8 resultados para state-dependent switching law

em CaltechTHESIS


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C. elegans is a compact system of 302 neurons with identifiable and mapped connections that makes it ideal for systems analysis. This work is a demonstration of what I have been able to learn about the nature of state-specific modulation and reversibility during a state called lethargus, a sleep-like state in the worm. I begin with description about the nervous system of the worm, the nature of sleep in the worm, the questions about behavior and its apparent circuit properties, the tools available and used to manipulate the nervous system, and what I have been able to learn from these studies. I end with clues that the physiology helps to teach us about the dynamics of state specific modulation, what makes sleep so different from other states, and how we can use these measurements to understand which modulators, neurotransmitters, and channels can be used to create different dynamics in a simple model system.


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The changes in internal states, such as fear, hunger and sleep affect behavioral responses in animals. In most of the cases, these state-dependent influences are “pleiotropic”: one state affects multiple sensory modalities and behaviors; “scalable”: the strengths and choices of such modulations differ depending on the imminence of demands; and “persistent”: once the state is switched on the effects last even after the internal demands are off. These prominent features of state-control enable animals to adjust their behavioral responses depending on their internal demands. Here, we studied the neuronal mechanisms of state-controls by investigating energy-deprived state (hunger state) and social-deprived state of fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, as prototypic models. To approach these questions, we developed two novel methods: a genetically based method to map sites of neuromodulation in the brain and optogenetic tools in Drosophila.

These methods, and genetic perturbations, reveal that the effect of hunger to alter behavioral sensitivity to gustatory cues is mediate by two distinct neuromodulatory pathways. The neuropeptide F (NPF) – dopamine (DA) pathway increases sugar sensitivity under mild starvation, while the adipokinetic hormone (AKH)- short neuropeptide F (sNPF) pathway decreases bitter sensitivity under severe starvation. These two pathways are recruited under different levels of energy demands without any cross interaction. Effects of both of the pathways are mediated by modulation of the gustatory sensory neurons, which reinforce the concept that sensory neurons constitute an important locus for state-dependent control of behaviors. Our data suggests that multiple independent neuromodulatory pathways are underlying pleiotropic and scalable effects of the hunger state.

In addition, using optogenetic tool, we show that the neural control of male courtship song can be separated into probabilistic/biasing, and deterministic/command-like components. The former, but not the latter, neurons are subject to functional modulation by social experience, supporting the idea that they constitute a locus of state-dependent influence. Interestingly, moreover, brief activation of the former, but not the latter, neurons trigger persistent behavioral response for more than 10 min. Altogether, these findings and new tools described in this dissertation offer new entry points for future researchers to understand the neuronal mechanism of state control.


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We study the behavior of granular materials at three length scales. At the smallest length scale, the grain-scale, we study inter-particle forces and "force chains". Inter-particle forces are the natural building blocks of constitutive laws for granular materials. Force chains are a key signature of the heterogeneity of granular systems. Despite their fundamental importance for calibrating grain-scale numerical models and elucidating constitutive laws, inter-particle forces have not been fully quantified in natural granular materials. We present a numerical force inference technique for determining inter-particle forces from experimental data and apply the technique to two-dimensional and three-dimensional systems under quasi-static and dynamic load. These experiments validate the technique and provide insight into the quasi-static and dynamic behavior of granular materials.

At a larger length scale, the mesoscale, we study the emergent frictional behavior of a collection of grains. Properties of granular materials at this intermediate scale are crucial inputs for macro-scale continuum models. We derive friction laws for granular materials at the mesoscale by applying averaging techniques to grain-scale quantities. These laws portray the nature of steady-state frictional strength as a competition between steady-state dilation and grain-scale dissipation rates. The laws also directly link the rate of dilation to the non-steady-state frictional strength.

At the macro-scale, we investigate continuum modeling techniques capable of simulating the distinct solid-like, liquid-like, and gas-like behaviors exhibited by granular materials in a single computational domain. We propose a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach for granular materials with a viscoplastic constitutive law. The constitutive law uses a rate-dependent and dilation-dependent friction law. We provide a theoretical basis for a dilation-dependent friction law using similar analysis to that performed at the mesoscale. We provide several qualitative and quantitative validations of the technique and discuss ongoing work aiming to couple the granular flow with gas and fluid flows.


