6 resultados para teacher to student oral language transfer in mathematics

em CaltechTHESIS


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Intramolecular electron transfer in partially reduced cytochrome c oxidase has been studied by means of perturbed equilibrium techniques. We have prepared a three electron reduced, CO inhibited form of the enzyme in which cytochrome a and copper A are partially reduced an in intramolecular redox equilibrium. When these samples were photolyzed using a nitrogen laser (0.6 µs, 1.0 mJ pulses) changes in absorbance at 598 nm and 830 nm were observed which are consistent with a fast electron from cytochrome a to copper A. The absorbance changes at 598 nm have an apparent rate of 17,200 ± 1,700 s^(-1) (1σ), at pH 7.0 and 25.5 °C. These changes were not observed in either the CO mixed valence or CO inhibited fully reduced forms of the enzyme. The rate is fastest at about pH 8.0, and falls off in either direction, and there is a small, but clear temperature dependence. The process was also observed in the cytochrome c -- cytochrome c oxidase high affinity complex.

This rate is far faster than any rate measured or inferred previously for the cytochrome a -- copper A electron equilibration, but the interpretation of these results is hampered by the fact that the relaxation could only be followed during the time before CO became rebound to the oxygen binding site. The meaning of our our measured rate is discussed, along with other reported rates for this process. In addition, a temperature-jump experiment on the same system is discussed.

We have also prepared a partially reduced, cyanide inhibited form of the enzyme in which cytochrome a, copper A and copper B are partially reduced and in redox equilibrium. Warming these samples produced absorbance changes at 605 nm which indicate that cytochrome a was becoming more oxidized, but there were no parallel changes in absorbance at 830 nm as would be expected if copper A was becoming reduced. We concluded that electrons were being redistributed from cytochrome a to copper B. The kinetics of the absorbance changes at 605 nm were investigated by temperature-jump methods. Although a rate could not be resolved, we concluded that the process must occur with an (apparent) rate larger than 10,000 s^(-1).

During the course of the temperature-jump experiments, we also found that non-redox related, temperature dependent absorbance changes in fully reduced CO inhibited cytochrome c oxidase, and in the cyanide mixed valence enzyme, took place with an (apparent) rate faster that 30,000 s^(-1).


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A semisynthetic binuclear metalloprotein has been prepared by appending the pentaammineruthenium moiety to histidine 39 of the cytochrome c from the yeast Candida krusei. The site of ruthenium binding was identified by peptide mapping. Spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of the derivative indicate the protein conformation is unperturbed by the modification. A preliminary (minimum) rate constant of 170s^(-1) has been determined for the intramolecular electron transfer from ruthenium(II) to iron(III), which occurs over a distance of at least 13Å (barring major conformational changes). Electrochemical studies indicate that this reaction should proceed with a driving force of ~170mV. The rate constant is an order of magnitude faster than that observed in horse heart cytochrome c for intramolecular electron transfer from pentaammineruthenium(II)(histidine 33) to iron(III) (over a similar distance, and with a similar driving force), suggesting a medium or orientation effect makes the Candida intramolecular electron transfer more favorable.


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Nature has used a variety of protein systems to mediate electron transfer. In this thesis I examine aspects of the control of biological electron transfer by two copper proteins that act as natural electron carriers.

In the first study, I have made a mutation to one of the ligand residues in the azurin blue copper center, methionine 121 changed to a glutamic acid. Studies of intramolecular electron transfer rates from that mutated center to covalently attached ruthenium complexes indicate that the weak axial methionine ligand is important not only for tuning the reduction potential of the blue copper site but also for maintaining the low reorganization energy that is important for fast electron transfer at long distances.

In the second study, I begin to examine the reorganization energy of the purple copper center in the CuA domain of subunit II of cytochrome c oxidase. In this copper center, the unpaired electron is delocalized over the entire binuclear site. Because long-range electron transfer into and out of this center occurs over long distances with very small driving forces, the reorganization energy of the CuA center has been predicted to be extremely low. I describe a strategy for measuring this reorganization energy starting with the construction of a series of mutations introducing surface histidines. These histidines can then be labeled with a series of ruthenium compounds that differ primarily in their reduction potentials. The electron transfer rates to these ruthenium compounds can then be used to determine the reorganization energy of the CuA site.


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The temperature dependences of the reduction potentials (Eo') of wildtype human myoglobin (Mb) and three site-directed mutants have been measured by using thin-layer spectroelectrochemistry. Residue Val68, which is in van der Waals contact with the heme in Mb, has been replaced by Glu, Asp, and Asn. At pH 7.0, reduction of the heme iron (III) in the former two proteins is accompanied by uptake of a proton by the protein. The changes in Eo', and the standard entropy (ΔSo') and enthalpy (ΔHo') of reduction in the mutant proteins were determined relative to values for wild-type; the change in Eo' at 25°C was about -200 millivolts for the Glu and Asp mutants, and about -80 millivolts for the Asn mutant. Reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) in the Glu and Asp mutants is accompanied by uptake of a proton. These studies demonstrate that Mb can tolerate substitution of a buried hydrophobic group by potentially charged and polar residues, and that such amino acid replacements can lead to substantial changes in the redox thermodynamics of the protein.

