13 resultados para solid lasers

em CaltechTHESIS


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In the first part of this thesis a study of the effect of the longitudinal distribution of optical intensity and electron density on the static and dynamic behavior of semiconductor lasers is performed. A static model for above threshold operation of a single mode laser, consisting of multiple active and passive sections, is developed by calculating the longitudinal optical intensity distribution and electron density distribution in a self-consistent manner. Feedback from an index and gain Bragg grating is included, as well as feedback from discrete reflections at interfaces and facets. Longitudinal spatial holeburning is analyzed by including the dependence of the gain and the refractive index on the electron density. The mechanisms of spatial holeburning in quarter wave shifted DFB lasers are analyzed. A new laser structure with a uniform optical intensity distribution is introduced and an implementation is simulated, resulting in a large reduction of the longitudinal spatial holeburning effect.

A dynamic small-signal model is then developed by including the optical intensity and electron density distribution, as well as the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density. Expressions are derived for the intensity and frequency noise spectrum, the spontaneous emission rate into the lasing mode, the linewidth enhancement factor, and the AM and FM modulation response. Different chirp components are identified in the FM response, and a new adiabatic chirp component is discovered. This new adiabatic chirp component is caused by the nonuniform longitudinal distributions, and is found to dominate at low frequencies. Distributed feedback lasers with partial gain coupling are analyzed, and it is shown how the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density can result in an enhancement of the differential gain with an associated enhancement in modulation bandwidth and a reduction in chirp.

In the second part, spectral characteristics of passively mode-locked two-section multiple quantum well laser coupled to an external cavity are studied. Broad-band wavelength tuning using an external grating is demonstrated for the first time in passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers. A record tuning range of 26 nm is measured, with pulse widths of typically a few picosecond and time-bandwidth products of more than 10 times the transform limit. It is then demonstrated that these large time-bandwidth products are due to a strong linear upchirp, by performing pulse compression by a factor of 15 to a record pulse widths as low 320 fs.

A model for pulse propagation through a saturable medium with self-phase-modulation, due to the a-parameter, is developed for quantum well material, including the frequency dependence of the gain medium. This model is used to simulate two-section devices coupled to an external cavity. When no self-phase-modulation is present, it is found that the pulses are asymmetric with a sharper rising edge, that the pulse tails have an exponential behavior, and that the transform limit is 0.3. Inclusion of self-phase-modulation results in a linear upchirp imprinted on the pulse after each round-trip. This linear upchirp is due to a combination of self-phase-modulation in a gain section and absorption of the leading edge of the pulse in the saturable absorber.


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Superprotonic phase transitions and thermal behaviors of three complex solid acid systems are presented, namely Rb3H(SO4)2-RbHSO4 system, Rb3H(SeO4)2-Cs3H(SeO4)2 solid solution system, and Cs6(H2SO4)3(H1.5PO4)4. These material systems present a rich set of phase transition characteristics that set them apart from other, simpler solid acids. A.C. impedance spectroscopy, high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction, and thermal analysis, as well as other characterization techniques, were employed to investigate the phase behavior of these systems.

Rb3H(SO4)2 is an atypical member of the M3H(XO4)2 class of compounds (M = alkali metal or NH4+ and X = S or Se) in that a transition to a high-conductivity state involves disproportionation into two phases rather than a simple polymorphic transition [1]. In the present work, investigations of the Rb3H(SO4)2-RbHSO4 system have revealed the disproportionation products to be Rb2SO4 and the previously unknown compound Rb5H3(SO4)4. The new compound becomes stable at a temperature between 25 and 140 °C and is isostructural to a recently reported trigonal phase with space group P3̅m of Cs5H3(SO4)4 [2]. At 185 °C the compound undergoes an apparently polymorphic transformation with a heat of transition of 23.8 kJ/mol and a slight additional increase in conductivity.

The compounds Rb3H(SeO4)2 and Cs3H(SeO4)2, though not isomorphous at ambient temperatures, are quintessential examples of superprotonic materials. Both adopt monoclinic structures at ambient temperatures and ultimately transform to a trigonal (R3̅m) superprotonic structure at slightly elevated temperatures, 178 and 183 °C, respectively. The compounds are completely miscible above the superprotonic transition and show extensive solubility below it. Beyond a careful determination of the phase boundaries, we find a remarkable 40-fold increase in the superprotonic conductivity in intermediate compositions rich in Rb as compared to either end-member.