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Activity-dependent modulation of sensory systems has been documented in many organisms, and is likely to be essential for appropriate processing of information during different behavioral states. However, the mechanisms underlying these phenomena, and often their functional consequences, remain poorly characterized. I investigated the role of octopamine neurons in the flight-dependent modulation observed in visual interneurons in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. The vertical system (VS) cells exhibit a boost in their response to visual motion during flight compared to quiescence. Pharmacological application of octopamine evokes responses in quiescent flies that mimic those observed during flight, and octopamine neurons that project to the optic lobes increase in activity during flight. Using genetic tools to manipulate the activity of octopamine neurons, I find that they are both necessary and sufficient for the flight-induced visual boost. This work provides the first evidence that endogenous release of octopamine is involved in state-dependent modulation of visual interneurons in flies. Further, I investigated the role of a single pair of octopamine neurons that project to the optic lobes, and found no evidence that chemical synaptic transmission via these neurons is necessary for the flight boost. However, I found some evidence that activation of these neurons may contribute to the flight boost. Wind stimuli alone are sufficient to generate transient increases in the VS cell response to motion vision, but result in no increase in baseline membrane potential. These results suggest that the flight boost originates not from a central command signal during flight, but from mechanosensory stimuli relayed via the octopamine system. Lastly, in an attempt to understand the functional consequences of the flight boost observed in visual interneurons, we measured the effect of inactivating octopamine neurons in freely flying flies. We found that flies whose octopamine neurons we silenced accelerate less than wild-type flies, consistent with the hypothesis that the flight boost we observe in VS cells is indicative of a gain control mechanism mediated by octopamine neurons. Together, this work serves as the basis for a mechanistic and functional understanding of octopaminergic modulation of vision in flying flies.


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A variety of molecular approaches have been used to investigate the structural and enzymatic properties of rat brain type ll Ca^(2+) and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (type ll CaM kinase). This thesis describes the isolation and biochemical characterization of a brain-region specific isozyme of the kinase and also the regulation the kinase activity by autophosphorylation.

The cerebellar isozyme of the type ll CaM kinase was purified and its biochemical properties were compared to the forebrain isozyme. The cerebellar isozyme is a large (500-kDa) multimeric enzyme composed of multiple copies of 50-kDa α subunits and 60/58-kDa β/β’ subunits. The holoenzyme contains approximately 2 α subunits and 8 β subunits. This contrasts to the forebrain isozyme, which is also composed of and β/β'subunits, but they are assembled into a holoenzyme of approximately 9 α subunits and 3 β/β ' subunits. The biochemical and enzymatic properties of the two isozymes are similar. The two isozymes differ in their association with subcellular structures. Approximately 85% of the cerebellar isozyme, but only 50% of the forebrain isozyme, remains associated with the particulate fraction after homogenization under standard conditions. Postsynaptic densities purified from forebrain contain the forebrain isozyme, and the kinase subunits make up about 16% of their total protein. Postsynaptic densities purified from cerebellum contain the cerebellar isozyme, but the kinase subunits make up only 1-2% of their total protein.

The enzymatic activity of both isozymes of the type II CaM kinase is regulated by autophosphorylation in a complex manner. The kinase is initially completely dependent on Ca^(2+)/calmodulin for phosphorylation of exogenous substrates as well as for autophosphorylation. Kinase activity becomes partially Ca^(2+) independent after autophosphorylation in the presence of Ca^(2+)/calmodulin. Phosphorylation of only a few subunits in the dodecameric holoenzyme is sufficient to cause this change, suggesting an allosteric interaction between subunits. At the same time, autophosphorylation itself becomes independent of Ca^(2+) These observations suggest that the kinase may be able to exist in at least two stable states, which differ in their requirements for Ca^(2+)/calmodulin.

The autophosphorylation sites that are involved in the regulation of kinase activity have been identified within the primary structure of the α and β subunits. We used the method of reverse phase-HPLC tryptic phosphopeptide mapping to isolate individual phosphorylation sites. The phosphopeptides were then sequenced by gas phase microsequencing. Phosphorylation of a single homologous threonine residue in the α and β subunits is correlated with the production of the Ca^(2+) -independent activity state of the kinase. In addition we have identified several sites that are phosphorylated only during autophosphorylation in the absence of Ca^(2+)/ calmodulin.


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The excited-state properties of trans-ReO2(py)4+ (ReO2+) in acetonitrile solution have been investigated. The excited-state absorption spectrum of ReO2+ is dominated by bleaching of the ground state MLCT and d-d systems. The reduction potential of ReO22+/+* is estimated from emission and electrochemical data to be -0.7 V (SSCE). The ReO2+ excited state efficiently reduces methylviologen and other pyridinium and olefin acceptors. The resulting Re(VI) species oxidizes secondary alcohols and silanes. Acetophenone is the product of sec-phenethyl alcohol oxidation.

The emission properties of ReO2+ in aqueous solutions of anionic and nonionic surfactants have been investigated. The emission and absorption maxima of ReO2+ are dependent on the water content of its environment. Emission lifetimes vary over four orders of magnitude upon shifting from aqueous to nonaqueous environments. The emission lifetime has a large (8.6) isotope effect (k(H2O)/k(D2O)) that reflects its sensitivity towards the environment. These properties have been used to develop a model for the interactions of ReO2+ with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). A hydrophobic ReO2+ derivative, ReO2(3-Ph-py)4+, has been used to probe micelles of nonionic surfactants, and these results are consistent with those obtained with SDS.

The emission properties of ReO2+ in Nafion perfluorosulfonated membranes have been investigated. Absorption and emission spectroscopy indicate that the interior of the membrane is quite polar, similar to ethylene glycol. Two well-resolved emission components show different lifetimes and different isotope effects, indicative of varying degrees of solvent accessibility. These components are taken as evidence for chemically distinct regions in the polymer film, assigned as the interfacial region and the ion cluster region.

