38 resultados para Basis-set


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This paper provides a review of the valuation of river fisheries in West and Central Africa. It is the general perception that, compared to the biological and ecological aspects of river fisheries, this particular subject area has received relatively little attention. Economic valuation is concerned with finding expression for what is important in life for human society. It should, therefore, be a central and integral part of government decision-making and policy. The review started with concepts and methods for valuation. Three main types of valuation techniques were identified: conventional economic valuations, economic impact assessments and socioeconomic investigations, and livelihood analysis. On the basis of a literature review, valuation information was then synthesized for the major regional river basins and large lakes, and also used to develop a series of national fisheries profiles. To supplement this broad perspective, a series of case studies are also presented, which focus in particular on the impact of changes in water management regime. Finally, the paper presents an assessment of the three main types of valuation methodology and a set of conclusions and recommendations for future valuation studies.


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ADMB2R is a collection of AD Model Builder routines for saving complex data structures into a file that can be read in the R statistics environment with a single command.1 ADMB2R provides both the means to transfer data structures significantly more complex than simple tables, and an archive mechanism to store data for future reference. We developed this software because we write and run computationally intensive numerical models in Fortran, C++, and AD Model Builder. We then analyse results with R. We desired to automate data transfer to speed diagnostics during working-group meetings. We thus developed the ADMB2R interface to write an R data object (of type list) to a plain-text file. The master list can contain any number of matrices, values, dataframes, vectors or lists, all of which can be read into R with a single call to the dget function. This allows easy transfer of structured data from compiled models to R. Having the capacity to transfer model data, metadata, and results has sharply reduced the time spent on diagnostics, and at the same time, our diagnostic capabilities have improved tremendously. The simplicity of this interface and the capabilities of R have enabled us to automate graph and table creation for formal reports. Finally, the persistent storage in files makes it easier to treat model results in analyses or meta-analyses devised months—or even years—later. We offer ADMB2R to others in the hope that they will find it useful. (PDF contains 30 pages)


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C2R is a collection of C routines for saving complex data structures into a file that can be read in the R statistics environment with a single command.1 C2R provides both the means to transfer data structures significantly more complex than simple tables, and an archive mechanism to store data for future reference. We developed this software because we write and run computationally intensive numerical models in Fortran, C++, and AD Model Builder. We then analyse results with R. We desired to automate data transfer to speed diagnostics during working-group meetings. We thus developed the C2R interface to write an R data object (of type list) to a plain-text file. The master list can contain any number of matrices, values, dataframes, vectors or lists, all of which can be read into R with a single call to the dget function. This allows easy transfer of structured data from compiled models to R. Having the capacity to transfer model data, metadata, and results has sharply reduced the time spent on diagnostics, and at the same time, our diagnostic capabilities have improved tremendously. The simplicity of this interface and the capabilities of R have enabled us to automate graph and table creation for formal reports. Finally, the persistent storage in files makes it easier to treat model results in analyses or meta-analyses devised months—or even years—later. We offer C2R to others in the hope that they will find it useful. (PDF contains 27 pages)


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Introduction: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Biogeography Branch has conducted surveys of reef fish in the Caribbean since 1999. Surveys were initially undertaken to identify essential fish habitat, but later were used to characterize and monitor reef fish populations and benthic communities over time. The Branch’s goals are to develop knowledge and products on the distribution and ecology of living marine resources and provide resource managers, scientists and the public with an improved ecosystem basis for making decisions. The Biogeography Branch monitors reef fishes and benthic communities in three study areas: (1) St. John, USVI, (2) Buck Island, St. Croix, USVI, and (3) La Parguera, Puerto Rico. In addition, the Branch has characterized the reef fish and benthic communities in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary and around the island of Vieques, Puerto Rico. Reef fish data are collected using a stratified random sampling design and stringent measurement protocols. Over time, the sampling design has changed in order to meet different management objectives (i.e. identification of essential fish habitat vs. monitoring), but the designs have always remained: • Probabilistic – to allow inferences to a larger targeted population, • Objective – to satisfy management objectives, and • Stratified – to reduce sampling costs and obtain population estimates for strata. There are two aspects of the sampling design which are now under consideration and are the focus of this report: first, the application of a sample frame, identified as a set of points or grid elements from which a sample is selected; and second, the application of subsampling in a two-stage sampling design. To evaluate these considerations, the pros and cons of implementing a sampling frame and subsampling are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the impacts of each design on accuracy (bias), feasibility and sampling cost (precision). Further, this report presents an analysis of data to determine the optimal number of subsamples to collect if subsampling were used. (PDF contains 19 pages)


