46 resultados para MUSSELS


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The general decline of the endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) throughout its holarctic range is well documented. Scotland is considered to be a stronghold of margaritifera, containing approximately half of the world's known remaining viable populations. However, even here the majority of populations have declined and many have disappeared completely. This article provides an overview of the freshwater pearl mussel life-cycle and the life-cycle of salmonids which are the host fish during the freshwater mussels short parasitic larval phase. The authors highlight the potential implications of the decline of salmonids for freshwater populations in Scotland.


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In the early 20th century, a blue mussel species from the Mediterranean invaded the California coast and subsequently out-competed the native species south of Monterey Bay. Like other invasive species, Mytilus galloprovincialis has physiological traits that make it successful in habitats formerly occupied by the native M. trossulus, namely its adaptation to warm sea surface temperatures. This study looks at the current genotype distributions and enzymatic activities of field-acclimatized mussels within the hybrid zone where the species co-occur as well as mussels that have been acclimated for four weeks to different temperature and salinity conditions. In the field-acclimatized and laboratory-acclimated mussels, the native species exhibited significantly higher enzyme rates, which may reflect an evolutionary adaptation to compensate to low habitat temperatures. Indeed, the results of the laboratory acclimation indicate that these differences are genetically based. Whether an acclimation capacity exists may require even longer-term acclimation to different temperatures. Current findings suggest that the further spread of the invasive species is likely to be governed in large measure by the potentially counteracting effects of rising temperatures, which would favor the northerly spread of M. galloprovincialis, and increased winter precipitation, which would favor the persistence of M. trossulus. However, the success of M. galloprovincialis during acclimation to ‘dilute’ salinity (25 ppt) suggests that the invasive species can tolerate a greater salinity range than previously thought. Thus, further investigation is needed to build a comprehensive predictive model of the movement of M. galloprovincialis and the hybrid zone along the California coast.


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The essential aim of this study was to provide a broad foundation of biological knowledge upon which a programme of mussel utilization and management could be built. Results of the study are presented in three main sections. Part 1 describes the stock of Lake Kariba and Lake McIlwaine; part 2 describes various aspects of the breeding biology of the three species; and part 3 presents the results of morphological, biochemical and age analyses - aspects which are used for initial standing crop and production calculations. The final discussion concludes the thesis with a general examination in ecological terms of the factors which have influenced the development and nature of the mussel faunas of the two lakes under consideration.


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A pond trail on pearl culture in freshwater mussels, Lamellidens marginalis was carried out for one year in an artificial perennial pond. Four types of foreign particles of indigenous sources, sand, stone, fish eyeball and beads of artificial pearl nucleus were used as nucleus for pearl production. Among the nuclei inserted mussel highest survival rate (72%) was recorded for stone and lowest survival rate (50%) for artificial pearl by nucleus implantation. Highest pearl production rate (%) was recorded for the insertion of stone and lowest for the sand. All nuclei inserted mussel produced pearl accept the mussel which was inserted beads of pearl nucleus for pearl formation. Growth rate (length and weight) was found higher for uninserted mussel than nuclei inserted mussels.


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Rate and pattern of spoilage of some of the economically important edible species of shell fishes Mytilus edulis (Mussel), Villorita cornucopia (Clam), Neptunus pelagicus (Crab) and Scylla serrata (Crab) have been discussed in this communication. Chemical indices used for objective evaluation of quality were water extractable nitrogen (WEN), non-protein nitrogen (NPN), free α-amino nitrogen (α - NH2 -N), glycogen, lactic acid and inorganic phosphorus in addition to the subjective tests. No significant difference in the spoilage pattern of the species during ice storage was observed and these species could be preserved in ice in organoleptic acceptable condition up to 8 days, 9 days, 8 days and 11 days respectively.


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Substantial quantities of green mussels are available on the Kerala coast particularly from Calicut to north. But these are not properly exploited at present. Simple and economic methods of processing like drying and smoking can go a long way towards market promotion and better returns to the fishermen. This paper reports the method of preparation of smoked mussels which have a great potential for export as well as local marketing.


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The changes in chemical, bacteriological and organoleptic qualities of mussels and clams during freezing and subsequent frozen storage have been studied in relation to the holding time in ice prior to freezing and the shelf-life of the product is determined.


