767 resultados para Fishery technology


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The effect of impulse current on the fish at a particular impulse rate and voltage depends on the size and kind of the fish. It is directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the conductivity of the medium.


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Difficulties are very often encountered in selecting proper material for making stern bearings for fishing boats. Conventional materials such as white metal, bronze etc. wear out too fast also causing considerable wear to the propeller shaft. Lignum-vitae, a natural wood commonly used for this purpose, is not available on a commercial scale in our country. Results of trials carried out to find out suitable substitutes for lignum-vitae from among indigenous timbers are presented in this paper.


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This paper embodies details and method of operation of a mechanical device developed for eradication of submerged aquatic weeds. The economics of operation is also discussed.


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There is apparently great scope for improvement of the design and operational aspects of the gear particularly for the effective exploitation of seasonal fisheries like that of seer, tuna, barracuda etc. In order to evolve improved, yet cheap trolling gear regular investigations were undertaken by the Craft & Gear Wing of the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, off Cochin for five fishing seasons and the results of these studies are incorporated in this paper.


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Preliminary study has been made of the changes in common 5' nucleotides in oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) and two Penaeid prawns of Indian waters during chill storage. The course of nucleotide degradation has been followed in the fresh fish and shell fish during ice storage. The level of inosine monophosphate (IMP) in prawns showed significant but steady decrease during ice storage and this appears to serve as useful indication of length of storage. Comparison has been made on the pattern of nucleotide changes in block frozen fish and individually quick frozen fish stored at -23°C.


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The chemical and organoleptic properties of prawn held in ice for different days prior to cooking and the changes after freezing and subsequent storage were studied with three different species of prawn viz. Metapenaeus monoceros, Metapenaeus dobsoni and Parapeneopsis stylifera. The optimum period for which the prawn can be kept under ideal conditions of icing prior to cooking has been worked out.


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A linear relationship was observed between the copper content and intensity of blackening in commercially canned prawn meat. Average copper and iron contents of non-blackened canned prawn meat were 9.6 and 32.5 ppm on dry weight basis respectively. In the blackened product copper content ranged from 15.8 to 63.9 ppm and iron content between 43.7 and 71.45 ppm depending on the intensity of blackening. But incorporation of copper in the above range to experimental cans produced blackening while iron up to 250 ppm did not impart any blackening under standard conditions of canning.


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A dip treatment in 15% sodium chloride solution for 30 minutes prior to freezing was found to be effective in reducing belly-bursting occurring during freezing and thawing of oil sardines. The effect of size and fat content of sardines on belly-bursting phenomenon and storage characteristics of brine treated sardines have been studied.


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The importance of sanitary practices in the processing of precooked frozen shrimps has been discussed. Several typical examples have been shown to point out the different sources of contamination of the product and the extent to which each of the factors by itself or in combination affect the bacterial quality of the final product. A scheme of processing has also been suggested for controlling the microbial quality.


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India has a long coast line of about 4,800 km along which fish landing centers are scattered. Fish catches are showing an upward trend consequent on rapid mechanization of fishing crafts. Economic utilization of the landed fish is an essential prerequisite for the proper development of Indian fishing and fish processing industries.


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Zooplankton showed directional movement towards the positive electrode in an electrical field till the current continued to flow. Examination of the plankton 24 hours after their exposure for one minute to different current densities showed considerable mortality, the percentage of which was more in the case of the larger size groups.


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The threshold body voltage (voltage gradient between head and tail) required for first reaction, electro-taxis and electro-narcosis depended upon species, conductivity of the fish body, nature of current and wave shape. Larger fishes showed first reaction at a lower body voltage than smaller ones. All the three reactions were dependent on the accommodation of nerves to the electrical field and subsequent fatigue of the fishes. No significant change was observed in the period of narcosis and recovery after repeated stimulation.


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Threshold current densities required for narcosis of fish in captivity differed in different species. Increased temperature of the water had greater effect on the fishes while changes of pH had no appreciable effect on narcosis in the fishes. Impulse currents of 50 V were found to have better effect on the fishes than continuous current of 180-220 V.


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Studies are carried out to find a suitable basis of specifying scantlings for wooden fishing vessels for India, especially for the range 30' to 50' length overall. Equations of the type y=a (where 'y' is scantling in inches, N is cubic numeral in ft³ and 'a', 'b' are constants) are fitted to the scantling tables (applicable to vessels 50’ and above) available from USA, Newfoundland, Denmark, France and Scotland and they are found to represent the regulations accurately. These lines are corrected for standard frame and beam spacing and molded/sided dimensions to bring them on a common basis for comparison and minimum scantling lines for the main structural members are derived. These lines are extended to cover the range 30' to 50' which is generally outside the range of the above regulations.


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Koura (1963) reporting the results of the comparative studies on different preservation methods of cotton twines stated that "by the difference of rotting in the different waters, not ever one method may be the most economical one". The observations were simultaneously made at Alexandria in Egypt in the sub-tropical region and Cuxhaven in the estuary of the River Elbe in the temperate zone. The course of weathering and effect of immersion in water of man-made fibres have also been mentioned in this communication. Subsequently work on similar lines were extended to Cochin in the tropical region with Cuxhaven and Hamburg as the other places of observation and the results of these studies are presented in this paper.