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A literature review was conducted to locate information on the flow of energy from primary producers to the fishery stocks of the Puerto Rican-Virgin Islands insular shelf. This report uses site-specific information to describe the major ecological subsystems, or habitats, of the region, to identify the more common species and the subsystems in which they occur, to quantify productivity and biomass, and to outline trophic relationships. Discussions on each topic and subsystem vary in substance and detail, being limited by the availability and accessibility of information. (PDF contains 189 pages) Seven distinct subsystems are described: mangrove estuary, seagrass bed, coral reef, algal plain, sand/mud bottom, shelf break, and overlying pelagic. Over 50 tables provide lists of species found in each habitat on various surveys dating back to 1956. Estimates of density, relative abundance, and productivity are provided when possible. We evaluated whether sufficient information exists to support an analysis of the energy basis of fishery production in the area, beginning with the design and development of an ecosystem model. Data needs in three categories - species lists, biomass, and trophic relations - were examined for each subsystem and for each of three species groups - primary producers, invertebrates, and fish. We concluded that adequate data, sufficient for modeling purposes, are available in 16 (25%) of 64 categories; limited data, those requiring greater extrapolation, are available in 35 (55%) categories; and no data are available in 13 (20%) categories. The best-studied subsystems are seagrass beds and coral reefs, with at least limited data in all categories. Invertebrates, the intermediate link in the food web between primary producers and fishes, are the least quantified group in the region. Primary production and fishes, however, are relatively well-studied, providing sufficient data to support an ecosystem-level analysis and to initiate a modeling effort.


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This study analyzed species richness, distribution, and sighting frequency of selected reef fishes to describe species assemblage composition, abundance, and spatial distribution patterns among sites and regions (Upper Keys, Middle Keys, Lower Keys, and Dry Tortugas) within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) barrier reef ecosystem. Data were obtained from the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) Fish Survey Project, a volunteer fish-monitoring program. A total of 4,324 visual fish surveys conducted at 112 sites throughout the FKNMS were used in these analyses. The data set contained sighting information on 341 fish species comprising 68 families. Species richness was generally highest in the Upper Keys sites (maximum was 220 species at Molasses Reef) and lowest in the Dry Tortugas sites. Encounter rates differed among regions, with the Dry Tortugas having the highest rate, potentially a result of differences in the evenness in fishes and the lower diversity of habitat types in the Dry Tortugas region. Geographic coverage maps were developed for 29 frequently observed species. Fourteen of these species showed significant regional variation in mean sighting frequency (%SF). Six species had significantly lower mean %SF and eight species had significantly higher mean %SF in the Dry Tortugas compared with other regions. Hierarchical clustering based on species composition (presence-absence) and species % SF revealed interesting patterns of similarities among sites that varied across spatial scales. Results presented here indicate that phenomena affecting reef fish composition in the FKNMS operate at multiple spatial scales, including a biogeographic scale that defines the character of the region as a whole, a reef scale (~50-100 km) that include meso-scale physical oceanographic processes and regional variation in reef structure and associated reef habitats, and a local scale that includes level of protection, cross-shelf location and a suite of physical characteristics of a given reef. It is likely that at both regional and local scales, species habitat requirements strongly influence the patterns revealed in this study, and are particularly limiting for species that are less frequently observed in the Dry Tortugas. The results of this report serve as a benchmark for the current status of the reef fishes in the FKNMS. In addition, these data provide the basis for analyses on reserve effects and the biogeographic coupling of benthic habitats and fish assemblages that are currently underway. (PDF contains 61 pages.)


