471 resultados para Lake Guardian (Ship)


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We have analyzed streamflow variations recorded at 15 USGS gauging stations in California during the past 90 years or so. The anomalies (departures from the 1960-1990 mean discharge) of streamflow on annual-to-decadal time scales are strongly correlated with precipitation anomalies in each drainage basin. ... Although causes of the decadal climate (precipitation) variability are not known with certainty, the use of streamflow records may help us understand the relative strengths of moisture sources and shift of the jet stream in atmospheric circulation.


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Fishes impart the most profound influence on the floral-faunistic characteristics of an aquatic ecosystem. Oreochromis mossambicus, an exotic fish accidentally introduced in the Powai lake, India, caused considerable changes in the growth pattern of Indian major carps, ultimately reducing the productive potential of the lake from 33.0 to 11.9 kh/ha. Powai lake is used exclusively for angling for sport. The angling pressure based on the "creel census" from 1955 to 1976 gives a clear picture of the trends in the fishery therein. A considerable decline, ranging from 171 to 400% in the average weight of Indian major carps was recorded.


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Powai Lake, an impoundment, came into existence in 1891 when the riverlet Dhanisar was dammed to conserve rainwater for drinking purpose. However, the water was found to be unpotable and the lake was leased out to the Angling Association, Bombay, exclusively for angling and sports. The lake is located about 27 km in the northeast of Bombay city at a height of 55m above MSL. It is rainfed with an average rainfall of 2,400 mm. The maximum waterspread area is 220 ha with a maximum capacity of 8.11 million m super(3) in the peak monsoon period when the water overflows the dam. There is no drawdown from the lake. Fluctuation in the water level is mainly due to evaporation and percolation. Transparency is low mainly due to suspended organic particles. There is hardly any difference in the water temperatures of surface and bottom, hence the annual heat budget is low at 2,818 cal m super(-2).


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The present investigation dealt with the climatic and some physico-chemical conditions of the Kaptai lake with respect to their monthly variation. Air temperature was found always higher than water temperature. Vertical variation in temperature (0.8-4.7°C) was observed in all months. The water level fluctuates appreciably throughout the year. Wide seasonal fluctuations were also noted in water transparency. The lake was found to be slightly hard and alkaline pH. Dissolved oxygen (DO) (6.4-9.1 mg/l) and free carbondioxide (4.7- 6.0 mg/l) contents showed favourable condition for aquatic lives. DO at different depth has shown no wide variation (1.0-2.4 mg/1). Conductivity ranged between 91.9±7.1 and 106.4 ±5.2 mS/cm.


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The District Administrations also received revenue on the licences issued to fish mongers. The amounts are unknown as they have not provided figures. The fish marketing aspect experienced a lot of problems especially night transport charges arising out of expensive repair parts for vehicle owners. This night transport charges were eventually passed on to the fish mongers then to the consumers. There was a night trend of fish being marketed at Tororo, Busia and the nearby towns of Kenya/Uganda boarder in order to barter for essential commodities across the board by the specific license holders.


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Between July 2005 and February 2008, ten Catch Assessment Surveys (CASs) were conducted at 54 pre-selected fish landing sites in the Ugandan part of Lake Victoria comprising approximately 10% of all landing sites in each of the 11 districts sharing the lake. The CASs were conducted following regionally harmonised Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). This report covers the CAS conducted in February 2008 and puts into context the trends generated by results of the previous surveys. The catch rates of Nile perch in gillnetting boats with motor/sail, reduced from 26.9 kg boat-1 day-1 in August 2007 to 22.8 kg boat-1 day-1 in February 2008. Whereas the catch rates of paddle Sesse boats remained more or less the same as in August 2007. The Nile perch catch rates of the long line fishery of the boats using motor/sail was similar, 35 and 36 kg boat-1 day-1 in August 2007 and February 2008 respectively but the catch rates of paddle Sesse boats using long lines showed some more increase from 19 to 22 kg boat (-1) day (-1). In the tilapia fishery, the catch rates of the parachute boats using gillnets showed further decrease in a row from 12.6 kg boat-1 day-1 in December 2006, 11.6 kg boat-1 day-1 in March 2007, 11.2 kg boat-1 day-1 in August 2007 and 10.0 kg boat-1 day-1 in February 2008. The overall impact of reduced catch rates in the predominant effort groups, e.g. gillnetting boats using motor/sail in the Nile perch fishery and Parachute boats using gillnets in the tilapia fishery overshadowed the increases in less dominant effort groups and resulted in the lowest monthly catch estimates recorded in the surveys conducted since 2005. Whereas there was a clear downward trend in the Nile perch catch rates of boats using gillnets, which corroborates with the information of declining stocks from the recent Acoustics surveys, the catch rates in the long line fishery remained stable and even somewhat increasing in the last four surveys. The factors that maintain high catches against reduction of fish biomass in the long line fishery and their effects on sustainability of the Nile perch fishery should be investigated further. The Mukene fishery, characterised by large fluctuations in the catch rates did not show much change in the last two surveys in August 2007 and February 2008 and the annual catch estimates showed an overall increase of 7% from 2005 to 2007. The Mukene fishery in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria remained a near shore fishery in which paddle Sesse boats using small seines or scoop nets were the dominant craft.


