229 resultados para fleshy prawn


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Results of experimental rearing of Penaeus indicus without supplemental feeding in unfertilized brackish water ponds in fore-shore of Chilka lake are presented in this paper. Higher rate of survival was recorded where advanced juveniles were stocked and lower rate of survival was recorded where early juveniles were stocked. The average growth rate recorded from the rearing experiments was higher than the average growth rate of Penaeus indicus recorded from the adjoining Chilka Lake which indicates the promising future of prawn farming in and around the lake. Analysis of gut contents revealed that Penaeus indicus could efficiently utilise algal and higher plant matter present in the ponds. No noticeable differences in daily growth rates were noticed between early and advanced juveniles in rearing experiments.


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Size grade composition of different species of prawn caught by various back water fishing gear have been enumerated. 57 to 75% of P. indicus captured was less than 10 cm in length. M. dobsoni and M. monoceros captured were less than 10 cm in length. A cod end mesh size of 20-25 mm has been recommended for stake nets for the capture of P. indicus of 10 cm length along with other species.


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The changes occurring in water and salt extractable protein and non-protein fractions in prawn muscle of different species during freezing, freeze drying and subsequent prolonged storage have been studied. There is no denaturation of water extractable proteins, whereas salt extractable proteins were rendered insoluble to the extent of 21% due to freeze drying. The freeze dried products remained in good edible condition for 32 months of storage up to which storage characteristics were followed.


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A method has been described for the preparation of protein extract from prawn waste. The process consists of extracting the protein from minced fresh prawn head and shell waste by treatment with mild alkali and neutralisation and concentration of the filtrate into a semisolid consistency. The yield of the final product is about 20% of the weight of fresh prawn waste.


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A simple method of isolation of protein from jawla prawn and squilla, which does not involve any chemical treatment, is reported. The method consists in blending the jawla prawn/squilla with equal quantity of water, removal of chitinous matter, heating the pulp at 112°C for 15-20 minutes and drying the precipitated protein after filtration.


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The native flora of oil sardine and mackerel consisting of Pseudomonas spp; Moraxella spp., Acinetobacter spp. and Vibrio spp. underwent significant changes during ice storage. At the time of spoilage, Pseudomonas spp. were predominant. CTC treatment significantly reduced the Pseudomonas spp. in the initial stages of storage; but later Pseudomonas spp. reasserted and constituted the bulk of the spoilage flora. In prawn, the native flora was comprised of Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp., Moraxella spp. and Vibrio spp. At the time of spoilage a heterogeneous flora, consisting of Pseudomonas spp; Moraxella spp. and Acinetobacter spp. predominated. CTC treatment significantly changed the flora of prawns. During spoilage, Pseudomonas predominated in CTC treated prawns.


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The native flora of fresh oil sardine and mackerel consisted mainly of Pseudomonas spp., Moraxella spp., Acinetobacter spp. and Vibrio spp. During spoilage in ice, nearly 75% of their bacterial flora belonged to Pseudomonas spp. alone. But Na sub(2) EDTA treatment reduced the proportion of Pseudomonas spp. considerably and the major bacterial groups at the time of spoilage were Moraxella spp. and Acinetobacter spp. In the case of fresh prawn, the native flora was constituted by Pseudomonas spp., Moraxella spp., Acinetobacter spp. and Vibrio spp. At the time of spoilage of prawn in ice, Moraxella spp. and Acinetobacter spp. predominated, together constituting 74% of the total population. Na sub(2) EDTA treatment did not alter significantly the spoilage flora of prawns. Moraxella spp. and Acinetobacter spp. accounted for 86% of the spoilage flora in ice storage of Na sub(2) EDTA treated prawns.


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Salt tolerance of selected cultures of Pseudomonas, Moraxella, Vibrio, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/ Cytophaga was determined. More than 80% of the cultures belonging to each of the above genera, were capable of growth in presence of 1.5 to 3.5% salt (NaCl) and at least 25 to 30% of the cultures in each group required 1.5 to 3.5% salt for growth. 40% each of Pseudomonas and Vibrio strains and 30% each of Moraxella, Micrococcus and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga strains tolerated 10% salt. Majority of the cultures belonging to the genera Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Moraxella, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga were slightly halophilic (2 to 5% salt tolerant), about 25% especially of Micrococcus spp. moderately halophilic (5 to 20% salt tolerant) and none from Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Moraxella, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga spp. extremely halophilic (20 to 32% salt tolerant).