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Seventy percent of the world's catch of fish and fishery products is consumed as food. Fish and shellfish products represent 15.6 percent of animal protein supply and 5.6 percent of total protein supply on a worldwide basis. Developing countries account for almost 50 percent of global fish exports. Seafood-borne disease or illness outbreaks affect consumers both physically and financially, and create regulatory problems for both importing and exporting countries. Seafood safety as a commodity cannot be purchased in the marketplace and government intervenes to regulate the safety and quality of seafood. Theoretical issues and data limitations create problems in estimating what consumers will pay for seafood safety and quality. The costs and benefits of seafood safety must be considered at all levels, including the fishers, fish farmers, input suppliers to fishing, processing and trade, seafood processors, seafood distributors, consumers and government. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) programmes are being implemented on a worldwide basis for seafood. Studies have been completed to estimate the cost of HACCP in various shrimp, fish and shellfish plants in the United States, and are underway for some seafood plants in the United Kingdom, Canada and Africa. Major developments within the last two decades have created a set of complex trading situations for seafood. Current events indicate that seafood safety and quality can be used as non-tariff barriers to free trade. Research priorities necessary to estimate the economic value and impacts of achieving safer seafood are outlined at the consumer, seafood production and processing, trade and government levels. An extensive list of references on the economics of seafood safety and quality is presented. (PDF contains 56 pages; captured from html.)


