110 resultados para Interspecific relationship


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Length weight relationship of the two commercially important molluscs P. viridis and M. meretrix was found to be W=-0.40263L super(2.044719) & W=-0.04359L super(2.2315498) respectively. Condition factor was recorded to be less than 1.0 for most part of the year in P. viridis and for M. meretrix it ranged from 0.39 to 4.61. The present study reveals that there was allometric growth in both the species and the growth was not satisfactory since it showed lower K-value during most part of the year.


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Samples of Tor tor were collected from Bari Reservoir of Udaipur and Narmada River at Hoshangabad (India), in the months of July and November 2005, respectively. Twenty-five samples were collected from each location. Bari Reservoir samples ranged from 17.0 to 24.5 cm in total length and from 75 to 155 g in weight, while Narmada samples ranged from 20.0 to 42.0 cm in length and 90 to 425 g in weight. The nucleic acid content in body muscle of Tor tor and the RNA/DNA ratio were estimated. The age of fishes was estimated by the scale study method and specimens were classified into four age groups. RNA/DNA ratio showed significant linear increase with increase in weight and age till the age of three years after which, the growth rate reduced. The 1-2 year group was the only one common between the two water bodies and a comparison of RNA/DNA ratios showed higher growth rate in Bari Reservoir. The gross primary productivity was also higher in Bari Reservoir being 551 mg cmˉ³ dˉ¹ compared to 404 mg cmˉ³ dˉ¹ observed for Narmada River. The condition factor (K) was found to be higher (1.21) in the fish from the Bari Reservoir compared to those of Narmada River (1.14). The growth rate was higher in females compared to males in >100 g specimens.


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Clarias batrachus (Linn.), a common freshwater cat fish of Bhima River, has high economic value and considerable fishery importance. The length-weight relationship in the logarithmic way for this fish can be written as: Log W = 4.503717819 + 2.70681765 Log L. This is close to the cubic law indicating the isometric growth of the fish in its natural habitat. The correlation coefficient (r) was found to be 0.9824 which showed a good relationship between the two parameters.


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An attempt was made to study the input-output relationships and economics of pangas monoculture and carp-pangas polyculture in Bangladesh. By analyzing the data collected from 50 pangas farms and 55 carp-pangas farms, the study has investigated the production systems of two technologies and the effects of fingerling stocking and applications of feed and fertilizer on fisheries income. The data were collected from the fishermen of Trishal and Bhaluka of Mymensingh district, and Kahaloo and Adamdighee of Bogra district during 2001-02. For pangas monoculture, the stocking density was 31,561 per ha while it was 55,017 per ha in carp-pangas polyculture. Most of the farmers used urea, TSP and lime before stocking. Rice and wheat bran happened to be the most common feed ingredients for both types of culture in general. Other important ingredients used were mustard oil-cakes, rice polish, wheat flour, fish meal, bone meal, soybean meal and poultry litter. In terms of quantities, rice bran and wheat bran dominated the farmers list. Rice and wheat bran together constituted about 60% of all studied feeds. Feed cost constituted 59.13% of total costs for pangas monoculture and 67.44% for carp-pangas polyculture. Per ha productions of pangas and carp-pangas in a single culture cycle were 15,508 kg and 19,745 kg, respectively. Per ha gross profits were estimated to be Tk 310,311 and Tk 464,418 for pangas monoculture and carp-pangas polyculture, respectively. Net profit appeared to be Tk 264,216 per ha for pangas monoculture and Tk 416,509 per ha for carp-pangas polyculture. The BCRs calculated were 1.46 and 1.68 for monoculture and polyculture, respectively. The break-even costs per kg of fish were estimated at Tk 36.93 for pangas and Tk 30.93 for mixed species which was much lower than the prices the producers received. Break-even productions were estimated at 10,702 kg per ha for pangas monoculture and 11,784 kg per ha for carp-pangas polyculture. Fingerling and feed cost, and pond size significantly explained the variation of income from pangas monoculture. These factors have significantly influenced the income from the crop. Functional analysis shows that 1% increase in the feed cost might increase 0.51% of pangas income and 0.41% in carp-pangas income. No other inputs had shown this much of responses to increasing income from a fish.


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A study of the height-depth relation in the Indian backwater oyster Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) was carried out. The plot of height against depth showed an exponential trend and a relationship of the form H = ADB. Plot of height against depth also showed larger deviations in height for oysters with greater depth. Analysis showed that variations in height do not result in corresponding variations in depth, particularly in oysters with increased height.


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Results of studies of chemical, bacteriological and organoleptic quality of cured fish collected from four major curing centres along the Tamil Nadu coast are reported. Only 32.43% of the samples had moisture level below 35%, 0.9% had salt 25% and above. None of the samples showed acid insoluble ash below 1.5%. The main defects were unhygienic processing, inadequate salting, use of poor quality salt and incomplete drying. Recommendations for improvement of quality are given.


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Length-weight relationships of Panulirus homarus caught from the Kanniyakumari coast was found to be W=0.000566 L super(2-50). The relationship between tail length and total length was also investigated and compared with that of Panulirus polyphagus. Same relationship did not hold good for the two sexes as in the case of P. polyphagus. For a given tail length, the head length, the total length and the weight appear to be relatively larger for females of small sizes of P. homarus.


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Details are given of a study investigating the relationship between water, lipid, and protein in Puntius filamentosus. Percentage compositions in the muscle, liver and gonad of fish specimens from Lake Vellayani in India are given, showing the fluctuations which occur during maturation.