Through analysis of the temperature dependence and shapes of NMR dispersion signals, it is determined that a water molecule is bound to the sixth coordination site of the ferric heme in the Val68Asp and in the Val68Asn recombinant proteins while the carboxyl group of the sidechain of Glu68 occupies this position in Val68Glu. The relative rhombic distortions in the ESR spectra of these mutant proteins combined with H217O and spin interconversion experiments performed on them confirm the conclusions of the NMRD study.

The rates of intramolecular electron transfer (ET) of (NH3)5Ru-His48 (Val68Asp, His81GIn, Cys110AIa)Mb and (NH3)5Ru-His48 (Val68GIu,His81GIn,Cys110Ala)Mb were measured to be .85(3)s-1 and .30(2)s-1, respectively. This data supports the hypothesis that entropy of 111 reduction and reorganization energy of ET are inversely related. The rates of forward and reverse ET for (NH3)5 Ru-His48 (Val68GIu, His81 GIn, Cys110AIa)ZnMb -7.2(5)•104s-1and 1.4(2)•105s-1, respectively- demonstrate that the placement of a highly polar residue nearby does not significantly change the reorganization energy of the photoactive Zn porphyrin.

The distal histidine imidazoles of (NH3)4isnRu-His48 SWMb and (NH3)5Ru-His48 SWMb were cyanated with BrCN. The intramolecular ET rates of these BrCN-modified Mb derivatives are 5.5(6)s-1 and 3.2(5)s-1, respectively. These respective rates are 20 and 10 times faster than those of their noncyanated counterparts after the differences in ET rate from driving force are scaled according to the Marcus equation. This increase in ET rate of the cyanated Mb derivatives is attributed to lower reorganization energy since the cyanated Mb heme is pentacoordinate in both oxidation states; whereas, the native Mb heme loses a water molecule upon reduction so that it changes from six to five coordinate. The reorganization energy from Fe-OH2 dissociation is estimated to be .2eV. This conclusion is used to reconcile data from previous experiments in our lab. ET in photoactive porphyrin-substituted myoglobins proceed faster than predicted by Marcus Theory when it is assumed that the only difference in ET parameters between photoactive porphyrins and native heme systems is driving force. However, the data can be consistently fit to Marcus Theory if one corrects for the smaller reorganization in the photoactive porphyrin systems since they do not undergo a coordination change upon ET.

Finally, the intramolecular ET rate of (NH3)4isnRu-His48 SWMb was measured to be 3.0(4)s-1. This rate is within experimental error of that for (NH3)4pyrRu-His48 SWMb even though the former has 80mV more driving force. One likely possibility for this observation is that the tetraamminepyridineruthenium group undergoes less reorganization upon ET than the tetraammineisonicotinamideruthenium group. Moreover, analysis of the (NH3)4isnRu-His48 SWMb experimental system gives a likely explanation of why ET was not observed previously in (NH3)4isnRu-Cytochrome C.


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Part I

The mechanism of the hydroformylation reaction was studied. Using cobalt deuterotetracarbonyl and 1-pentene as substrates, the first step in the reaction, addition of cobalt tetracarbonyl to an olefin, was shown to be reversible.

Part II

The role of coenzyme B12 in the isomerization of methylmalonyl coenzyme A to succinyl coenzyme A by methylmalonyl coenzyme A mutase was studied. The reaction was allowed to proceed to partial completion using a mixture of methylmalonyl coenzyme A and 4, 4, 4-tri-2H-methylmalonyl coenzyme A as substrate. The deuterium distribution in the product, succinyl coenzyme A, was shown to best fit a model in which hydrogen is transferred from C-4 of methylmalonyl coenzyme A to C-5’ of the adenosyl moiety of coenzyme B12 in the rate determining step. The three hydrogens at the 5’-adenosyl position of the coenzyme B12 intermediate are then able to become enzymatically equivalent before hydrogen is transferred from the coenzyme B12 intermediate to form succinyl coenzyme A.


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Two general, numerically exact, quantum mechanical methods have been developed for the calculation of energy transfer in molecular collisions. The methods do not treat electronic transitions because of the exchange symmetry of the electrons. All interactions between the atoms in the system are written as potential energies.

The first method is a matrix generalization of the invariant imbedding procedure, 17, 20 adapted for multi-channel collision processes. The second method is based on a direct integration of the matrix Schrödinger equation, with a re-orthogonalization transform applied during the integration.

Both methods have been applied to a collinear collision model for two diatoms, interacting via a repulsive exponential potential. Two major studies were performed. The first was to determine the energy dependence of the transition probabilities for an H2 on the H2 model system. Transitions are possible between translational energy and vibrational energy, and from vibrational modes of one H2 to the other H2. The second study was to determine the variation of vibrational energy transfer probability with differences in natural frequency of two diatoms similar to N2.

Comparisons were made to previous approximate analytical solutions of this same problem. For translational to vibrational energy transfer, the previous approximations were not adequate. For vibrational to vibrational energy transfer of one vibrational quantum, the approximations were quite good.