33 resultados para learners


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Work-based learning provider, KEITS has improved efficiencies and institutional effectiveness with the introduction of Blackberry mobile devices to all their assessors. They have saved time and money on paper and travel, diversified evidence capture and improved their overall engagement with learners.


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Broadland Council Training Services have reined in their reliance on traditional learning methods by introducing Xerte/Maxos to their equine-based students. Learners who were once deluged by stacks of paper and unable to utilise an internet connection in a horse yard are now able to access interactive learning exercises using Maxos: Xerte on a memory stick. Students are now more engaged and focused on their studies, teaching methods are much more diverse, and success rates have improved.


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As part of an LSIS Regional Response Fund project, Otley College has developed an online toolkit for one-to-one tutorials, based on research undertaken with practitioners and learners. The toolkit has been developed to meet the needs of students and tutors, and attempts to fulfil the requirement for tutorials within a new straightened funding agreement.


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Asset Training and Consultancy Ltd has introduced an e-portfolio system to replace paper-based portfolios. The approach taken, through the creation of a development plan and the gradual introduction of technology, is engaging learners more and improving learner relationships with assessors.


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The Adult Education Services from six local authorities in the North East joined forces to set-up a shared virtual learning environment (VLE) called TeesLearn. It provides their learners with new and inspiring learning opportunities and supports them across a rural and wide geographical area.


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Students have a lot to say about their digital environment, if we listen. But behind the headline messages what they want is complex and contradictory. Different learners need different kinds of technology and technical support to succeed. These posters can be used to stimulate discussion between staff and students as a way of developing a shared understanding of the complexity of these issues. The posters have been updated from their originals to reflect the emerging findings from the FE Digital Student study as well as the HE strand.


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Digital text benefits a wide range of learners, particularly disabled learners. For those with a visual impairment, it can be magnified or read out loud using synthetic speech. It can be navigated by heading and subheading levels, and text colours and backgrounds can be altered, both useful features for dyslexic learners. Definitions of unfamiliar words can be checked without leaving the text.


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This publication captures the outputs of an event organised by JISC infoNet, the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) and the JISC, held in February 2005 at the Orange Studio in Birmingham. The event was entitled ‘IT Won’t Work Here’ and it aimed to explore what is required to make Lifelong Learning a reality. The title was a play on words indicating both the need to overcome a range of negative attitudes and for the ALT and JISC communities to focus on more than simply the technology required to support learners moving across the different education sectors.


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For many learners, course materials in standard print format are difficult to use. Getting these in alternative formats could make a big difference but how do you find out what the options are? This guide seeks to provide an overview of the alternative formats available and how you can create them.


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Leap2A is an open specification for transferring learner-owned information between different systems. e-Portfolio tools and systems are now widely used by learners to present evidence of learning, achievements and abilities for many purposes, including application for a job or university, assessment or professional accreditation. This briefing provides an overview of the benefits, summary of systems that have supported Leap2A, further information on data portability and links to further resources.


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Learning in a Digital Age is one in a series of Effective Practice guides. It demonstrates, through a range of case studies, how institutions are using technology to attract and retain diverse groups of learners, offer professional development opportunities for their staff, and enhance engagement and collaboration with employers and other organisations with a stake in effective lifelong learning.


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In Their Own Words, one in a series of Effective Practice guides, explores the under-researched and imperfectly understood world of the learner in a digital age by synthesising outcomes from the first phase of the Learner Experiences of e-Learning theme of the JISC e-Learning Programme. These outcomes include a scoping study and literature review, a methodology report and two studies – LEX: The Learner Experience of e-Learning (Creanor et al., 2006) and LXP: Student Experiences of e-Learning (Conole et al., 2006), plus five video case studies of experiences of e-learning recounted by learners themselves.


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Case study on six partner organisations in the eastern region and how they have supported learners on apprenticeship and traineeship programmes.


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Case study on Oldham College and Edge Hill University working in partnership on a project to use screencasts as a way of providing feedback to learners.


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Case study on how learners at Redbridge College are using interactive technologies in the iZone to enhance their digital experience.