The unsubstituted pyridine complex shows monophasic, τ = 1.7 µs, emission decay when bound to calf thymus DNA. Switching to the 3-Ph-py complex yields a biphasic emission decay (τ1 = 2.4 µs, τ2 = 10 µs) indicative of an additional, solvent-inaccessible binding mode. Photoinduced electron transfer to methylviologen leads to oxidative cleavage of the DNA as detected by gel electrophoresis. Electrochemical and spectrophotometric techniques used with organic substrates also can be used to monitor the oxidation of DNA. Abstraction of the ribose 4' hydrogen by ReO22+ is a possible mechanism.


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We simulate incompressible, MHD turbulence using a pseudo-spectral code. Our major conclusions are as follows.

1) MHD turbulence is most conveniently described in terms of counter propagating shear Alfvén and slow waves. Shear Alfvén waves control the cascade dynamics. Slow waves play a passive role and adopt the spectrum set by the shear Alfvén waves. Cascades composed entirely of shear Alfvén waves do not generate a significant measure of slow waves.

2) MHD turbulence is anisotropic with energy cascading more rapidly along k than along k, where k and k refer to wavevector components perpendicular and parallel to the local magnetic field. Anisotropy increases with increasing k such that excited modes are confined inside a cone bounded by k ∝ kγ where γ less than 1. The opening angle of the cone, θ(k) ∝ k-(1-γ), defines the scale dependent anisotropy.

3) MHD turbulence is generically strong in the sense that the waves which comprise it suffer order unity distortions on timescales comparable to their periods. Nevertheless, turbulent fluctuations are small deep inside the inertial range. Their energy density is less than that of the background field by a factor θ2 (k)≪1.

4) MHD cascades are best understood geometrically. Wave packets suffer distortions as they move along magnetic field lines perturbed by counter propagating waves. Field lines perturbed by unidirectional waves map planes perpendicular to the local field into each other. Shear Alfvén waves are responsible for the mapping's shear and slow waves for its dilatation. The amplitude of the former exceeds that of the latter by 1/θ(k) which accounts for dominance of the shear Alfvén waves in controlling the cascade dynamics.

5) Passive scalars mixed by MHD turbulence adopt the same power spectrum as the velocity and magnetic field perturbations.

6) Decaying MHD turbulence is unstable to an increase of the imbalance between the flux of waves propagating in opposite directions along the magnetic field. Forced MHD turbulence displays order unity fluctuations with respect to the balanced state if excited at low k by δ(t) correlated forcing. It appears to be statistically stable to the unlimited growth of imbalance.

7) Gradients of the dynamic variables are focused into sheets aligned with the magnetic field whose thickness is comparable to the dissipation scale. Sheets formed by oppositely directed waves are uncorrelated. We suspect that these are vortex sheets which the mean magnetic field prevents from rolling up.

8) Items (1)-(5) lend support to the model of strong MHD turbulence put forth by Goldreich and Sridhar (1995, 1997). Results from our simulations are also consistent with the GS prediction γ = 2/3. The sole not able discrepancy is that the 1D power law spectra, E(k) ∝ k-∝, determined from our simulations exhibit ∝ ≈ 3/2, whereas the GS model predicts ∝ = 5/3.


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The complex domain structure in ferroelectrics gives rise to electromechanical coupling, and its evolution (via domain switching) results in a time-dependent (i.e. viscoelastic) response. Although ferroelectrics are used in many technological applications, most do not attempt to exploit the viscoelastic response of ferroelectrics, mainly due to a lack of understanding and accurate models for their description and prediction. Thus, the aim of this thesis research is to gain better understanding of the influence of domain evolution in ferroelectrics on their dynamic mechanical response. There have been few studies on the viscoelastic properties of ferroelectrics, mainly due to a lack of experimental methods. Therefore, an apparatus and method called Broadband Electromechanical Spectroscopy (BES) was designed and built. BES allows for the simultaneous application of dynamic mechanical and electrical loading in a vacuum environment. Using BES, the dynamic stiffness and loss tangent in bending and torsion of a particular ferroelectric, viz. lead zirconate titanate (PZT), was characterized for different combinations of electrical and mechanical loading frequencies throughout the entire electric displacement hysteresis. Experimental results showed significant increases in loss tangent (by nearly an order of magnitude) and compliance during domain switching, which shows promise as a new approach to structural damping. A continuum model of the viscoelasticity of ferroelectrics was developed, which incorporates microstructural evolution via internal variables and associated kinetic relations. For the first time, through a new linearization process, the incremental dynamic stiffness and loss tangent of materials were computed throughout the entire electric displacement hysteresis for different combinations of mechanical and electrical loading frequencies. The model accurately captured experimental results. Using the understanding gained from the characterization and modeling of PZT, two applications of domain switching kinetics were explored by using Micro Fiber Composites (MFCs). Proofs of concept of set-and-hold actuation and structural damping using MFCs were demonstrated.