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The length-weight relationship of Daysciaena albida and Gerres filamentosus were calculated separately for indeterminants, mature males and mature females. The logarithmic regression equation obtained for D. albida - males: log w = -1.5055 + 2.8618 log l; females: log w = -0.9260 + 2.4089 log l; indeterminants: log w = -l.7188 + 3.0616 log l. The regression co-efficients between males and females, males and in determinants and female and in determinants showed significant differences. In G. filamentosus the relationship can be expressed as males: log w = -1.3224 + 2.8740 log 1; females: log w = -1.2874 + 2.8381 log l; indeterminants: log w = -0.8167 + 2.2558 log l. The difference in regression co-efficients between male and female are insignificant at 5% level whereas significant differences were observed between males and indeterminants and females and indeterminants. The relative condition factor (Kn) was calculated for the above two species. In D. albida the reasons for the fluctuations of Kn values can be attributed to both spawning cycle as well as feeding intensity whereas in G. filamentosus it synchronies mainly with spawning cycle.


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The results of ten months study (September 1983 to July 1984) of the length-weight relationship of males and females of Tilapia mossambicus of the reservoir waters of Idukki Hydel Project show deviation from the cubic relationship of these two parameters. This is due to the retarded growth pattern of this exotic species in this oligotrophic habitat.


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Diets containing Chaetoceros gracilis plus Artemia nauplii artificially prepared diet, Diet-B, and two commercial feeds Tapes and mysid meals, were fed to larvae of P. japonicus. Highest survival rate was obtained when larvae were fed with Diet-B. The results show that the early larval stages of P. japonicus can be reared on artificially prepared diets. Since the chemical composition of the diet is known, it can be used as supplemental data for larval feeding development and nutritional requirement studies for the early larval stages of Penaeus japonicus and/or other penaeids. Information is tabulated on feeds and feeding rates used, composition of the artificial diet, fatty acid composition of lipids of the different diets, and of the sterols of the different diets.


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Length-weight relationships of two commercially important freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium idella and M. scabriculum, have been worked out separately for the two sexes of the two species. 't' test showed that growth departs significantly from the isometric growth in the case of both sexes of M. idella and in the female of M. scabriculum. Therefore, the cubic formula W = CL^3 may be applied only in the case of males of M. scabriculum. In all the other cases W = CL^n may be followed.


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Length-weight relationship of the freshwater fish of Pamba River, Nandus nandus (Ham) has been worked out. The results showed that the slope values and elevations were not significant and hence a combined regression equation has been calculated for both the sexes (Log W=2.4130 Log L -0.3306). The’t’ test analyses were conducted and found that the growth departs significantly from the isometric growth. Thus the formula W=aL super(n) has to be applied in calculating the length-weight relationship of this species.


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The present paper deals with the influence of El Nino event on the summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan. The correlation between monthly rainfall of summer monsoon season and bi-Monthly Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) has been calculated to see the influence of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall. MEI is bimonthly ENSO Index pertaining to the period from first week of previous month to first week of the month under consideration. While study the correlation's with the ENSO events out side the Pacific Ocean MEI is more appropriate than other indices like Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) as MEI integrates complete information on ENSO viz. six oceanic and meteorological variables over the tropical Pacific. The results of the study show that there is a tendency of reduction in summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan during El Nino years. The deficiency in % rainfall is statistically significant up to 90% level during July and September months. It is interesting to note that Pakistan receives more than normal rainfall during summer monsoon season in the immediate following year after the El Nino event. The correlation analysis is also performed on the summer monsoon months for individual provinces of Pakistan. All provinces receive deficient rainfall during monsoon months. The deficiency in rainfall over Punjab during all monsoon months is significant, whereas the deficiency in rainfall is significant during July and August over NWFP and Sindh respectively. No significant impact of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall over Baluchistan is observed.


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This study was under taken at Karoun Lake Dam No.4. (Southwest of Iran). Water samples were collected from March 2012 to February 2013 in three selected silts. Environmental parameters and chlorophyll a concentration were measured, as well as identification and abundance of Phytoplankton communities were studied. According to this study, 30 species of Phytoplankton were identified at four seasons. Most abundance was related to the phyla Bcillariphyta (17 species), Chlorophyta (6 species), Crysophyra (4 species), Dinophyta (2 species) and Cyanophyta (1 species) respectively. The results showed, the maximum rate of chlorophyll a concentration was measured in the warm with minimum level measured in the cold months. The rate of chlorophyll a concentration showed an oligotrophic condition in the lake of karoon 4 dam. positive significant correlation were seen between the parameters of COD,NO3,temperature, pH, turbidity, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton abundance (P<0.01). The chlorophyll a concentration and phytoplankton community had a significant negative correlation with transparency (-P < 0.01). According to this research, 4 phyla of zooplankton was identified, include Rotifera, Protozoa, Cladocera and Copepoda. Overal 43 species were identified at four seasons. Most abundance was related to the phyla Rotifera (27 species), Copepoda (7 species), Cladocera (5 species) and Protozoa (4 species) respectively. The chlorophyll a concentration, amount of phosphate and zooplankton indicator spesies, showed an oligotrophic condition in the lake of karoon 4 dam. A positive significant correlation was seen between all groups of zooplanktons abundance and temperature, as well as chlorophyll a concentration. (P<0.01) , whereas, there was negative correlation whith no significant between DO and zooplankton communities (P>0.05).