The compound Cs6(H2SO4)3(H1.5PO4)4 is unusual amongst solid acid compounds in that it has a complex cubic structure at ambient temperature and apparently transforms to a simpler cubic structure of the CsCl-type (isostructural with CsH2PO4) at its transition temperature of 100-120 °C [3]. Here it is found that, depending on the level of humidification, the superprotonic transition of this material is superimposed with a decomposition reaction, which involves both exsolution of (liquid) acid and loss of H2O. This reaction can be suppressed by application of sufficiently high humidity, in which case Cs6(H2SO4)3(H1.5PO4)4 undergoes a true superprotonic transition. It is proposed that, under conditions of low humidity, the decomposition/dehydration reaction transforms the compound to Cs6(H2-0.5xSO4)3(H1.5PO4)4-x, also of the CsCl structure type at the temperatures of interest, but with a smaller unit cell. With increasing temperature, the decomposition/dehydration proceeds to greater and greater extent and unit cell of the solid phase decreases. This is identified to be the source of the apparent negative thermal expansion behavior.


[1] L.A. Cowan, R.M. Morcos, N. Hatada, A. Navrotsky, S.M. Haile, Solid State Ionics 179 (2008) (9-10) 305.

[2] M. Sakashita, H. Fujihisa, K.I. Suzuki, S. Hayashi, K. Honda, Solid State Ionics 178 (2007) (21-22) 1262.

[3] C.R.I. Chisholm, Superprotonic Phase Transitions in Solid Acids: Parameters affecting the presence and stability of superprotonic transitions in the MHnXO4 family of compounds (X=S, Se, P, As; M=Li, Na, K, NH4, Rb, Cs), Materials Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California (2003).


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A large number of technologically important materials undergo solid-solid phase transformations. Examples range from ferroelectrics (transducers and memory devices), zirconia (Thermal Barrier Coatings) to nickel superalloys and (lithium) iron phosphate (Li-ion batteries). These transformations involve a change in the crystal structure either through diffusion of species or local rearrangement of atoms. This change of crystal structure leads to a macroscopic change of shape or volume or both and results in internal stresses during the transformation. In certain situations this stress field gives rise to cracks (tin, iron phosphate etc.) which continue to propagate as the transformation front traverses the material. In other materials the transformation modifies the stress field around cracks and effects crack growth behavior (zirconia, ferroelectrics). These observations serve as our motivation to study cracks in solids undergoing phase transformations. Understanding these effects will help in improving the mechanical reliability of the devices employing these materials.

In this thesis we present work on two problems concerning the interplay between cracks and phase transformations. First, we consider the directional growth of a set of parallel edge cracks due to a solid-solid transformation. We conclude from our analysis that phase transformations can lead to formation of parallel edge cracks when the transformation strain satisfies certain conditions and the resulting cracks grow all the way till their tips cross over the phase boundary. Moreover the cracks continue to grow as the phase boundary traverses into the interior of the body at a uniform spacing without any instabilities. There exists an optimal value for the spacing between the cracks. We ascertain these conclusion by performing numerical simulations using finite elements.

Second, we model the effect of the semiconducting nature and dopants on cracks in ferroelectric perovskite materials, particularly barium titanate. Traditional approaches to model fracture in these materials have treated them as insulators. In reality, they are wide bandgap semiconductors with oxygen vacancies and trace impurities acting as dopants. We incorporate the space charge arising due the semiconducting effect and dopant ionization in a phase field model for the ferroelectric. We derive the governing equations by invoking the dissipation inequality over a ferroelectric domain containing a crack. This approach also yields the driving force acting on the crack. Our phase field simulations of polarization domain evolution around a crack show the accumulation of electronic charge on the crack surface making it more permeable than was previously believed so, as seen in recent experiments. We also discuss the effect the space charge has on domain formation and the crack driving force.


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The relentlessly increasing demand for network bandwidth, driven primarily by Internet-based services such as mobile computing, cloud storage and video-on-demand, calls for more efficient utilization of the available communication spectrum, as that afforded by the resurging DSP-powered coherent optical communications. Encoding information in the phase of the optical carrier, using multilevel phase modulationformats, and employing coherent detection at the receiver allows for enhanced spectral efficiency and thus enables increased network capacity. The distributed feedback semiconductor laser (DFB) has served as the near exclusive light source powering the fiber optic, long-haul network for over 30 years. The transition to coherent communication systems is pushing the DFB laser to the limits of its abilities. This is due to its limited temporal coherence that directly translates into the number of different phases that can be imparted to a single optical pulse and thus to the data capacity. Temporal coherence, most commonly quantified in the spectral linewidth Δν, is limited by phase noise, result of quantum-mandated spontaneous emission of photons due to random recombination of carriers in the active region of the laser.

