532 resultados para Canned fishery products.


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Routine biostatistical port sampling data and landings records collected from the gulf menhaden purse seine fishery between 1974 and 1985 are updated. During most of the period, a total of 11 menhaden reduction plants operated in Mississippi and Louisiana, and the number of vessels in the purse seine fleet varied from 71 to 82. Total annual landings ranged from 447,100 metric tons in 1977 to the record landings for the fishery of 982,800 metric tons in 1984. Age-I and -2 gulf menhaden annually comprised almost 96% of the landings. Estimated total numbers of menhaden landed varied from 4,510.5 million in 1975 to 11,154.9 million in 1985. Annual mean lengths and weights of sampled fish-at-age showed lillie variation. Nominal or observed fishing effort gradually increased through Ihe 1970s and 1980s, reaching 655,800 vessel-ton-weeks in 1983. (PDF file contains 14 pages.)


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This report summarizes (I) annual purse seine landings of Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, for 1972-84, (2) estimated numbers of fish caught by fishing area. (3) estimates of nominal fishing effort and catch-per-unit-effort, (4) mean fish length and weight, and (5) major changes in the fishery. During the 1970s stock size and recruitment increased and the age composition broadened. reversing trends witnessed during the fishery's decline in the 1960s. Landings steadily improved and by 1980 the total coast wide landings exceeded 400,000 metric tons. Nevertheless, the character of the fishery changed considerably. Eleven reduction plants processed fish at seven ports in 1972, but in 1984 only eight plants operated at live ports. Beginning in the mid-1960s the center of fishing aclivity shifted from the Middle Atlantic area to the Chesapeake Bay area, which has continued to dominate the fishery in landings and effort through the 1970s and 1980s. During this period the average size and age of fish in the catches declined. (PDF file contains 30 pages.)


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A stock assessment of the gulf menhaden. Brevoortia patronus, fishery was conducted with data on purse-seine landings from 1946 to 1985 and port sampling data from 1964 to 1985. These data were analyzed to determine growth rates, yield-per-recruit, spawner-recruit relationships, and maximum sustainable yield (MSY). Virtual population analysis was used to estimate stock size, year-class size, and fishing mortality rates. During the period studied, an average of 27% of age-l fish and 55% of age-2 and age-3 fish were taken by the fishery, and 54% for age-I and 38% for age-2 and -3 fish were lost annually to natural causes. Annual yield-per-recruit estimates ranged from 6.9 to 19.3 g, with recent mean conditions averaging 12.2 g since 1978. Surplus production models produced estimates of MSY from 620 to 700 kilometric tons. Recruits to age-I ranged from 8.3 to 41.8 billion fish for 1964-82. Although there was substantial scatter about the fitted curves, Ricker·type spawner-recruit relationships were found suitable for use in a population simulation model. Estimates of MSY from population simulation model runs ranged from 705 to 825 kilometric tons with F -multiples of the mean rate of fishing ranging from 1.0 to 1.5. Recent harvests in excess of the historical MSY may not be detrimental to the gulf menhaden stock. However, one should not expect long-term harvesting above the historical MSY because of the short life span of gulf menhaden and possible changes from currently favorable environmental conditions supporting high recruitment.(PDF file contains 24 pages.)


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This document contains data concerning the proximate composition and energy, fatty acid, sodium, and cholesterol content of finfish, shellfish, and their products as listed in 228 articles published between the years of 1976 and 1984. Also included is a systematic index of the species as referenced in this document listed alphabetically by scientific name. (PDF file contains 60 pages.)


