44 resultados para 070605 Post Harvest Horticultural Technologies (incl. Transportation and Storage)


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Investigation were carried out on the effect of some locally available species in the enhancement of the organoleptic quality and the storage periods of smoked Heterotis niloticus using Pprosopis africana as common smoke sources. Samples of fresh H. niloticus were bought, cut into chunks while extract juice from pepper, ginger rhizomes, garlic, onion bulb were used as sources of spices. Samples of fish were divided randomly into five (5) batches dipped into spice extract juices for 10 minutes drained and smoked with common firewood. Treatment without spice extract juice served as control. Each batch of fish was smoked for 7 hours on a drum-made smoking kiln products were individually packaged in polythene bag stored at room temperature and used for sensory evaluation and microbial analysis. Results of the sensory evaluation indicated that there was significant difference (P<0.005) for taste, appearance, colour and overall acceptance for the treatments. Ginger juice extract had the best overall acceptance. Similarly there was significant difference (P>0.05) in the microbial analysis. The garlic juice extract had the longest storage period with minimum total plate and mould count after 8 weeks


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Measurements of spatial and temporal distributions of carbon dioxide concentration and carbon-13/carbon-12 ratio in the atmosphere suggest a strong biospheric carbon sink in terrestrial ecosystems. Quantifying the sink, however, has become an enormous challenge for Earth system scientists because of great uncertainties associated with biological variation and environmental heterogeneity in the ecosystems. This paper presents an approach that uses two driving parameters to bound terrestrial carbon sequestration associated with an increase in carbon dioxide concentration.


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The overall quality of five SIS products was found in good condition up to 2 months storage on the basis of organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological characteristics and all the products was excellent in sealed packed condition up to 45 days of storage. However, quality of the products stored in open air atmospheric temperature was found excellent for first 15 days. In an average the initial moisture content was in the range of 13.5 to 15.0% with highest moisture content in puti and lowest in chapila. At the end of the 60 days the moisture content reached to the range of 18.5 to 19.0% which was more or less near the recommended limit of 16% for dried fishery products. The moisture content beyond the recommended limit as the storage period increased further and at the end of 90 days the moisture content increased to the range of 22.9 to 24% when organoleptically the product quality became very poor. The changes in the value of total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), peroxide value (PO), moisture and aerobic plate count (APC) of solar tunnel dried products in sealed polythene packages were investigated during 60 days of storage. There was little or no differences in TVB-N, PO and bacterial load of each species packed under various polythene density. The initial TVB-N values were in the range of 10.30 to 12.40 mg/100g of the samples. TVB-N value increased slowly up to the end of the storage period and was to in the range of 46.20 to 57.00 mg/1 00 g of sample. Initially the peroxide values (P.O.) were in the range of 6.54 to 8.40 m.eq./kg oil of the samples. During 60 days of storage, P.O. values increased slowly and at the end of the storage period these values reached to the range of 22.00 to 25.30meq./kg of sample. The initial APC was in the range 5.3xl04-7.3x104 CFU/g. The bacterial load increased slowly and at the end of the 60 days storage period reached to the range 6.6x106 - 8.6x107 CFT/g.


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The differences between the white and red (dark) meat of tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in chemical, physical and organoleptic aspects and the rate and pattern of spoilage during freezing and subsequent storage are discussed in this communication. In the indices studied distinct difference is seen between the white and red meat as well as in the head, middle and tail portions of the same fish. The characteristic colour of tuna meat is due to the presence of haemoglobin and myoglobin, the concentrations of which are about 5 times more in red meat than in white meat. The shelf-life of the frozen material varies with the type of the pack, that is, whole fish>chunks>fillets; the fillets being adversely affected during frozen storage.


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This paper deals with the investigations carried out on the preparation and storage characteristics of protein enriched biscuits (sweet and salt), incorporated with partially de-odourised fish protein concentrate. The product contains more than 20% protein and has storage life exceeding 6 months at room temperature (21°C to 32°C), in 400 gauge polythene bags.


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Packaging and storage studies of salted and dried lizard fish (Saurida sp.) have been conducted using different synthetic films like low density polyethylene (LDPE) of different gauges, high density polyethylene (HDPE) of 200 gauge, polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) coated 400 MXXT cellophane, 100 gauge polypropylene (PP) and paper laminate of 100 gauge polythene. The films found most effective in the preliminary studies were subsequently used for packaging and storage of dried fish at atmospheric and lower temperature and humidity conditions for confirming their suitability under these conditions. Polyethylene films of higher gauges showed better results under both sets of conditions. PVDC coated cellophane film also performed satisfactorily under the latter conditions which under the former condition got easily attacked by insects. Lower temperature and humidity conditions in general enhanced the storage life of the dried product.