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ENGLISH: Catches of skipjack tuna supporting major fisheries in parts of the western, central and eastern Pacific Ocean have increased in recent years; thus, it is important to examine the dynamics of the fishery to determine man's effect on the abundance of the stocks. A general linear hypothesis model was developed to standardize fishing effort to a single vessel size and gear type. Standardized effort was then used to compute an index of abundance which accounts for seasonal variability in the fishing area. The indices of abundance were highly variable from year to year in both the northern and southern areas of the fishery but indicated a generally higher abundance in the south. Data from 438 fish tagged and recovered in the eastern Pacific Ocean were used to compute growth curves. A least-squares technique was used to estimate the parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function. Two estimates of the parameters were made by analyzing the same data in different ways. For the first set of estimates, K= 0.819 on an annual instantaneous basis and L= 729 mm; for the second, K = 0.431 and L=881. These compared well with estimates derived using the Chapman-Richards growth function, which includes the von Bertalanffy function as a special case. It was concluded that the latter function provided an adequate empirical fit to the skipjack data since the more complicated function did not significantly improve the fit. Tagging data from three cruises involving 8852 releases and 1777 returns were used to compute mortality rates during the time the fish were in the fishery. Two models were used in the analyses. The best estimates of the catchability coefficient (q) in the north and south were 8.4 X 10- 4 and 5.0 X 10- 5 respectively. The other loss rate (X), which included losses due to emigration, natural mortality and mortality due to carrying a tag, was 0.14 on an annual instantaneous basis for both areas. To detect the possible effect of fishing on abundance and total yield, the relation between abundance and effort and between total catch and effort was examined. It was found that at levels of intensity observed in the fishery, fishing does not appear to have had any measurable effect on the stocks. It was concluded therefore that the total catch could probably be increased by substantially increasing total effort beyond the present level, and that the fluctuations in abundance are fishery-independent. The estimates of growth, mortality and fishing effort were used to compute yield-per-recruitment isopleths for skipjack in both the northern and southern areas. For a size at first entry of about 425 mm, the yield per recruitment was calculated at 3 pounds in the north and 1.5 pounds in the south. In both areas it would be possible to increase the yield per recruitment by increasing fishing effort. It was not possible to assess potential production of the skipjack stocks fished in the eastern Pacific, except to note that the fishery had not affected their abundance and that they were certainly under-exploited. It was concluded that the northern and southern stocks could support increased harvests, especially the latter. SPANISH: Las capturas de atún barrilete que sostienen las pesquerías principales de la parte occidental, central y oriental del Océano Pacífico han aumentado en los últimos años; así que es importante examinar la dinámica de la pesquería para determinar el efecto que pueda tener sobre la abundancia de los stocks. Se desarrolló un modelo hipotético, lineal para standardizar el esfuerzo de pesca a un solo tamaño de barco y tipo de arte. Luego se usó el esfuerzo standardizado para computar un índice de la abundancia que pueda dar razón de la variabilidad estacional en el área de pesca. Los índices de la abundancia variaron mucho de un año a otro tanto en el área septentrional como en el área meridional de la pesquería, pero indicaron una abundancia generalmente superior en el sur. Se emplearon los datos de 438 peces marcados y recuperados en el Océano Pacífico oriental para computar las curvas de crecimiento. Una técnica de mínimos cuadrados fue usada para estimar los parámetros de la función de crecimiento de van Bertalanffy. Se hicieron dos estimativos de los parámetros mediante el análisis de los mismos datos, de diferente manera. Para el primer juego de estimativos, K=0.819 sobre una base anual instantánea y L∞=729 mm; para el segundo, K=0.431 y L∞=881. Estos se correlacionaron bien con los estimativos obtenidos usando la función de crecimiento de Chapman-Richards, que incluye la de von Bertalanffy como un caso especial. Se decidió que la última función proveía un ajuste empírico, adecuado a los datos del barrilete, ya que la función más complicada no mejoró significativamente el ajuste. Los datos de marcación de tres cruceros incluyendo 8852 liberaciones y 1777 retornos, fueron usados para computar las tasas de mortalidad durante el tiempo en que los peces estuvieron en la pesquería. Se usaron dos modelos en los análisis. Los mejores estimativos del coeficiente de capturabilidad (q) en el norte y en el sur fueron 8.4 X 10-4 y 5.0 X 10-5 , respectivamente. La otra tasa de pérdida (X), la cual incluyó pérdidas debidas a la emigración, mortalidad natural y mortalidad debida a llevar una marca, fue 0.14 sobre una base anual instantánea para las dos áreas. Con el fin de descubrir el efecto que posiblemente pueda tener la pesca sobre la abundancia y el rendimiento total, se examinó la relación entre la abundancia y el esfuerzo y entre la captura total y el esfuerzo. Se encontró que a los niveles de la intensidad observada en la pesquería, la pesca no parece haber tenido ningún efecto perceptible en los stocks. Por lo tanto se decidió que mediante un aumento substancial del esfuerzo total, más allá del nivel actual, la captura total probablemente podría aumentarse, y que las fluctuaciones de la abundancia son independientes de la pesquería. Los estimativos del crecimiento, mortalidad y esfuerzo de pesca fueron usados para computar las isopletas del rendimiento por recluta del barrilete, tanto en las áreas del norte como del sur. Para una talla de primera entrada de unos 425 mm, el rendimiento por recluta fue calculado en 3 libras en el norte y 1.5 libras en el sur. En ambas áreas sería posible aumentar el rendimiento por recluta mediante un aumento del esfuerzo de pesca. No fue posible determinar la producción potencial de los stocks del barrilete pescado en el Pacífico oriental, excepto para observar que la pesquería no ha afectado su abundancia y que ciertamente se encuentran subexplotados. Se concluyó que los stocks norte y sur pueden soportar un aumento en el rendimiento, especialmente este último. (PDF contains 274 pages.)


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Though economic research is not one of the tasks of the German Federal Research Centre for Fisheries, basic in-formation for such work is available from biologic studies on fish biomass, discards and seasonal abundance of species. Results from EU-studies on brown shrimp fisheries show the effect of discarding juvenile fish, especially plaice, the possibly lost numbers and value of this fish as well as chances of reducing these losses by a timely effort reduction in summer and the use of selective nets throughout most parts of the year. However, it is also made clear, that these costly measures may have no effect on the stocks due to biological compensatory effects observed in strong year classes of plaice e. g. 1996, with high landings and collapsing prices. Therefore sound biological and economic data and methods are needed to assess the economic effects of management measures on fishermen’s situation and markets. Compensations for catch limitations may become inevitable.