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Despite its wide acceptance in other fisheries, limited access remains a controversial topic among Pacific coast groundfish fishermen and fishery managers. It is controversial because it immediately opens a wide array of public policy issues. How should the public conserve fish stocks, and who should benefit from harvesting those fish? What are the costs and benefits to the public, the taxpayer, the fishing industry, and the coastal communities supporting the groundfish industry? Should the government push the industry to be economically efficient in harvesting; or should it discourage technical efficiency to conserve fish stocks? Should management preserve the economic status quo by protecting existing harvest shares? These are the broad issues occupying the discussions of policy makers and academic writers concerned with resource management. The goal of this introductory section is to define limited access, to dispel some basic misunderstandings about limited access, to clarify the optional forms oflimited access, and to review the various resource management objectives addressed. This should set the stage for the following more lengthy discussions. By reducing the scope of needless misunderstandings, it should also help to make future discussions of limited access more productive. (PDF file contains 52 pages.)


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This atlas summarizes data on the crustaceans, molluscs, and fishes caught in a resource survey of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands from October 1976 to September 1981. The geographical and depth distributions, size range, and the type of gear used to catch all of the crustaceans, molluscs, and fishes are tabulated. Species accounts of 37 crustaceans, molluscs, and fishes of commercial potential are presented. The geography, oceanography, and climate of the region are reviewed. (PDF file contains 38 pages.)


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Atlantic menhaden, Brrvoortia tyrannus, the object of a major purse-seine fishery along the U.S. east coast, are landed at plants from northern Florida to central Maine. The National Marine Fisheries Service has sampled these landings since 1955 for length, weight, and age. Together with records of landings at each plant, the samples are used to estimate numbers of fish landed at each age. This report analyzes the sampling design in terms of probablity sampling theory. The design is c1assified as two-stage cluster sampling, the first stage consisting of purse-seine sets randomly selected from the population of all sets landed, and the second stage consisting of fish randomly selected from each sampled set. Implicit assumptions of this design are discussed with special attention to current sampling procedures. Methods are developed for estimating mean fish weight, numbers of fish landed, and age composition of the catch, with approximate 95% confidence intervals. Based on specific results from three ports (port Monmouth, N.J., Reedville, Va., and Beaufort, N.C.) for the 1979 fishing season, recommendations are made for improving sampling procedures to comply more exactly with assumptions of the sampling design. These recommendatlons include adopting more formal methods for randomizing set and fish selection, increasing the number of sets sampled, considering the bias introduced by unequal set sizes, and developing methods to optimize the use of funds and personnel. (PDF file contains 22 pages.)


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This document is part of a series of 5 technical manuals produced by the Challenge Program Project CP34 “Improved fisheries productivity and management in tropical reservoirs”. Inland capture fisheries in India have declined in recent years, leaving thousands of fishers to sink deeper into poverty. Freshwater aquaculture in small water bodies like ponds now contributes 80% of the country¡¯s inland fish production. This manual outlines the use of small reservoir for freshwater aquacultureas a means of providing rural areas with food and livelihoods and protecting aquatic ecosystems, in particular by facilitating the conservation of indigenous fish species. (PDF contains 22 pages)


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Size composition data of bigeye tuna taken from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean by Japanese Prefectural experimental training vessels from 1958 to 1964 are examined. A gradient of increasing fish size from east to west is noted. Males increase in ratio over females for the entire range of lengths examined, and beyond 170 cm comprise more than 75 per cent of the total. The first semester of the year is important as a bigeye spawning season. A general relationship between sexual maturity and thermal structure of the water is discussed. At the end of their 12th quarter of life bigeye are about 114 cm long, by the 16th quarter, 137 cm and at the end of 20 quarters, about 153 cm. The long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific has had a marked effect on the size composition of the stocks of bigeye, but whether the fishing has driven the stocks below a point which could afford a maximum sustainable yield could not be determined. (PDF contains 55 pages.)