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The deteriorating condition of one of the most magnificent lakes of India, the Dal Lake, has provoked a lot of research interest from the biological and ecological points of view. However, the impact of deterioration of the ecology on the inhabitant fisher folk around Dal Lake has not been given much importance. In this study, the three major beats of the lake, namely, Hazratbal, Nishat and Nehru Park, were surveyed, randomly taking 10% of the fishermen families. It was observed that the summer mean catch per day (5.18 ± 0.69 kg) was more than the mean winter catch per day (2.85 ± 0.40 kg). However, the total annual catch per person was only 1195.56 ± 211.63 kg. Moreover, marketing through middlemen, especially, during summer, was observed to be very low fetching in terms of mean price per kilogram fish, amounting to Rs 37.50 ± 2.54 for local fish and Rs 22.50 ± 2.88 for the carp. It was also observed that the fisher folk had borrowed a good amount of money for the repair and construction of their houses and boats. Therefore, on the whole, the fishing business around Dal Lake was observed to be under severe stress. In this context, this paper has come out with recommendations to uplift the socio-economic conditions of the fishers.


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Lake Albert and Albert Nile are a major source of fisheries resources sustaining the riparian communities in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Like all shared bodies of Uganda Lake Albert and Albert Nile fisheries are faced with immense exploitation pressure one time described as the tragedy of the commons. In Uganda, the lake is shared by five riparian districts namely: Buliisa, Bundibugyo, Hoima, Kibaale and Nebbi. The lake covers a total estimated surface area of 5,270 square kilometers with approximately 60% within Ugandan waters. It is located in the western part of the great rift-valley at an altitude of 618 m above Sea level. The central parts of the lake are characterized by steep escarpments whereas the northern and southern parts lie in a plain of the rift valley. The plains are gently sloping, resulting in shallow swampy inshore waters in many places. The major inflowing rivers are the Semliki and Kafu in the south, and the Victoria Nile at the northern tip. The lake has a diverse fish fauna with a gradient of multi-species fisheries in different parts of the lake. The overall objective of the Frame Survey was to provide information on the facilities and services at landing sites and the composition, magnitude and distribution of fishing effort to guide development and management of the fisheries resources of Lake Albert and Albert Nile. The specific objectives were to provide information on: a) The number of fish landing sites; b) The facilities available at the fish landing sites to service the sector including accessibility; c) The service providers especially fisheries staff at fish landing sites; d) The number of fishers; e) The number and types of fishing crafts and their mode of propulsion; f) The number, types and sizes of fishing gears used on the lake and their mode of operation.


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A Catch Assessment Surveys (CAS) with the overall objective of generating information on the fish production and commercial value of the fisheries of Lake Albert and Albert Nile system was implemented by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI) in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR), Local Government staff (FOs) and BMU members at selected landing sites on Lake Albert (12 landing sites) and Albert Nile (26 landing sites) in July 2012. A total 622 and 313 boat days on Lake Albert and Albert Nile respectively were sampled for a period of 9 days. Results indicate an annual landing of 151,600 and 5,900 tonnes (t) of fish with an estimated beach value of 122.5 and 14 Billion (UShs) from Lake Albert and Albert Nile respectively. Over 80% of the catch from Lake Albert comprised the small pelagic species; Neobola bredoi (Muziri) and Brycinus nurse (Ragoogi) followed by Nile perch (6%). However, due to low market value of the small fishes and the high prices attached to Nile perch for industrial processing and export market, the contribution of the latter to beach value rose to 34% of the total. The contribution of the light fishery based on small pelagic species (B. nurse and N. bredoi) are insignificant on Albert Nile. Even if the small pelagic species may be present in the river system, a light fishery based on these two is yet to be developed. Proportionally, Albert Nile still remain a multispecies fishery with over 20 fish species harvested commercially. Interestingly, the Albert Nile fishery still remains primitive with simple crafts and gears (mainly dugout canoes, traps, and gillnets). This could suggest that the more developed the system becomes the higher the level of transformation in its fisheries leading to simplification, characterized by reduction in multispecies nature and dominance of few species. Illegal gears especially undersized gillnet of mesh size less than 4 inches were the most dominant in the Lake Albert and Albert Nile fisheries. They captured large quantities of immature fish particularly when used to target Nile perch, Bagrus, Nile tilapia, and large Barbus spp. Their impact when used to target the smaller species (Ragoogi, Angara & Ngasia) is yet to be evaluated. A specific study to analyze selectivity and impacts of these nets is a recommended. However, the dominance of 1.5” mesh sizes especially on Albert Nile to target Angara, Ngassia and Barbus, is definitely destructive to their fisheries and should be checked forthwith. In addition, there is an emerging fishing method locally referred to as “Salsio or Luzira” whereby fishers stay on the lake from 3 days up to 2 weeks without returning to the landing site. They carry with them food and salt for processing the catches on the lake, and in the case of Albert Nile on make shift shelters on islands and in the game park. They normally use gillnets of 3-3½ inch mesh size and caught mainly Nile perch & Bagrus (Pethi & Munama). On return they land several tons of fish. Most of these Catches are not captured in the estimates presented in our analyses since we target daily fishing boats. The possible impacts of this fishing method should be studied and appropriate action recommended.


