245 resultados para preliminary budget


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Rice bran is widely used by fish farmers as supplementary feed while soybean cake is used both as feed and as fertilizer in fishponds. Both fish meal and shrimp head have been found acceptable as feed ingredients. However, not much is known of the acceptability and efficiency of a mixture of these ingredients as feed for Penaeus monodon larvae. Ninety 127-day old P. monodon were measured for length and weight and were randomly divided into nine aquaria each containing 20 liters of water. These were fed 'lampirong' for two months previous to the study. There were three replications for each treatment. Length, weight, and survival rates were used to compare the efficiency of the diets. Weighed amounts of pellets equivalent to 100% of the body weight were fed during the first three days and reduced to 50% thereafter. A stopwatch was used to determine the length of time that elapsed before the shrimps would approach the pellet. Ten shrimps approximately 4 months in age were placed in 10 liters of water in a 25-liter aquarium. Two grams of each pellet type were placed simultaneously on opposite sides of the aquarium. The time that elapsed from the moment the pellets sunk to the bottom up to the time that any one shrimp approached the pellets was recorded. The group fed the imported pellets gained the most. Those fed FP-2s-77 elongated faster than those fed FP-1s-77. Survival rate of those fed FP-2s-77 was 37% while those fed imported pellets was 73%. Both 1s and 2s pellets disintegrated in water easily but the imported pellets were stable even after six hours in water. The attractability test for the pellets showed that the prawns were more readily attracted to the pellets 1s and 2s than to the imported pellets.


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Growth and survival of P. japonicus postlarvae was studied using Tapes philippinarum and commercial formula feeds. After a 28-day feeding period, the highest survival rate of 100% was obtained in prawns receiving Diet-B, followed by those on Tapes Kyowa Hakko shrimp meal with survival rates of 80 and 76.7%, respectively. The lowest survival rate of 48.3% was obtained among postlarvae fed with squid meal. In this batch cannibalism was observed which resulted in low survival. Growth was highest in the postlarvae fed with Kyowa Hakko and mysid feeds. Diet-B gave a slightly lower weight increase but gave similar gain in length. The composition of the artificial diet, Diet-B, and growth and survival rates are tabulated.


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Growth rate of fish appeared to be related to the levels of the protein in the diet up to 40%. Fish fed diets containing 50 and 60% grew slower than those fed 40%, and the optimum level appears to be 40% when fed to fry at a rate of 10% of body weight. Best feed conversion of 1.96 was also obtained from the 40% protein diet. Mean survival rates were low in all treatments, but highest for the 40% protein diet. The competition of 5 isocaloric experimental diets containing various levels of protein are tabulated, as are weight gains, diet conversions and survival rates for milkfish fry fed various dietary levels of protein. Growth curves for milkfish fry are shown, and the relationship between weight gains of milkfish fry and the dietary levels of protein are illustrated.


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A study was carried out to determine the effect of 10 or 20% leaves or seeds in the diet of Penaeus monodon , and the extent to which local ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala ) could replace head shrimp meal. A brief description is given of the experimental methodology, and details of composition of the diet, proximate chemical composition of the diets, mean weight gain and survival of Penaeus monodon larvae fed shrimp head meal and ipil-ipil as protein sources, are presented. Mean weight gains for all groups were poor and not statistically significant. Survival rates for those fed 10% ipil-ipil were significantly higher than those fed 20% diets. Wherever the survival rate was high, mean weight gain was low and vice versa. The presence of the toxic alkaloids mimosine in ipil-ipil could have caused the low survival rate.


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P. monodon postlarvae were fed with fresh brown mussel (Modiolus metcalfei ) meat, and artificial diets containing casein, shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis ) meal, squid (Loligo ) meal, and Spirulina as protein sources at a rate of 20% of their biomass per day for a period of 10 days. No statistical difference was found among the weight gains of shrimp fed on various experimental diets. However, shrimp fed squid meal diet had highest weight gain followed by shrimp meal, fresh brown mussel meat, casein and Spirulina . Shrimp fed squid meal diet had a significantly better feed conversion and those receiving other experimental diets. Poorest fed conversion was observed in shrimp fed Spirulina . The protein efficiency ratio was statistically highest for the squid meal diet, with the lowest value again for Spirulina diets. Survival rate was significantly highest for shrimp fed the shrimp meal diet. No statistical differences were found among shrimp fed other experimental diets. Appropriate data are tabulated.