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Cutlets have been prepared from the minces of lizard fish (Saurida tumbil), threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus), jew fish (Johnius dussumieri) and miscellaneous fish. The storage characteristics of cutlet (both raw and flash fried) at 4°C, -8°C and -20°C were studied. Cutlets prepared from the minced lizard fish showed the highest acceptability. Flash fried cutlets were found to be superior in quality compared to raw cutlets. The raw cutlet had storage life of 6 days, 11 weeks and 19 weeks at 4°C, -8°C and -20°C respectively and flash fried cutlets had a shelf life of 22 weeks at -20°C.


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The study showed that less initial moisture with high salt content will be the best condition for enhanced storage life of dehydrated salt mince. Between sample I (10% salt per meat weight) and sample II (15% salt per meat weight) the latter was comparatively better in colour, odour and longer shelf-life. At room temperature the dehydrated salt mince has not showed any increase in total bacterial count. It is also found that the storage life of the salt mince can be enhanced to a significant extent by lowering the moisture content to below 10% and increasing the salt content to above 30%. Peroxide value, free fatty acid value, total volatile nitrogen and trimethylamine registered gradual increase during storage at room temperature for all the three samples. Among the three samples, the sample treated with 0.1% citric acid and 0.125% butylated hydroxy anisole was comparatively better in appearance and showed less rancidity as indicated by TBA values, up to a period of 15 weeks and thereafter all the three samples were almost similar in storage characteristics. Hence, the treatment with citric acid and B.H.A. has apparently not much significance in improving shelf-life and quality of salted dehydrated fish mince.


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The freezing and storage characteristics of Psenopsis cyanea caught on board FORV Sagar Sampada from a depth of 350 m off Cochin are reported. The fat content of the fish was high (15.58% on the weight of whole fish) and the meat was white in colour. Peroxide value, free fatty acids and thiobarbituric acid values increased during frozen storage and organoleptically the fish was acceptable up to 32 weeks at -22 ± 1°C.


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A study was conducted on the shelf-life of rotary and solar tunnel dried SIS products under different packaging and storage conditions. Organoleptically dried products were found in good condition after a storage period of 60 days in ambient and chilled conditions. The moisture content, TVB-N value and bacterial load slightly increased during 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled conditions. The changes in moisture content and bacterial load were faster in ambient temperature than in chilled storage condition whereas changes in TVB-N value was higher in chilled condition than in ambient temperature. The initial moisture content was in the range of 13.71% to 22.84%. After 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition the moisture content of dried products was in the range of 15.09% to 25.11% and 14.49% to 25.01%, respectively. The initial TVB-N value was in the range of 10.64 to 17.52 mg/100g and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, TVB-N value was in the range of 29.00 to 34.82 mg/100g and 31.41 to 39.11 mg/100g, respectively. The initial bacterial load was in the range of 1.91x10 super(8) to 2.84x10 super(8) and after 60 days of storage in ambient and chilled condition, the bacterial load was in the range of 6.2x10 super(8) to 1.8x10 super(9) and 5.75x10 super(7) to 5.05x10 super(8) CFU/g, respectively. The results of the present study indicated that it is necessary to store high quality dried products in sealed packed in chilled condition to ensure good quality up to a certain period of time.


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The packaging containers and means of transportation for Nigerian smoke-dried fish from harvesting all through the post-harvest chain were described. Sacks, paper cartons, wooden rackets, cane and bamboo baskets were predominantly used packaging containers. Means of transportation ranged from wheelbarrows, motorcycle, lorries, to pick-up vehicles and trucks. The major area of improvement is seen in packaging at the wholesale level. To overcome the constraints within the system, both the public and private sectors must provide effective services that benefit fishermen, processors, wholesalers, retailers, organisation and other key participants that make the work. Suggestions for reducing post harvest losses and improving the efficiency of the existing distribution system, based on the various need of the stake holders and the socio-cultural settings of the application were proffered