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Green mussel (Perna viridis) were harvested to study the applicability of chilling to keep the mussels alive for a longer period of time and to review existing methods of packaging and transport. Data obtained from preliminary studies indicated the effectiveness of keeping mussels alive as long as 4 days with minimal mortality rates.


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This report presents results of the first systematic study of the diversity and distribution of fishes and mussels in Avon Park Air Force Range (APR). We also provide information on crayfishes and aquatic snails taken during our fish and mussel sampling activities. Our surveys documented the presence of 46 species of fishes (43 native and 3 nonindigenous), 9 species of mussels (including 8 native and 1 nonindigenous species), 5 species of aquatic snails, and two crayfish species. (347 page document)


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Table of Contents [pdf, 0.13 Mb] Section I - Practical Workshop Description [pdf, 21.22 Mb] Section II - Site Description and Oceanography [pdf, 0.40 Mb] Section III - Extended Abstracts Contaminant Concentrations in Sediment and Biota [pdf, 1.36 Mb] Biochemical and Physiological Studies [pdf, 0.77 Mb] Community Studies [pdf, 1.01 Mb] Harmful Algae Studies [pdf, 0.67 Mb] Section IV - Comprehensive Data Tables Site Locations [pdf, 0.10 Mb] Sediment Chemistry [pdf, 0.54 Mb] Tissue Chemistry – Fish [pdf, 1.20 Mb] Tissue Chemistry – Bivalves [pdf, 0.49 Mb] Lipid and Fatty Acids in Mytilus trossulus [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Biochemical, Physiological and Histopathological Parameters [pdf, 1.20 Mb] Biological Community Data – Fish and Mussels [pdf, 0.87 Mb] Biological Community Data – Macrobenthos [pdf, 0.85 Mb] Harmful Algae [pdf, 0.07 Mb] (Document contains 205 pages)


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Inputs of toxic chemicals provide one of the major types of anthropogenic stress threatening our Nation's coastal and estuarine waters. To assess this threat, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA’s) National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program Mussel Watch Project monitors the concentrations of more than 70 toxic chemicals in sediments and on the whole soft-parts of mussels and oysters at over 300 sites around the U.S. Twenty of the 25 designated areas that comprise NOAA's National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) have one or more Mussel Watch monitoring sites. Trace elements and organic contaminants were quantified including As, Ag, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn, ΣPCBs, ΣPAHs, DDT and its metabolites, and butyltins. The Mussel Watch sites located in or near the 20 Reserves provide for both status and trends. Generally the Reserves have trace element and organic contaminant concentrations that are at or below the median concentration determined for all NS&T Mussel Watch monitoring data. Trends were derived using the Spearman-rank correlation coefficient. It was possible to determine if trends exist for sites at which six or more years of data are available. Generally no trends were found for trace elements but when trends were found they were usually decreasing. The same general conclusion holds for organic contaminants but more decreasing trends were found than for trace elements. The greatest number of decreasing trends were found for tributyltin and its metabolites. (PDF contains 203 pages)


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Mytilus californianus communities (mussel beds) were examined from six geographic localities in Southern California. These included two mainland sites, Coal Oil Point and San Diego; and four island sites, San Miguel, Santa Cruz, San Nicholas, and Santa Barbara Islands. Optimal sample sizes were determined for each locality. In general, a sample, size of 1500 cm2 (five cores) was optimal for the "typical" mussel bed. However, structurally unique mussel beds required individual consideration. Community biomass, diversity, species richness, and species evenness were calculated quarterly for the island localities and biannually for mainland locations. The molluscs, primarily the mussels, accounted for 90% of the total biomass while all other groups combined accounted for 10% or less of the total biomass. The mussel communities from all localities contributed to the master species list which conservatively contained 346 species. The most diverse localities were Coal Oil Point and Santa Cruz Island with an average number of 73 and 74 species/O.lS m respectively. No overall seasonal patterns existed in community composition. The community similarity analyses showed the mainland localities biotically dissimilar from the islands and both groups were characterized by distinct faunal assemblages. In addition, San Miguel Island biota were unique among the island sites. The most important mussel bed structural attributes provided habitats for the associated community and included sediment and coarse fraction features. Food-related resources provided by the mussel bed were secondarily important. Community diversity generally increased with the quantity of habitat and food resources. (PDF contains 138 pages)


