229 resultados para fleshy prawn


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Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii is one of the widely cultured freshwater prawn species globally. India was the third largest producer of this species in 2007 and its aquaculture production rose to 43,000 metric tons (t) in 2005 froin less than 500 t in 1995. However, since then production has been declining and in 2008-09 it was 12,856 t, a reduction of more than 70% compared to 2005. There are several contributing factors to this decline, such as slow growth rate, poor survival, disease outbreaks, increase in cost of production, and availability of low risk alternative fish species. However, there is a consensus that poor seed quality leading to unsatisfactory growth and survival rates in ponds is one of the major reasons. Hence, the development of a systematic selective breeding program aimed at improving growth rate and ensuring high survival rate of this species was deemed a high priority. The Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Bhubaneswar, India in collaboration with the WorldFish Center, Malaysia initiated a selective breeding program for this species in 2007.


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The bycatch of Australia’s northern prawn fishery (NPF) comprises 56 elasmobranch species (16 families). The impact of this fishery on the sustainability of these species has not been addressed. We obtained estimates of catch rates and the within-net survival of elasmobranchs. Carcharhinus tilstoni, C. dussumieri, Rhynchobatus djiddensis, and Himantura toshi represented 65% of the bycatch. For most species, >50% of individuals in the bycatch were immature, and some species recruited to the fishery at birth. For all species combined, 66% of individuals in the bycatch died in the trawl net. The relative sustainability of elasmobranchs caught as bycatch was examined by ranking species with respect to their susceptibility to capture and mortality due to prawn trawling and with respect to their capacity to recover once the population was depleted. The species that were least likely to be sustainable were four species of pristids, Dasyatis brevicaudata, and Himantura jenkinsii. These are bottom-associated batoids that feed on benthic organisms and are highly susceptible to capture in prawn trawls. The recovery capacity of these species was also low according to our criteria. Our results provide a valuable first step towards ensuring the sustainability of elasmobranchs that are caught as bycatch by highlighting species for management and research. The effectiveness of turtle excluder devices (TEDs) in reducing elasmobranch bycatch varied greatly among species but was generally not very effective because most of the captured species were small.


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Penaeus monodon, hitherto cultured in brackishwater, has been acclimatized to fresh water for culturing in fresh water system. One hundred juveniles of P. monodon measuring in an average 27.7 mm were procured from the coastal lowlying areas near Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh and were used to conduct an experiment on acclimatization. High percentage of survival (96.0%) was observed when the water salinity was lowered gradually at the rate of 10% per day for the first 2 days, 5% per day during the next 2 days and later at the rate of 1% per day.


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Recent developments in aquaculture has created an awareness that prawn culture is a dollar spinner, in which industry can step in to earn foreign exchange by producing an expensive food iten which has a high market demand abroad. The Government has to take a policy decision whether the prawn culture should be done through small fishermen to improve their socio-economic condition or through private industry with the high technology input and predefined objectives of export trade. Perhaps a simultaneous operation of the two could be allowed best in the interest of India. Perhaps in the interest of quick development and adoption of high production technology, through fishermen organization, the development is encouraged through the implimentation of welfare and area development schemes. In some selected areas private industry may be encoureged to use high production technology to develop prawns.


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Prawn seed resources of Sunkeri back waters indicated the availability of Penaeus indicus, P. monodon, Metapenaeus dobsoni and M. monoceros. The monthly variation in seed composition, its correlation with environmental parameters and the aquaculture potentialities are reported


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Chromosomal studies were conducted on Macrobrachium rosenbergii. On the basis of 50 metaphase plate counts, 38 metacentric, 14 sub metacentric and 66 telocentric chromosomes (2n = 118) were observed. The total length of the granomme was recorded to be 34.2 micron.


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Live food organisms play a vital role in the artificial propagation of penaeid prawn seeds. The methods practiced for the culture of phyto and zooplankton for rearing prawn larvae through their various developmental stages are reviewed. Selection of a suitable species depends mainly on the culture characteristics, local environmental factors and the food requirements of the species of prawns cultured. Suitability of a few species isolated from Karwar waters is discussed.