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Technology generation and dissemination are important components of rural transformation programmes. Nigerian fisheries sub-sector is still hampered by low productivity (especially in aquaculture) and low output (capture fisheries and post-harvest technologies). Research institutions and the Universities have made efforts in developing improved technologies to find solution to these problems, yet the level of adoption of the technologies remain low. This is due to a combination of various factors among which are faulty agricultural policies; institutional framework and unfavourable socio-economic environment. Niger State plays an important role in production in Nigeria and host the only research institute with the mandate in inland fisheries. It is important therefore to know the effectiveness of various extension approaches used in disseminating the technologies developed and their impact on adopters. Forty fishers were randomly selected in Shiroro L.G.A. of the Niger State and interviewed. The study probed into their socio-economic characteristics, traditional practices, extent of awareness and adoption for fisheries technologies and the effectiveness and impact of various approaches used by the extension organizations to disseminate the technologies. The results show that the economically active age group of the fishers was in the range of 20-50 years (87.5%). Males (95%) dominate the fisher population. 47.5% of the respondents have average household size of 6-10 and 57.5% were below primary school in educational attainment. Only 57.5% belonged to cooperative societies, while 90.0% of the fishers have no access to credit other than personal finance. Majority of fish-farmers (60%) operate at homestead level with pond size less than 50 square meter, stock under polyculture fishing methods are at subsistence level, while 67.5% of processors use mud-oven to cure, by smoking, freshly caught fish. Disseminated aquaculture technologies have low level of awareness (5-20%) and adoption (2.5-22.5%). For capture fisheries and post-harvest technologies awareness levels of 47.5-72.5% and adoption levels of 27.5-50.0% were recorded. Method demonstration (87.5%), result demonstration (75.0%) and field days (47.5%) are the major approaches used by the ADP. Respondents were of the opinion that method demonstration (65%), result demonstration (57.5%) and field day (30.0%) are effective. 62.5% of respondents had enhanced income due impact of extension activities


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Malawi is a small but densely populated country in Southern Africa. Fish is an important part of the nutrition of Malawians, providing essential protein and micronutrients. However, per capita fish consumption has halved over the ten-year period between 1988 to 1998 due to over-fishing in the lakes and doubling of the population since the 1970s, accompanied by an increase in the price of fish. This has worsened access to food insecurity, especially in rural areas, in a country where an estimated 66 per cent of the population consume less than the minimum daily calorie requirement. This paper presents an ex-post impact assessment of the development and dissemination of smallscale integrated aquaculture-agriculture technologies by The WorldFish Center and its national and international partners over more than 15 years in Malawi. The impact study measures the effects of these outputs on the degree of integrated aquaculture-agriculture (IAA) technology adoption and diffusion, the effects on farm income and health of household members, and the welfare effects of increased fish supply on the Malawian economy.


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Considerations to introduce the Suminoe or Asian oyster Crassostrea ariakensis along the East Coast have raised many questions regarding ecology, economics, and human health. To date, research has focused primarily on the ecological and socioeconomic implications of this initiative, yet few studies have assessed its potential impact on public health. Our work compares the rates of bioaccumulation, depuration and post harvest decay of indicator organisms (such as E. coli) and Vibrio sp. between Crassostrea virginica and Crassostrea ariakensis in the laboratory. Preliminary results suggest that the rates of bioaccumulation of E. coli in Crassostrea ariakensis were significantly lower than those for Crassostrea virginica, depuration of E. coli was variable between the two species, and Crassostrea ariakensis post harvest decay rates of Vibrio sp. were significantly lower than Crassostrea virginica. This research provides coastal managers with insight into the response of Crassostrea ariakensis to bacteria, an important consideration for determining appropriate management strategies for this species. Further field-based studies will be necessary to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the differences in rates of bioaccumulation and depuration. (PDF contains 40 pages)


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The Zanzibar Workshop Proceedings consists of the report and the Statement of the Workshop and provides a rich understanding of the dynamics of traditional, indigenous, small-scale and artisanal fisheries and fishing communities in the Eastern and Southern African (ESA) context. The issues covered include: the saga of rights denied to coastal lands, fishing, and threats to livelihood arising from lack of recognition of traditional rights and the livelihood needs of people in the region; the aspirations of coastal and inland communities to maintain or improve their livelihoods; and a bottom-up perspective on access rights to fishing, post-harvest rights and economic and social rights. This report will be a valuable source of information for community organizers, trade union leaders, government officials and the donor community, including multilateral organizations, researchers and for all those who are interested in the well-being of ESA fishing communities.