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Over 100 molluscan species are landed in Mexico. About 30% are harvested on the Pacific coast and 70% on the Atlantic coast. Clams, scallops, and squid predominate on the Pacific coast (abalone, limpets, and mussels are landed there exclusively). Conchs and oysters predominate on the Atlantic coast. In 1988, some 95,000 metric tons (t) of mollusks were landed, with a value of $33 million. Mollusks were used extensively in prehispanic Mexico as food, tools, and jewelry. Their use as food and jewelry continues. Except in the States of Baja California and Baja California Sur, where abalone, clams, and scallops provide fishermen with year-round employment, mollusk fishing is done part time. On both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, many fishermen are nomads, harvesting mollusks wherever they find abundant stocks. Upon finding such beds, they build camps, begin harvesting, and continue until the mollusks become so scarce that it no longer pays to continue. They then look for productive beds in other areas and rebuild their camps. Fishermen harvest abalones, mussels, scallops, and clams by free-diving and using scuba and hooka. Landings of clams and cockles have been growing, and 22,000 t were landed in 1988. Fishermen harvest intertidal clams by hand at wading depths, finding them with their feet. In waters up to 5 m, they harvest them by free-diving. In deeper water, they use scuba and hooka. Many species of gastropods have commercial importance on both coasts. All species with a large detachable muscle are sold as scallops. On the Pacific coast, hatchery culture of oysters prevails. Oyster culture in Atlantic coast lagoons began in the 1950's, when beds were enhanced by spreading shells as cultch for spat. (PDF file contains 228 pages.)


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Abstract Fish sauce belongs to the most important condiments in Southeast Asian cuisine. It is a clear, amber to reddish liquid with an intensive smell. Fish sauce is used instead of salt for nearly each meal. Asian fish sauce is made from anchovies and other small fish. For the traditional process whole fresh fish are mixed with salt in the ratio 1:1 to 6:1 in wooden, clay or concrete tanks at tropical temperatures for 6 to 18 months. The liquefaction of the fish tissue is due to the action of endogenous enzymes in fish and exogenous enzymes from bacteria. During the fermentation amino acids, peptides and a lot of other substances are built, which are responsible for the characteristic aroma and flavour of these sauces. You can buy pure fish sauce, diluted fish sauce and fish sauce made from other types of animals like mussels, prawns and squids. In single Asian countries there are different national standards for the quality of fish sauces. In order to get a general idea of these products we have bought 16 fish and two oyster sauces from the retail trade in Hamburg and analyzed them with physical, chemical, sensory and microbiological methods. Kurzfassung Fischsauce gehört zu den wichtigsten Würzsaucen in der südostasiatischen Küche. Es ist eine klare, bernsteinfarbene bis rötlichbraune, sehr intensiv riechende Flüssigkeit. Sie wird anstelle von Salz verwendet und daher fast zu jedem Essen gereicht. Zur Herstellung von Fischsaucen werden hauptsächlich Anchovis und ähnliche kleine Fische verwendet. Bei der traditionellen Herstellung werden die ganzen Fische mit Meersalz in einem Holzfass, Tongefäß oder Betontank im Verhältnis 1:1 bis 6:1 gemischt. Während der anschließenden 6 – 18 Monate dauernden Lagerung bei tropischen Temperaturen bauen sich die Gewebeproteine durch fischeigene Enzyme und Mikroorganismen ab. Bei diesem mehrmonatigen Fermentationsprozess entstehen die für den Geschmack wichtigen Aminosäuren, Peptide und Aromastoffe. Es gibt neben reiner Fischsauce, auch verdünnte Fischsauce und Fischsaucen aus anderen Tieren wie Muscheln, Garnelen und Tintenfische. In den einzelnen asiatischen Ländern gibt es unterschiedliche nationale Qualitätsstandards. Um diese Produktgruppe näher kennen zu lernen, haben wir 16 Fisch- und 2 Austernsaucen aus dem Einzelhandel (Hamburg) mit physikalischen, chemischen, sensorischen und mikrobiologischen Verfahren untersucht.