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Im Rahmen der Bewirtschaftung der Fischressourcen des Nordatlantiks werden für alle Nutzfischarten jährlich Bestandsgrößen und Nachwuchsraten erarbeitet, die Grundlagen für die Festlegung künftiger Fangmengen dieser Arten sind. Da in diese Berechnungen Daten Unterschiedlicher Zuverlässigkeit eingehen und den Berechnungsmethoden verschiedene Voraussetzungen zugrunde liegen, bestehen Unsicherheiten in der Präzision der Vorhersagen. Deshalb werden die benutzten Modelle und ihre Ergebnisse laufend kritisch überprüft und weiterentwickelt. Aufgrund der Einschränkungen der bisher benutzten Methoden und den Wünschen der Fischwirtschaft, Vorhersagen für Bestandsentwicklungen für mindestens 5 Jahre zu entwickeln, startete einer Reihe europäischer Fischerei- bzw. Meeresforschungsinstitute eine gemeinsame Aktion mit dem Ziel, die wissenschaftliche Basis für Bestandsabschätzungen und -vorhersagen zu verbessern. Diese "ConcertedAction: Sustainable fisheries. How can the scientific basis for fish stock assessments and predictions be improved? (SAP)" wird vom Generaldirektor für Fischerei der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaft als Projekt FAIR CT 97-3805 seit dem 01.01.1998 für 40 Monate gefördert.


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In Nigeria, the culture of fish is gaining importance, but local fish farmers face a set back because of the stoppage on importation of fish feed. Locally available raw materials such as yam, plantain, banana, cowpeas, macuna, maize, cassava, millet, sorghum, groundnut, sunnhemp seed and brewery wastes are considered as potential materials for fish feed. These have been examined on their minimum protein contributions since this is the most expensive part of the fish feed. Alternative sources to animal proteins are also examined. Plant protein from groundnut, melon, mucuna and others compare favourably with bloodmeal mixture and thus can be used to replace the more expensive animal proteins. Pellet feed can be produced on a small scale or commercial basis from the locally available raw materials and the fish farmer is advised to seek assistance from qualified fisheries personnel


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Samples of planktonic algae from major lakes in the English Lake District have been investigated over many years as part of a long-term monitoring programme set up by the Freshwater Biological Association and continued by the Institute For Ecology. Some lakes have been sampled regularly for long periods, others less frequently or only occasionally. Windermere north and south basins, and the neighbouring lakes Blelham Tarn and Esthwaite Water, have been under observation, mostly on a weekly basis, since the programme began in 1945. During this time diatoms have played a significant role in the population dynamics of these lakes.


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Basically this report is an attempt to document trends in oyster recruitment since 1939 and to relate those trends to the actual oyster harvest throughout the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay. It is also hoped that the data as well as the charts compiled in this report will serve as a reference to aid in future studies on Chesapeake Bay oysters. A few if the major biological factors that affect the natural reproduction of the oyster and environmental degradations that may possibly affect oyster reproduction or harvest in the Chesapeake Bay are also briefly discussed. (PDF contains 32 pages)


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In recent times, some specialists have begun to study the subject of food selection of fish in an organized way, thus highlighting its importance. In the present work, the author intends to evaluate the impact of predation on the eupelagic zooplanktonic biocenosis of Lake Maggiore, producing, in this way, as far as possible, a basis for a better understanding of the population dynamics of the species of zooplankton directly involved. Another aspect which has been studied is that related to the mechanism of selective capture set in action by the predator. To this end the study tries to bear in mind that the subject should be interpreted as a function of numerous factors acting contemporaneously, that is as the interaction of characters peculiar to the predator and to the prey. The species studied, locally called ”bondella”, belongs to the family Salmonidae, subfamily Coregoninae and was introduced into Lake Maggiore in 1950.


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The current situation of regional, rather' than national, problems of eutrophication in standing waters has been widely aired in recent reports. A reliable, quantitative data base is a prerequisite to future trend monitoring, a concensus view of those reports. The objective of this report is to establish requirements, methodology and a minimal data set for nutrient and algae status in water supply reservoirs in England which may be used as a protocol for future trend monitoring.A pilot study has been carried out to assess the relative merits of different sampling strategies, the choice of which has major implications for the cost of sample collection. This short report suggests that consider the possibility of designating a few sites as ”baseline sites” at which detailed changes in trophic status as monitored by the more labour-intensive parameters would be collected on a regular, long term basis to help in the interpretation of the low cost survey results.