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Fresh oil sardine, mackerel and prawn were dipped in 0.1% and 1% solutions of Na sub(2)EDTA, and stored in ice. Their storage-life was assessed by bacteriological, chemical and sensory methods. Even though EDTA treatment controlled the increase in bacterial counts and reduced TMA and TVBN production in oil sardine and mackerel, the consequent beneficial effect was not realised because of the deterioration of fat in these fishes, leading to rancidity. But, for prawn stored in ice, a dip in 1% solution of Na sub(2)EDTA enhanced the shelf-life by at least 8 days over the untreated control. EDTA absorbed by the muscle of fish and prawn during dip in Na sub(2)EDTA solution is not completely removed during their iced storage for 25 days.


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The first spawnings were obtained 12 days after ablation with 4 spawners yielding 784,000 eggs and a harvest of 250,000 P SUB-10 fry. Survival of females after 1 month was approximately 30%. Mortalities were mostly due to handling stress during the regular ovarian samplings as well as disease frm the accumulated excess feeds on the bottom of the tank. Male survival could not be recorded because of transfers to other tanks and addition of new stocks. Development seemed to peak 3 weeks after ablation. The average number of eggs per ablated spawner was 120,000. However, many of the partially spawned females were removed from the spawning tanks the following day so that remaining eggs released in the next 2 to 3 days could not be recorded. Estimate of the average number of eggs per ablated spawner is 120,000-150,000 in contrast to 500,000 per wild spawner. However, the low production cost more than compensates for the difference. Fry reared in the Wet Laboratory were used for experiments, mostly on feeding. Therefore, survival at harvest is not to be taken as a reflection of stock quality. Although fewer in number, larvae from ablated prawns are as healthy in terms of vigor in swimming and feeding as those from wild females. Most mortalities are due to inability to molt caused by lower water temperatures and inadequate feeding.


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The characteristics of the fish and prawn seed resources of the Gulf of Kutch are described. Results of experiments conducted in a primary low saline reservoir of a solar salt works to study their utility for aquaculture are reported. The prospective role of aquaculture in augmenting fish production along the coast is also discussed.


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To what extent spent P. monodon females can remature and spawn successive broods is an important question in terms of recycling spawners in a commercially viable operation. Corollary to this is the quantity and quality of fry from rematured females in comparison to those from first spawning. Of 347 experimental females, only 10.1% had a second spawning, and 1.4% a third spawning. To a large degree the low rate of rematuration is due to high spawner mortality - average survival period after spawning was only 6 days in a sample of 176 spawners. It took an average of 23 days after ablation for a prawn with undeveloped ovaries to mature and spawn. An ablated female may have another spawning in as little as 5 days after the previous one. Average fecundity was 180,000 eggs per second spawning, and 140,000 eggs per third spawning. The average number of eggs from first spawning ablated females was 110-120,000. Hatching rate was lower for rematuration: 44% for second spawnings, and 35% for third spawnings, as compared to 64% for first maturation.


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Penaeus merguensis is so far reported to attain complete maturity and spawn in the sea or deep culture ponds only. Mature specimens of stage III to V collected from a shallow reservoir of solar saltworks were studied and spawned in laboratory. A comparison of spawning of spawner from sea and reservoir is also reported.


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Prawn meat which was never in contact with ice or water prior to freezing was frozen at -30°C and was studied up to six months of storage at -23°C for thawing losses and cooked characteristics of the thawed material. Thawing loss was nil in unwashed samples after three days of storage and it gradually increased to 6.6% after 6 months compared to 6.0 and 18.2% in the washed samples during the same periods. It is inferred that the high thawing losses observed in commercial frozen prawn meat immediately after freezing may be mainly an after effect of the water imbibed during the pre-freezing stages. During frozen storage, the changes in texture observed by sensory methods on the cooked product were more in the washed sample indicating that the imbibed water or constituents washed out of the tissue play an important role in textural changes in prawn meat during frozen storage.


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Prawn meat treated with Streptococcus pyogenes B-49-2 culture and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC-12598 culture were frozen in conventional plate freezer at -40°C and by spray type liquid nitrogen freezer. The frozen products were stored at -18°C. Streptococcus pyogenes B-49-2 showed low sensitivity to cold injury during freezing and frozen storage. Staphylococcus aureus ATCC-12598 survived during the entire storage period of 240 days. Total bacterial count of untreated prawn meat was found to be always lesser in liquid nitrogen frozen products than that in plate frozen products.