standards.


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This note gives details of experiments conducted on the canning of certain species of sardines viz. Sardinella fimbriata, Sardinella gibbosa and Sardinella sirm which are landed in commercial quantities in the East Coast of Madras State and which have not so far been tried for canning. The experiments conclusively prove that these species of sardines can also be canned in oil pack and good canned products manufactured out of them.


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The bacteria from a variety of fresh-water fish, Cyprinus carpio. var. communis, showed the presence of micrococci, Gram positive and Gram negative rods. These have been characterized as far as was possible. Of thirty-eight strains of bacteria used, only six strains were considered as causing spoilage of fish flesh in experiments where flesh was incubated with individual cultures of the bacteria. These six strains had been found on the surface and/or intestine of the fish and support the suggestions that, after death, invasion of flesh by bacteria from the surface and intestine could be the cause of bacterial spoilage of fish.


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Fishing using electricity is a new technique and is still in the experimental stages in many of the advanced countries. While no published records are available in India, considerable work has been done in Germany, United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. These papers mainly deal with the behavior of the fish in the electrical field, the physiological effects of electrical current on fishes, methods of electrofishing, electric fencing etc. The following experiments on electrical fishing were conducted with a view to studying the distribution of electrical field when an alternating current is passed through two fixed electrodes in fresh water and to study the reaction of different fresh water fishes to the field.


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The proper matching of the pull exerted by a trawler and the size of trawl is important for maximizing the catching efficiency. The available pull is more dependent on the propeller and its working conditions than the installed engine power. The normal practice is to directly connect net size to the installed power in the boat by formulae without reference to the prope1ler dimensions or the available trawling pull and this is not adequate to find out the optimum combination. By the method outlined in this paper, the accurate calculation of trawling pull is possible by taking into account only the propeller diameter, pitch and r. p. m. The predictions by the method are compared for trawlers with powers between 30 and 60 hp and agreement is found to be within + 5%. The power absorbed by the propeller in trawling condition can also be calculated by this method for checking whether the engine is being overloaded.


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Situated as it is on the north-western section of the Indian Ocean, the Cochin littoral has played a very significant role in the history of India. Despite being an extremely interesting region from the point of view of oceanographic studies, the Indian Ocean in general has been one of the least scientifically known regions of our planet.