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In the last years German food control laboratories have established proof of a significant number of cases of incorrectly labelled flatfish on the German market. A flatfish offered as sole (Solea vulgaris) in Southern Germany served as an example for mislabelled flatfish and for the difficulties food control laboratories may encounter and to identify products of unknown origin. Morphometric and meristic examination, as well as isoelectric focusing of sarcoplasmic proteins, PCR-based DNA-analysis failed to identify the fish. By using these methods, it only could be excluded that the fish belonged to the species of Solea vulgaris or another described flatfish species. DNA sequencing of an amplicon gave a sequence identical to a sequence in GenBank, which, however, turned out to be incorrectly assigned to Solea vulgaris. More research about characterization and identification of tropical flatfish is recommended, because of the growing importance of these fishes for the European market.


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A new concept for resource oriented federal research within the competence of the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection was implemented in 2008. The Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries is one of 4 newly established large scale federal research institutions. It comprises the former Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products and large parts of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre. The institute is named after Johann Heinrich von Thünen, a famous national economist and social reformer of the 19th century. He developed the first serious treatment of spatial economics (the so-called Thünen rings) and the basics of the theory of the natural pay.


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A concept for joint research on aquaculture in the Baltic Sea area is presented. It consists of three major parts, the promotion of an aquaculture-based-fisheries, the development of low-output land-based aquaculture systems, and the search for sustainably produced substances from aquatic organisms to be used for different processes. They include substitutes for feeding stuffs or products of importance for medical, biotechnological and industrial applications.


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ENGLISH: During 1963, the area of operation of the Japanese long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific further expanded, and total fishing effort increased. Charts are presented showing the distribution of effort and of catch-rates, by species, for major fishing areas; and showing catch-rates by species, by quarters of the year, by areas of one-degree of latitude and longitude. In the newly-exploited region north of 10°N, yellowfin and striped marlin are principal elements of the catch, while in the newly-fished region south of the former fishing areas, south of about 20°S, albacore dominate in the catch. Continued decline in catch rates of bigeye tuna, associated with increased fishing effort, indicates that there has been a real decrease in abundance of this species, and that it may have resulted from effects of the fishery on the stock. Changes in catch rates of yellowfin tuna seem to be associated with effects on the stock by both the long-line fishery and by the near-surface fishery by purse-seiners and bait-boats. Over the short series of years for which data are available, there are no discernible trends in apparent abundance of striped marlin or albacore. Information is presented concerning seasonal and geographical distributions of spawning yellowfin tuna, based on examination of gonads. Analysis of data on size composition of yellowfin tuna for 1958-1964 indicates that the long-line fishery is becoming increasingly dependent on the most recently recruited year class, further confirming the effect of the fishery on the stock. The long-line fishery now takes nearly all of its catch of yellowfin tuna from two year-classes each year, during their third and fourth years of life. SPANISH: Durante 1963 el área de operación de la pesca palangrera japonesa en el Pacífico oriental se extendió más y se incrementó el esfuerzo total de pesca. Se presentan cartas indicando la distribución del esfuerzo y las tasas de captura por especies, para las áreas principales de pesca; y se muestran las tasas de captura por especies y por trimestres del año en áreas de un grado de latitud y longitud. En la región recientemente explotada al norte de los 10°N, los principales elementos de la captura son el atún aleta amarilla y el marlín rayado, mientras aproximadamente al sur de los 20°S en la región recientemente pescada al sur de las primeras áreas de pesca la albacora predomina en la captura. La continua merma en las tasas de captura del patudo en asociación con el incremento en el esfuerzo de pesca, indica que ha habido una real reducción en la abundancia de esta especie y que puede ser el resultado de los efectos de la pesquería sobre el stock. Los cambios en las tasas de captura del atún aleta amarilla parecen estar asociados con los efectos sobre el stock tanto de la pesquería palangrera como de la pesca de superficie por barcos rederos y de carnada. No hay tendencias perceptibles en la abundancia aparente del marlín rayado o la albacora en el corto período de años de los que se disponen datos. Se presenta información referente a la distribución estacional y geográfica del desove del atún aleta amarilla basado en el examen de las gónadas. El análisis de los datos sobre la composición de tallas del atún aleta amarilla correspondiente a 1958-1964 indica que la pesca palangrera depende cada vez más de las clases anuales recientemente reclutadas, confirmando aún más el efecto que tiene la pesquería sobre el stock. La pesquería palangrera coge casi toda su pesca de atún aleta amarilla de dos clases anuales cada año, durante su tercer y cuarto año de vida. (PDF contains 70 pages.)


