2 resultados para subgame-perfect equilibrium.
em CaltechTHESIS
Every day, we shift among various states of sleep and arousal to meet the many demands of our bodies and environment. A central puzzle in neurobiology is how the brain controls these behavioral states, which are essential to an animal's well-being and survival. Mammalian models have predominated sleep and arousal research, although in the past decade, invertebrate models have made significant contributions to our understanding of the genetic underpinnings of behavioral states. More recently, the zebrafish (Danio rerio), a diurnal vertebrate, has emerged as a promising model system for sleep and arousal research.
In this thesis, I describe two studies on sleep/arousal pathways that I conducted using zebrafish, and I discuss how the findings can be combined in future projects to advance our understanding of vertebrate sleep/arousal pathways. In the first study, I discovered a neuropeptide that regulates zebrafish sleep and arousal as a result of a large-scale effort to identify molecules that regulate behavioral states. Taking advantage of facile zebrafish genetics, I constructed mutants for the three known receptors of this peptide and identified the one receptor that exclusively mediates the observed behavioral effects. I further show that the peptide exerts its behavioral effects independently of signaling at a key module of a neuroendocrine signaling pathway. This finding contradicts the hypothesis put forth in mammalian systems that the peptide acts through the classical neuroendocrine pathway; our data further generate new testable hypotheses for determining the central nervous system or alternative neuroendocrine pathways involved.
Second, I will present the development of a chemigenetic method to non-invasively manipulate neurons in the behaving zebrafish. I validated this technique by expressing and inducing the chemigenetic tool in a restricted population of sleep-regulating neurons in the zebrafish. As predicted by established models of this vertebrate sleep regulator, chemigenetic activation of these neurons induced hyperactivity, whereas chemigenetic ablation of these neurons induced increased sleep behavior. Given that light is a potent modulator of behavior in zebrafish, our proof-of-principle data provide a springboard for future studies of sleep/arousal and other light-dependent behaviors to interrogate genetically-defined populations of neurons independently of optogenetic tools.
This thesis presents studies of the role of disorder in non-equilibrium quantum systems. The quantum states relevant to dynamics in these systems are very different from the ground state of the Hamiltonian. Two distinct systems are studied, (i) periodically driven Hamiltonians in two dimensions, and (ii) electrons in a one-dimensional lattice with power-law decaying hopping amplitudes. In the first system, the novel phases that are induced from the interplay of periodic driving, topology and disorder are studied. In the second system, the Anderson transition in all the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are studied, as a function of the power-law exponent of the hopping amplitude.
In periodically driven systems the study focuses on the effect of disorder in the nature of the topology of the steady states. First, we investigate the robustness to disorder of Floquet topological insulators (FTIs) occurring in semiconductor quantum wells. Such FTIs are generated by resonantly driving a transition between the valence and conduction band. We show that when disorder is added, the topological nature of such FTIs persists as long as there is a gap at the resonant quasienergy. For strong enough disorder, this gap closes and all the states become localized as the system undergoes a transition to a trivial insulator.
Interestingly, the effects of disorder are not necessarily adverse, disorder can also induce a transition from a trivial to a topological system, thereby establishing a Floquet Topological Anderson Insulator (FTAI). Such a state would be a dynamical realization of the topological Anderson insulator. We identify the conditions on the driving field necessary for observing such a transition. We realize such a disorder induced topological Floquet spectrum in the driven honeycomb lattice and quantum well models.
Finally, we show that two-dimensional periodically driven quantum systems with spatial disorder admit a unique topological phase, which we call the anomalous Floquet-Anderson insulator (AFAI). The AFAI is characterized by a quasienergy spectrum featuring chiral edge modes coexisting with a fully localized bulk. Such a spectrum is impossible for a time-independent, local Hamiltonian. These unique characteristics of the AFAI give rise to a new topologically protected nonequilibrium transport phenomenon: quantized, yet nonadiabatic, charge pumping. We identify the topological invariants that distinguish the AFAI from a trivial, fully localized phase, and show that the two phases are separated by a phase transition.
The thesis also present the study of disordered systems using Wegner's Flow equations. The Flow Equation Method was proposed as a technique for studying excited states in an interacting system in one dimension. We apply this method to a one-dimensional tight binding problem with power-law decaying hoppings. This model presents a transition as a function of the exponent of the decay. It is shown that the the entire phase diagram, i.e. the delocalized, critical and localized phases in these systems can be studied using this technique. Based on this technique, we develop a strong-bond renormalization group that procedure where we solve the Flow Equations iteratively. This renormalization group approach provides a new framework to study the transition in this system.