In this work we develop a generically new type of semiconductor laser with the requisite coherence properties. We demonstrate electrically driven lasers characterized by a quantum noise-limited spectral linewidth as low as 18 kHz. This narrow linewidth is result of a fundamentally new laser design philosophy that separates the functions of photon generation and storage and is enabled by a hybrid Si/III-V integration platform. Photons generated in the active region of the III-V material are readily stored away in the low loss Si that hosts the bulk of the laser field, thereby enabling high-Q photon storage. The storage of a large number of coherent quanta acts as an optical flywheel, which by its inertia reduces the effect of the spontaneous emission-mandated phase perturbations on the laser field, while the enhanced photon lifetime effectively reduces the emission rate of incoherent quanta into the lasing mode. Narrow linewidths are obtained over a wavelength bandwidth spanning the entire optical communication C-band (1530-1575nm) at only a fraction of the input power required by conventional DFB lasers. The results presented in this thesis hold great promise for the large scale integration of lithographically tuned, high-coherence laser arrays for use in coherent communications, that will enable Tb/s-scale data capacities.


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Our understanding of the structure and evolution of the deep Earth is strongly linked to knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of rocky materials at extreme temperatures and pressures. In this thesis, I present work that helps constrain the equation of state properties of iron-bearing Mg-silicate perovskite as well as oxide-silicate melts. I use a mixture of experimental, statistical, and theoretical techniques to obtain knowledge about these phases. These include laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments, Bayesian statistical analysis of powder diffraction data, and the development of a new simplified model for understanding oxide and silicate melts at mantle conditions. By shedding light on the thermodynamic properties of such ubiquitous Earth-forming materials, I hope to aid our community’s progress toward understanding the large-scale processes operating in the Earth’s mantle, both in the modern day and early in Earth’s history.


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Part A

A problem restricting the development of the CuCl laser has been the decrease in output power with increases of tube temperature above 400°C. At that temperature the CuCl vapor pressure is about .1 torr. This is a small fraction of the buffer gas pressure (He at 10 torr).

The aim of the project was to measure the peak radiation temperature (assumed related to the mean energy of electrons) in the laser discharge as a function of the tube temperature. A 24 gHz gated microwave radiometer was used.

It was found that at the tube temperatures at which the output power began to deteriorate, the electron radiation temperature showed a sharp increase (compared with radiation temperature in pure buffer).

Using the above result, we have postulated that this sudden increase is a result of Penning ionization of the Cu atoms. As a consequence of this process the number of Cu atoms available for lasing decrease.


The aim of the project was to study the dissociation of CO2 in the glow discharge of flowing CO2 lasers.

A TM011 microwave (3 gHz) cavity was used to measure the radially averaged electron density ne and the electron-neutral collision frequency in the laser discharge. An estimate of the electric field is made from these two measurements. A gas chromatograph was used to measure the chemical composition of the gases after going through the discharge. This instrument was checked against a mass spectrometer for accuracy and sensitivity.

Several typical laser mixtures were .used: CO2-N2-He (1,3,16), (1,3,0), (1,0,16), (1,2,10), (1,2,0), (1,0,10), (2,3,15), (2,3,0), (2,0,15), (1,3,16)+ H2O and pure CO2. Results show that for the conditions studied the dissociation as a function of the electron density is uniquely determined by the STP partial flow rate of CO2, regardless of the amount of N2 and/or He present. The presence of water vapor in the discharge decreased the degree of dissociation.

A simple theoretical model was developed using thermodynamic equilibrium. The electrons were replaced in the calculations by a distributed heat source.

The results are analyzed with a simple kinetic model.


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Spontaneous emission into the lasing mode fundamentally limits laser linewidths. Reducing cavity losses provides two benefits to linewidth: (1) fewer excited carriers are needed to reach threshold, resulting in less phase-corrupting spontaneous emission into the laser mode, and (2) more photons are stored in the laser cavity, such that each individual spontaneous emission event disturbs the phase of the field less. Strong optical absorption in III-V materials causes high losses, preventing currently-available semiconductor lasers from achieving ultra-narrow linewidths. This absorption is a natural consequence of the compromise between efficient electrical and efficient optical performance in a semiconductor laser. Some of the III-V layers must be heavily doped in order to funnel excited carriers into the active region, which has the side effect of making the material strongly absorbing.