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An experiment was undertaken studying the early life history of Portunus pelagicus in order to obtain information of relevance to rearing techniques for crabs.


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This study was undertaken to determine structural characteristics within the gonads which might serve as an index to age and longevity and furnish information on the frequency of spawning of an individual.


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This report gives information on the anatomy of the internal genital organs of male and female Penaeus monodon.


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The authors report on the production of Artemia obtained on a 0.5 ha pilot project with combined trials in Artemia rearing with solar salt production during the dry seasons and with production of milkfish (Chanos chanos) fingerlings and/or prawn (Penaeid sp.) juveniles during the rainy season in the Philippines.


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Green mussel (Perna viridis) were harvested to study the applicability of chilling to keep the mussels alive for a longer period of time and to review existing methods of packaging and transport. Data obtained from preliminary studies indicated the effectiveness of keeping mussels alive as long as 4 days with minimal mortality rates.


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Preliminary findings from a spatfall forecasting programme initiated in April 1981 at Himamaylan River, Negros Occidental are presented. Two main activities are involved: 1) monitoring of daily counts of oyster larvae in the plankton; and 2) monitoring of actual setting of oysters on standardized collectors put in the vicinity of oyster farm sites. Findings indicate that when the count of mature larvae exceeds 5 per 100 ml sample and persists for at least 3 days, spat may be expected to occur shortly afterwards.


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An attempt was made to breed goldspot mullet, Liza parsia in captivity through hormone induction. The fish started spawning 35-36 hours after a single dose of 2ml ova prim per kg body weight. Hatching of fertilized eggs completed within 42-48 hours after spawning. The mean hatching rate (%) was 71.33±12 corresponding to the fertilization rate (%) of 64±12. The larvae started its first external feeding on the third day and attained a length 2.5±0.25 mm. The salinity of both breeding and rearing cisterns was 20‰ and temperature was maintained at 22-23°C.


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Specimens of Decapterus russelli have been collected from Lema, north of the Gulf of Oman. The ocular lens diameter and weight were tested as an additional age indicator to those already in use. The results showed that this technique could be adopted for determining the age of the species Decapterus russelli when the specimens are in the second year of age in case of eye lens diameter. On the other hand, eye lens weight failed to separate between the four age groups observed. The method is especially useful for age determination when otolith or scale ring are not visible or when false rings give erroneous reading.


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Based on the freshwater and seawater budgets, the mean in/out water fluxes as well as the monthly changes in freshwater content were determined in Lake Manzalah. About 6693 x 10^6m^3 of fresh and brackish water inflow to the lake annually through the main drains discharging into the southeastern basin. Allowances of precipitation (105.7 x 10^6m^3/y) and evaporation (1075 x 10^6m^3/y) yield a net runoff of 5723 x 10^6m^3/y. The average changes in the freshwater content (dF) of the lake was 547.0 x 10^6m^3 with the maximum i.e. 72.4 x 10^6m^3 in July. Using the quantity of inflowing and outflowing water through Boughaz El-Gamil (Lake-Sea connection), the change in water volume relative to sea level change was 549 x 10^6m^3/y. The sea-level height (dh) induced an average monthly change of 6.5 cm. Using the amount of freshwater discharge as well as the lake volume, the lake water is replaced every 48 days.


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The Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) initiated annual, vessel-based visual sampling surveys of northern Gulf of Mexico marine mammals in 1990 and conducted a similar survey in U.S. Atlantic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) waters from Miami, Florida, to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in 1992. The primary goal of these surveys was to meet Marine Mammal Protection Act requirements for estimating abundance and monitoring trends of marine mammal stocks in United States waters. The surveys were designed to collect: 1) marine mammal sighting data to estimate abundance and to determine distribution and diversity; and 2) environmental data to evaluate factors which may affect the distribution, abundance and diversity of marine mammals. The preliminary analyses for abundance estimation from the 1990-1993 surveys are presented in this report.