61 resultados para Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel de Riqueti, Cte de


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The Gulf of Guinea is remarkable for its abundant precipitations and negative anomalies of the surface water temperature. This originality comes from the southern monsoon which transfers the cold season to the middle of northern summer up to latitude 10 degrees North. Yearly precipitations, which can vary along the coast, are well in correlation with coast crossing air flow (r=0.71) and with the sea-air temperature difference (r=0.72). Precipitations provide a better correlation with surface temperatures (0.72) than with salinities (-0.63). The wind influence upon negative anomaly of the surface temperature is more clear on N-S coast (r=0.98) than on W-E coast (r=0.73) of the Gulf. Temporal correlations calculated on 16 years of observations in Pointe-Noire are in connection with previous spatial correlations. Coastal hydroclimates are thus likely to be deduced from meteorology.


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Von Bertalanffy's growth curve parameters K, L∞ and t'o have been estimated for female Penaeus duorarum by modal progression analysis, using the "successive maximums method" of Gheno and Le Guen (1968) for the polymodal size frequency curves analysis and the Tomlinson and Abrahamson's least squares method for parameters computations. For the male the authors used an original method to get an age/length key. The parameters were calculated by Gulland's graphical method (1969).


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The analysis of the geographic and bathymetric distribution of Penaeus duorarum and, particularly P. d. notialis off Côte d'Ivoire and in its whole distribution area leads to the definition of the adult ecological requirements (temperature, salinity, grain size and sediment composition, organic matter) and the importance of the thermocline in the bathmetric distribution. The population structure study shows: (1) variations of size with depth, (2) variations of sex ratio, with size, depth and seasons.


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Data are reported on: (1) date and place of ringing the juveniles and adults of the sea bird of the genus Sterna in Côte d'Ivoire, and (2) date and place of recapture during the winter periods of 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973.


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Stomach contents from 21 species of demersal fish caught on Grand Bassam (Côte d'Ivoire) fishing grounds at 20 and 35 m depth are analyzed. The results are compared with those of Longhurst (1957, 1960). The great importance of Crustacea in the food of those species appears clearly. A representative scheme of the diet is suggested.


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Hydroclimatic conditions in the Gulf of Guinea between Senegal and Nigeria are briefly described emphasizing the seasonal variations of transparency. Analysis of the Abidjan based shrimp fleet allowed to the description of the seasonal variations of activity rhythms for Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria. These rhythms are different between seasons, between fishing grounds, and sometimes even between depths on a given ground. These variations follow the turbidity ones. Diurnal activity is observed in very turbid waters, nocturnal and transition activity in clearer ones. The authors assume that the basic behaviour is a nocturnal one, but that the shrimp-trawlers catches reflect some apparently different ones resulting from diel variations in the stock availability. To explain the apparently diurnal behaviour observed most of the year over the whole Gulf of Guinea it is suggested that these generally benthic shrimps become nectonic at night when turbidity is very high. The results obtained in Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria are compared to those from Senegal where hydroclimatic conditions are different. The similarities are emphasized. The differences in observed behaviour are supposedly caused by the cold season water temps which are sufficiently low to disturb the nor mal activity rhythm.


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Biomass and metabolic rates (total nitrogen and phosphorus excretion and respiration) were measured at 4 stations, representative of the lagoon environment, during high-water (Oct-Nov), dry (Dec-Jan) and rainy (July) seasons. In low-salinity waters (4o/oo) Acartia clausi is almost the only species, whereas a marine and diversified fauna is brought in from the ocean during the dry season. O/NT and O/PT atomic ratios between respiration (O) and total nitrogen (NT) and phosphorus (PT) excretions are high (15.1 and 111, respectively) and show a marked hydrocarbon feeding of zooplankton. Production was assessed from excretion via the net growth efficiency coefficient, K2 , calculated from N/P ratios for particles (a1), zooplankton excretion (a2) and constitution (a3). Daily productivity indices (i.e. daily production/biomass ratio) are high and equivalent to 1.2-3.8 day turn-over times. These high values may be ascribed to high temperatures (26.5-30 C) and phytoplankton richness (surface chlorophyll 'a' concentrations are always greater than 4 mg/m-3). Finally, the paper deals with trophic relationships between phyto- and zooplankton (ingestion /primary production ratio and transfer coefficient) and the question of relationships between zooplankton and predators.


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The food of Ethmalosa fimbriata in the central part of the Ebrié lagoon, where the salinity is low, consists on limnic phytoplankton. In the region near Abidjan, which is more strongly influenced by coastal water, it consists of marine phyto- and zooplankton. The daily ration of a 12.5 cm fork-length fish is estimated to be between 2 and 3 % of its body weight.


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Principal biometric relations have been calculated for juvenile pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum, of Côte d'Ivoire lagoons. Growth has been studied from weekly sampling using Petersen's method and Von Bertalanffy's equation. Results are very similar to those obtained by the authors working in the same environmental conditions, especially concerning temperature.


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First experiments to trap the deep sea red crab Geryon quinquedens off Côte d'Ivoire have had good success. The yields obtained are similar to those observed off the northeastern coast of the United States and off Angola, where commercial fisheries have been developed for some years.


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Cynoglossus canariensis has a very rapid growth. The rate of the males is 0,36 and the female one is 0,32. The asymptotic size is 55,0cm for the females and 50,5cm for the males. Females and males younger than three years (40cm), which represent 90 per cent of the Côte d'Ivoire stock have a similar growth, so the average equation: Lt=53,5 (1-e -0,34(t+1)) will be used.


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Ethmalosa growth curves (calculated by the least squares method) were determined from weekly samplings in Ebrié Lagoon. In order to obtain more accurate results than with a modal decomposition, the author used directly the modal values of the samples. One-year-old ethmalosa is about 15 cm long (fork length). For older fish, growth data seem to be disturbed by migrations: fish measuring >25 cm do not appear in the lagoon. Ethmalosa would spend the first year of its life in the lagoon, where it hatches and reproduces, and would migrate to the sea during its second year.


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Evolution of catch and catch by unit effort of the sardine fishing boats (purse seiners) has been examined from 1966 to 1975. The effort data has been calculated with a new computer programme: Crosardi (Soisson et Barbe, 1974). The analysis has been done on the whole stock and in more detail on the east and west stocks of Côte d'Ivoire. The Sardinella eba stock has been analysed separately. Those analyses were done using the general production model (Prodfit; Fox, 1974). The stock of the eastern area of the Côte d'Ivoire seems to be exploited at its maximum level. Nevertheless, the western area stock could be able to support a progressive increase of fishing effort.


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The pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum spawns from 25 to 60m, mostly in summer (October to June). Size at first sexual maturity is 31 mm (carapace length). The observed difference with the Caribbean pink shrimp is analysed. Immature shrimps migrate all year round but a peak migration occurs from January to March (in summer) and is associated with maximum salinities. A secondary peak migration occurs in October corresponding to minimum salinity and maximum river discharge. The action of salinity on migration is discussed and a preponderant action of currents in the process is also suggested. Migration is also related to moon phase, tide and day-night cycles. Migration intensity as expressed by catch per unit of effort is maximum at night, during ebb tide, on new and full moon. Seasonal variation of mean migration size and abundance are related by a negative linear correlation on a logarithmic plot (R = 0.776). This phenomenon is perhaps related to competition for food.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.