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ENGLISH: This paper constitutes a study of the fishery by Japanese long-line vessels in the area to the eastward of longitude 130°W, which was initiated at the western margin of this region in late 1956 and early 1957, and which has expanded fairly quickly eastward through 1962. The major part of the data was collected by the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory (NRFRL) from fishing vessels landing at Tokyo and Yaizu and by the Kanagawa Perfectural Fisheries Experimental Station from fishing vessels landing at Misaki. SPANISH: Este trabajo constituye un estudio de la pesquería efectuada por los barcos Japoneses de palangre en el área hacia el este de los 130°W de longitud, que fue iniciada en el margen occidental de esta región a fines de 1956 y principios de 1957, y que se ha expandido bastante rápidamente hacia el este a través de 1962. (PDF contains 158 pages.)


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ENGLISH: From morphometric data, tagging results and reaction of the stock to fishing, it is inferred that the yellowfin tuna of the Eastern Pacific form a distinct population which intermingles little, if at all, with populations to the westward. Excellent statistics of catch and effort, and records of total catch, available since 1934, during rapid growth of the fishery, have made possible application of a generalized mathematical predator-prey model to estimate the effect of fishing on the population, and the average abundance and yield corresponding to different amounts of fishing effort, and also to estimate the rate of fishing mortality per unit of effort. From serial samples of size composition of catches, and from tagging experiments, it has been possible to determine rates of growth and of total mortality. These kinds of information permit application of the catch-per-recruit model of Beverton and Holt. Combination of the results of application of the Beverton and Holt model and of the generalized predator-prey model, leads to inference of the relationship between stock size and recruitment. The form of the relationship is remarkably similar to the theoretical model developed by W. E. Ricker. These studies, based on the data of the near-surface fishery by baitboats and purse seiners, indicate clearly that the increased intensity of fishing has caused diminution of the stocks to the point where they are somewhat "overfished"-that is, incapable of supporting the maximum sustainable average harvest. SPANISH: De los datos morfométricos, de los resultados de las marcaciones y de la reacción del stock a la pesca, se infiere que el atún aleta amarilla del Pacífico oriental forma una población diferente que se mezcla poco, si es que llega a mezclarse, con las poblaciones del oeste. Las excelentes estadísticas de la captura y el esfuerzo y los registros de la pesca global disponibles desde 1934, durante el rápido crecimiento de la pesquería, han hecho posible la aplicación de un modelo matemático generalizado depredador-presa para estimar el efecto de la pesca en la población y el promedio de la abundancia y del rendimiento correspondientes a los diferentes valores del esfuerzo de pesca, y también para estimar la tasa de la mortalidad de pesca por unidad de esfuerzo. Gracias a las muestras en serie de la composición de tamaños de las capturas y a los experimentos de marcación, ha sido posible determinar las tasas del crecimiento y de la mortalidad total. Estos tipos de información permiten la aplicación del modelo de la captura-porrecluta de Beverton y Holt. La combinación de los resultados de la aplicación del modelo de Beverton y Holt y del modelo generalizado depredador-presa, conduce a la inferencia de la relación entre el tamaño del stock y el reclutamiento. La forma de la relación es notoriamente similar al modelo teórico desarrollado por W. E. Ricker. Estos estudios, basados en los datos de la pesquería cerca de la superficie efectuada por barcos de carnada y rederos, indican claramente que el aumento de la intensidad de la pesca ha causado la disminución de los stocks hasta el punto de dejarlos algo "superexplotados", o sea, incapacitados para mantener una producción máxima promedio. (PDF contains 50 pages.)