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The annual instantaneous total mortality coefficient (Z) for the prawn Metapenaeus dobsoni has been estimated to range from 0.8 to 5.14 by the cumulative catch curve method. Different methods used in the study resulted in wide ranging values of natural mortality (M) (0.6 to 2.303), but the yield per recruit model when superimposed with the absolute yield values revealed the right order to be > 2. The biologically optimum yield of about 18 thousand tons is obtained for an effort of 2,702 trawlers per day for 215 fishing days when the annual exploitation ratio (E) is about 52%.


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The rate of survival of different types of faecal indicator organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci etc. during freezing and frozen storage has been studied. Peeled and deveined prawns inoculated with a mixed culture of the above organisms were subjected to freezing and storage at -10̊F and examined for over four months.


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A general survey carried out on several brands of frozen prawn products has shown that along with the standard plate count (SPC), the numbers of pathogenic organisms like Escherichia coli, enterococci and coagulase positive staphylococci have also to be taken into consideration for the evaluation of the quality of these products. No correlation could be established between the total plate count and the number of E. coli, enterococci or staphylococci. Enumeration of enterococci, however, is advocated as a better index of faecal contamination of the products than E. coli.


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The processing of prawns has assumed very great importance in India because processed prawn products have become one of the most important foreign exchange earners in the country.


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Preliminary investigations to study the lunar, diurnal and tidal periodicity in abundance and migrations of prawns were made in the Bairavapalam distributary of the Goutami branch of the Godavari estuary during the period of November 1961 to July 1962. The study was based on observation of the catches of a stake net (bag net) operated near the mouth of the estuary. Records of the catches were maintained tidewise daily. Comparative estimates of abundance were made on the basis of catch per hour's operation. It was generally observed that the catches were higher during the darker half of the month than in the brighter fortnight. The landings during low tides were generally higher than those during high tides and usually heavier catches were made during nocturnal low tides than during the day low tides. A continuous inward and outward (immigration and emigration) movement of prawns of all size groups was observed in the estuary from November to July. In general, more penaeid prawns were found to be immigrating at dawn than at dusk. Similarly, the number of emigrants was also found to be generally higher during the new moon period than during the full moon. Metapenaeus monoceros showed an almost distinct nocturnal periodicity in migration, while no such periodicity was observed, distinctly, in other species. In the case of Penaeus indicus the movement of migrants was prolonged. In M. brevicornis the migrants were scarce till March and thereafter increased numerically. The migrant forms of Metapenaeus dobsoni continued to be abundant till May with peak periods in January and February. The migratory pattern of Metapenaeus affinis was similar to that of Metapenaeus brevicornis, though the migrants of the former species appeared a month earlier than the latter. Intensive studies over extended areas for longer periods are required to understand clearly the migratory pattern of the various species. The phenomenon of immigration of prawns can be clearly understood only by vital staining or tagging studies. Perhaps the emigrants might be returning with the succeeding changing life. To verify this, laboratory experiments, by vital stains, were conducted. The marked specimens, if released during the low tides on a large scale, may be recaptured during the subsequent high tides and the duration also may be calculated. At least some percentage of the emigrants remains in the sea for maturity and breeding.


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Details about the three departmental vessels, Gulf shrimp, Indian Salmon and Silver Pomfret and gear in the exploratory fishing off Veraval coast are reported. Potential prawn fishing grounds have been located by their operation in section 20-70, 21-69 and 22-69 in the cruises conducted in October, 1962. Observation regarding suitability of gear and composition of catch are given. The possibility of better prawn grounds occurring in areas deeper than the present grounds is indicated.


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The magnitude and disposition of the inland prawn fisheries resources of the country have been described. The lack of adequate knowledge of the capture fisheries resources has been pointed out and the necessity for an organised survey of the resources and research to formulate measures for their proper management emphasised. The existing methods of prawn farming in the country have been described and the need for research for maximising yields from culture fisheries of prawn has been highlighted. Measures for immediate development of prawn fisheries of the country have also been discussed.