175 resultados para VESSEL PHANTOM


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A self-contained electronic solid-state instrument capable of measuring the tension between the different parts of a trawl net in operation, has been designed and developed for the measurement in the range 0 to 300 kg with an accuracy of ± 2 kg. The instrument is useful for measuring the resistance to motion of various accessories of a trawl net. It consists of an inductive type underwater tension transducer and an electronic indicating meter kept on board the vessel, both the units being connected by electric cable.


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Experimental fishing operations with shark long lines were conducted in the sea off Veraval with a view to studying their efficiency and gathering information on the available resources of sharks to be used for planning the future gear investigations. The trials were undertaken in 1967, employing departmental fishing vessel "Fishtech No. IV" (10.9 m O.L. and 48 H.P. engine). A total of 5525 hooks were employed and 242 sharks weighing 8629 kg were landed. Data on composition of catch, weight of fishes landed, effectiveness of various baits in capture of different species of sharks and effectiveness of gear including its catch efficiency in this area were compiled. Bait preference was also observed in certain species of sharks caught. Chirocentrus dorab proved to be the cheapest and most effective bait in capture of all the three varieties of sharks landed.


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The stock dynamics of horse mackerel, Megalaspis cordyla, along the northwest coast of India has been studied using length frequency data recorded from commercial landings and trawl catches of research-cum-training vessel M.F.V. Saraswati. The growth parameters for this species has been estimated to be L∞=54 cm and K=0.49 per annum. The natural and fishing mortality for the stock have been worked out to be 0.93 and 0.91 per annum respectively. The study indicated that the stock is fished at a safer fishing mortality level F sub(0.1), lower than F sub(msy) level.


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During the stay of the vessel "Ob" (Soviet Antarctic Expedition) at Colombo, May, 1957, the author received from Dr. C. H. Fernando some specimens of different species of fishes from Ceylon, preserved in formalin, as a present for the Zoological Institute (Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) New species of Monogenoidea have been found when examining the gills of the fishes received and the present paper deals with their description. The material was preserved in strong formalin which highly condensed the tissues of the parasites. Therefore the details of the anatomical structure in most of the specimens could not be recognized even by means of phase-contrasting equipment. So the description is confined almost exclusively to the chitinoid armature of the haptor and copulatory organ. The terms and the measurements used in this paper are the same as those used previously (Gussev, 1955).


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Collections of phytoplankton were made by Mr. Durairatnamat various stations between latitude 5°S and 25°S and longitude 78° E and 101° E (Fig. 1) from December 1962 to January 1963 during a cruise of the research vessel "Umitaka Maru" belonging to the Tokyo University of Fisheries. This vessel was engaged in work in connection with the International Indian Ocean Expedition (I.I.O.E.). The collections made from these stations (T.G.) were examined at the Fisheries Research Station, Colombo, for the various diatoms present and the findings are reported in this paper.


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The last major pearl fishery in the Gulf of Mannar was held in February-March, 1958, when about 4.5 million oysters were collected from the south-west Cheval Paar by dredging. (Sivalingam 1961). Subsequently, two smaller fisheries, one in 1960 and another in 1961 took place. In these two fisheries one million oysters and four hundred thousand oysters respectively were collected from the Cheval paar by dredging. (De Fonselm 1953). Inspections of the Banks were carried out in 1962, 1963, 1964 and 1965. (Balasuriya 1964 and Silva 1965 and 66). Since then inspections were not possible due to one of two reasons or both the non-availability of operational dredges and a suitable vessel for this type of work.The "Pesalai" a 235-ton stern trawler was made available by the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation management for the 1970 inspection. Two new 6-foot dredges turned out by the Government Factory were also available for this work. However, the survey was limited to 3 days-the period for which the vessel had been released. It was further limited to those areas of the banks over 6 fathoms in depth because of the risk in operating a large vessel in shallower depths.


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Catch and effort data and some biological characteristics of the deep water spiny lobster P. delagoae collected between August 1980 and December 1981, are presented. The work was conducted on board a commercial vessel off the coast of Mozambique.


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The need for operatives for the offshore and deep-sea fishing vessels is currently very great, and the importance of fisheries training has long been recognized by the Department of Fisheries. In 1974 the Sri Lanka Fisheries Training Institute was established with Japanese aid. The author discusses the purpose and functions of the institute, the first batch of trainees from which finished their training in June 1977. Annexes describe the courses offered, diplomas and certificates, admission requirements, and the conditions required for candidates sitting second-hand fishing vessel examination of the Mercantile Marine Department, Bombay District.


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The author presents a brief account of the infrastructure facilities required for the fishing industry. He describes those facilities presently available in Sri Lanka, and those that are under construction, and gives a few suggestions indicating the nature of infrastructure facilities that are vital to the local situation at its present stage of development. The principal facilities discussed are (1) fish landing places; (2) unloading handling facilities; (3) vessel servicing facilities; and (4) navigation aids.


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The author discusses the financial aspects of private sector investment in off-shore fishing, with particular attention to tax incentives, such as those offered to tourist hotels, which are considered applicable to the current case of fishing vessel purchase, and the operation of the vessels themselves, hiring, publicity and profitability. Tax incentives which were introduced to encourage investment in the tourist industry should be introduced to encourage investment in the fishing industry on the lines presented. It is essential that wide publicity be given for the incentives introduced so as to achieve the desired results.


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Even though the rich and variegated pelagic fishery resources of our west coast are well known much has to be done for a judicial and systematic exploitation on a commercial scale. To fill up this lacuna the present paper describes in detail a new design of 10.5 m four-equal panel mid-water trawl, its rigging and operation from a medium size vessel. Comprehensive comparative efficiency studies of this gear with a 10.5m unequal panel mid-water trawl established the superiority of the new gear. From the results based on the mouth opening, resistance and the catch it is opined that this new gear can not only be used on a commercial scale in harvesting the seasonal pelagic fishery, but also as a secondary supporting gear in shrimp fishery in places like Veraval, where there is a commercially exploitable yield of quality fishes like hilsa, pomfret, seer etc., without much modification from conventional stern trawlers.


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The design, construction and operational details of the purse-seines operated from Goa, for sardines and mackerel are reported briefly. The deck equipment and details of vessel along with the fishing season, fishing grounds and catches are briefly accounted. The design has been compared with Japanese purse-seines operated for the same species of fishes. Based on the findings an improved design of purse-seine has been presented.


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An account of fishing vessel construction materials is given, with information on essential features, and a material account. Materials discussed in detail are steel, wood, aluminium, glass reinforced plastic, and ferro-cement.


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The working condition and atmosphere in a wooden fishing vessel are generally most injurious to the electrical systems. Therefore great care has to be taken in designing electrical systems for small c1afts. This paper deals with the difficult operating conditions and standardisation of electrical systems as applicable to small fishing vessels.


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Fishing vessels where electric power supply from alternator is available to operate various auxiliaries located anywhere in the vessel, the small crafts, which constitute over 95% of the total fishing crafts operating in India, are entirely dependent on one source of power, i. e. the main diesel engine. To utilize this source of motive power to operate the winches and other auxiliaries, mechanical drive involving shafts, bearings and pulleys, is inconvenient. This paper presents basic advantages of hydraulic system over mechanical drive.