This thesis presents a new technique, called modal engineering, to remove modal energy from the lossy region and store it in an adjacent low-loss material, thereby reducing overall optical absorption. A quantum mechanical analysis of modal engineering shows that modal gain and spontaneous emission rate into the laser mode are both proportional to the normalized intensity of that mode at the active region. If optical absorption near the active region dominates the total losses of the laser cavity, shifting modal energy from the lossy region to the low-loss region will reduce modal gain, total loss, and the spontaneous emission rate into the mode by the same factor, so that linewidth decreases while the threshold inversion remains constant. The total spontaneous emission rate into all other modes is unchanged.

Modal engineering is demonstrated using the Si/III-V platform, in which light is generated in the III-V material and stored in the low-loss silicon material. The silicon is patterned as a high-Q resonator to minimize all sources of loss. Fabricated lasers employing modal engineering to concentrate light in silicon demonstrate linewidths at least 5 times smaller than lasers without modal engineering at the same pump level above threshold, while maintaining the same thresholds.


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This work is concerned with a general analysis of wave interactions in periodic structures and particularly periodic thin film dielectric waveguides.

The electromagnetic wave propagation in an asymmetric dielectric waveguide with a periodically perturbed surface is analyzed in terms of a Floquet mode solution. First order approximate analytical expressions for the space harmonics are obtained. The solution is used to analyze various applications: (1) phase matched second harmonic generation in periodically perturbed optical waveguides; (2) grating couplers and thin film filters; (3) Bragg reflection devices; (4) the calculation of the traveling wave interaction impedance for solid state and vacuum tube optical traveling wave amplifiers which utilize periodic dielectric waveguides. Some of these applications are of interest in the field of integrated optics.

A special emphasis is put on the analysis of traveling wave interaction between electrons and electromagnetic waves in various operation regimes. Interactions with a finite temperature electron beam at the collision-dominated, collisionless, and quantum regimes are analyzed in detail assuming a one-dimensional model and longitudinal coupling.

The analysis is used to examine the possibility of solid state traveling wave devices (amplifiers, modulators), and some monolithic structures of these devices are suggested, designed to operate at the submillimeter-far infrared frequency regime. The estimates of attainable traveling wave interaction gain are quite low (on the order of a few inverse centimeters). However, the possibility of attaining net gain with different materials, structures and operation condition is not ruled out.

The developed model is used to discuss the possibility and the theoretical limitations of high frequency (optical) operation of vacuum electron beam tube; and the relation to other electron-electromagnetic wave interaction effects (Smith-Purcell and Cerenkov radiation and the free electron laser) are pointed out. Finally, the case where the periodic structure is the natural crystal lattice is briefly discussed. The longitudinal component of optical space harmonics in the crystal is calculated and found to be of the order of magnitude of the macroscopic wave, and some comments are made on the possibility of coherent bremsstrahlung and distributed feedback lasers in single crystals.


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Part I

The spectrum of dissolved mercury atoms in simple liquids has been shown to be capable of revealing information concerning local structures in these liquids.

Part II

Infrared intensity perturbations in simple solutions have been shown to involve more detailed interaction than just dielectric polarization. No correlation has been found between frequency shifts and intensity enhancements.

Part III

Evidence for perturbed rotation of HCl in rare gas matrices has been found. The magnitude of the barrier to rotation is concluded to be of order of 30 cm^(-1).


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To make stable and reproducible contacts to GaAs, metals which react with GaAs in the solid-phase should be favored. In this study, contacts formed employing Pd/TiN/Pd/Ag, Pd:Mg/TiN/Pd:Mg/Ag and Ru/TiN/Ru/Ag are studied. The TiN layer is included to investigate its application as diffusion barrier in these metallizations. Contacts to n-GaAs are rectifying and the value of barrier height is modified upon annealing. Contacts to p-GaAs are initially rectifying but exhibit ohmic behaviour after annealing. The modifications in the electrical properties are attributed to the solid-phase reaction of metal and GaAs. The integrity of the contacts relies critically on the success of TiN to prevent the intermixing of Ag overlayer and the underlying layers. At elevated annealing temperatures (450°C), TiN fails to function as a diffusion barrier. As a result, the properties of the contact deteriorates.