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This report presents findings of the CAS conducted in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria in May 2011. The results of the previous eleven CASs conducted under the IFMP of the LVFO programme in July, August, September and November 2005; in March, August and December 2006; in March and August 2007; in February and December 2008; and March 2010 are included to show the emerging trends. The report also presents annual catch estimates for the Ugandan part of the lake from 2005 to 2011. Through these CASs, information is building up to show the emerging picture of fish production in the Ugandan waters of the lake. Similar surveys are conducted in the Kenyan and Tanzanian parts of the lake, which provide the lake wide perspective of fisheries production but this time not simultaneously as under the LVFO effort due to different sources and timing of funding. These data can now be utilised together with other Resource and Socio-economic Monitoring survey data for a stock assessment of the lake to provide a firm basis for planning and management of the fisheries resources.


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This paper records the results of investigations of plankton, benthic fauna and fish fauna carried out between 1957 and 1963. The standing crop of net plankton in the lake was found to be 249.6 Kg/ha. This plankton is not being fully utilized by the fish fauna in the lake. Stocking the lake with a plankton feeder like Chanos chanos (Forskal) is recommended. The figure of 24.37 Kg/ha obtained for the standing crop of bottom fauna in the lake was comparatively low. This indicates that the bottom fauna is being fully utilized by the fish. The introduction and establishment of Tilapia mossambica (Peters) had not wiped out a single indigenous species of fish from the lake that produces about 2,000 lbs. of fish per acre per year. This can be increased by the introduction of a plankton feeder (Chanos chanos), and by further exploitation of existing stock.


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The methods of estimating codend selectivity for alternate hauls are briefly described and applied to Bagrus docmac (forskahl) data from Lake Victoria. Certain inconsistencies are noted and it is postulated that they may be due to differential escapement of larger Bagrus docmac through the trawl meshes when the different codends were fitted. The calculated 50% selection lengths yielded a fair regression on measured weigh give a fork length selection factor of 2.33, consistent with data from the smallest codend mesh size used. The implications of the findings are briefly discussed in relation to the proposed Haplochromis trawl fishery 1971.


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Lake Victoria, straddling the Equator, is the second largest lake in the world, with a surface area of approximately 26,000 square miles (41,500 square kilometers) and a maximum depth of about 300 feet. Uganda possesses most of the north end of the lake which consists of a long, indented coastline and a chain of offshore islands on the edge of a 'continental shelf' separating relatively shallow sheltered inshore waters from the deeper open waters of the lake. At the present time the lake is harvested mainly by a native gill net fishery confined almost entirely to the shallow sheltered inshore waters. The annual production of all species from Uganda waters is in the region of 24,000 tons per annum, and Tilapia(Cichlidae)is commercially the most important genus. Haplochromis, a close relative of Tilapia, but generally much smaller, contributes only a small amount to this annual production; see Table 1, although they are probably the most abundant group of fish present in the lake. Through international aid programmes Uganda has been offered a canning plant and it is thought that Haplochromis is the most suitable type of fish to be utilized by such a plant. The Uganda Fisheries Department are conducting research into processing techniques and marketing and the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization was asked to conduct a survey of the Haplochromis stocks of the lake with a view to estimating the ability or otherwise of these stocks to support a commercial canning industry.


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An extensive study of the hydrobiology of the Colombo Lake was initiated by the authors in May 1969 as a contribution to the International Biological Program (Productivity of freshwater communities) by the Department of Zoology, Vidyalankara University of Ceylon, Kelaniya. The Colombo Lake often referred to as the Beira Lake covers an area of approximately 160 acres. The water is usually very turbid with a greenish blue appearance due to the presence of large quantities of blue green algae.


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The fishing industry on Lake Victoria continued to provide a wide spectrum of activities to a variety of people principally the fishermen and the fish mongers, boat builders,fishnets and associated equipment manufacturer transporters on land and water and finally the consumers of the end product the fish. Though there were such varied activities in the industry the year under review, as in previous other recent years, was difficult one being, characterized by continued shortages of fishing gear and accessories, spare parts for the outboard engines, timber for boat building, nails, paints and generally high prices of those items when ever found. Thus this total sum the activities of the fishing industry on Lake victoria was rather slack as compared to those of precious year.