723 resultados para Fishery-independent


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The coastal zone along the west coast of India is very productive with a mean secondary production rate of 5.89 mg C/m super(3)/day. Statewise, maximum zooplankton standing stock was observed off Maharashtra. The existing yield of fishery from the surveyed region has been compared with the estimated sustainable fishery potential.


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Fishery potential of the nearshore waters of Bombay is estimated from the observed values of biological productivity at different trophic levels. The rate of primary and secondary production is relatively higher in the polluted coastal waters of Versova, Mahim and Thana. Observed mean benthic standing stock in the polluted creek waters is far less than the relatively unpolluted coastal regions off Bombay. Results suggest that the higher productivity at the lower trophic levels due to pollution, may not end up with high tertiary production. Therefore, such polluted regions are to be classified as special ecosystems where the transfer coefficient may be far less than the assumed 10% conversion factor.


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Quantitative variation in fish catch at Thana Creek was found 2-93.5 kg/h (av. 24.8 kg/h). The catch rate at Bassein Creek fluctuated between 1 and 34 kg/h (av. 8.2 kg/h). Seasonal effect on the fishery showed maximum catch for premonsoon and monsoon periods respectively for Thana and Bassein Creeks. The catch composition showed dominance of catfish and sciaenids at Thana Creek while engraulids predominated the collections from Bassein Creek. The overall fishery potential showed that yield from Thana Creek was three times more than the Bassein Creek. The importance of this baseline data for future monitoring and ecological assessment of the creek system is discussed.


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The rich zooplankton standing stock of Dharamtar Creek showed a variation of 8 to 5261 (av. 1032) mg C/100 m super(3)/d which led to a turnover of 29 tonnes C/km super(2)/y. The estimated fishery potential from zooplankton production was 0.079 tonnes C/km super(2) or 29.00 tonnes/km/y. The worked out yield in terms of wet weight of fish was 0.059 tonnes/km2u2/d. Experimental trawling within the creek showed a potential of 0.19 tonnes/km super(2)/d suggesting a transfer coefficient of only 31.4% form secondary to tertiary level. Fish eggs and larvae were very common in the area but contributed collectively only 1% to the total zooplankton population. On an average the outer zone sustained relatively higher population of fish eggs and larvae than the interior zone. The mean population density of larvae (334/100 m super(3)) was 3.5 times higher than fish eggs (93/100 m super(3)) suggesting the good survival rate and a congenial environment for larvae to thrive.


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Fishes impart the most profound influence on the floral-faunistic characteristics of an aquatic ecosystem. Oreochromis mossambicus, an exotic fish accidentally introduced in the Powai lake, India, caused considerable changes in the growth pattern of Indian major carps, ultimately reducing the productive potential of the lake from 33.0 to 11.9 kh/ha. Powai lake is used exclusively for angling for sport. The angling pressure based on the "creel census" from 1955 to 1976 gives a clear picture of the trends in the fishery therein. A considerable decline, ranging from 171 to 400% in the average weight of Indian major carps was recorded.


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This paper deals with the importance of fisheries administration in effective planning and successful execution of fisheries development programmes. The great diversity in the organisation of fisheries departments in the states of India is described.


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Results of preliminary studies on the use of sodium alginate as a protective coating for fishery products showed that several varieties of fishes and shell fish had better keeping qualities when coated with sodium alginate.


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The production of colour by homogenised fish material in a simplified sugar medium containing and acid indicator has been made use of for the rapid approximation of bacterial load in such products. The medium thus developed contains poptone, tryptone, yeast extract, sodium chloride and beef extract besides dextrose. The time of colour production is influenced to some extent by the level of sodium chloride in the medium and is almost always inversely proportional to the bacterial load in the homogenate.


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Details about the three departmental vessels, Gulf shrimp, Indian Salmon and Silver Pomfret and gear in the exploratory fishing off Veraval coast are reported. Potential prawn fishing grounds have been located by their operation in section 20-70, 21-69 and 22-69 in the cruises conducted in October, 1962. Observation regarding suitability of gear and composition of catch are given. The possibility of better prawn grounds occurring in areas deeper than the present grounds is indicated.


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An account and review of the simple methods for determining the operational parameters of fishing gear, underwater, such a tilt of otter boards (outwards or inwards, forwards or afterwards), vertical height of net, its horizontal spread, angle of divergence at bosom, spread between wing tips, angle of inclination of danlenos, butterfly, slope of legs and sweep-line has been given. The relationship of distance between the otter boards spread and the vertical height of net has been obtained as generally linear. The possibilities of regulating the vertical height of net (dependent variate) and spread of otter boards (independent variate) for increasing the fishing efficiency has been discussed. The angle of attack of oval shaped otter boards used during the operations still remain undetermined, however, it has been explained how the best angle of attack for increasing the efficiency of gear can be obtained by regulating the ratio of depth to warp for a given net. The inadequacy of the mere indices of catch per hour of trawling in comparing the relative efficiency of trawls in gear research studies has been indicated. The importance of estimating the operational parameters and its application to commercial fisheries depending upon the distribution pattern of fish and in gear research has been discussed. The efficiency of the jelly bottle method has been compared statistically with the observations made on the trawl gear underwater with instruments.


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The paper represents results on the studies undertaken to find out the causes of irregular drained weight conditions in commercial canned prawn samples. The tendency of cooked prawn to attain the equilibrium moisture content (72-74% in M. affinis and M. dobsoni) when in contact with brine has been found to be mainly responsible for the loss and gaine in drained weight. Underblanching results in loss of moistures from the meat during processing. It has been found that under standard blanching conditions, which is independent of initial moisture content, salt concentration of the blanch liquor and the temperature of sterilisation, the fluctuation in the drained weight could be avoided.


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Results of the studies carried out to elucidate the factors influencing colour production from the sugar medium used for the rapid approximation of bacterial counts in fishery products are reported. The effect of particle size, trace elements, salt soluble protein and non-protein fractions, rate of multiplication of bacteria, in the medium, surface bacteria and the rate of colour production by individual strains of bacteria were studied. It is observed that the best results are obtained when a sea-water homogenate is used.


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An attempt has been made in the present study to estimate and describe in detail the nature and extent of contamination of processed fishery products. In large scale prawn processing when the preprocess preparation is elaborate, the industry in India has found it advantageous to establish the primary processing centers away from the processing factories. The data collected have clearly indicated that if such processing centers are not properly organized there is a possibility of greater contamination of the products at this stage. The data collected during the course of this investigation have given the basis for the measures to be taken for the maintenance of bacterial quality of prawn during different stages of processing.


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The influence of ice on the bacteriological quality of the processed fishery products has been discussed. In almost all the cases ice has been traced to be a major source of contamination depending on the nature of water used for preparing it. The sources of contamination of ice and its remedies have been described.


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Even though smoke curing is a very elegant method of preserving fish, the resultant products have only a very restricted shelf-life, unless stored under refrigerated conditions. The main source of spoilage is the early setting in of a vigorous growth of moulds. This problem is of a serious nature even in temperate climatic conditions. In full and universal recognition of the gravity of the problem, the FAO conference on herring technology held in September 1950 at Bergen in Norway has recommended the problem of "means of prevention of mould growth in smoked products" for future research study. This note records an interesting observation made at this Laboratory on the inhibitory action of sodium chloride on the development of mould in smoked fishery products.