23 resultados para Manual transport of loads
This report examines the marine biogeography of the Samoan Archipelago (~14º S latitude along the international date-line) with a focus on regional ocean climate, connectivity among islands due to larval transport, distributions of reef fish and coral communities, and the extent of existing marine protected areas. Management decisions and prior assessments in the archipelago have typically been split along the international political boundary between the islands of Samoa and those of American Samoa despite their close proximity and shared resources. A key goal in this assessment was to compile data from both jurisdictions and to conduct the characterization across the entire archipelago. The report builds upon earlier assessments by re-analyzing and interpreting many pre-existing datasets, adding more recent biogeographic data sources, and by combining earlier findings into a multidisciplinary summary of marine biogeography. The assessment is divided into 5 chapters and supporting appendices. Each chapter was written and reviewed in collaboration with subject matter specialists and local experts. In Chapter 1, a short introduction to the overall scope and approach of the report is provided. In Chapter 2, regional ocean climate is characterized using remote sensing datasets and discussed in the context of local observations. In Chapter 3, regional ocean currents and transport of coral and fish larvae are investigated among the islands of the archipelago and surrounding island nations. In Chapter 4, distinct reef fish and coral communities across the archipelago are quantified on the basis of overall biodiversity, abundance, and community structure. In Chapter 5, the existing network of MPAs in American Samoa is evaluated based on the habitats, reef fish, and coral communities that are encompassed. Appendices provide analytical details omitted from some chapters for brevity as well as supplemental datasets needed as inputs for the main chapters in the assessment. Appendices include an inventory of regional seamounts, a description of shore to shelf edge benthic maps produced for Tutuila, analytical details of reef fish and coral datasets, and supplemental information on the many marine protected areas in American Samoa.
Lengths and ages of sword-fish (Xiphias gladius) estimated from increments on otoliths of larvae collected in the Caribbean Sea, Florida Straits, and off the southeastern United States, indicated two growth phases. Larvae complete yolk and oil globule absorption 5 to 6 days after hatching (DAH). Larvae <13 mm preserved standard length (PSL) grow slowly (~0.3 mm/d); larvae from 13 to 115 mm PSL grow rapidly (~6 mm/d). The acceleration in growth rate at 13 days follows an abrupt (within 3 days) change in diet, and in jaw and alimentary canal structure. The diet of swordfish larvae is limited. Larvae <8 mm PSL from the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and off the southeastern United States eat exclusively copepods, primarily of one genus, Corycaeus. Larvae 9 to 11 mm eat copepods and chaetognaths; larvae >11 mm eat exclusively neustonic fish larvae. This diet indicates that young larvae <11 mm occupy the near-surface pelagia, whereas, older and longer larvae are neustonic. Spawning dates for larvae collected in various regions of the western North Atlantic, along with the abundance and spatial distribution of the youngest larvae, indicate that spawning peaks in three seasons and in five regions. Swordfish spawn in the Caribbean Sea, or possibly to the east, in winter, and in the western Gulf of Mexico in spring. Elsewhere swordfish spawn year-round, but spawning peaks in the spring in the north-central Gulf of Mexico, in the summer off southern Florida, and in the spring and early summer off the southeastern United States. The western Gulf Stream frontal zone is the focus of spawning off the southeastern coast of the United States, whereas spawning in the Gulf of Mexico seems to be focused in the vicinity of the Gulf Loop Current. Larvae may use the Gulf of Mexico and the outer continental shelf off the east coast of the United States as nursery areas. Some larvae may be transported northward, but trans-Atlantic transport of larvae is unlikely.
The reproductive activity and recruitment of white mullet (Mugil curema) was determined by observations of gonad development and coastal juvenile abundance from March 1992 to July 1993. Adults were collected from commercial catches at three sites in northeastern Venezuelan waters. Spawning time was determined from the observation of macroscopic gonadal stages. Coastal recruitment was determined from fish samples collected biweekly by seining in La Restinga Lagoon, Margarita Island, Venezuela. The examination of daily growth rings on the otoliths of coastal recruits was used to determine their birth date and estimate the period of successful spawning. Fish with mature gonads were present throughout the year but were less frequent between September and January when spawning individuals migrated offshore. In both years, juvenile recruitment to the lagoon was highest between March and June when high densities of 25–35 mm juveniles were observed. Back-calculated hatching-date frequency distributions revealed maximum levels of successful spawning in December–January that were significantly correlated with periods of enhanced upwelling. The relation between the timing of successful spawning and the intensity of coastal recruitment in white mullet was likely due to variations in food availability for first-feeding larvae as well as to variations in the duration of the transport of larvae shoreward as a result of varying current conditions associated with upwelling.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana Parry ex Carr.) has one of the most limited geographical ranges and population size in the Pinus genus; it is present only on Santa Rosa Island and on the coast between San Diego and Del Mar, where our research was conducted. A 168-year chronology (1827-1994) was developed using 28 increment cores extracted from 15 living and 2 dead stranding trees at Torrey Pines State Reserve, San Diego, California. ... The spatial correlation with western North America winter and spring precipitation, as well as with published tree-ring chronologies, indicates a connection with the American Southwest. Global correlation maps with winter sea level pressure and sea surface temperature are consistent with the hypothesis that San Diego precipitation is affected by a southerly displaced North Pacific storm track and by warmer water farther south, both leading to higher transport of lower latitude moisture.
Mahseers (Tor khudree), at one time considered to be of single species, are now represented by 6 valid species distributed all over India. Studies on their food habits, ecology of spawning grounds, eggs, larval development and especially methods of artificial propagation have advanced in recent years. Transport of eggs of Tor khudree by air in moist cotton has been possible for easy distribution. Breeding of T. khudree not only by hypophysation, but even without it in small ponds by manipulation of flow of water, exercise and feed has also been possible. Fry and fingerlings of T. khudree are being distributed to many of the states in the country to help conserve the species.
A manual method of filleting of different varieties of fishes yields of skin-on and skinless fillets that can be obtained from them, levels of recovery of picked meat from the filleting waste and the utilization of the latter for the production of fish meal have been reported in this communication. The compositions of meal thus prepared are also given.
Polythene lined thermocole insulated plywood boxes (second-hand tea chests) could be successfully used for transport of fresh iced fish. It was found that a minimum of 25 mm thermocole insulation was necessary during summer (April to June) and 15 mm during winter (Nov. to March). By using these insulated boxes the initial fish to ice ratio could be brought down to 1:0.75 and still further to 1:0.5 at the height of winter in Jan. and Feb. These second-hand tea chests are robust and are able to stand a minimum of 5 trips to and fro. The moulded polystyrene boxes are not suited for long distance transport. Another redeeming feature in the entire operation was that there was practically no loss of fish due to spoilage in transit. 100% of the fish transported was in acceptable condition and could be marketed. In the non-insulated boxes used by the trade, the loss due to spoilage ranged from 10% to 25%, and this could be completely eliminated by the use of these insulated boxes.
For a period of one year beginning December 1977, drift card experiments were conducted off the western and southern coasts of Panay Island to determine the surface currents in the area. Of a total 2,384 drift cards released during the study, 382 (16.02%) were recovered, 92% of them within 30 days following dispatch. The surface currents in the study area are strongly influenced, in direction and speed, by the prevailing monsoon winds. During the NE monsoon period, the surface currents move away from the coast; during the SW monsoon, toward and/or parallel to the coast. Based on the results, the probable movement and transport of milkfish (Chanos chanos) eggs and larvae from the spawning ground to the fry collection ground are also discussed.