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This thesis presents experimental measurements of the rheological behavior of liquid-solid mixtures at moderate Reynolds (defined by the shear rate and particle diameter) and Stokes numbers, ranging from 3 ≤ Re ≤ 1.6 × 103 and 0.4 ≤ St ≤ 195. The experiments use a specifically designed Couette cylindrical rheometer that allows for probing the transition from transporting a pure liquid to transporting a dense suspension of particles. Measurements of the shear stress are presented for a wide range of particle concentration (10 to 60% in volume) and for particle to fluid density ratio between 1 and 1.05. The effective relative viscosity exhibits a strong dependence on the solid fraction for all density ratios tested. For density ratio of 1 the effective viscosity increases with Stokes number (St) for volume fractions (φ) lower than 40% and becomes constant for higher φ. When the particles are denser than the liquid, the effective viscosity shows a stronger dependance on St. An analysis of the particle resuspension for the case with a density ratio of 1.05 is presented and used to predict the local volume fraction where the shear stress measurements take place. When the local volume fraction is considered, the effective viscosity for settling and no settling particles is consistent, indicating that the effective viscosity is independent of differences in density between the solid and liquid phase. Shear stress measurements of pure fluids (no particles) were performed using the same rheometer, and a deviation from laminar behavior is observed for gap Reynolds numbers above 4× 103, indicating the presence of hydrodynamic instabilities associated with the rotation of the outer cylinder. The increase on the effective viscosity with Stokes numbers observed for mixtures with φ ≤ 30% appears to be affected by such hydrodynamic instabilities. The effective viscosity for the current experiments is considerably higher than the one reported in non-inertial suspensions.


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The principle aims of this thesis include the development of models of sublimation and melting from first principles and the application of these models to the rare gases.

A simple physical model is constructed to represent the sublimation of monatomic elements. According to this model, the solid and gas phases are two states of a single physical system. The nature of the phase transition is clearly revealed, and the relations between the vapor pressure, the latent heat, and the transition temperature are derived. The resulting theory is applied to argon, krypton, and xenon, and good agreement with experiment is found.

For the melting transition, the solid is represented by an anharmonic model and the liquid is described by the Percus-Yevick approximation. The behavior of the liquid at high densities is studied on the isotherms kT/∈ = 1.3, 1.8, and 2.0, where k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the temperature, and e is the well depth of the Lennard-Jones 12-6 pair potential. No solutions of the PercusYevick equation were found for ρσ3 above 1.3, where ρ is the particle density and σ is the radial parameter of the Lennard-Jones potential. The liquid structure is found to be very different from the solid structure near the melting line. The liquid pressures are about 50 percent low for experimental melting densities of argon. This discrepancy gives rise to melting pressures up to twice the experimental values.


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The effect of intermolecular coupling in molecular energy levels (electronic and vibrational) has been investigated in neat and isotopic mixed crystals of benzene. In the isotopic mixed crystals of C6H6, C6H5D, m-C6H4D2, p-C6H4D2, sym-C6H3D3, C6D5H, and C6D6 in either a C6H6 or C6D6 host, the following phenomena have been observed and interpreted in terms of a refined Frenkel exciton theory: a) Site shifts; b) site group splittings of the degenerate ground state vibrations of C6H6, C6D6, and sym-C6H3D3; c) the orientational effect for the isotopes without a trigonal axis in both the 1B2u electronic state and the ground state vibrations; d) intrasite Fermi resonance between molecular fundamentals due to the reduced symmetry of the crystal site; and e) intermolecular or intersite Fermi resonance between nearly degenerate states of the host and guest molecules. In the neat crystal experiments on the ground state vibrations it was possible to observe many of these phenomena in conjunction with and in addition to the exciton structure.

To theoretically interpret these diverse experimental data, the concepts of interchange symmetry, the ideal mixed crystal, and site wave functions have been developed and are presented in detail. In the interpretation of the exciton data the relative signs of the intermolecular coupling constants have been emphasized, and in the limit of the ideal mixed crystal a technique is discussed for locating the exciton band center or unobserved exciton components. A differentiation between static and dynamic interactions is made in the Frenkel limit which enables the concepts of site effects and exciton coupling to be sharpened. It is thus possible to treat the crystal induced effects in such a fashion as to make their similarities and differences quite apparent.

A calculation of the ground state vibrational phenomena (site shifts and splittings, orientational effects, and exciton structure) and of the crystal lattice modes has been carried out for these systems. This calculation serves as a test of the approximations of first order Frenkel theory and the atom-atom, pair wise interaction model for the intermolecular potentials. The general form of the potential employed was V(r) = Be-Cr - A/r6 ; the force constants were obtained from the potential by assuming the atoms were undergoing simple harmonic motion.

In part II the location and identification of the benzene first and second triplet states (3B1u and 3E1u) is given.